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This should concern all of us

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I don't think that it will but it should. This afternoon I tuned in halfway through a Q&A by Myles Garrett. I think he's an intelligent man and very well-spoken especially for a professional athlete. He was fielding questions about how professional athletes can use their bully pulpit and their influence to change things in America regarding the problems in the black community. It seems like he put that blame on racism. Apparently one of the changes he was insisting on was the criminalization of hate speech. Before the inevitable partisan name-calling kicks in I would like all of you to consider that  someone might be put in jail for non politically correct speech.



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if he's serious, well, he is a sludgebucket to me...I'm already not going to attend any games - sports used to be

a terrific bringer together, a fun escape from controversy and too much work.


   it's lost. Dirty politics is poisoning everything it touches. Up yours, garrett. You lost a fan. But you are so rich you don't give a crap.

It's like two terrorists asking if they are Christian or Jew, and anyone who defiantly answers "yes" is shot because of "hate speech".

It's a matter of power and control.

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26 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

I don't think that it will but it should. This afternoon I tuned in halfway through a Q&A by Myles Garrett. I think he's an intelligent man and very well-spoken especially for a professional athlete. He was fielding questions about how professional athletes can use their bully pulpit and their influence to change things in America regarding the problems in the black community. It seems like he put that blame on racism. Apparently one of the changes he was insisting on was the criminalization of hate speech. Before the inevitable partisan name-calling kicks in I would like all of you to consider that  someone might be put in jail for non politically correct speech.



You think the Trump supporters are going to call you names?

Or do you mean the names they'll call the people that respond saying they disagree with your thread?



Do you have a link to the interview?

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15 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

You think the Trump supporters are going to call you names?

Or do you mean the names they'll call the people that respond saying they disagree with your thread?



Do you have a link to the interview?

Uggg yuckkk

its like a infested sludge of maggots every time you post.  

Is that what being godless is? Zero respect.  You know that already though....

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57 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

You think the Trump supporters are going to call you names?

Me? No. Why?

Or do you mean the names they'll call the people that respond saying they disagree with your thread?

Disagree? No I mean everyone.

Do you have a link to the interview?

Nope. WKNR. If you think I'm making it up don't bother.



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2 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

if he's serious, well, he is a sludgebucket to me...I'm already not going to attend any games - sports used to be

a terrific bringer together, a fun escape from controversy and too much work.


   it's lost. Dirty politics is poisoning everything it touches. Up yours, garrett. You lost a fan. But you are so rich you don't give a crap.

It's like two terrorists asking if they are Christian or Jew, and anyone who defiantly answers "yes" is shot because of "hate speech".

It's a matter of power and control.

Pretty much right where I am. Luckily for me, my one and only true love moto/super cross is so far completely immune from this disease, and it better stay that way.

Athletes can have all of the political opinions they want and share them every waking second if they want, but only on their personal social media accounts and/or on their personal time, and not at their place of employment.


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And just in case my actual point wasn't clear criminalizing hate speech and leaving the definition of hate speech up to anybody invested in Party politics Will necessarily mean the eradication of the First Amendment. I think you will know my opinion on the erosion of the Bill of Rights but I think this would spell a complete eradication open freedom of speech. I just curious if anyone here supports that and if so could you give me a rational reason why?

Ps and Garrett did not sound unhinged, he sounded sincere but I think it was a frightening proposition to think that a good portion of Americans believe that way.


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7 hours ago, D Bone said:

Pretty much right where I am. Luckily for me, my one and only true love moto/super cross is so far completely immune from this disease, and it better stay that way.

Athletes can have all of the political opinions they want and share them every waking second if they want, but only on their personal social media accounts and/or on their personal time, and not at their place of employment.


Yep, my sports entertainment at the moment consists of watching the European Superbike racing series.

If there’s any kneeling, or political bullshit prior to the start of the race...Sky Sports isn’t showing it.

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I'd like to see how he defines "hate speech". It is already illegal to make direct threats to others, so if that is a part of how he defines it, then it makes sense in conjunction with current laws. If someone threatens to lynch or shoot him because of his statement or because of his race, then that is threatening hate speech.

So see if you can track that down as to how he defines it.

EDIT: Now if he defines it as a certain Pittspuke QB using the N word on him. Well special case in need of a helmet hit.😂

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32 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

I'd like to see how he defines "hate speech". It is already illegal to make direct threats to others, so if that is a part of how he defines it, then it makes sense in conjunction with current laws. If someone threatens to lynch or shoot him because of his statement or because of his race, then that is threatening hate speech.

So see if you can track that down as to how he defines it.

EDIT: Now if he defines it as a certain Pittspuke QB using the N word on him. Well special case in need of a helmet hit.😂

Yes so would I. And you are correct hate speech, like hate crime is fairly Loosely defined but there is something of a standard , as it is I don't know how much further you could take it. With today's atmosphere I would imagine just using the n-word would qualify. Maybe even jigaboo or coon or redneck or cracker could get you locked up. Depending on the judge of course.


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The sad thing is, I used to watch sports as a way to get away from the bullshit of politics.

Nowadays their bringing politics into the sports realm.

What’s really sad...I haven’t watched any sports in the past 4 months, and I really don’t miss it.

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Black ESPN host tears into NBA star who targeted white player with racial slur: 'B**** a** white boy'


'We don't need that in today's game'

Ashley Landis-Pool/Getty Images

ESPN host Jay Williams unloaded on NBA player Montrezl Harrell Saturday after the Los Angeles Clippers' power forward targeted Luka Doncic, one of the NBA's rising young stars, with a racially charged comment.


Until prefixes are gone nothing will change.

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I wonder what Garrett thinks of THAT.

and Lebong, he runs his mouth a lot. What does HE...thi...I mean...."feel".

It's a matter of power over others.

When the haters can say anything, do anything, demand anything... that's fine.

But say anything they don't like, that's "hate speech".

They hate your speech.

God help anybody else who doesn't like theirs.

The ulterior motive is dominance, raising hell to intimidate.

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9 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

If the Browns kneel during the anthem, I'm done with this season.

I'm disgusted with any of them that do. If Baker does... the hell with him then.

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20 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Apparently one of the changes he was insisting on was the criminalization of hate speech.


I take this statement to mean exactly what is going on today, just to a whole next level. Today, if your opinion is against the mob's agenda, then you get cancelled. It doesn't have to be inflammatory or threatening, just against the crybaby agenda..... Just ask Drew Brees, Grant Napear or Brian Urlacher.

Myles should stick to losing his temper and hitting a defenseless human in the head with his helmet..... You know Myles, that thing that actually is a criminal act?

It's called assault with intent to do great bodily harm.



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1 hour ago, D Bone said:


^ It should concern us all.... The left and its media wants us goose stepping in a nice straight line.  

it's a sickening disgrace. Any false narrative - it a good narrative when the ulterior motive is raising hell and getting wealth and power that you never have to let it go.

And a lot of leftwing money must be being funneled into facebook.

I admire these guys.

Here's another one:


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