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House bill would block rioters from coronavirus unemployment benefits


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Well at least we have an admission finally instead of the usual trumpy clap trap trying to paint all protestors as rioting mobs :

“There are a lot of Americans who are showing up at peaceful protests,” he said, adding that his bill is a “common sense” step to add some “accountability for some of these angry mob protests that are occurring around our country.”

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1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Well at least we have an admission finally instead of the usual trumpy clap trap trying to paint all protestors as rioting mobs :

“There are a lot of Americans who are showing up at peaceful protests,” he said, adding that his bill is a “common sense” step to add some “accountability for some of these angry mob protests that are occurring around our country.”

Pres Trump never implied nor said that, Tex.

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7 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

Pres Trump never implied nor said that, Tex.

Oh yeah? Then I guess since this is posted on his youtube channel it just doesn't count as clap trap, just plain old fake & false BS..


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1 minute ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Oh yeah? Then I guess since this is posted on his youtube channel it just doesn't count as clap trap, just plain old fake & false BS..


bad, Tex, bad.

1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

instead of the usual trumpy clap trap trying to paint all protestors as rioting mobs :

this is what you said. I said Pres Trump never said nor implied that all protesters are rioting mobs.

it's bs.

then you changed subjects to a video that shows rioters....

missing/glossing over your own point, you are.

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2 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Well at least we have an admission finally instead of the usual trumpy clap trap trying to paint all protestors as rioting mobs :

“There are a lot of Americans who are showing up at peaceful protests,” he said, adding that his bill is a “common sense” step to add some “accountability for some of these angry mob protests that are occurring around our country.”

You lie an awful lot. Are you in a competition with Hoorta?

What you did there was to debunk your own lie in the same post and not know it.

The truth is that dems including that fat little fucker Jerry Nadler had openly denied the rioting. That should be more worrisome to you.


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