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It's official. The CDC says only 6% died of COVID alone


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There’s been plenty of chatter on social media after the CDC released data saying only 6% of COVID-19 deaths were caused by the virus, and the other 94% had other contributing factors that lead to death.

In the video the doc makes a pointless point, explaining that underlying conditions in patients with COVID can hasten their deaths.

Well duh, we already knew that.

Also this:

And while it is true that only a fraction of patients died from the disease alone, they said COVID-19 played a role in 100% of those deaths.

That is unequivocally false. The doctor should know better.

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2 hours ago, Gorka said:

But this latest data came from the CDC. You don't believe them either?


No I think people don't understand what they're looking at and they flock to the shiny number that they think proves their point

Look at the countless posts of people on here incorrectly calculating a death rate. Many people are bad at numbers. Most probably. 

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40 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:


No I think people don't understand what they're looking at and they flock to the shiny number that they think proves their point

Look at the countless posts of people on here incorrectly calculating a death rate. Many people are bad at numbers. Most probably. 

So what exactly is one out of a half-million?


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18 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Six in ten Americans have some chronic medical condition and four in ten Americans have two or more chronic medical conditions.

I would guess that in 80% of those chronic conditions, obesity is the root cause..... and I'm being conservative in my estimation.

Obesity, and every chronic health condition that it produces, is a selfish, self inflicted illness that affects all of us, even those of us who actually can drive past Burger King and can say no when asked if we want to SuperSize that.

In normal times all of our health costs are increased by this selfish population, and in apocalyptic times, it closes people's businesses, causes children to miss out on education and destroys otherwise healthy, disciplined people's mental state....  and ultimately their lives.  

Just like when people don't comply to law enforcement officers commands, every willful action has its consequences.... and It's simply not fair that the rest of us have to pay for the willful actions of others, be it closing the country to protect us all, or being forced to watch riots, er peaceful protests.

At the end of the day, numbers don't lie. 


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1 hour ago, D Bone said:

I would guess that in 80% of those chronic conditions, obesity is the root cause..... and I'm being conservative in my estimation.

Obesity, and every chronic health condition that it produces, is a selfish, self inflicted illness that affects all of us, even those of us who actually can drive past Burger King and can say no when asked if we want to SuperSize that.

In normal times all of our health costs are increased by this selfish population, and in apocalyptic times, it closes people's businesses, causes children to miss out on education and destroys otherwise healthy, disciplined people's mental state....  and ultimately their lives.  

Just like when people don't comply to law enforcement officers commands, every willful action has its consequences.... and It's simply not fair that the rest of us have to pay for the willful actions of others, be it closing the country to protect us all, or being forced to watch riots, er peaceful protests.

At the end of the day, numbers don't lie. 


Sure, obesity probably is a large factor. But then we'd need to look at all deaths through the comorbidity lense in order to have an accurate comparison. That's what I'm saying in regards to numbers and people not getting them. Everything is relative. 


You're also really digging the pink for sarcastic thing, huh? No shane, just funny. 

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29 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Sure, obesity probably is a large factor. But then we'd need to look at all deaths through the comorbidity lense in order to have an accurate comparison. That's what I'm saying in regards to numbers and people not getting them. Everything is relative. 


You're also really digging the pink for sarcastic thing, huh? No shane, just funny. 


It's my thing... and no shame felt. 

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My household got it...my inlaws..they are elderly and 1 has copd and both have cancer...neither needed hospitalization.  I myself am not the picture of fitness and over 50.  My wife the same as me.  We had diff symptoms ...i had the taste/smell issue...wife had sinus thing...everyone had fevers.  Stayed home and all survived.  We had a pulse ox and the health department tracked our symptoms 2x a day.  All clear.  Fwiw..my MIL did the worst..really bad cough and mucus and ended up hospitalized 2 weeks after clearing quarantine because she wasnt doing her breathing treatments or using her cpap.  Ended up with pneumonia..spent 5 days getting treatment then back home and doing good.. she tested neg for covid although she had it a month before.

Bizzare results but 4 people got it and recovered so far.

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So by Kal's logic when Trump shoots someone of 5th Ave., it'll be OK if the victim was overweight.


Gorka... I used to think you were intelligent. My bad...

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3 hours ago, Tour2ma said:

So by Kal's logic when Trump shoots someone of 5th Ave., it'll be OK if the victim was overweight.


Gorka... I used to think you were intelligent. My bad...

another false narrative - you mean "on" 5th Ave. Which, I have never said anything about - just heard of it when I looked at your stupid post and researched it - in NY. Never said nothin.

So there ya go. God Bless ya for helping Hoorta not FEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLL so lonely.

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8 hours ago, Kvoethe said:

My household got it...my inlaws..they are elderly and 1 has copd and both have cancer...neither needed hospitalization.  I myself am not the picture of fitness and over 50.  My wife the same as me.  We had diff symptoms ...i had the taste/smell issue...wife had sinus thing...everyone had fevers.  Stayed home and all survived.  We had a pulse ox and the health department tracked our symptoms 2x a day.  All clear.  Fwiw..my MIL did the worst..really bad cough and mucus and ended up hospitalized 2 weeks after clearing quarantine because she wasnt doing her breathing treatments or using her cpap.  Ended up with pneumonia..spent 5 days getting treatment then back home and doing good.. she tested neg for covid although she had it a month before.

Bizzare results but 4 people got it and recovered so far.

Glad to hear you guys kicked its ass, and hopefully you keep on kicking it. 

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