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President Trump and First Lady test positive for COVID-19

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15 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

I couldn’t stand the ground Obama stood on, but I never wished anything bad on him or his husband.


I couldn't stand him either, but rather than express my disdain for that piece of garbage the moment he got elected, I at least gave him a chance by putting my feelings about the man aside thinking that perhaps it might just take a black man to help make the world a better place. And that would be great by me.

After about a year or so I came to the conclusion that he was who we thought he was, so go ahead and crown his ass you fucktard liberals. And they did.

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21 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Our brave President gets the COVID-19 and bravely works through it.  MAGA.

Next up "The Sympathy Card"...  

11 hours ago, Gorka said:

1) No one has their heads up Trumps ass, that's your TDS talking.

You pansy ass shit for brains liberals have relentlessly attacked the guy since he announced he was running president, and we're supposed to the bad guys. And now in 2020 "we got our heads up Trumps ass"  because unlike you, we can't ignore the fact that he did what we voted for to do and jump on your hate bandwagon.

The cold hard truth is that you people have your heads up Bidens ass declaring how everything smells nice in there.

2) The guy is riddled with corruption, racism, including sexual assault and hasn't accomplished a fucking thing throughout his illustrious career.

1) Like hell you guys don't, LOL!!!  2) RE: Trump & what I bolded. The latter does not excuse the former. Nice glass house you MAGAs live in. There's a reason he's been relentlessly attacked- I'll refer you to the non-debate with Biden. Act like an asshole, get treated like an asshole.  

5 hours ago, Gorka said:

And what if he gets through this while suffering only mild effects as did the vast majority of people infected?

Your worst nightmare.  It would prove he was right all along and give your fear mongering agenda a huge setback.

Thanks for ignoring a significant minority. Tell that to the families of the 210,000 Americans who have died so far. At the rate were going- and quick look at the JH site says we're holding pretty steady a 50,000 new cases a day means (if nothing changes in the meantime) right around April 15th tax day, we're going to equal or surpass the number of US deaths in WWII. I sure as hell don't call that fearmongering. I'd call it  a grim reality. 

Oh, and something personal regarding covid. I was wondering why I hadn't seen one of our wine group friends Julie for months. Finally came to light- seems she came down with it sometime in May, and is still suffering the aftereffects, is undergoing physical therapy, and hasn't been able to return to her teaching job... Yeah Gorka- most people recover from the flu- and some folks die from it too... This is way more dangerous than the flu, and BTW Trump damn well knew it. 

I'm just amazed at how now of a sudden, masks were seen in abundance at the White House when Trump took his helicopter ride to the hospital.... :D 

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pretty weaselish to refuse to blame communist china for letting their covid 19 spread all over the world.

Maybe doctors without borders love communists.

who knows.

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5 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:


Such a shame, a great opportunity for him to really experience what covid really does and he's getting world class care. I don't want anyone to die, not even Trump, but I would like to see him sweat it out and fight like many Americans did. Like I said, I believe I had this and it is terrible, for once I would like somebody in power to experience what the little man goes through.

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Just now, DieHardBrownsFan said:

You don't know if you had it or not

So what if I didn't, that doesn't matter on what I am saying. And I can tell you, I thought I was going to die, I was sick for a long time. I was also living out of a hotel were many people come and go with germs. I could of had it but I would have never known (nobody could have).

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On 10/2/2020 at 11:56 AM, MLD Woody said:

I consider a mask such a non inconvenience that there are many times I'm driving from one place to another and I don't bother taking it off. I already wear it all day at work. 

I repeated often enough that people need to do what makes them feel comfortable. I just don't give a shit I do it because I have to it because it scares some of you sheep. Still it makes it hard to breathe. And I don't like it. And the guideline actually says if you aren't social distancing you should wear the fucking thing. Most of the time I'm nowhere near ten feet of somebody else so I really don't think it's necessary then. But you do what makes you happy. Does yours have a Biden logo on it?

Thinking the people wearing the masks made masks political is hilariously incorrect though. 


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On 10/3/2020 at 12:41 AM, Neo said:

That's a big no-no around here. Soon you'll have all the armchair experts up in arms and you will have about 10,000 links to articles and videos explaining how useless they are. But the thing is that we have very few things we can do to stop the spread , social distance,  wash you hands, and wear a mask. Until they come up with something better we just have to use what we got. I don't care what some asshat fucktard thinks about me wearing one. If I saved even one life, then it was worth it.

Of course you don't care if somebody thinks you're a sheep for wearing a fucking mask for no reason. *

You're a Democrat we expect that ship from you people.



* like on a bike trail or riding in your car or walking down an empty Street

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26 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:


For the thousandth time it's not about "feeling" anything. It's about facts and science. We'll prevent deaths and cases by wearing masks. If someone can't even do that they're a shit person. 

I see you're still unironically calling people that wear masks sheep, which is hilarious.

Masks do not make it hard to breathe. If you're having a hard time breathing, focus on not being overweight first. That will have much more of an effect. 

I have USA Soccer, Browns, and Michigan masks. 

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31 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

* like on a bike trail or riding in your car or walking down an empty Street

Of what importance does this have on anything? Where someone chooses to wear a mask? You think it makes a person look stupid, but where does your opinion come in and who really gives a shit what you think anyhow? A person wearing a mask on an empty street hurts nobody except your snowflake feelings. 

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22 minutes ago, Neo said:

1 Of what importance does this have on anything? Where someone chooses to wear a mask?

2 You think it makes a person look stupid, but where does your opinion come in and who really gives a shit what you think anyhow?

3 A person wearing a mask on an empty street hurts nobody except your snowflake feelings. 


1 well let's recap. What import? Really that in many cases masks are nothing but props worn by Stooges of Joe Biden and the Democrats. Useless. Not dissimilar to having seat belts and shoulder harnesses installed on your easy chair or your toilet.

2 apparently the answer to that question would be, well, you.

3 Like wearing a hat made of aluminum foil , it does absolutely no harm. Plenty of stupid things don't really cause harm. They are still stupid. 

Hope this helps.


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1 minute ago, Westside Steve said:

Really that in many cases masks are nothing but props worn by Stooges of Joe Biden and the Democrats.

That is your opinion, you have a right to that.


2 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

3 Like wearing a hat made of aluminum foil , it does absolutely no harm. Plenty of stupid things don't really cause harm. They are still stupid. 

Yikes. You said there is absolutely no harm (which there isn't) "they are still stupid" Again, your opinion but it has no relevance. You can certainly dress up like Batman and go shopping at Walmart at 3 a.m. Even though many people would consider that stupid or at the very least unusual, but it is your freedom to do and nobody's opinion has any relevance on your freedom. You're a very strange person.

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47 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

For the thousandth time it's not about "feeling" anything. It's about facts and science. We'll prevent deaths and cases by wearing masks. If someone can't even do that they're a shit person. 

 oftentimes wearing a mask no more good Hope and change transmission t-shirt. How often a day do you get on your knees and pray for the health and safety of your friends and Neighbors? Probably never. Does that make you a shit person?

I see you're still unironically calling people that wear masks sheep, which is hilarious.

 Wearing one unneccessary as a prop is what's hilarious.

Masks do not make it hard to breathe. If you're having a hard time breathing, focus on not being overweight first. That will have much more of an effect. 

I do 30 - 60 minutes of aerobic exercise 5 or 6 days a week without a mask and without any problem breathing.

I have USA Soccer, Browns, and Michigan masks. 

 one out of three ain't bad



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Your views about masks are objectively false. You have all of the facts and science out there but you've chosen to believe none of it. There isn't much more to say. 

I can't fix your own wilful ignorance. If this is where your head is at after months of this, it is what it is. 


You're wrong. That's all there is to it. Masks make a difference. 


I know you'll keep responding to want to force some typical Steve back and forth, so I'll leave it at this. (you can try and put words into my mouth to get me to respond again, to defend something I never said, I know that's one thing you try)

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49 minutes ago, Neo said:

That is your opinion, you have a right to that.

Yes. Is there any other reason for the discussion in the first place?

Yikes. You said there is absolutely no harm (which there isn't) "they are still stupid" Again, your opinion but it has no relevance. You can certainly dress up like Batman and go shopping at Walmart at 3 a.m. Even though many people would consider that stupid or at the very least unusual, but it is your freedom to do and nobody's opinion has any relevance on your freedom. You're a very strange person.

Yes it is. What's your point? You can certainly wear your Batman suit anywhere and anytime you want. Or your mask. 



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13 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Your views about masks are objectively false. You have all of the facts and science out there but you've chosen to believe none of it. There isn't much more to say. 

I can't fix your own wilful ignorance. If this is where your head is at after months of this, it is what it is. 


You're wrong. That's all there is to it. Masks make a difference. 


I know you'll keep responding to want to force some typical Steve back and forth, so I'll leave it at this. (you can try and put words into my mouth to get me to respond again, to defend something I never said, I know that's one thing you try)

Again a man has to know his limitations. When you don't have a leg to stand on just bail, here is the amounts of fucks I give = 0. If you think it benefits the world you're free to wear a mask in any of the silly places I've mentione go ahead.  No one is trying to stop you.


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2 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Yup, Steve, read the article, looked at the pictures. sheeple following Orangie right off the no mask covid cliff.. More proof they're brain dead lemmings...  

BTW, I'll find out first hand in a day or so- I got covid exposed at a restaurant Friday. My pals daughter was 6' away from me, and tested positive- she got the results today.  Didn't tell anyone she was tested that day either. Pissed me off... As much as i like Paul- I would have passed on the reunion if I had known.... 

Meanwhile Steve- the number infected just keeps on going up... Go ahead, Ignore the science, and take your chances.... 

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28 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Yup, Steve, read the article, looked at the pictures. sheeple following Orangie right off the no mask covid cliff.. More proof they're brain dead lemmings...  

BTW, I'll find out first hand in a day or so- I got covid exposed at a restaurant Friday. My pals daughter was 6' away from me, and tested positive- she got the results today.  Didn't tell anyone she was tested that day either. Pissed me off... As much as i like Paul- I would have passed on the reunion if I had known.... 

Meanwhile Steve- the number infected just keeps on going up... Go ahead, Ignore the science, and take your chances.... 

 don't let the TDS get in the way of your common sense. You aren't a fool you know the discussion is about people wearing masks in places where they are completely unnecessary and thinking it makes them cool. Simply that. By the way if you're truly in fear I'd be more in fear about your buddy who probably isn't a lot closer contact with her than 6 ft on a regular basis and I assumed you shook hands or hugged or something?


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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

Your views about masks are objectively false. You have all of the facts and science out there but you've chosen to believe none of it. There isn't much more to say. 

I can't fix your own wilful ignorance. If this is where your head is at after months of this, it is what it is. 


You're wrong. That's all there is to it. Masks make a difference. 


I know you'll keep responding to want to force some typical Steve back and forth, so I'll leave it at this. (you can try and put words into my mouth to get me to respond again, to defend something I never said, I know that's one thing you try)

His a fucken Retard so why waste your time? Dude probably think the world is flat. I guarantee you his the type of person that would go bungee jumping without a cord and wonder why things went sideways. Like I said before our education system and specifically that **MASK** Besty Devos  is a total disaster. Here's the proof.

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15 minutes ago, WarriorsRpussies said:

His a fucken Retard so why waste your time? Dude probably think the world is flat. I guarantee you his the type of person that would go bungee jumping without a cord and wonder why things went sideways. Like I said before our education system and specifically that **MASK** Besty Devos  is a total disaster. Here's the proof.




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