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Whatever, Donald


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12 minutes ago, hoorta said:

I have a bold prediction- you're going to disappear before the virus does... But keep on believing you can just will covid to go away... 


so, what do you predict when Pres Trump wins? will YOU disappear? or will you stay because of your TDS bs?

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Probably true. At least for a few days. If the pools are correct and the lying yellow journalism and hatred of the MSM Force the president out of office he will disappear before the virus. The virus will disappear shortly after as the reporting will change. Biden does not have the constitutional authority the walk down the nation. If he says he does he's lying or stupid or it's just the Alzheimer's talking.

Also with a Biden win Democratic Governors will have no reason to tank the US economy and a further.


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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

so, what do you predict when Pres Trump wins? will YOU disappear? or will you stay because of your TDS bs?

Well the America as you know it WILL disappear.  Should he win and keep following his latest quack Dr. Atlas- we sure as shit are going to have at least 1,000,000 deaths- and then Trump will brag- "well they predicted 2,000,000 deaths, and I cut that number in half- so I give myself a big A+ on the way I handled the pandemic." BTW, just saw an interesting tidbit- as it stands, Trump can't directly fire Fauci- or he certainly would have- long ago.   

Cal... It's possible Trump can score a repeat of 2016, and win even though the polls currently have Biden way ahead. (Like as far ahead as Reagan was when he mopped the floor with Jimmy Carter in 1980) But- please have a dose of reality. He got into the White House on the strength of 78,000 total votes in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. He's currently way behind in the polls in each of those states- and he can kiss Michigan goodbye after the way he dissed Whitmer. 

The swell of folks who have had more than enough of Trump's act is stunning... Lincoln Project, Republican Voters Against Trump (RVAT), even our evangelical pals- Not our Faith. Democrats for Trump? About the best they could do is a third tier Georgia Statehouse guy...  

So keep on believing Trump is going to win, just like Trump is still believing covid is "just going to go away"..... The man's ability for self deception is nothing short of psychotic.... 

Trump wins? I may follow in my good friend Gene's tracks (his wife is French-Canadian) and move up to Canada. OTOH, when Joe wins I'll be around to laugh at the conspiracy theories and assorted right wing crap that's sure to spring up.  LOL, actually The Post got that hard drive from a Russian KGB agent.  :D 

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22 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Well the America as you know it WILL disappear.  Should he win and keep following his latest quack Dr. Atlas- we sure as shit are going to have at least 1,000,000 deaths- and then Trump will brag- "well they predicted 2,000,000 deaths, and I cut that number in half- so I give myself a big A+ on the way I handled the pandemic." BTW, just saw an interesting tidbit- as it stands, Trump can't directly fire Fauci- or he certainly would have- long ago.   

Cal... It's possible Trump can score a repeat of 2016, and win even though the polls currently have Biden way ahead. (Like as far ahead as Reagan was when he mopped the floor with Jimmy Carter in 1980) But- please have a dose of reality. He got into the White House on the strength of 78,000 total votes in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. He's currently way behind in the polls in each of those states- and he can kiss Michigan goodbye after the way he dissed Whitmer. 

The swell of folks who have had more than enough of Trump's act is stunning... Lincoln Project, Republican Voters Against Trump (RVAT), even our evangelical pals- Not our Faith. Democrats for Trump? About the best they could do is a third tier Georgia Statehouse guy...  

So keep on believing Trump is going to win, just like Trump is still believing covid is "just going to go away"..... The man's ability for self deception is nothing short of psychotic.... 

Trump wins? I may follow in my good friend Gene's tracks (his wife is French-Canadian) and move up to Canada. OTOH, when Joe wins I'll be around to laugh at the conspiracy theories and assorted right wing crap that's sure to spring up.  LOL, actually The Post got that hard drive from a Russian KGB agent.  :D 


Whatever, Hoorta.

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21 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Well the America as you know it WILL disappear.  Should he win and keep following his latest quack Dr. Atlas- we sure as shit are going to have at least 1,000,000 deaths- and then Trump will brag- "well they predicted 2,000,000 deaths, and I cut that number in half- so I give myself a big A+ on the way I handled the pandemic." BTW, just saw an interesting tidbit- as it stands, Trump can't directly fire Fauci- or he certainly would have- long ago.   

Cal... It's possible Trump can score a repeat of 2016, and win even though the polls currently have Biden way ahead. (Like as far ahead as Reagan was when he mopped the floor with Jimmy Carter in 1980) But- please have a dose of reality. He got into the White House on the strength of 78,000 total votes in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. He's currently way behind in the polls in each of those states- and he can kiss Michigan goodbye after the way he dissed Whitmer. 

The swell of folks who have had more than enough of Trump's act is stunning... Lincoln Project, Republican Voters Against Trump (RVAT), even our evangelical pals- Not our Faith. Democrats for Trump? About the best they could do is a third tier Georgia Statehouse guy...  

So keep on believing Trump is going to win, just like Trump is still believing covid is "just going to go away"..... The man's ability for self deception is nothing short of psychotic.... 

Trump wins? I may follow in my good friend Gene's tracks (his wife is French-Canadian) and move up to Canada. OTOH, when Joe wins I'll be around to laugh at the conspiracy theories and assorted right wing crap that's sure to spring up.  LOL, actually The Post got that hard drive from a Russian KGB agent.  :D 

So if by chance all the dead people vote twice, and Dimentia Joe wins in November, when does the Covid death count start accumulating on his watch?

I’m guessing it gets downplayed, and the MSM stops with the hyperbole (see H1N1 Swine flu).

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5 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

So if by chance all the dead people vote twice, and Dimentia Joe wins in November, when does the Covid death count start accumulating on his watch?

I’m guessing it gets downplayed, and the MSM stops with the hyperbole (see H1N1 Swine flu).

We'll just have to see won't we?  As Tex said way back- and it's happened- make sure you claim the body count is being inflated. BTW, what will Trump do about the problem between November 3rd and January 20th, assuming he loses? Hmmmm?  The counting is magically gong to stop January 21st.   

Of course, keep on believing Trump's spew there's massive voter fraud going on. (despite damn near everyone else is saying it's an almost nonexistent problem) Starting with the RNC phony drop boxes in California.  :D 

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6 minutes ago, hoorta said:

We'll just have to see won't we?  As Tex said way back- and it's happened- make sure you claim the body count is being inflated. BTW, what will Trump do about the problem between November 3rd and January 20th, assuming he loses? Hmmmm?  The counting is magically gong to stop January 21st.   

Of course, keep on believing Trump's spew there's massive voter fraud going on. (despite damn near everyone else is saying it's an almost nonexistent problem) Starting with the RNC phony drop boxes in California.  :D 

I’m sure the pandemic will stop if/when Joe & the Hoe are elected.

They have a great plan to stop it.....whatever it is.

Nothing phony about the Post Office’s incompetence either.

I mean it’s only on the news daily, and I experienced it several times a week.

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3 hours ago, hoorta said:

We'll just have to see won't we?  As Tex said way back- and it's happened- make sure you claim the body count is being inflated. BTW, what will Trump do about the problem between November 3rd and January 20th, assuming he loses? Hmmmm?  The counting is magically gong to stop January 21st.   

Of course, keep on believing Trump's spew there's massive voter fraud going on. (despite damn near everyone else is saying it's an almost nonexistent problem) Starting with the RNC phony drop boxes in California.  :D 

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You know the University that got shut down because of fraud, and Trump had to pay tens of millions to settle the lawsuit?   But please keep on believing Trump knows more than Fauci and every reputable epidemiological expert. And Atlas isn't a fucking epidemiologist.  Do you want a guy who's expertise is reading brain scans to do your open heart surgery? Didn't think so.... 

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6 hours ago, Vambo said:

Except Hunter isn't running for President..   You want my honest opinion Vambo?  Trump just fired the last bullet in his reelection gun, hoping it hits something. Shades of Hillary's emails. You really need to get some new material Donnie. Too late to probably make much difference.  20% of the voters have already voted, and it will be probably more like 40% before this goes mainstream... BTW, Trump's credibility is shot, outside of his MAGA base. 

So, while DT is up in Erie PA at another of his super spreader events telling the usual lies (I'm ahead in Pennsylvania) & I did a great job on 60 Minutes walking out of an interview. Joe is in his basement bunker prepping for a debate that he's almost certainly going to come out on top of. Mostly because Trump is clueless on how to hold a civil debate.  

PS- you really think folks who are voting Biden are going to be swayed by this (current) innuendo when Trump has been spewing bullshit for months about covid and phony stats on how great the economy is doing now? 


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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Except Hunter isn't running for President..   You want my honest opinion Vambo?  Trump just fired the last bullet in his reelection gun, hoping it hits something. Shades of Hillary's emails. You really need to get some new material Donnie. Too late to probably make much difference.  20% of the voters have already voted, and it will be probably more like 40% before this goes mainstream... BTW, Trump's credibility is shot, outside of his MAGA base. 

So, while DT is up in Erie PA at another of his super spreader events telling the usual lies (I'm ahead in Pennsylvania) & I did a great job on 60 Minutes walking out of an interview. Joe is in his basement bunker prepping for a debate that he's almost certainly going to come out on top of. Mostly because Trump is clueless on how to hold a civil debate.  

PS- you really think folks who are voting Biden are going to be swayed by this (current) innuendo when Trump has been spewing bullshit for months about covid and phony stats on how great the economy is doing now? 


The e-mail, sent from one of the American partners to Hunter and two others, detailed large cash payments to the partners as well as eventual equity stakes. Hunter, referred to as “H,” was to get 20 percent, and the deal listed “10 Jim” and “10 held by H for the big guy?”

Sources have confirmed to Fox News that the “big guy” was Joe Biden. I have been told by another person with knowledge of the arrangement that there are documents and other proof of Joe Biden’s involvement.



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4 hours ago, hoorta said:

Image may contain: 1 person

You know the University that got shut down because of fraud, and Trump had to pay tens of millions to settle the lawsuit?   But please keep on believing Trump knows more than Fauci and every reputable epidemiological expert. And Atlas isn't a fucking epidemiologist.  Do you want a guy who's expertise is reading brain scans to do your open heart surgery? Didn't think so.... 

Who cares? Fauci hasn't practiced medicine since 1984 or something like that and he's your go-to expert. Why? Because he's a political hack and he hates Trump.


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2 hours ago, Axe said:

When it comes to Hoorta

"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot."
~ Mark Twain

"There are those folks with learning disabilities; there are also those folks whose emotions make them refuse to learn. The latter CAN but WON'T, and HATE because of it."

                                                                          ~ Calfox


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13 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

I'm pretty sure vague 4chan posts by some guy named Q is all of the evidence you need 

No idea wtf you are babbling about..  I don't pay attention to either.. Not really sure who they are..


Sorry to disappoint you.


But please, do continue to make shit up.. It's what the left does 🤣


Oh, and by the way.. That laptop linked to Hunter is part of an FBI money laundering probe..  FACT Why, do you suppose?


I'm sure the "big guy" knows nothing...



Woody, pull your beak out of your ass..

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