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the recount

LBC mike

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Isn't it protocal for a recount in elections?  killary got one in 2016.  Gore got one in 2000 😁.   election is on November 3rd and electors put in their votes on December 12th.   What is everyone crying about?

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14 minutes ago, LBC mike said:

Isn't it protocal for a recount in elections?  Hillary got one in 2016.  Gore got one in 2000 😁.   election is on November 3rd and electors put in their votes on December 12th.   What is everyone crying about?

Yes, generally,  if the election results in a 0.5% difference, a candidate can ask for a recount, and that is generally at the public's expense. (this is the rule in most, if not all states).  If the difference is greater than that, then the candidate asking for the recount must pay the expenses therefore. So I don't know what anyone is crying about....other than that you must wait for the full, final results before calling for the recount.  I mean, if even 1% of the vote remains to be counted, then it is premature to ask for a recount.  Of course, there is the issue of "would a recount" in any particular jurisdiction make any difference to the overall outcome. 

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Just now, The Gipper said:

Yes, if the election results in a 0.5% difference, a candidate can ask for a recount, and that is generally at the public's expense. If the difference is greater than that, then the candidate asking for the recount must pay the expenses therefore. So I don't know what anyone is crying about....other than that you must wait for the full, final results before calling for the recount.  I mean, if even 1% of the vote remains to be counted, then it is premature to ask for a recount.  Then, Of course, there is the issue of "would a recount" in any particular jurisdiction make any difference to the overall outcome. 

Make sure you guys go donate to your "billionaire", he needs the money for the recount. Just don't read the fine print about them being able to spend your money on whatever they want. :)

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4 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

I think they need to change it - whoever wins the most counties in a state wins the state. I mean, look at the map -

it would be a landslide for Pres Trump.


Simple jack's opinion over here. 

He sees a lot of red, so why no red candidate win!?

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well, worthless woodpecker, go and research WHY we have an electoral college. If they get rid of the electoral college,

I suggest we go by county. That way the cities don't own the electoral process with the rest of the entire country helpless to

have their votes count.

  Just once, you could STFU and go look at a map of how America has voted.

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"look at all the red! More red than blue! Red win red win!"


You don't give a shit what system makes the most sense you just want whatever gives the Reps the best chance...


The electoral is already skewed. If you live in a low population state your vote is worth more. Sometimes 5 times more than someone in a large state. 

We aren't about to start giving every county with 36 people and 700 cows a base electoral vote of one. That's idiotic. 

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:


You're a moron. 

You're an absolute moron. 

You want to see how America voted, look at the popular vote. How did that go?


Big open areas of nothing that get colored red on a map don't represent "how America voted". Christ. 

I'm not sure if you actually understand what's going on in that map and you're ignoring it to blindly support your party, or if you actually just have no idea...

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Except, stupid-ass woodypeckerhead - the POINT is, there is great REASON

the BRILLIANT Founding Fathers invented the electoral college.

Most of us are tired of trying to convince you to do your own research..

Why should the giant cities mandate control over all the folks NOT in giant cities?

You really suck at trying to look smart.

The Founding Fathers - none of them were perfect , but some of them had a far better education than

you did, in understanding life and their world.

Here's one book - "Seven Who Shaped Our Destiny" by Richard B.  Morris.

Here's a link you won't understand or try to understand, turdbeak -


As one of The Heritage Foundations legal experts, Hans von Spakovsky, noted in a paper on the Electoral College: “In creating the basic architecture of the American government, the Founders struggled to satisfy each state’s demand for greater representation while attempting to balance popular sovereignty against the risk posed to the minority from majoritarian rule.”


Some elements of the Electoral College, such as the indirect vote through intermediaries, were hotly debated at the 1787 Constitutional Convention. It was eventually justified in part as a stopgap to potentially reverse the vote if the people elected a criminal, traitor, or similar kind of heinous person. The Founders wanted to empower democratic elements in the American system, but they feared a kind of pure, unrestrained democracy that had brought down great republics of the past.  The product of the Founders’ compromise has been well balanced and enduring, and we would be wise to leave it intact.





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Man, what a close vote. It just goes to show that we as a nation are no closer to being unified today then we were 4 years ago. 

Although I won't be putting her bumper sticker on my bike any time soon, I hope that Harris and Biden go on to do all sorts of great things for this country, and will certainly not be rooting against them. 


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