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The cover-ups never end

Westside Steve

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5 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:


Whether it's enough votes to swing the election it does reinforce the idea that voting is a waste of time and energy.


I would not believe a damn thing Barr says about anything. He is a trumparrot.

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3 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Which is why your opinion is meaningless. Only a Joe Biden Flack would want to cover up election fraud.


There is a process in place that Barr was directing people to circumvent. That is why the guy in charge of that process resigned.

I have no problem at all with doing this the legal way. So far in the courts not one claim has been upheld. 

Until one of those holds up in court then it's just people spitting (mad) at the moon.

If one does hold up I will pay attention as to what it is and whether it has any substantial effect in changing the outcome.

So far every Constitutional Attorney I have listened to, especially including Republicans, have said there is no legal leg to stand on.

But let me be clear. I do believe Trump is entirely within his rights to file claims with courts that have jurisdiction. No problem with that at all.

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When the Philly Board of Elections refused to allow the observers inside (court ordered) to monitor the counting of ballots...I knew I smelled bullshit.

Hillary and Gore were given the courtesy of a recount, Trump shouldn’t be any different.

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Funny, if you add up all the conspirators, antifa, MSM, nurses stealing ppe, BLM, doctors padding Covid counts, Phizer, ex-trump staffers, judges against him, social media employees, poll workers, celebrities, and all the others. You don't need to steal an elections, you have to votes to get rid of the dumbass. 


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Judge in Philadelphia asks Trump campaign lawyer if GOP observers are in the room or not.

Trump lawyer says, "There is a non-zero number of people in that room." (Now THAT is a Clintonian response. Somewhere Bill and Hillary are nodding approvingly)

Judge, losing patience: "I'm asking you as a member of the bar of this court: are people representing Donald J. Trump for president, representing the plaintiffs, in that room?"

Trump lawyer: "Yes".

Judge: "I'm sorry, then what's your problem?"


Definitely a "You're about to get reported to the bar if you don't answer the fucking question, counselor" moment.

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