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More Trumpy TV Appointment Lunacy


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From the article:

"Jewish groups expressed dismay at news of Beattie’s appointment. “It’s appalling that someone who was considered too close to xenophobic white nationalists to continue working in the Trump White House would now be appointed to a U.S. government body focused largely on the preservation of sites dedicated to the memory of Holocaust victims,” said Logan Bayroff, communications director for J Street, a progressive Jewish lobbying organization.

“It should be obvious that those who traffic in hatred of immigrants and refugees are the last people on earth who should be entrusted with honoring the victims of Nazis,” Bayroff went on to say.

The Anti-Defamation League, which was founded to combat anti-Semitism and other forms of hatred, called on Trump to “immediately rescind” the appointment. “It is absolutely outrageous that someone who has consorted with racists would even be considered for a position on a commission devoted to preserving Holocaust memorials in Europe,” said ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt in a statement."

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8 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Yahoo news? Thanks now the squad can go back to screeching about biased sources.

And the Woodpecker can bitch about Qanon again whatever the fuck that is, but I'm guessing if he mentions it a thousand times he wins a prize or something.


So because it came from Yahoo then those quotes from Jewish organizations have no meaning. OK got it.🙈🙉

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55 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

So because it came from Yahoo then those quotes from Jewish organizations have no meaning. OK got it.🙈🙉

I'm calling it out for being a bulshit story which is to be expected from Yahoo news.

"WASHINGTON — A former speechwriter fired from the White House in 2018 for attending a conference at which white supremacists were also present has been appointed to a commission tasked with preserving Holocaust-related sites across Europe."

 first paragraph of your own bullshit article. He attended a conference. That was his crime. Typical. Just for the record I have no doubt there are white supremacist supremacists present in the state of Texas. Where you choose to live!


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41 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Just for the record I have no doubt there are white supremacist supremacists present in the state of Texas. Where you choose to live!


Which is why I invited you folks in Ohio to join the rise of the Confederacy. Look at the map. Georgia is the only one messing up the New Confederacy with the completed recount this afternoon. But even with Georgia blue, there is a red link border to every state of the New Confederacy from Fla. to I-da-ho.

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I lived in Texas for a little while on and off between the ages of 9 and 13. I didn't particularly like it but I guess most kids that age aren't going to like a new school system. Texas kids were kind of assholes about Yankee this and Yankee that. But I've been back plenty of times as an adult and I like it just fine.

Not that that has anything to do with the fact that most anti-semites are Democrats and or African-Americans. Frankly I think less of anti-semites than White supremacists.


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