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WEDNESDAY - Practice Notes

Dan in Florida

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cleveland Browns Training Camp Report: Wednesday 8/12 Practice

Written by Daniel Wolf




While I was getting into my car today, there was a moment of thought that said, "What happens if Eric Mangini starts to give Brett Ratliff more reps in practice due to his performance over the last several days?"


Then I laughed to myself and said, "No way will Mangini take reps away from Brady Quinn and Derek Anderson."


Then, after a long wait on 71 South, due to traffic at the Bagley Road exit, I finally got to practice and low and behold, Mangini was giving Ratliff more reps today than any other day of practice that I have been to.


What a weird coincidence.


Anyway, today there were so many players working out with trainers and riding on the stationary bikes that one would think the players are starting to drop like flies due to some kind of injury.


The list of players include: RB Jerome Harrison, WR Braylon Edwards, WR David Patten, LB David Bowens and WR Lance Leggett.


There may have been others, but I could not see them from where I was located.


Also, RB James Davis was missing in action once again. Davis was no where to bee found and no one outside of the Browns organization seems to know what the deal is, and that's weird since Davis has been outstanding in camp. (UPDATED 8/12 @ 5:30PM, Davis was been getting dental work done over the last few days and will be back on the field very soon.)


Another little piece of information is that linebackers D'Qwell Jackson and Eric Barton were off separate from the rest of the defense with a coach. Both these two seem to be attached by the hip and that's good because Barton is going to help Jackson truly become that leader of this defense.


First, the team broke down into a 6-on-8 drill with a QB, RB, and four WRs versus the linebackers and defensive backs from the defenses own 21 yard line.


Quinn was 3-4 for 7 yards

Anderson was 3-4 for 18 yards with 2 touchdowns


Drill note: There was no offensive or defense lines so the QB did not get any pressure. Anderson's two scores were caught by receivers Josh Cribbs and Paul Hubbard.


Next, were some 11-on-11 drills from the defenses 21 yard line with music blasting in the background.


Quinn was 1-3 for 21 yards and one touchdown

Anderson was 1-2 for 3 yards


Drill note: Quinn's score was a great pass over the middle into coverage to TE Steve Heiden. Jamal Lewis was running the ball hard and ran it 4 times for 17 yards, splitting time with only Noah Herron since Harrison wasn't playing and Davis is M.I.A.


Now the ball was placed on the three yard line on and it was time for a goal line stand by the defense in this 11-on-11 drill.


Quinn was 1-4 for 3 yards and one touchdown

Anderson was 1-2 for 3 yards and one touchdown


Drill note: TE Robert Royal caught both touchdowns from each quarterback. The defense got amazing penetration and had a solid goal line stand in this entire drill series. There were many players that got to the quarterbacks including: DT Shaun Rogers once, CB Hank Poteat on a blitz for one and LB David Veinkune was constantly collapsing the pocket and he got three sacks in this series.


Then the ball once again moved to the offenses own 35 yard line for the next 11-on-11 series.


Quinn was 3-3 for 19 yards

Anderson was 2-3 for 21 yards and one interception


Drill note: Anderson was picked off by CB Rod Hood after the ball was tipped at the line of scrimmage. Herron had good bursts of six and eight yards. Lewis caught a quick screen and took it 15 yards downfield.


In the final 11-on-11 drill the ball was at the defenses 45 yard line and the offense had to run a no-huddle offensive attack.


Quinn was 2-4 for 11 yards

Anderson was 2-3 for 30 yards


Drill note: Lewis was again running the ball hard for several carries of 4-6 yards apiece. TE Martin Rucker made a diving catch of an Anderson pass. Cribbs gained about 10 yards on a reverse in which Anderson was his lead blocker around the end.


Special note: During one of Ratliff's drives he was picked off by S Nick Sorensen and ran back about 55 yards for a score. You could hear the S Brodney Pool telling Ratliff during the play, "You better run him down Brett with those fresh legs of yours."


There was another Rogers moment during one of the D-Line drills where the guy run around the big free standing pads and he missed one of them so he started to do a little dance and then went over to coach Bryan Cox and pushed him around while they both laughed.


The players to highlight from today's practice has to be Cribbs, Hood and Veinkune.


Cribbs continues to impress in his route running and ability to get into the open field out of tight coverage. Also, he is catching everything that comes his way and without Edwards practicing he was able to play more with the first team offense.


Hood continues to show solid coverage skills and he continues to pick off passes and looks to challenge Eric Wright and Brandon McDonald for their starting jobs.


Veinkune is just compelling to watch. He is still playing middle linebacker with the second unit, but his motor is unbelievable. The guy is non-stop action and his ability to get into the pocket to cause pressure in magnificent.


His three sacks of the quarterback and his constant presence near the ball carrier lead me to believe that Veinkune will be included in many different packages throughout this entire season.


(Next practice to be reported on will be Thursday 8/13 at 1:30PM) I will be Twittering LIVE!




Click the link below to see today's Mangini Press Conference PLUS OTHERS:


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