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This Level of Crazy Deserves its Own Thread

MLD Woody

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3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

awwww, Cal is trying to spam this thread

Is he incapable of admitting the tweet in the OP is insane? Is Cal that far down the MAGA rabbit hole?

Of course Cal and several others on this forum are in total denial of reality about the election. Living in Cheetos wonderland. 

Instead, they'd rather believe the Lyin' King and his nut job sycophants than what 99% of judges (plenty of them Republican, appointed by Trump), his own lackey AG Barr, Krebs- the head of cybersecurity,  and every State AG & Secretary of State has been telling anyone who will listen. There wasn't anything close to the level of fraud Trump is baselessly claiming. Virtually nonexistent. 

They're hopeless Woody. 


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liberal bigotry on display.

With the lost souls of the left - one bad example of a group means the entire group

is also bad.

when it SUITS them emotional knee jerk-wise.

woodpecker would have voted for charles manson instead of Pres Trump.

it's a destructive emotional anomaly.

and they swim in egypt.obama-bunny-outfit-58b8f1bd3df78c353c3ca


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Looks like Cal ignored my first request to call this crazy

Atrempted to call me something I'm not

Ignored my response to that where I clearly show I'm not


And still has refused to call this Q MAGA nonsense where Pence apparently gets killed for treason crazy. 

Cal... Is this crazy? Is the tweet in the OP crazy?

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Way too many people in this country have drifted away from sanity and reality over the last few years. It's worrying. All it took were some sites looking to cash in on the crazy, each one upping other, and the vulnerable followed them with each step. Throw in Trump adding fuel to the fire and here we are. We have a sizeable portion of this country thinking there was some giant case of national voter fraud to get biden elected and that there will still be some great reckoning coming, including trying Pence for treason.


Sorry Hoorta, but after seeing some demographics on Q followers, this isn't a good look for boomers. 

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