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In what direction should the republican party go now?


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Lets be honest the GOP is on the borderline of breaking. This election just showed that the demographics that it currently caters to is shrinking compared the the base of the democratic party. White will be a minority with a more broad array of constituents from other minorities like hispanics and blacks growing in power.


Independent moderates do not align themselves overall with the GOP religous rights and issues like abortion and gay marriage will not be deal breakers in the future for the GOP extreme right to hang their hats on.


Trickle down economics and deregulation of laissez faire principles have just showed a cataclysmic flaw that will never be overlooked. Top down economics now have enough statistical evidence that shows it increases dramatically the prosperity gap and concentration of wealth to the top bracket.


Population increases in low to middle income (especially in the multi non whites) is growing exponentially. The Republican party as it currently operates has its days numbered in its relevance toward national power. The low density states with corresponding low density electoral values are the only bastion of the religous neocon right of the gop's power.


Cal, Bunker, T, and others like them are internet personalities that in real life the GOP has leaned on for its constituents heavily. That population while still large is being overshadowed by population growths that caucus with the democrats.


In what direction do some of you think the GOP needs to go in to reinvent itself? If it does not I could see a philosphical split of that party which drives a lot of the real fiscal conservatives and small government proponents to the libertarian party or some other newly formed republican party.


The religous intolerant neocon right is destroying that GOP because they represent a much smaller part of America that does not translate to more highly dense population areas.

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well Obamas cabinet is going to be Far Far Left and this will only help.


Its Bill Clinton all over again! But we have a Negro with a Cause! so look out for some crazy legislation!


first on the agenda is getting everyone a new buick and 40 acres!!

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well Obamas cabinet is going to be Far Far Left and this will only help.


I don't believe this will be the case, T. If Obama is as smart and as pragmatic/realist as he appears to be, you might be surprised to find more than one GOP member among his Cabinet.


Its Bill Clinton all over again! But we have a Negro with a Cause! so look out for some crazy legislation!


That flaming rhetoric isn't going to improve anything, T. If time shows an erratic and irresponsible leader, the critics will come and hold him accountable for representing everybody and by enforcing the Consititution.


first on the agenda is getting everyone a new buick and 40 acres!!


Everyone? Where do I sign up?

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Mr T your response to a serious problem with the GOP parties platform and organizational direction is EXACTLY what is causing the downfall of the GOP.


I asked a serious question about the GOP not about the president elect. I remember Fiscal responsibility as an important axiom of the GOP that has been abondoned.


I am asking what direction of change for the survival of the GOP should the republicans take. Otherwise the national relevance of the GOP is dwindling and very soon broken. That is NOT what I want to see.

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Mr T your response to a serious problem with the GOP parties platform and organizational direction is EXACTLY what is causing the downfall of the GOP.


I asked a serious question about the GOP not about the president elect. I remember Fiscal responsibility as an important axiom of the GOP that has been abondoned.


I am asking what direction of change for the survival of the GOP should the republicans take. Otherwise the national relevance of the GOP is dwindling and very soon broken. That is NOT what I want to see.


I'm a registered republican. I was disappointed that Mitt didn't get the nomination. I'm disgusted by the fear and hate mongering. I'm switching to libertarian.

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Mr T your response to a serious problem with the GOP parties platform and organizational direction is EXACTLY what is causing the downfall of the GOP.


I asked a serious question about the GOP not about the president elect. I remember Fiscal responsibility as an important axiom of the GOP that has been abondoned.


Serious question?

Please Sev.

The Rpublicans were dead after Nixon right?

Oh wait it was the Dems after Carter' date=' no wait, the Repus after Bush 1 no no it was the Dems after Clinton , no no now its.......


Face it Sev, idiots who think the government will make them happy are fools and fickle fools at that.



The only shift is that every day less people work and more people want the free ride.


All anyone can do is slow it or speed it up.


Don't worry, you'll always have somebody to hate .



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The reports of our death have been greatly exaggerated. 1980, 84, 88 were huge GOP blowouts. The Dem party was dead. Oh yeah, until a Dem was elected in 92. 1996 was a rout, the GOP was embarrassed by their complete inability to put forward a candidate. Then they won 4 years later. And 4 years after that.


Alot will change, yes. But there is no real risk of the party that won 9 of the last 15 Presidential elections disappearing.

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Steve you have a penchant for not answering questions and making sarcastic quips. Why dont you post something about demographic breakdowns or anything to support some sort of premise to a answer to my question.


I dont "hate" the GOP, Bush Sr. is someone I heavily admire and quite a few other republicans. I dont agree with GOP economic axioms, but I do agree that nationalizing everything and expanding cost is a problem that need a check and balance. The neoconservative religous movement is something I heavily have a disdain for but that is not limited to just the republicans. Obviously the Neocons showed the flaw in their ideology with their Iraq agenda which showed just how incompetent they are and frankly out of touch with reality. unfortunately it has cost us probably a trillion dollars with 50k plus wounded and over 5k dead and that is just our side.


Fear and fundamentalism has been used heavily by the Rovian Republicans extremely effectively. Now this is the cost, intellectualism and the term elite which are suppossed to be good qualities are used as slurs by the extreme right. How much sense does that make? being intelligent and a overachiever that excels above the common masses should be celebrated not used as a slur. The dumbing down of the gop platform to cater to simpletons and religous ideals is what is taking down a good party that we need to counter the dems.

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Tom I am not saying the GOP is dead rather losing influence because of a demographic shift in who votes combined with a growing minority population explosion with a aging population of white gop caucus leaning voting bloc that is steadily well dying.


The appeal of the current platform and simplfying of "moral issue" driven voter influence is on the decline of being effective. What is the direction the GOP should take so it does not splinter itself from between the neocon religous right and the moderate small government fiscal conservatives?

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Steve you have a penchant for not answering questions and making sarcastic quips. Why dont you post something about demographic breakdowns or anything to support some sort of premise to a answer to my question.


I'll let Toop post the numbers for ya to crunch, but it's wishful thinking on your part if you look at the last few "party destroying" elections.


I dont "hate" the GOP, Bush Sr. is someone I heavily admire and quite a few other republicans. I dont agree with GOP economic axioms, but I do agree that nationalizing everything and expanding cost is a problem that need a check and balance. The neoconservative religous movement is something I heavily have a disdain for but that is not limited to just the republicans. Obviously the Neocons showed the flaw in their ideology with their Iraq agenda which showed just how incompetent they are and frankly out of touch with reality. unfortunately it has cost us probably a trillion dollars with 50k plus wounded and over 5k dead and that is just our side.


Oh well. Call me when there's world peace.


Fear and fundamentalism has been used heavily by the Rovian Republicans extremely effectively.



Lets say fearmongering is telling people the white/rich man is keeping them down de republicans want to take away your SS and not give you all the free shit you want and they be making the world unsafe by supporting those Jews and helping Oswama recruit and blah blah blah.


Now this is the cost, intellectualism and the term elite which are suppossed to be good qualities are used as slurs by the extreme right. How much sense does that make?


Because it's fake, Sev.

Earning your way taking care of your family is morally superior to a degree ins something that pisses you off you aren't p[aid enough for and crying that those who do succeed are evil.

Just bragging about how "intellectual" you are is a load of crap.



being intelligent and a overachiever that excels above the common masses


Two completely different demographics.


should be celebrated not used as a slur. The dumbing down of the gop platform to cater to simpletons and religous ideals is what is taking down a good party that we need to counter the dems.


Too bad you're offended.

I figure morality and religion will go the way of self reliance soon enough.

I suppose I'll be gone by the time we're the new Red China.

Hope so anyway.



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steve Obama is not bragging, its the fact that he has achieved intellectual accolades that other people are admiring.


call you when their is world peace? Neocon ignorant religous driven agenda killed our soldiers and put us another trillion dollars into debt that is a domestic political problem not a utopian world peace concept. Basically something the GOP has inside its party that took control thru Bush jr.


It is work to get a degree, and a lot more work to get advanced degrees at elite colleges. Its something that not anyone can do only that is why they are ELITE colleges. No one is comparing the importance of hard work and not getting degrees to those who do that is a ridiculous comparison.


As for your RIDICULOUOS statement about us turning into Red china is about as substantive as anything Bunker or T posts.


The fear doctrine and rovian tactics are well documented or dont you remember to 2004 color coded threat levels? and all of the other crap they used very effectively. Just continue to lie to yourself.


As for the fear mongering of the rich taking more and the poor becoming poorer well the statistics dont lie for the last 80 years the concentration of wealth increases during republican presidents is pretty black and white. IT IS REAL IN STATISTICAL FACT.


This wealth spreading is inaccurate terminology it is more about tax burden adjustment of future profits and wages. Wall street and the private sector is not going to walk from a deal because of a 3% increase in tax cost. That is fear mongering by the republicans for the benefit of thier friends.


I know you wont put up substantive rebuttals and source anything, its fairly obvious how your source your opinions. You dont.

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Steve you have a penchant for not answering questions and making sarcastic quips. Why dont you post something about demographic breakdowns or anything to support some sort of premise to a answer to my question.


I dont "hate" the GOP, Bush Sr. is someone I heavily admire and quite a few other republicans. I dont agree with GOP economic axioms, but I do agree that nationalizing everything and expanding cost is a problem that need a check and balance. The neoconservative religous movement is something I heavily have a disdain for but that is not limited to just the republicans. Obviously the Neocons showed the flaw in their ideology with their Iraq agenda which showed just how incompetent they are and frankly out of touch with reality. unfortunately it has cost us probably a trillion dollars with 50k plus wounded and over 5k dead and that is just our side.


Fear and fundamentalism has been used heavily by the Rovian Republicans extremely effectively. Now this is the cost, intellectualism and the term elite which are suppossed to be good qualities are used as slurs by the extreme right. How much sense does that make? being intelligent and a overachiever that excels above the common masses should be celebrated not used as a slur. The dumbing down of the gop platform to cater to simpletons and religous ideals is what is taking down a good party that we need to counter the dems.


Awesome post, sev.

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