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Congrats from a steelers fan


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I created an account here to post a congratulations to the Browns and their fans on the win versus my beloved steelers.  

Lots of Steelers fans hate the Browns (and the city of Cleveland), especially more so after the drubbing that you gave us,  but I'm actually rooting for you guys.  You've got a helluva talented team and are really exciting to watch.  Looking forward to see if you can pull off a win versus KC.  Good luck!


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40 minutes ago, SteelersFan said:

OP here.  Yeah, there is a rivalry here.  It is still growing and not quite the level that Steelers-Ravens is, but it is there.  I suspect it will be amped up next year due to the beat down that the Browns gave us this last week. 



How old are you? 

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First, thanks for the well wishes and don't be a stranger. Some of us here respect other points of view.

1 hour ago, SteelersFan said:

OP here.  Yeah, there is a rivalry here. 

From your perspective on a scale of 1 to 10...

  • What was it Sunday noon?
  • What is it now?
  • What has it been for the Ravens?

Lastly, and forgetting the scale... How representative of Steeler Nation's take would you say your perspective is?


It's a running thing here with Gipper maintaining the PTG-CLE (or CLE-PTG) rivalry has always been and always will be an 11 (or so) despite our Steeler regular here saying it's not.

I'm guessing (because I have him on "Ignore") that he asked your age (45?), so he can DQ your opinion in his own mind... he's like that.


You've been warned.... ;)


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LOL, ok thanks for the warning.  But I'll try to give you my insights:

I'm actually not that representative of your average Steeler fan (most of them are fairly uneducated and suffer from an extreme case of homerism, and a lot of them are racist).  But I have listened to Pittsburgh sports talk radio for about 25 years now and feel like I have pretty good sense of the situation:

1. I'd say it was probably a 5 at game time.  Hell, even the week before there were people that were rooting to simply win to eliminate Cleveland, because, well, "they're Cleveland". 

2. Now, after the loss, it is probably a 6. Next year Steeler fans will certainly be more amped to "get revenge".  

3. Steelers-Ravens about 7 or 8 years ago was an 11.  I've seriously never seen a rivalry in sports more intense than that rivalry a few years ago.  Now, its around an 8 I would say. 

This is no offense to Cleveland or to their fans, but from a Steeler fan perspective the Cleveland-Pittsburgh rivalry had really faded away, mainly because the Steelers were winning the very large majority of those games over the last 10-15 years.  But, now that Cleveland has a superior team (and a brighter future, I'd admit) that rivalry is going to grow again for sure. 


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20 minutes ago, SteelersFan said:

This is no offense to Cleveland or to their fans, but from a Steeler fan perspective the Cleveland-Pittsburgh rivalry had really faded away, mainly because the Steelers were winning the very large majority of those games over the last 10-15 years.  But, now that Cleveland has a superior team (and a brighter future, I'd admit) that rivalry is going to grow again for sure.

I could have written this...

.. in fact I have. ;)

And your description of the "average Steeler fan" has made you a lot of semi-friends here... which is as good as it gets for a Steeler Fan.


A last question or two if you don't mind... and no need to be specific... but...

  • where-abouts to you live? Eastern Ohio? Western PA? Other?
  • where were you born?
  • did you become a Steeler fan by choice or birth?


Me? Born in the 'burbs just south of Cleveland long enough ago to remember listening to our '64 Championship over Baltimore on AM radio. So Browns have been my team forever.

Now, as my bio states I'm in East Texas, which primarily is... ugh... Cowboy Country... with just a smattering of Saints folk. Closest Browns Backers meet about 80 miles away.

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Well, I'm sad to hear that you have to put up with Cowboy fans on a regular basis...

I live in a small town/borough in Allegheny County, right across the river from the City of Pittsburgh border. I was born here, never lived anywhere else except three months deployed on an Army base in Baghdad (where we managed somehow to still watch every Steeler game).

I was a Steeler fan by choice - neither my parents or anyone in my extended family were into sports when I was growing up. 



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Thanks again...

Say hello to Kennywood for me this summer. Probably won't make it back there until 2022... but next time will be with the grandkids on our postponed, 2020, PA Coaster Tour.

Waldemeer - Kennywood - Knobels - HerseyPark - Dorney in ten days!


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Most of the people here are way old to understand this reference but... Throw him a pokeball. 

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1 hour ago, SteelersFan said:

LOL, ok thanks for the warning.  But I'll try to give you my insights:

I'm actually not that representative of your average Steeler fan (most of them are fairly uneducated and suffer from an extreme case of homerism, and a lot of them are racist).  But I have listened to Pittsburgh sports talk radio for about 25 years now and feel like I have pretty good sense of the situation:

1. I'd say it was probably a 5 at game time.  Hell, even the week before there were people that were rooting to simply win to eliminate Cleveland, because, well, "they're Cleveland". 

2. Now, after the loss, it is probably a 6. Next year Steeler fans will certainly be more amped to "get revenge".  

3. Steelers-Ravens about 7 or 8 years ago was an 11.  I've seriously never seen a rivalry in sports more intense than that rivalry a few years ago.  Now, its around an 8 I would say. 

This is no offense to Cleveland or to their fans, but from a Steeler fan perspective the Cleveland-Pittsburgh rivalry had really faded away, mainly because the Steelers were winning the very large majority of those games over the last 10-15 years.  But, now that Cleveland has a superior team (and a brighter future, I'd admit) that rivalry is going to grow again for sure. 

It's the truth, so why would we take offense. Look @ OSU vs Michigan. It's so one-sided the luster is gone.


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19 minutes ago, WarriorsRpussies said:

It's the truth, so why would we take offense. Look @ OSU vs Michigan. It's so one-sided the luster is gone.

True, but it still runs hotter than CLE-PTG, if for no other reason because of the 10-year war...

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3 hours ago, Tour2ma said:

First, thanks for the well wishes and don't be a stranger. Some of us here respect other points of view.

From your perspective on a scale of 1 to 10...

  • What was it Sunday noon?
  • What is it now?
  • What has it been for the Ravens?

Lastly, and forgetting the scale... How representative of Steeler Nation's take would you say your perspective is?


It's a running thing here with Gipper maintaining the PTG-CLE (or CLE-PTG) rivalry has always been and always will be an 11 (or so) despite our Steeler regular here saying it's not.

I'm guessing (because I have him on "Ignore") that he asked your age (45?), so he can DQ your opinion in his own mind... he's like that.


You've been warned.... ;)


YOU are either stupid,   Or Illiterate. Or a liar. 

Here is excactly what I said:    The Browns/Steelers is the oldest, most storied  traditional rivalry in the AFCN.    Which is absolutely, empirically true.  I also said that the Steelers/Ravens had a rivalry as well.  That the Browns/Steelers rivalry waned because of the poor performance of the Browns in those games....and that certainly the Ravens and Steelers had a "hot" rivalry.....out of default because the Browns and Bengals had barely showed up in contention for the AFCN...letting those two go at it. 

Go back and check....if you have the guts to try to dispute that....which you don't...because we know you are a complete gutless C-hole. 

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2 hours ago, SteelersFan said:

Well, I'm sad to hear that you have to put up with Cowboy fans on a regular basis...

Oh... they weren't much of a problem this year. Not even when I went to the Browns game at AT&T back in the early days of Covid (yes, I bought tix on an impulse and was apprehensive the entire time I was there).

But the doors were open at both ends and the roof was closed (God apparently has Sunday Ticket) so there was plenty of air movement and a high percentage of masks.

Anyway, I saw a W and nothing ever developed virus-wise so all is well.

Hope you and yours are happy and safe.


Forgot to mention my son-in-law is a life-long 'Boyz fan. How a kid born and raised in northern NJ becomes one is something he can't really explain, but it makes gift shopping for him pretty easy. :)

My born-in-Texas daughter is of course a Browns fan. ;)

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Rivalries are mostly with fans now-a-days.  So many of the players float around the league.  Although, to the core players on the team, the rivalry can exist.

Thanks for your kind wishes Fan.  It's more fun to hate each other when we're BOTH good.

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Always happy to look forward to a good rivalry game - can't avoid it being a Ohio State fan!

Sure, last 5-10 yrs CLE-PIT has been pretty one-sided, but :

1) this season was likely the end of the line for both Pouncey and Roethlisberger [they're going to retire at the same time]  and

2) Because Pittsburgh has invested in the first 3 rounds only 1 draft pick in the OL since the 2012 reloading [2018/3 Chukwuma Okorafor] and only 4 picks in the DL.. Pittsburgh's LOS in the very near future may have more weaknesses than strengths.  Heyward [10 seasons], Tuitt [7 seasons].. how long can they play at their contract's level?

I'd think the natural state of AFCN things is for CLE-PIT to be a spirited rivalry and I'd hope you'd think the same. 

The fun thing is.. Even if you disagree, we'll still be playing at least twice a year!


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8 minutes ago, Orion said:

Rivalries are mostly with fans now-a-days.  So many of the players float around the league.

Hadn't really thought about the impact of FA on Pro rivalries... it sure doesn't enhance them.

First thought was, "but college rosters change all the time", but those colleges often have longer histories and they can fuel rivalries across 4 or more major sports...

Probably 6 in the Big 10: Foortball, basketball, wrestling, hockey, soccer and track... OK... 5-1/2... ;)


Now thought is about sports carryover between cities...

Both CLE and PTG have NFL and MLB, but that's it... and Indians (we are still the Indians for now, right?) vs. Pirates ain't exactly an active thing. We have NBA; they don't. They have NHL; we don't.

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3 minutes ago, Unsympathetic said:

Sure, last 5-10 yrs CLE-PIT has been pretty one-sided, but :

Problem is that it's rarely been anything but one-sided.

We dominated them in the 50 and 60's, although they did make a move in the late-50's winning 4 of 6 in '58 thru '60.

They owned us in the 70's and early 80's.

Only on the approach to the mid-80's did the rivalry really heat up and stayed fairly hot thru '92.

Of course '93 was the strike year and we won, but the rest of that decade was basically theirs.


And don't have to go thru what the rebirth has wrought... at least until now... :)


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21 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Or a Cabbagepatch Kid.😂

Yepp... It flied right above you... 

(pokeballs are used to capture pokemons, the main goal being capturing them all so you had one of each kind. Thus "throw him a pokeball" is a slang used when someone finds someone special or rare. I never played Pokemon though, but it's a thing of kids of the 90s)

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5 minutes ago, Nero said:

Yepp... It flied right above you... 

(pokeballs are used to capture pokemons, the main goal being capturing them all so you had one of each kind. Thus "throw him a pokeball" is a slang used when someone finds someone special or rare. I never played Pokemon though, but it's a thing of kids of the 90s)

Yeah, but how long can you keep a hula hoop going? And do you have a coonskin cap anywhere?🤣

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17 minutes ago, Tour2ma said:



My name is Tour... and you know the rest...

I knew I had to check, but it's almost 4am so... Thanks

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However, the past tense of "fry" is not "frew", it is "fried"...

Oh English... you tricky, tricky language.


Reminds me of a George Carlin bit you'll love... if I can find it...

Turns out there's a great Carlin bit on idioms, but the one I was thinking of was by Gallagher...


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1 hour ago, Tour2ma said:

Problem is that it's rarely been anything but one-sided.

We dominated them in the 50 and 60's, although they did make a move in the late-50's winning 4 of 6 in '58 thru '60.

They owned us in the 70's and early 80's.

Only on the approach to the mid-80's did the rivalry really heat up and stayed fairly hot thru '92.

Of course '93 was the strike year and we won, but the rest of that decade was basically theirs.


And don't have to go thru what the rebirth has wrought... at least until now... :)


Thanks for repeating what I said several times in the other rivalry discussion. 

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47 minutes ago, Tour2ma said:

Oh English... you tricky, tricky language.

"English is not a language, it's 3 languages wearing a trench coat pretending to be 1."

If you ever think English is not ridiculous, just remember: Read and lead rhyme and read and lead rhyme, but read and lead don't rhyme, and neither do read and lead.

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