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More Paris Accord

Westside Steve

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So by putting the clamps on American manufacturing, the one place in the world where emissions have been going down for the last 15 or 20 years with or without the EPA and allowing the chicomes to operate freely thereby making Chinese goods easier and cheaper to acquire regardless of environmental impact helps promote a cleaner world in exactly what way?

I'm being serious and I haven't called anybody any names. But those of you who are so happy about the Paris Accord doesn't that make sense to you people at all?



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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:


So by putting the clamps on American manufacturing, the one place in the world where emissions have been going down for the last 15 or 20 years with or without the EPA and allowing the chicomes to operate freely thereby making Chinese goods easier and cheaper to acquire regardless of environmental impact helps promote a cleaner world in exactly what way?

I'm being serious and I haven't called anybody any names. But those of you who are so happy about the Paris Accord doesn't that make sense to you people at all?



Yeah, crappy that China doesn't give a damn. Doesn't mean because they don't care we shouldn't either. I'm well aware that when it comes to all types of global carbon resources- coal is #1 with a bullet.  

Remains to be seen how badly (if at all) American manufacturing takes a hit from the stricter environmental standards that are coming... 


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The UN Admits That The Paris Climate Deal Was A Fraud ...


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Top 7 Worst Reasons to Keep the Paris Climate Accord


As Andrew McCarthy points out, the Paris accords are a scurrilous attempt to impose a treaty on the United States without going through the proper congressional procedure, without even the courtesy of what he calls the “bob-and-weave farce” of the Iran nuclear deal. The con artists who dumped that deal on the people of the free world at least took the trouble to …

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10 hours ago, hoorta said:

Yeah, crappy that China doesn't give a damn. Doesn't mean because they don't care we shouldn't either. I'm well aware that when it comes to all types of global carbon resources- coal is #1 with a bullet.  

Remains to be seen how badly (if at all) American manufacturing takes a hit from the stricter environmental standards that are coming... 


Well it doesn't really matter if the US takes a small hit or a large hit and China takes absolutely no hit because they're the biggest culprits. And to take you guys at your word that the goal is to make the environment cleaner  even if business  suffers somewhat  then the result  of the deal has it stand  goes to the opposite of that goal. I would still not like the Paris / China Accord but it would bemore palatable if it applied to China if India.

And if you look at the huge amount products from China here and around the world look at the size of their military look at the output of their defense machinery it's hard to shed a tear over them as as an emerging Nation.

Furthermore since the United States is not even in the top 10 countries in terms of trade deficit with China, Saudi Arabia being on that list about 5, it would greatly benefit us to remain energy independent and one of the top exporters n the world's top exporters of that.



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11 hours ago, hoorta said:

Yeah, crappy that China doesn't give a damn. Doesn't mean because they don't care we shouldn't either. I'm well aware that when it comes to all types of global carbon resources- coal is #1 with a bullet.  

Remains to be seen how badly (if at all) American manufacturing takes a hit from the stricter environmental standards that are coming... 


Yes, because all of these accords and agreements in the past have played a significant role in slowing CO2 emissions.


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These same arguments have been made when vehicle emission standards changed and electric vehicles were introduced, yet somehow we had the greatest economy in history pre-COVID.  Manufacturing will continue to suffer not because of government regulation but by consumer demands.  We wrap ourselves in the flag every chance we get but when it comes to purchasing products, money is the deciding factor.  Increased consumer demand, followed by diversifying American made goods, will strengthen US manufacturing. 

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1 hour ago, BaconHound said:

These same arguments have been made when vehicle emission standards changed and electric vehicles were introduced, yet somehow we had the greatest economy in history pre-COVID.  

were Japanese Korean and Chinese vehicles exempt from those rules? Because that's my point with the Paris Accord.


Manufacturing will continue to suffer not because of government regulation but by consumer demands.  We wrap ourselves in the flag every chance we get but when it comes to purchasing products, money is the deciding factor.  Increased consumer demand, followed by diversifying American made goods, will strengthen US manufacturing. 


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Unfortunately you can’t govern other nations.  You make the best decisions you can and you hope your leadership has a ripple effect.  If the issue is serious enough you go to war.

Not being able to affect policy in other nations shouldn’t be a reason to keep status quo.

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1 hour ago, BaconHound said:

Unfortunately you can’t govern other nations.  You make the best decisions you can and you hope your leadership has a ripple effect.  If the issue is serious enough you go to war.

Not being able to affect policy in other nations shouldn’t be a reason to keep status quo.

We're talking about the Paris Accord my friend. Apples and oranges. The Paris Accord punishes the United States an exempts China and India two of the biggest polluters in the manufacturing world.

Don't misunderstand I think it would be bulshit anyway but letting China off the hook makes it a lot worse. Understood?

Call me cynical but don't the Europeans buy a lot of shit from China and want to keep the price down?


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2 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

We're talking about the Paris Accord my friend. Apples and oranges. The Paris Accord punishes the United States an exempts China and India two of the biggest polluters in the manufacturing world.

Don't misunderstand I think it would be bulshit anyway but letting China off the hook makes it a lot worse. Understood?

Call me cynical but don't the Europeans buy a lot of shit from China and want to keep the price down?


Speaking in general terms my friend as I’m not arguing the legitimacy of the Paris Accord with someone who doesn’t believe climate change is a dire issue.

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20 minutes ago, BaconHound said:

Speaking in general terms my friend as I’m not arguing the legitimacy of the Paris Accord with someone who doesn’t believe climate change is a dire issue.

Fair enough. But even if I did I wouldn't think this is a meaningful solution without the Chicoms. No idea why that doesn't seem logical to you.


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5 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Fair enough. But even if I did I wouldn't think this is a meaningful solution without the Chicoms. No idea why that doesn't seem logical to you.


As a person who thinks climate change is a real problem, any agreements that combat the problem are part of a solution. My sincere hope is the United States becomes the shining beacon on the hill.

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1 hour ago, BaconHound said:

As a person who thinks climate change is a real problem, any agreements that combat the problem are part of a solution. My sincere hope is the United States becomes the shining beacon on the hill.

And before we just throw up our hands which will do soon enough...

Two major manufacturers one, the United States, whose emissions have been going down for 15 or 20 years and the other one of the worst polluters on Earth. Our goods are going to cost more and Chinese products are going to cost less. 

If you believe the China's other trading partners including the Europeans are going to bite the bullet and spend the extra money for products made in a country the produces the more cleanly I think you are dreaming.

And the impact on the environment from more Chinese goods and less us goods isn't hard to evaluate.

I believe that's a fact regardless of how personally frightened I am of climate change.


PS I guess those other trading partners could put an environmental tax on Goods that they buy from China but that sort of defeats the purpose of the good price they are getting and I don't see it happening. And Biden won't put a tariff on Chinese Goods just out of spite for Trump doing it.


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1 hour ago, BaconHound said:

As a person who thinks climate change is a real problem, any agreements that combat the problem are part of a solution. My sincere hope is the United States becomes the shining beacon on the hill.

I take it you don't drive a motor vehicle or use any gas powered items which are bad for the environment, you don't use trains, buses, boats or any type or flying pollution machine.  You want to combat the problem and be part of the solution.  You use only green energy to heat your home and power your electrical appliances.

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20 minutes ago, Vambo said:

I take it you don't drive a motor vehicle or use any gas powered items which are bad for the environment, you don't use trains, buses, boats or any type or flying pollution machine.  You want to combat the problem and be part of the solution.  You use only green energy to heat your home and power your electrical appliances.

Of course he doesn't.

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believing in the fake man made global warming crap....just just emotional knee jerk belonging to

a group.

The UN has SAID that acceptance of mmgw is required for redistribution of America's wealth.


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3 hours ago, BaconHound said:

As a person who thinks climate change is a real problem, any agreements that combat the problem are part of a solution. My sincere hope is the United States becomes the shining beacon on the hill.



Just to be clear:
As far as the "Wind Energy" Biden is pushing..... Bet you didn't know, most of the parts for a wind turbine are built in Germany, it requires 60 gallons of oil to lubricate the turbine. ( where do you think that oil leaks when a seal bursts ?? On the ground))
The blades are made of a toxic fiberglass combination and are buried in landfills in Wyoming. Bet that's safe for ground water....
The turbine has to spin continually for 7 plus years just to replace the energy it took to manufacture the turbine.....
It has to run continually for 50 years just to pay for the cost to manufacture and install the turbine....which is approximately $2 million dollars per turbine.


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but they invest in green tech. goree got rich on it.

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Nov 03, 2013 · Surprise! Al Gore and his carbon credit huckstering partner David Blood, both principals at Generation Investment Management (GIM), warn in their October 30 Wall Street Journal op/ed feature of ...

Is Al Gore Getting Rich Off of the Green Movement? - The ...


Nov 03, 2009 · Former Vice-President Al Gore is both an advocate of measures to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and a prominent investor in green technology. In his role as a partner at Silicon Valley venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Mr. Gore is in a position to hear from entrepreneurs coming up with ideas to solve the very issues that ...

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yeah, alternative utopian magic energy sounds great to emotional knee jerkers.

but the truth is...

Obama's alternative energy bankruptcies


Oct 22, 2012 · President Obama is getting hammered for funding renewable energy companies that have since gone belly up. During the first presidential debate, Mitt Romney said "about half" of the companies funded...

Solyndra Scandal: 8 Facts About Barack Obama's Green ...


Jan 30, 2015 · Depending on which side of the political aisle they originate, opinions vary on whether the Solyndra controversy is a scandal that can be fully attributed to Barack Obama. Most on the right claim President Obama pushed his green agenda with a blatant disregard for the California solar company's lack of financial health.

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Failure: Barack Obama Blew $150 Billion to Increase ...


Nov 28, 2015 · Barack Obama blew over $150 billion of taxpayer money to increase renewable energy in the US by slightly over 1% of total energy consumption. After billions and billions of taxpayer $$$ -Renewable energy increased by only 1% in US #ThanksObama pic.twitter.com/sjQsiM3GQD — Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) November 28, 2015

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13 hours ago, Axe said:



Just to be clear:
As far as the "Wind Energy" Biden is pushing..... Bet you didn't know, most of the parts for a wind turbine are built in Germany, it requires 60 gallons of oil to lubricate the turbine. ( where do you think that oil leaks when a seal bursts ?? On the ground))
The blades are made of a toxic fiberglass combination and are buried in landfills in Wyoming. Bet that's safe for ground water....
The turbine has to spin continually for 7 plus years just to replace the energy it took to manufacture the turbine.....
It has to run continually for 50 years just to pay for the cost to manufacture and install the turbine....which is approximately $2 million dollars per turbine.


But it sounds cool.

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