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Voting Irregularities - the Saga Continues


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This was originally posted and deleted by Cal 11 times, so l’ll pick it up with number 12. Our good friends at Redstate are still hammering away on this drum about mass election fraud. Here’s the article.


In this article they cite statistical “analysis” was done and cite 3 sources. They are as follows.




The first 2 articles basically focus on a few counties and the basis of their claim is that Biden got more votes than H. Clinton and Obama in these counties, and therefore that was an “irregularity.” 

The last presidential election saw the highest vote totals for a president ever cast. Biden got the highest ever, and Trump the second highest ever. People were amped up for the election, and with the ease of early voting and mail options, it’s no surprise to anyone that it saw the highest vote totals ever. Those record votes had to come from somewhere right? So obviously individual counties are going to reflect that.

The third reference gives some detail about the 75 something election fraud cases that were filed as a result of the election. It’s a misnomer that all of those cases were meant to find a smoking gun of mass election fraud. As a result of some of those cases some good will come from them as they will likely lead to some standardization of how individual states handle mail in votes and things like that. When they have to receive them to be counted, stuff like that.

However, none of the ones that mattered came anywhere close to finding massive fraud. 

Voting fraud does happen. I found this rather nice link that details various election fraud cases. It’s an interesting read.


If you look through them, you’ll see that most of it is small fries stuff. A daughter votes for her dad even though she’s registered in another state. A woman harvests ballots to get someone on the ticket who will take votes away from her boss’s opponent. Stuff like that. And even with this small fries stuff they still got caught. 

I’m convinced that it would be virtually impossible to commit election fraud on a large enough scale to tip the balances in a presidential election without getting caught. Too many people would have to be involved with too many moving parts to pull it off. It’s just not realistic. 

It’s time to put it to bed and move on with life. 

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