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The "fake" handoff...


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Don't post a lot but I'm always reading in the forum. I know everyone is tired of the "Anderson vs Quinn" topics and I didn't intend to make this about just them. I was just reviewing our first pre-season game again on the DVR and I was reminded that year after year Anderson only makes what I would call a "half assed" attempt to sell the fake handoff to our running backs. He acts like it is something that he really doesn't believe will work and just goes through the motions. In the short time I have had to watch Quinn he seems to do it much better.... but time will tell. My question is: do think the fake handoff is an important part of the quarterbacks game? And if so. which quarterback, past or present in the NFL was or are the best at selling it.

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No doubt it's important.


I noticed the same thing about Anderson the past game. I think it's a combination of the fact that he wasn't confident in his o-line to give him the time, and that he's so slow that he doesn't have time to do a full-out play action.

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Results suggest the opposite. Anderson has had a great deal of success with play action (it's really his bread and butter) while Quinn hasn't had any and prefers to roll out.


Perhaps you watch Quinn and Anderson play with a predetermined bias of who you want to look better in your own mind, and you don't objectively look at team results or successes. That is common.


FYI watch it again and look if the LBs check up or if they drop straight back into coverage. That's how you know if it works or not.

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Results suggest the opposite. Anderson has had a great deal of success with play action (it's really his bread and butter) while Quinn hasn't had any and prefers to roll out.


Perhaps you watch Quinn and Anderson play with a predetermined bias of who you want to look better in your own mind, and you don't objectively look at team results or successes. That is common.


FYI watch it again and look if the LBs check up or if they drop straight back into coverage. That's how you know if it works or not.



Any thread that has DA and FAKE included goes to DA by default.

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I think it's quite obvious that he has verry little clue what he is talking about and often contorts facts take make his point look better.


I have honestly talked to no one outside of Oregon State country that agrees with what he says about Anderson.

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My Top 5


Peyton Manning

Joe Montana

Brett Favre

Tom Brady

Dan Marino


I would have to agree with these 5 "Pro Bowl" QB's are / were very good. Seems that the quarterbacks everyone thinks are best at "play action" seem to be some of the best quarterbacks ever. Affirms my believe that it is an important part of any good QB's game.


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His favorite team is the seahawks, he masturbates to photos of hasselbeck's bald head each night, and prays for the trade of DA to Seattle


He got Frye to come there a few years ago.


Sooooooooooooooo close...

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While DA does a halfass job, playaction works when the D respects the run game. Pit and Bal don't have problems with playaction as much because teams give up too soon on the run.


Don't make me laugh Lum. DA does not do a good job of it at all. And Quinn likes to roll out? How about the OC has designed rollouts DA does not do well.


My lord whoever is playing Lum I hope this stupidity doesn't permanently damage your perspective on life. The character is way too f@cking stupid to be a real person.



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A couple of our old rivals, Warren Moon and Boomer Esiason, were very effective with the play action fake.




Yeah I would actually scratch Marino and make Elway my number 5, but I still hate Elway.

Rich Gannon also did a good job at it while he was with Oakland.

If you are going to pass the ball with any efficiency in this league you have to be able to sell the fake.


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Don't post a lot but I'm always reading in the forum. I know everyone is tired of the "Anderson vs Quinn" topics and I didn't intend to make this about just them. I was just reviewing our first pre-season game again on the DVR and I was reminded that year after year Anderson only makes what I would call a "half assed" attempt to sell the fake handoff to our running backs. He acts like it is something that he really doesn't believe will work and just goes through the motions. In the short time I have had to watch Quinn he seems to do it much better.... but time will tell. My question is: do think the fake handoff is an important part of the quarterbacks game? And if so. which quarterback, past or present in the NFL was or are the best at selling it.


Welcome to the board Northshore. This is a fresh and relevant topic. Doesn't get enough mention any more.


Thanks for posting it. I did click the thanks button but, not sure how it rang up twice though.


Don't be shy. Fresh topics are always needed. :)

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