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Haslam and soccer

Go Lers

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I don't watch or follow soccer.  It was on one time and I was waiting for it to end so I could watch what was coming on next.  The announcer said that (one of the teams) was playing so poorly that they were lucky to have nil.    I thought that was hilarious.  

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14 hours ago, Go Lers said:

How many of you follow soccer?

How many call yourselves a supporter of the Haslam's team, Columbus Crew?

Why or why not?

On a scale of 1-10 how popular do you believe soccer or the Crew are in NE Ohio?

To be perfectly honest I have always watched the USA Soccer teams especially the women's teams the World Cup and Olympics but near zero interest after that.

My sports 1a NCAA football 1b NFL and BROWNS football      2 Cleveland Indians baseball.  After that maybe the Olympics,  March Madness, and then a mix of other things.

I just have no real interest or time really in soccer or as I call it "recess for big kids".     :lol:

I did play some soccer in high school in the summer as part of our football 🏈 full contact practice workouts with NO yellow and red cards.

Oh I am a boomer at 70 and did play football with helmets and pads since 5th grade, raised on real American football !

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Personally I don't watch soccer but   I know some people who do.  It actually looks like a pretty exhausting sport! I think sometimes suburban parents guide their kids into soccer if they are athletic at all to keep them from having to compete against inner city negros in high school football. One cool thing about European soccer is thatWe have a handful of new Browns fans from England thanks to previous Browns ownership, Randy Lerner,  having an English soccer team.

 PS have tried but can't really get much into hockey either.


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30 minutes ago, Zombo said:

I think parents may guide their kids to soccer because it is less violent than football. I don't think it has anything to do with "inner-city negros".

Who talks like that, is it 1965?


 Well Z I think you're wrong.  I don't have kids or grandkids but I do hear people from Lily white middle schools worrying about playing the inner city kids.  Sure football is a tougher sport. But. From what I hear basketball for little kids is even worse because the city version is a lot tougher.

 PSI am sure that's not the only reason but I guarantee it's one.



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1 hour ago, Zombo said:

I think parents may guide their kids to soccer because it is less violent than football. I don't think it has anything to do with "inner-city negros".

Who talks like that, is it 1965?


Steve does

He also tells "broads" "not to dress like that" .... So ... Yeah



The biggest injury issues with soccer are ACL/knee injuries, especially with pre teen kids in very competitive leagues. Hell I just finished PT on a knee injury from my mid 20s. Also a lot of concern around concussions. 


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4 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Steve does

He also tells "broads" "not to dress like that" .... So ... Yeah



The biggest injury issues with soccer are ACL/knee injuries, especially with pre teen kids in very competitive leagues. Hell I just finished PT on a knee injury from my mid 20s. Also a lot of concern around concussions. 


 Actually  Woodpecker you are not only an idiot but a liar as well.  Thanks.



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I am a huuuge Crew fan. Got into it when I lived down in Dayton. Haslam saved the Crew. It will always be the Crew. This name change is fucking stupid. I guess if you want to emulate the soulless european leagues that's fine. The quality of play might be on par with them in the next two decades, but as of now you see all our best young talent leave the league to go play in europe.

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8 hours ago, Zombo said:

I think parents may guide their kids to soccer because it is less violent than football. I don't think it has anything to do with "inner-city negros".

Who talks like that, is it 1965?


That is absolutely the reason why the soccer mom's (and dads) are pushing their kids away from the traditional American tackle football.  All those shows on PBS,  60 Minutes, ESPN about CTE and it's relationship with primarily football along with boxing has scared parents from letting their kids from playing contact tackle football from pee-wee on up.  They would rather have their kids play something safer (and cheaper!) like soccer, softball, tennis, golf or just hanging around in the basement playing video games.  :lol:

Even the NFL (backed by their band of lawyers) had to reluctantly do something about the problem.

Now soccer is also not 100% safe but is way less grueling than tackle football on the human body especially at the lower levels and apparently is better than nothing at getting their lazy kids out of the basement and do something.

Meanwhile the affects of CTE and other injuries will still linger on at a somewhat lesser level due to some measures already being taken -but- soccer is growing and is here to stay.   :o

........ edit add, I also saw this some progress has come on this topic.

As of 2015, all 50 states have adopted some form of concussion legislation with minimum return-to-play guidelines for students who have had concussions. 

Edited by mjp28
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  • 2 weeks later...

I watch the English Premier League a lot. Favorite team is Liverpool

Not all, but most, of the best players in the world play there. It is way better soccer then the MLS. 

The difference between the talent in MLS and EPL is equivalent to D2 college football and the NFL   


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4 hours ago, Browns149 said:

I watch the English Premier League a lot. Favorite team is Liverpool

Not all, but most, of the best players in the world play there. It is way better soccer then the MLS. 

The difference between the talent in MLS and EPL is equivalent to D2 college football and the NFL   


Then why did  Rooney, and Beckham and all these other big name stars come over here to play? 

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12 hours ago, The Gipper said:

Then why did  Rooney, and Beckham and all these other big name stars come over here to play? 

End of their career money grab. Only the older guys move from EPL to MLS

They were done at the highest level so they moved down in class to cash in one last payday

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23 hours ago, The Gipper said:

Well, Phil Mickelson was supposed to be done as well. 

Golf is a little different

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2 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

 There is absolutely no reason for anybody to think that. 


Actually there has been plenty of speculation and plenty of evidence about just THAT based on indices that were given off...including the fact that  BB  was wanting to groom Jimmy Garropolo to replace Brady some years earlier. In essence,  BB was forced to go along with the trade that sent JG to SFO.  In fact, apparently  BB wanted to actually trade  Brady to SFO and not  Garrapolo  (per John Lynch...49ers GM).  Robert Kraft would have none of that.  Just like when he thought  Bernie Kosar was done, BB thought that Brady may have been done and was looking to replace him. Its a main reason  Brady moved out of there when he did. 

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24 minutes ago, The Gipper said:

Actually there has been plenty of speculation and plenty of evidence about just THAT based on indices that were given off...including the fact that  BB  was wanting to groom Jimmy Garropolo to replace Brady some years earlier. In essence,  BB was forced to go along with the trade that sent JG to SFO.  In fact, apparently  BB wanted to actually trade  Brady to SFO and not  Garrapolo  (per John Lynch...49ers GM).  Robert Kraft would have none of that.  Just like when he thought  Bernie Kosar was done, BB thought that Brady may have been done and was looking to replace him. Its a main reason  Brady moved out of there when he did. 

 I think whatever evidence there is besides the evidence in your head is that Brady wanted a contract extension and Belichick preferred One year at a time. 

 Baker Mayfield wasn't offered a multi year extension either and that doesn't means Stefansky things hes washed up. 



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2 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

 I think whatever evidence there is besides the evidence in your head is that Brady wanted a contract extension and Belichick preferred One year at a time. 

 Baker Mayfield wasn't offered a multi year extension either and that doesn't means Stefansky things hes washed up. 



Well,  here like my Dr. Oz situation, is clearly a case of where you have not paid attention to what has been said about this situation.  If BB wanted just one year at a time...it was because, as I said, he was concerned that TB was too long in the tooth and did not want to commit to him for any longer than that.  And I suppose you think that  John Lynch just made up the fact that  BB offered him Brady instead of the Garropolo? Maybe you should take that up with John Lynch.

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3 hours ago, The Gipper said:

Well,  here like my Dr. Oz situation, is clearly a case of where you have not paid attention to what has been said about this situation.  If BB wanted just one year at a time...it was because, as I said, he was concerned that TB was too long in the tooth and did not want to commit to him for any longer than that.  And I suppose you think that  John Lynch just made up the fact that  BB offered him Brady instead of the Garropolo? Maybe you should take that up with John Lynch.

 Exactly. To another case of you shooting off your mouth without having any knowledge of the situation. As per usual.



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20 hours ago, The Gipper said:

Tom Brady was supposed to be done as well.   Is that better?


Guys leave English soccer for MLS when they can’t get the same money in England 

If they still commanded top dollar in England,  they wouldn’t leave for MLS

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3 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

 Exactly. To another case of you shooting off your mouth without having any knowledge of the situation. As per usual.



I have perfect knowledge of it.  You are the ignorant one here.  You don't have a fucking clue about what is being said out there. 

How much of this do you read?  How much of it do you watch on the TV sports talk shows.  How much of it do you listen to on sports talk radio.  Fuck all, that's what. 

You just want to defend Belichick here because you are a Belichick ass kisser.  But for several years now  BB has been trying to purge Brady.  Robert Kraft had to step in and prevent him from doing so.   What do you think? That I am making this shit up? Duh, no. 


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