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Communist china planning another fake island military base - 1800 miles from Hawaii


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because every single voter who voted against OUR GREAT AMERICAN president, Pres Trump, and voted against

America First... we are becoming tragically divided, socially and economically devastated/distracted, military morale going down, police are demeaned/attacked/defunded, ...

and they allowed themselves to be full on emotionally manipulated to vote against

America First...

there will be despair and war. There is going to be a war while we are distracted, and badly weakened, in turmoil.

I said well before - russia and communist china would start making big moves.

they are.

God help us all if it all comes crashing down.

  ON the bright side, we can still stock up on food and water if necessary, and Hamburger Station and hardware stores are still open, and ice cream shops are still open, so there's hope for us yet. lol

anyways, anyone want to guess why the communist china want to do this?


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works fine for me? Unless you tried it before I reposted that link. OFTEN< I post it and it's text the first time.

Then I have to paste it again over itself, and THEN it's an active link. Haven't figured out why



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