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Pres Trump announces four rallies planned -


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Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, and Georgia.

I'm all in on going to the one in Ohio, regardless of how far across Ohio it is.

I'll make it a camping trip. Now, if I can just get some tickets....


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17 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:

He needs to put his ego aside and drop out of contention if he wants a non-Democrat in office in 2024. He's too polarizing a figure to win over the soccer mom vote he needs.

 I fear there's a great deal of truth to that . I like the guy and would be honoured to vote for him again but…  

 (A lot of that will depend on how badly Biden shits the bed. Even though 95% of media is going to cover for him.)

 On the other hand I don't see anybody that would be a good choice and even if there were the democrats will start the exact same shit about him. Or her.


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2 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

He needs to put his ego aside and drop out of contention if he wants a non-Democrat in office in 2024. He's too polarizing a figure to win over the soccer mom vote he needs.

I do agree - here is the problem. The left will try to destroy any republican who runs. They attacked Pres Reagan the same way.

He was NOT polarizing. He was just pro-America, anti-corrupt big government....but the sick arrogance and hatred and demand for complete control is far, far worse these days.

Actually, here's another problem - what republicans do we trust to stand up and fight for us vs the left? Bush W buckled and did nothing about illegal immigration....I think Cheney was actually the president - a staunch deep swamper like Bush H. Personally, I believe Desantis should run, with Pres Trump rallying Real Americans who put America before their own egos.....

but they have already gone after anyone who won't play their game.

Y'All watch - no matter who becomes a republican president and leads without the dems/swamp, they will get fake scandalized, fake investigations, ridicule his wife and kids, lie about everything he does and says.....

it's out of control.

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

I do agree - here is the problem. The left will try to destroy any republican who runs. They attacked Pres Reagan the same way.

He was NOT polarizing. He was just pro-America, anti-corrupt big government....but the sick arrogance and hatred and demand for complete control is far, far worse these days.

Actually, here's another problem - what republicans do we trust to stand up and fight for us vs the left? Bush W buckled and did nothing about illegal immigration....I think Cheney was actually the president - a staunch deep swamper like Bush H. Personally, I believe Desantis should run, with Pres Trump rallying Real Americans who put America before their own egos.....

but they have already gone after anyone who won't play their game.

Y'All watch - no matter who becomes a republican president and leads without the dems/swamp, they will get fake scandalized, fake investigations, ridicule his wife and kids, lie about everything he does and says.....

it's out of control.

Plain and simple. I’m weary of anybody now.

The complete

disregard for what the people want is sickening.  The media and mainstream has people feeling like they’re the minority.


we are not!  Idiots like Mex and clan are the minority.

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On 5/22/2021 at 12:21 PM, calfoxwc said:

Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, and Georgia.

I'm all in on going to the one in Ohio, regardless of how far across Ohio it is.

I'll make it a camping trip. Now, if I can just get some tickets....


Trump will join 'The Dan Bongino Show' in its premiere episode
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