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Biden is attempting to 'bulldoze the American family'


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as did the nazis and other fascist governments.

hitler youth.

breaking the definition of Real Marriage. force trans into opposite lockerrooms. create havoc socially and morally. I just keep saying - the left demands control over everything and everyone. I should write a book on it, but I already have a another adventure novel planned, and a non-fiction book.

interesting read:


Jason Stanley’s Pillar Number 1 of Fascism – A Mythic Past - A Rebuttal

Ryan Wiseman

".... So, if the family structure is good for blacks, other minorities, and women, and everyone else for that matter, why does the political left attack the traditional family as "patriarchal and fascist"? The answer to me is quite simple. If we work to destroy the family structure, people will have no choice but to become more dependent on the government and its programs, which don't actually work, but keep us dependent on the state. And as long as we're dependent on them, they have more control over us. Remember, fascists want complete control of everybody and everything, and part of their process of acquiring and keeping power is to work to destroy many of the institutions and structures and dynamics we have that keep them from having more control over us. "

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