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Browns Player Tests Positive for COVID-19, Several Others Labeled Close Contacts

A Cleveland Browns player tested positive for COVID-19 the first day of OTAs, which had the team send them home and label several others close contacts.
Pete Smith
7 minutes ago





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14 hours ago, gumby73 said:


Except the "i" is already in the words "in" and "Tonight" but it is not showing in the word "air" like it should be if they gave credit for all "i"s. 😂

So it really doesn't spell "Luch be in the air tonight", it spells what you think it spells- give me a BJ for credit Vanna.🌬️

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"Some" people are out celebrating and carrying on like the big bad covid-19 virus is dead and gone...... it's NOT !

From the Yahoo sports this morning it is so true:

....... Still, sports told plenty of us that COVID was serious, that life would be altered, that what was to come was uncertain and uncharted, challenging and even tragic.

And perhaps it is sports — or more notably, scenes of mass gatherings and joyous celebrations from locations as diverse as an oceanfront golf course in the South and a cramped arena in the heart of Manhattan — that will tell us the pandemic is, in many ways, over.

Not officially, of course. There are still those who are sick. There are still those who will get sick. There are still those who will die.

But the numbers are low and continue to drop fast. Pretty much anyone who wants a vaccine can get one in a few minutes. It’s a personal choice at this point. This is a free country........ 

But the idiots will still have their mask burning parties and declaring their freedom meanwhile only 61.1% of people have had at least one shot (38.9% have had 0 shots).  About 25,000 +/- new cases of covid-19 still happen and hundreds still die EACH DAY.

"It ain't over.....yet".     It's not even the 9th inning.....yet.    But let the idiots party on like it is.   :lol:

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38 minutes ago, mjp28 said:

"It ain't over.....yet".     It's not even the 9th inning.....yet.    But let the idiots party on like it is.   

Society as a whole? Absolutely... let Darwin have his Covid moment.


But point of the thread is that Covid can still impact a team and derail SB dreams in 2021...

... and maybe well beyond.

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5 hours ago, Tour2ma said:

Society as a whole? Absolutely... let Darwin have his Covid moment.


But point of the thread is that Covid can still impact a team and derail SB dreams in 2021...

... and maybe well beyond.

Yes it may indeed impact sports and other activities.   Remember too that boosters or other annual shots might be required to keep this virus and it's known and yet unknown varients in check.   I just hope that any key players aren't dumb enough NOT to keep up on their vaccinations.

This isn't your average influenza folks some of nasty side effects still are not understood.


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On 5/26/2021 at 12:25 PM, Tour2ma said:

Society as a whole? Absolutely... let Darwin have his Covid moment.

But point of the thread is that Covid can still impact a team and derail SB dreams in 2021...... and maybe well beyond.

Not if said teams are 100% vaccinated.  But there are still plenty of freedom loving anti vaxxers jonseying for a Darwin Award out there unfortunately. As the old saw says, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. The amount of misinformation and disinformation circulating out there is stunning. You'd think with 200+ million doses already administered the maroons would get it through their thick skulls the vaccines are safe, and they work. But- but- but, we might turn into one of those Total Recall Mars mutants in a year or two.  :(

From my perspective, take this anti vaxxing epidemic back to the 1950s, people would still be dying from polio.

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PS, from a Browns perspective,  Garrett needs to lecture these knuckleheads and tell them, I came down with covid- it was no fun at all. AND IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU TOO. 

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

PS, from a Browns perspective,  Garrett needs to lecture these knuckleheads and tell them, I came down with covid- it was no fun at all. AND IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU TOO. 

Lecture and remind them about the possible side effects like heart and pulmonary among  just two.

And #95 was a physical specimen and now needs oxygen every time he comes off the field.  Covid-19 can be a nasty thing.

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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

But there are still plenty of freedom loving anti vaxxers jonseying for a Darwin Award out there unfortunately. As the old saw says, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

Heard that a court ruled today that if you are an employer you can mandate your employees be vaccinated.


So bottoms up NFLPA... :D


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2 hours ago, Tour2ma said:

Heard that a court ruled today that if you are an employer you can mandate your employees be vaccinated.


I remember, a bunch of years ago now, watching a 60 minutes episode where they were doing a piece on a company owner who mandated that anyone in his employ NOT smoke cigarettes.  Not on the job and not on their own time.  His argument was that smoking makes a lot of people sick and it would impact his insurance with medical treatments required.  And I'm sure a better insurance rate by having no smoking employees. It's his company and he could do it...so he did.  Of course, employees were free to go and find a new job if they liked.

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6 hours ago, hoorta said:

PS, from a Browns perspective,  Garrett needs to lecture these knuckleheads and tell them, I came down with covid- it was no fun at all. AND IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU TOO. 

Apparently you didn't get the memo that Covid was just a liberal conspiracy that will end the day after the election... 

I mean, I'm sure it was all over the Political Forum. 😉

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Just now, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Fuck you dick weed.


11/3/2019 DieHardBrownsFan said:

"I'm reporting this to you because I want you to ban me. Fuck this place. I liked your husband by the way. Sayonara."



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5 hours ago, Tour2ma said:

Heard that a court ruled today that if you are an employer you can mandate your employees be vaccinated.


So bottoms up NFLPA... :D


That's unconstitutional... Typical Lib bullshit!

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LOL, for the record- me and Zombo have the final say what's acceptable on THIS forum- not Steve...   So go and cry back on the Right Wing Conspiracy cesspool that I'm restricting your free speech.  


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2 hours ago, nickers said:

That's unconstitutional... Typical Lib bullshit!

You have any proof Nickers?   BTW, you also have the constitutional right to jump off of the I-480 bridge if you have a mind to.  :D  

So, I'll just put it to you this way...   Even if we can't demand you be vaccinated- what we CAN do is if you're unvaccinated and come down with Covid- your health insurance isn't going to pay for it- we're not paying you for loss of work time, and we'll also hold you liable for any collateral damages caused to other players on the team. That will CERTAINY be legal. Just like employers banning smoking in the workplace by employees...   

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4 hours ago, hoorta said:

You have any proof Nickers?   BTW, you also have the constitutional right to jump off of the I-480 bridge if you have a mind to.  :D  

So, I'll just put it to you this way...   Even if we can't demand you be vaccinated- what we CAN do is if you're unvaccinated and come down with Covid- your health insurance isn't going to pay for it- we're not paying you for loss of work time, and we'll also hold you liable for any collateral damages caused to other players on the team. That will CERTAINY be legal. Just like employers banning smoking in the workplace by employees...   

Here was a surprise for me with my first post COVID-vaccine in person visit to the VA Hospital in Temple. They have not only banned smoking in the hospital, they have eliminated designated smoking areas outside the hospital and on all VA grounds surrounding the hospital right up to the public street. I can only assume this is part of a new nationwide VA facilities ban, which of course is federal. I have no idea if that is also the case with all US government facilities.

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3 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Here was a surprise for me with my first post COVID-vaccine in person visit to the VA Hospital in Temple. They have not only banned smoking in the hospital, they have eliminated designated smoking areas outside the hospital and on all VA grounds surrounding the hospital right up to the public street. I can only assume this is part of a new nationwide VA facilities ban, which of course is federal. I have no idea if that is also the case with all US government facilities.

You can't smoke within a country mile of hospitals around here in NE Ohio

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7 hours ago, hoorta said:

LOL, for the record- me and Zombo have the final say what's acceptable on THIS forum- not Steve...   So go and cry back on the Right Wing Conspiracy cesspool that I'm restricting your free speech.  


Speaking of West Side Steve's Cesspool of Right Wing Bullshit Heaven, where's Gorka? 

I'm wondering if he's still laughing at my prediction that Biden would trounce Captain Bonespurs... 

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13 hours ago, hoorta said:

You have any proof Nickers?   BTW, you also have the constitutional right to jump off of the I-480 bridge if you have a mind to.  :D  

So, I'll just put it to you this way...   Even if we can't demand you be vaccinated- what we CAN do is if you're unvaccinated and come down with Covid- your health insurance isn't going to pay for it- we're not paying you for loss of work time, and we'll also hold you liable for any collateral damages caused to other players on the team. That will CERTAINY be legal. Just like employers banning smoking in the workplace by employees...   

It's like saying if you're not black enough.. You can't work here... Like Woka-Cola for example... It's discrimination...

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18 minutes ago, nickers said:

It's like saying if you're not black enough.. You can't work here... Like Woka-Cola for example... It's discrimination...

This guy has been sitting on his ass and collecting a disability check for years, and he's complaining about white people not being able to get jobs. 

That medicinal weed must be powerful stuff.

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Now that the precedent has been set, I'm an employer and will immediately require anyone working for me to take my non FDA approved injection that reverses anyone afflicted with dumbassism, and prevents it in those yet inflicted.

I will not be held responsible if it gives them cancer in 3 years or makes them grow a flipper either..... Fuck! This is gonna be sweet!  

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9 minutes ago, D Bone said:

Now that the precedent has been set, I'm an employer and will immediately require anyone working for me to take my non FDA approved injection that reverses anyone afflicted with dumbassism, and prevents it in those yet inflicted.

I will not be held responsible if it gives them cancer in 3 years or makes them grow a flipper either..... Fuck! This is gonna be sweet!  

After this, I miss your timeout rants on the Tavern. 😁

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59 minutes ago, Dutch Oven said:

After this, I miss your timeout rants on the Tavern. 😁

I was going to use another analogy with me requiring my employees to be vegetarian and eat only what I provide (it's safe - I promise!), coupled with daily weigh-ins and weight limits, all to save them from the leading cause of death on this planet every second of every day..... Ah shit, I did it anyway. My bad. 😂

Alright, I'll slither out of this thread now and let you all wring your hands freely and without judgment... After this of course: 




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6 hours ago, Dutch Oven said:

Speaking of West Side Steve's Cesspool of Right Wing Bullshit Heaven, where's Gorka? 

I'm wondering if he's still laughing at my prediction that Biden would trounce Captain Bonespurs... 

Hasn't been seen there of late... Apparently he got so butthurt after I gave him a two day kiddie timeout for repeated profane attacks against another poster he sort of left.  I try not to waste much time there anymore- it's not a discussion forum- it's a right wing opinion forum. I'm pretty sure one of the posters is a certified QAnon true believer, and there's several others right there on the lunatic fringe.  In that regard, from my Moderator POV- I'll just leave them alone. The outcry that I would dare try to keep things civil taught me not to bother in the future. You can post any crackpot right wing conspiracy there with zero fear of being censored for it.  Amazing that of late, 53% of Republicans believe Trump is still the President :)  

1 hour ago, nickers said:

It's like saying if you're not black enough.. You can't work here... Like Woka-Cola for example... It's discrimination...

Not exactly. Employers DO have the right to discriminate against unhealthy practices in their respective work environments. Stuff like drug testing. A lot of places showing up for work stoned or drunk is going to get you fired, no questions asked. On a personal level- my wife (healthcare worker) decided to quit smoking years ago because- the hospital she works at didn't demand it- but if you tested positive for nicotine, you were going to get charged a hefty premium on your health insurance because of your "freedom" to light up.  

So in that regard- not being vaccinated against covid certainly does increase your odds of becoming "unhealthy".  It's not just well, you'll be sick for a day or two either. I believe Tex had a friend who spent weeks in ICU on a respirator- and I have a wine group associate that was off work for months post covid, and a year later, she's still not close to 100%. So, since you want to have the freedom to not get your covid shot- you're free to look for a job at an employer who doesn't insist on it.   

Regarding the NFL- the players aren't being mandated to get vaccinated, but MHO is you're not being a very good teammate if you decide against doing so. Essentially- any of the ancillary staff that decides against getting vaccinated are effectively being banned from any contact at team facilities.  

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2 minutes ago, D Bone said:

I was going to use another analogy with me requiring my employees to be vegetarian and eat only what I provide (it's safe - I promise!), coupled with daily weigh-ins and weight limits, all to save them from the leading cause of death on this planet every second of every day..... Ah shit, I did it anyway. My bad. 😂

Alright, I'll slither out of this thread now and let you all wring your hands freely and without judgment... After this of course: 




Oh you are funny...  I will tell you a true hospital story. One of our guards almost got killed at work...  He was pushing a 600 pounder up a ramp in a wheelchair, and it tipped over backwards and fell on him.   

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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

Hasn't been seen there of late... Apparently he got so butthurt after I gave him a two day kiddie timeout for repeated profane attacks against another poster he sort of left.  I try not to waste much time there anymore- it's not a discussion forum- it's a right wing opinion forum. I'm pretty sure one of the posters is a certified QAnon true believer, and there's several others right there on the lunatic fringe.  In that regard, from my Moderator POV- I'll just leave them alone. The outcry that I would dare try to keep things civil taught me not to bother in the future. You can post any crackpot right wing conspiracy there with zero fear of being censored for it.  Amazing that of late, 53% of Republicans believe Trump is still the President :)  

Not exactly. Employers DO have the right to discriminate against unhealthy practices in their respective work environments. Stuff like drug testing. A lot of places showing up for work stoned or drunk is going to get you fired, no questions asked. On a personal level- my wife (healthcare worker) decided to quit smoking years ago because- the hospital she works at didn't demand it- but if you tested positive for nicotine, you were going to get charged a hefty premium on your health insurance because of your "freedom" to light up.  

So in that regard- not being vaccinated against covid certainly does increase your odds of becoming "unhealthy".  It's not just well, you'll be sick for a day or two either. I believe Tex had a friend who spent weeks in ICU on a respirator- and I have a wine group associate that was off work for months post covid, and a year later, she's still not close to 100%. So, since you want to have the freedom to not get your covid shot- you're free to look for a job at an employer who doesn't insist on it.   

Regarding the NFL- the players aren't being mandated to get vaccinated, but MHO is you're not being a very good teammate if you decide against doing so. Essentially- any of the ancillary staff that decides against getting vaccinated are effectively being banned from any contact at team facilities.  

Well then they should tell that to half of the employees at Meyer Snow Products where I used to work... The plant Manager, The Union President , And the plant Foreman were always drunk and stoned by 9 am every morning putting everyone's life in jeopardy... The hypocrasy is amazing... Especially since I incurred a back injury due to some idiots ignorance but got off on the fact my piss wound up dirty.. But here's the kicker.. I never drank or got high on the job like these assholes do.. I always kept my business at home. I had to do 12 weeks of Drug rehab which was a total farce.. meanwhile the plant Foreman was tootin coke all day long...

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