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Dems Disarmed on Jan. 6 Narratives


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Democrats have dropped the "armed insurrection" narrative, because Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., exposed the fact "zero" firearms were confiscated Jan. 6, and he told Newsmax they should drop the call for a commission to boot.

"One thing that's kind of interesting is they kind of dropped the 'armed,' because I asked a question of the FBI witness: 'How many firearms were confiscated in the Capitol or Capitol grounds?' And the answer was zero.


Johnson noted two reasons Democrats sought to push the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6 as an "armed insurrection": First, Democrat leaders would be absolved on their failures to secure the Capitol – which was their responsibility; and second, because it would advance their gun-control agenda.

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Speaking of this issue let's say that there were actually a group of people chanting Hang Mike Pence. 

 Now if these people were not in actuality Democrat agitators it seems like at least a few of them would have been recognised and apprehended. 

However if they were agitators and were recognised and not apprehended it would appear that the Justice department is, as I suspect, compromised, complicit even corrupt.


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BLM activist admits to INSTIGATING the jan 6 capitol riots

BLM was hired by the DNC to do this. The dems needed an excuse to prevent team trump from showing the mountain of evidence that pedodent biden stole the election.


may 23 2021 Black Lives Matter Activist John Sullivan admitted to bringing a megaphone inside the Capitol building on January 6 to “instigate” Trump supporters and incite violence, documents show.

“Sullivan allegedly posted on Twitter support for armed revolution and has also said he attended a number of Black Lives Matter protests last year, posted numerous anti-police and anti-Trump statements. Sullivan says he portrayed himself as a journalist who was just documenting the incident but he was also actively participating… even broke a window,” reported Red Voice Media.

“I brought my megaphone to instigate shit. I was like, guys we’re going inside, we’re fucking shit up…. I’m gonna make these Trump supporters f—all this shit up…. But I mean you’ll see,” Sullivan said on speakerphone, according to newly released documents. “I have it all, I have everything, everything on camera, everything I just told you, and I mean everything. Trust me when I say my footage is worth like a million of dollars, millions of dollars. I’m holding on to that shit.”
4 days ago
SO far the Democrats have shown to be the violent faction of society and
it was the same on January 6.

Democrats are the people who organize and promote violence.
That's karma

Censorship is a form of violence, using force to silence those you hate.

Censorship is HATE personified... Hate groups use censorship to help
force those they hate to be gagged and silenced.

Censorship becomes a hate crime when it's illegally forced on citizens.
David Hartung
3 days ago
It doesn't surprise me that the Democrats would do something like this
in order to make Trump supporters look bad. It also doesn't surprise me
that the Democratic leadership would create the lie that this was an
attempt to overthrow our lawful government. It also doesn't' surprise
me, but does disappoint me that Republicans would fall for this sort of
thing, and would partake in this sort of riot.
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Well, Hoorta -

   you emotionally knee jerked on the subject.

you were wrong. AGAIN. THIS time, you should apologize.


BREAKING BOMBSHELL: CNN Was In On It! Reporter Disguised Herself As Trump Supporter And Plotted With BLM Member

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and sullivan's brother admits what happened:


Brother Of BLM Activist John Sullivan Tells FBI: ‘226 Members Of Antifa Instigated The Capitol Riot’

4 months ago 574 Views

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