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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

Hoorta and Mex emotionally knee jerked the other direction.


And you knee jerked in the other direction- with ZERO proof 100% buying the conspiracy that it was a lab accident all along.  FWIW, I said the lab hypothesis was unlikely- not impossible...   Do you notice the 20 point type "claims" not "proves"?  With zero Chinese cooperation proving that "claim" is going to be a damn tough row to hoe.  So say the experts in epidemiology...   And if indeed- China accidentally- or on purpose- was in the process of creating a bioweapon- what's your response? Nuke 'em?  

"The laws of physics mean that you cannot have four positively (um like two :D ) charged amino acids in a row," Dalgleish told the Daily Mail. "The only way you can get this is if you artificially manufacture it." You mean until now Doc... A few hundred yeas ago the laws of physics said the Earth was the center of the solar system too...  Nature has strange ways of causing mutations.  So tell me in detail about those "positively charged" amino acids... Like where exactly did you find them- hmmm?   I happen to know a thing or two about DNA and RNA base pairs. You're going to have to be a lot more specific with your technobabble to convince me....  

BTW- researchers indeed have the entire covid genome- golly gee- supplied by- GASP!!! the Chinese!!!!  So, I'll sit back and wait for something a little less sensational- and politically motivated- by your pals at FOX...  

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Everybody knows it came from China. Everybody knows there's a good chance that somebody fucked up in a lab.  Was it created for germ warfare? I doubt it. The only reason any of this Chinese defence tactic was put into place is so that the democrats could mount a fake offensive claiming anti-Asian racism. I don't think the democrats believed it but I think they know that their voters might.

 Because we know who is responsible for the increase in anti-Asian violence. Democrats.


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I seriously doubt it was made to be a bio weapon. But it's COMMUNISM. Everything that goes on, goes on for government power. The gov IS the communist military.

Of COURSE they would use the research to make bioweapons more deadly.

It was just common sense that the covid came from china - it ORIGINATED in communist china.

they hid the facts, and LIED.

Sad these days - so much a subculture of nazi/kkk/blm/democrat/liberal/progressive;/marxist HATE spewing out against

God, patriotsim, America, Real Marriage, white people, Jews, republicans...Christian churches....

it's out of countrol.  Now, they HATE America and love communist china? NOW they love russia?

no, they just crave that kind of power those  governments have.

Hoorta and Mex are two of those. It's sad.

Defending CRT is a sick bunch of KKK/nazi like garbage.


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10 hours ago, hoorta said:

And you knee jerked in the other direction- with ZERO proof 100% buying the conspiracy that it was a lab accident all along.  FWIW, I said the lab hypothesis was unlikely- not impossible...   Do you notice the 20 point type "claims" not "proves"?  With zero Chinese cooperation proving that "claim" is going to be a damn tough row to hoe.  So say the experts in epidemiology...   And if indeed- China accidentally- or on purpose- was in the process of creating a bioweapon- what's your response? Nuke 'em?  

"The laws of physics mean that you cannot have four positively (um like two :D ) charged amino acids in a row," Dalgleish told the Daily Mail. "The only way you can get this is if you artificially manufacture it." You mean until now Doc... A few hundred yeas ago the laws of physics said the Earth was the center of the solar system too...  Nature has strange ways of causing mutations.  So tell me in detail about those "positively charged" amino acids... Like where exactly did you find them- hmmm?   I happen to know a thing or two about DNA and RNA base pairs. You're going to have to be a lot more specific with your technobabble to convince me....  

BTW- researchers indeed have the entire covid genome- golly gee- supplied by- GASP!!! the Chinese!!!!  So, I'll sit back and wait for something a little less sensational- and politically motivated- by your pals at FOX...  


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2 hours ago, Vambo said:


Regarding the above meme, you have a lot of company from the MAGA and QAnon crowd.

And you're apparently not mentally stable... Got an obsessive compulsive fixation on me.  :D 


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but if say the same thing to Hoorta or Mex, they would feign being OFFENDED and "warning points" would be issued...?

TDS is a psychological defense mechanism to protect their egos and keeps them from having to

own up to reality.

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4 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

I seriously doubt it was made to be a bio weapon. But it's COMMUNISM. Everything that goes on, goes on for government power. The gov IS the communist military.

Of COURSE they would use the research to make bioweapons more deadly.

It was just common sense that the covid came from china - it ORIGINATED in communist china.

they hid the facts, and LIED.

Sad these days - so much a subculture of nazi/kkk/blm/democrat/liberal/progressive;/marxist HATE spewing out against

God, patriotsim, America, Real Marriage, white people, Jews, republicans...Christian churches....

it's out of countrol.  Now, they HATE America and love communist china? NOW they love russia?

no, they just crave that kind of power those  governments have.

Hoorta and Mex are two of those. It's sad.

Defending CRT is a sick bunch of KKK/nazi like garbage.


Gosh Cal- no one is debating the virus didn't originate in China. Damn good evidence they (the Chinese) lied and covered up how it initially started too. Whether man made, or escaped from bats and pangolins- I doubt China would deliberately release a bioweapon that's gotten 170 million people sick, and killed off 3.5 million potential customers of their products.  :)  But back to the original post in this thread. So some researchers CLAIM the virus genome isn't naturally occurring. Know anything about peer review studies? Where are they? HUH?  Until I see some, they're just spouting hot air to get some publicity. 

Don't try and paint everyone with the same brush either. Think I'm not religious- (I'll happily direct you to the 1\2 dozen or so links I follow almost every day) and love China and Russia? DEAD WRONG...  FWIW, the majority of REPUBLICANS want to sweep the insurrection at the Capitol under the rug by some so called PATRIOTS who were trying to overturn an election. BECAUSE.. They're bowing down to a power mad former President wannabe dictator who perfectly fits your description- but you're too blind to see it, and in total denial about it.  BTW, if you think I love everything Biden has done, or is proposing to do- you're DEAD WRONG  about that too. 

4 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

but if say the same thing to Hoorta or Mex, they would feign being OFFENDED and "warning points" would be issued...?

TDS is a psychological defense mechanism to protect their egos and keeps them from having to own up to reality.

RTFLMAO!!!!   A tad paranoid aren't we Cal?  I don't notice any warning points in your profile so just STFU about that... You're a case study in using a psychological defense mechanism to live in the alternate reality you've created for yourself...   Tex used to do counselling for a living- he knows a problem case when he sees one.  :D :D :D 


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I believe it was a modified virus that leaked from the Wuhan lab thru shoddy security.  Why else would China be so secretive about it in the first place?  China is known to have horrible QA (Pet food poisonings that killed how many pets in the USA), pollution, etc.

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7 hours ago, hoorta said:

Regarding the above meme, you have a lot of company from the MAGA and QAnon crowd.

And you're apparently not mentally stable... Got an obsessive compulsive fixation on me.  :D 


Why do you post if you don't want people to reply? 


And you're apparently not mentally stable. 

Maybe drunk?

imagesindex.jpg.adac53165a0b28ff1e383295482bfce3.jpg       https://www.aa.org/

Trump derangement syndrome: The cure


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7 hours ago, hoorta said:

Regarding the above meme, you have a lot of company from the MAGA and QAnon crowd.

And you're apparently not mentally stable... Got an obsessive compulsive fixation on me.  :D 


So tell us something "Mentally stable" About Joe'Blow... You can't...

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5 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

I believe it was a modified virus that leaked from the Wuhan lab thru shoddy security.  Why else would China be so secretive about it in the first place?  China is known to have horrible QA (Pet food poisonings that killed how many pets in the USA), pollution, etc.

Bill Gates personally invested in the manufacturing of the virus by knowingly donating money to the Wuhan Lab along with Dr.Fraudi..

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7 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

but if say the same thing to Hoorta or Mex, they would feign being OFFENDED and "warning points" would be issued...?

TDS is a psychological defense mechanism to protect their egos and keeps them from having to

own up to reality.



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7 hours ago, hoorta said:

Gosh Cal- no one is debating the virus didn't originate in China. Damn good evidence they (the Chinese) lied and covered up how it initially started too. Whether man made, or escaped from bats and pangolins- I doubt China would deliberately release a bioweapon that's gotten 170 million people sick, and killed off 3.5 million potential customers of their products.  :)  But back to the original post in this thread. So some researchers CLAIM the virus genome isn't naturally occurring. Know anything about peer review studies? Where are they? HUH?  Until I see some, they're just spouting hot air to get some publicity. 

Don't try and paint everyone with the same brush either. Think I'm not religious- (I'll happily direct you to the 1\2 dozen or so links I follow almost every day) and love China and Russia? DEAD WRONG...  FWIW, the majority of REPUBLICANS want to sweep the insurrection at the Capitol under the rug by some so called PATRIOTS who were trying to overturn an election. BECAUSE.. They're bowing down to a power mad former President wannabe dictator who perfectly fits your description- but you're too blind to see it, and in total denial about it.  BTW, if you think I love everything Biden has done, or is proposing to do- you're DEAD WRONG  about that too. 

RTFLMAO!!!!   A tad paranoid aren't we Cal?  I don't notice any warning points in your profile so just STFU about that... You're a case study in using a psychological defense mechanism to live in the alternate reality you've created for yourself...   Tex used to do counselling for a living- he knows a problem case when he sees one.  :D :D :D 


ABC's chief White House reporter: A lot of reporters have 'egg on their face' over Wuhan lab-leak theory
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so we were right. and Hoorta and mex were totally in denial, in support of biden and the left.

NOW they come around trying to act like they were with the apparent truth from the beginning.

It's what liberals do. CYA all day long.

If mex is such a counselor, why doesn't he appraise biden? and kamoola? and moochelle? and buttock? and higgardly? and cuomo?

but he has nothin, except politically-based slurs, that Hoorta uses.

the soviets probably still throw dissidents into nut houses. it's the communist way of

trying to render disagreements weak. But the truth eventually wins out.

like mmgw.

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8 hours ago, hoorta said:

Gosh Cal- no one is debating the virus didn't originate in China. Damn good evidence they (the Chinese) lied and covered up how it initially started too. Whether man made, or escaped from bats and pangolins- I doubt China would deliberately release a bioweapon that's gotten 170 million people sick, and killed off 3.5 million potential customers of their products.  :)  But back to the original post in this thread. So some researchers CLAIM the virus genome isn't naturally occurring. Know anything about peer review studies? Where are they? HUH?  Until I see some, they're just spouting hot air to get some publicity. 

LOL. Maybe you are the one who should go get counseling from Mex, your good hating buddy.

You flippity-flippity again? bad wine or what. I can keep reposting this every time

you pretend you're joe biden:

On 5/23/2021 at 4:53 PM, Westside Steve said:

Of course it could have. What kind of idiot would say they were sure it didn't?


...Still gotta bring up theWuhan biolab conspiracy that's been debunked by OUR scientists. And you're still TOTALLY IGNORING the fact it's odds on hundreds of infected people got out of China on regular business before the Chinese even knew what in the hell it was. As I've said 1\2 dozen times,...


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18 hours ago, Vambo said:

Why do you post if you don't want people to reply? 


And you're apparently not mentally stable. 

Maybe drunk?


Biden derangement syndrome: The cure


Well,- whenever I post anything here, never fails you insist on responding- usually with some bullshit. Um, I'll call that stalking, so why do you ALWAYS respond to one of my posts, if you're not suffering from some flavor of obsessive compulsive behavior?  Hmmmm?  LOL, even Cal doesn't. BTW, not to toot my own horn, I have better mental stability and objectivity than the vast majority of the inmates in this asylum.  FYI, I'd never have gotten Mod powers if I didn't.  :D Someone here (not you) is living in a very typical state of delusion many of the mentally ill have. "I'm fine- it's the rest of the world that's fucked up".  

The level of right wing propaganda (of dubious factual nature) and whataboutism on this right wing circle jerk is getting sort of funny- if it wasn't so sad. Considering the number of Trumpettes who still think he's somehow the President...  

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Well,- whenever I post anything here, never fails you insist on responding- usually with some bullshit. Um, I'll call that stalking, so why do you ALWAYS respond to one of my posts, if you're not suffering from some flavor of obsessive compulsive behavior?  Hmmmm?  LOL, even Cal doesn't. BTW, not to toot my own horn, I have better mental stability and objectivity than the vast majority of the inmates in this asylum.  FYI, I'd never have gotten Mod powers if I didn't.  :D Someone here (not you) is living in a very typical state of delusion many of the mentally ill have. "I'm fine- it's the rest of the world that's fucked up".  

The level of right wing propaganda (of dubious factual nature) and whataboutism on this right wing circle jerk is getting sort of funny- if it wasn't so sad. Considering the number of Trumpettes who still think he's somehow the President...  


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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

Well,- whenever I post anything here, never fails you insist on responding- usually with some bullshit. Um, I'll call that stalking, so why do you ALWAYS respond to one of my posts, if you're not suffering from some flavor of obsessive compulsive behavior?  Hmmmm?  LOL, even Cal doesn't. BTW, not to toot my own horn, I have better mental stability and objectivity than the vast majority of the inmates in this asylum.  FYI, I'd never have gotten Mod powers if I didn't.  :D Someone here (not you) is living in a very typical state of delusion many of the mentally ill have. "I'm fine- it's the rest of the world that's fucked up".  

The level of right wing propaganda (of dubious factual nature) and whataboutism on this right wing circle jerk is getting sort of funny- if it wasn't so sad. Considering the number of Trumpettes who still think he's somehow the President...  

it's always the ones who think everybody ELSE has problems, but THEY are superior, and "are fine".

People who 100% buy the farce mmgw...got problems. People who spend all their time bashing other's legit opinions, got problems.

People who swim in egypt against the truths out there.... got problems. People who brag about themselves, while dissing other's opinions all the time, got problems. People who think they should be king mod got problems.

people who irrationally HATE others for stupid reasons - (like "orange king") got real problems.

people who totally ignore the damage being done because of their vote against America First and Pres Trump.....

are the problem and they have problems. If "somebody" is whining about being responded to because they post - they can just not post. Otherwise, they got problems.

   The biggest problem is arrogance. To "superior" to believe in America, our Flag, God, Right to Life, Patriotism, legit definitions of words......got huge problems.

People who demand to control all narratives they don't approve of, got real problems.

People who deny the last election was probably stolen ....got serious problems I think, because...of stuff like this:


Fulton County Alarms Go Off at Building Where Ballots are Kept, 145K Ballots at Risk as Facility ‘Open & Unattended’: Report


   they are FRANTIC to hide what really happened. Read the article, can't be denied.

the election sure the heck probably was stolen. The evidence is mounting.


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guess the truth needs to be told over here...

On 5/30/2021 at 2:18 PM, hoorta said:

Gosh Cal- no one is debating the virus didn't originate in China. Damn good evidence they (the Chinese) lied and covered up how it initially started too. Whether man made, or escaped from bats and pangolins- I doubt China would deliberately release a bioweapon that's gotten 170 million people sick, and killed off 3.5 million potential customers of their products.  :)  But back to the original post in this thread. So some researchers CLAIM the virus genome isn't naturally occurring. Know anything about peer review studies? Where are they? HUH?  Until I see some, they're just spouting hot air to get some publicity. 

LOL. Maybe you are the one who should go get counseling from Mex, your good hating buddy.

You flippity-flippity again? bad wine or what. I can keep reposting this every time

you pretend you're joe biden:

On 5/23/2021 at 4:53 PM, Westside Steve said:

Of course it could have. What kind of idiot would say they were sure it didn't?


...Still gotta bring up theWuhan biolab conspiracy that's been debunked by OUR scientists. And you're still TOTALLY IGNORING the fact it's odds on hundreds of infected people got out of China on regular business before the Chinese even knew what in the hell it was. As I've said 1\2 dozen times,...



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