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Does anyone have video of DA tripping the ref?


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I have a feeling I'm gonna be completely underwhelmed if/when I see it, but it sounds pretty funny.


Thanks in advance




DA is just standing on the thick white part of the sideline looking up at the jumbo tron on the south side of the stadium with his hands on his hips. The ref is back peddling and runs straight into him.

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Had it been anyone else on the sideline the ref never would of tripped, no one else wears size 16 shoes on this team! Its like the guys got skies on his feet. How could you not trip over those bunyons!

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It was pretty funny. As soon as I saw it happen I started thinking, "I wonder what they'll have to say about that one."


Oh, and it did air in Dayton. My mom watched it from WHIO, she called me right after DA took out the ref.



Mother xxxxer. They played the Pittsburgh game at Bdubs, and when I came back, I only had commercials for the 5 minutes I was watching it. Oh well.

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I just saw the game and in regards to the penalty called on DA ,

DA is a bumblefuk.


The reason isnt so much the penalty rather his lack of focus,he was all alone {in and of itself weird} on the field rather than the sidelines staring at the jumbotron watching the game rather than preparing for his chance on the field which he got after the change of possession.

He really is not up to the challenge of leading any team in the NFL,atleast not to the playoffs and certaintly not a superbowl.


Oh boy...

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Velvet Dog?



What are you a George Costanza wanna be?

Ensconced in velvet...



Rather than "oh boy" speak up.


Didn't mean to kick up dust, it's just that when we (collectively as fans) are so focused our QB derby that we are now using video of a ref tripping over our QB (offsides, no less) to prove that said QB cannot effectively lead an NFL team, I think "Oh boy" more than covers it.


Sorry, but I (like many other fans) am just ready for the season to start and refuse to throw ANY of my beloved team's QBs (including our most recent starting QB) under the bus...especially because of an overzealous, embarrassed referee. I usually refrain from commenting on this stuff, but I think we are all so focused on this, that EVERY LITTLE THING is analyzed to become some sort of an indictment of one QB or the other. RANT OVER...


HOWEVER...this exchange was all worth it because of the "George Costanza ensconced in velvet" line! Good stuff;)



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Didn't mean to kick up dust, it's just that when we (collectively as fans) are so focused our QB derby that we are now using video of a ref tripping over our QB (offsides, no less) to prove that said QB cannot effectively lead an NFL team, I think "Oh boy" more than covers it.


Try to imagine Peyton Manning or Tom Brady standing outside of that box with their thumb up their ass in the referees way...


Can't do it.

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I just watched this. DA is standing there with his thumb up his butt..not even paying attention to the game and the ref ran into him. Pay attention dumbarse.


The funniest part is how the ref gets knocked flat on his ass and his hat flies off, and DA acts like he didn't eve notice! He just slowly walks the other way haha! I watched it like 3 times laughing my ass off

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The part that gets me is he could have been hurt. What if those guys would have rolled into his knees?


I don't get how he was watching on the Jumbotron and couldn't see any of them coming right at him. Something tells me he wasn't really looking at the scoreboard but some chicks hooters in the Dawg Pound.


It was hysterical how he acted like nothing happened, I like that dude. The ref was funny as shit too throwing the flag off his back LMAO. Then Mangie shows as much emotion as we've seen all camp bitching about it. Funny, funny shit. Even funnier is Jimbob Donovan calling the penalty on Wright and not figuring it out forever. Man, I can't stop giggling, just watched it again.


Sorry I don't have a link, watching the DVR.

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I just watched this. DA is standing there with his thumb up his butt..not even paying attention to the game and the ref ran into him. Pay attention dumbarse.



I agree...the ref needed to pay more attention.


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Had it been anyone else on the sideline the ref never would of tripped, no one else wears size 16 shoes on this team! Its like the guys got skies on his feet. How could you not trip over those bunyons!


A minor point. I know. However the problem is even bigger than that. :rolleyes: Found here:http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/sports/steelers/s_483208.html


But Anderson, whose shoe size (17) almost equaled the number of NFL passes (21) he had thrown coming into the game, only moved the Browns into scoring position one time in the first half.







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Here's one of my typical low budget vids, grainy as usual, but at least you can get the idea. My brother heard he was watching the play on the jumbotron and saw himself get hit.




[twitvid]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.twitvid.com/player/8CD13"></param><param'>http://www.twitvid.com/player/8CD13"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://www.twitvid.com/player/8CD13" quality="high" allowscriptaccess="always" allowNetworking="all" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="transparent" height="344" width="425"></object>[/twitvid]

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Here's one of my typical low budget vids, grainy as usual, but at least you can get the idea. My brother heard he was watching the play on the jumbotron and saw himself get hit.




Yesterday, I tried making that same DA video but ADDING the following SOUND EFFECT in the video BUT I don't know how (it would be AWESOME).


Try the attached SOUND EFFECT.


If somebody knows how to do that, I would appreciate it!!!

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Yeah, it's a fair call IF you are being a nit-picky little prick who just wanted to wave a yellow flag 'cause you can.


Kinda like the cop that stopped me this morning because one brake light is out. :rolleyes:


The problem I had with the call was even if DA HAD been in the little box, the guy STILL would have hit him and most likely STILL have fallen on his ass.


What was funny was a few plays later the action was coming over towards the sideline again and you could see everyones feet moving back fast!!! :lol:


I don't see how you get that. That large white stripe is for the officials to run and follow a play, unimpeded. I've seen it called a number of times when a coach or player is standing in that stripe and it interferes with a ref being able to go with the play. There was nothing nit-picky about it. And yes, coaches and players stand on that stripe all the time, but its a chance that's taken if a ref runs into them there will be a penalty.

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We can agree to disagree about whether or not it was a nit-picky call.


As you noted coaches and players stand on that stripe all the time, and sometimes the play action takes a few people out (refs, photogs, whoever else stands over there)...why aren't more penalties called for people standing too close?


I just think this is an obscure penalty that the guy called just to make himself look better. ACCIDENTS happen. He was just as 'unsportsmanlike' in his conduct as he penalized the Browns for.


I'll give you that Anderson should have been paying attention to the field and had he been doing so, he probably would have moved...but the ref still would have hit him.


The penalties are only called if a ref is impeded....and it is called every time.

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