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So Omicron is no longer the end of the world?

Westside Steve

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3 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Why would that be? He's always surrounded by gnomes and toads like Florida's Desantis and our own Teddy 🐻(Cruz), ready to lick his boots and bottom whenever they need a shine.🤣

Dr. Marc Siegel: What I tell patients who get Omicron despite three vax shots

The obsession with testing and isolation is counterproductive not only because we lack readily available home tests, but also because the virus is now almost everywherehttps://www.foxnews.com/opinion/dr-marc-siegel-patients-omicron-three-vax-shots

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I found the below opinion piece on Yahoo (of all freaking places) and thought it would fit nicely here. I don't know who the author is , but as a survivor, I agree with his opinion.

^ I thought about putting survivor in pink, but that would be disrespectful to those that have died with COVID 19 detected in their bodies. 

There should not be one intelligent person on this planet that argues for a single millisecond that the reported deaths DUE to COVID have been grossly overexaggerated and the reported positive cases have been underreported which when combined would raise the 99.993% number even higher.

Turn off the news. Stop staring at your phone. Go pull some weeds, sweep the patio, walk down to get the mail, or God forbid, exercise for 30 straight minutes and you too will be one of the lucky ones that find themselves in the 99.999%......



Many letters to the editor ago, I opined that COVID-19 was being overhyped and was criticized for saying that a disease with a survivability rate of 99.97% should not be politicized for the purpose of defeating President Trump. Well, it was, and still is being overhyped and used for political purposes.

Think not? If you use the numbers estimated by the CDC that over 900,000 people died of COVID-19 and if you divide that by the CDC estimated cases of 146,000,000, the survivability rate is 99.993%

I'm of the opinion that the CDC along with the government statistics have over-reported deaths and under-reported COVID-19 cases.

Now deaths are pretty easy to recognize, but the actual cause can be distorted as the CDC uses a statistical model from the National Center of Health Statistics to determine how many deaths from COVID-19 vs. with COVID-19.

Over the last year and a half, we (We the People) have been forced to close businesses, schools, churches and cower at home in fear. We (We the People) were forced to wear ineffective masks, stay away from other people, and more recently, unconstitutionally mandated to get a medical procedure against our will. We’ve been dealing with coronaviruses all our lives called the common cold. The medical community has totally let down the American public (We the People), the CDC and the government have lost all credibility, big Pharma is corrupt and the mainstream media are nothing but fear-mongering propagandists.

If liberty means anything at all to us (We the People), it’s time to quit putting up with this freedom-restricting environment and start living our lives as We the People deserve under the Constitution.

— Dick Arnold, Jackson Township

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On 1/14/2022 at 6:58 PM, TexasAg1969 said:

Tex talked his daughter into get her whole family double vaxed this summer. She and her husband got it, but the kids remain negative. Husband fully recovered and she is slowly getting over it. Neither required hospitalization. I did see the MD in charge of a large Hospital system in Houston say that of the 292 covid deaths they had had in their system this past year up until Monday, all were unvaccinated.

I'd be interested to see the ratio of those 292 deaths compared to the total number of patients seen with COVID at that hospital last year. COVIDs global total death rate is around 1% per WHO, which is comparable to the death rate of the common flu. I'd also be curious to see what comorbidities that each of the COVID deaths had.

For example: my aunt recently passed away a few weeks ago. She was 70 years old, had emphysema from smoking for 60+ years, and had cancer as well. She contracted COVID a few months before her death and recovered, but they still classified her death as complications from COVID. 

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3 hours ago, FairHooker11 said:



None of these were witches either. In the old days if you dunked them under water and they died, they were not witches. Modern day they just get covid.


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To be clear.  The vaccine(in name only)does not stop you from transmitting or receiving any variant of the flu.

All studies related to natural immunity have been silenced and made non existent.

the real number is 4000-8000 total of people who have actually died FROM Covid.


If you are in favor of FORCING someone to get the jab then go to hell.

If you get the jab and subsequent 16 boosters more power to you.


We are only now starting to see the real side effects of the jab, its not a ringing endorsement when you consider the recovery rate is well over 99.7% (no commordities or even 1-2)


If someone close to you died I’m sure you will be inclined to think differently, but the facts are important and so are the lies you’ve been lapping up.

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2 hours ago, hammertime said:

To be clear.  The vaccine(in name only)does not stop you from transmitting or receiving any variant of the flu.

All studies related to natural immunity have been silenced and made non existent.

the real number is 4000-8000 total of people who have actually died FROM Covid.


If you are in favor of FORCING someone to get the jab then go to hell.

If you get the jab and subsequent 16 boosters more power to you.


We are only now starting to see the real side effects of the jab, its not a ringing endorsement when you consider the recovery rate is well over 99.7% (no commordities or even 1-2)


If someone close to you died I’m sure you will be inclined to think differently, but the facts are important and so are the lies you’ve been lapping up.

Excellent ! We got our vaccines, and a booster before going to NC to hang out with our friends.  As I've said before, our close friend and her husband got covid about a year and a half ago? They went to Myrtle Beach, both got covid, she got very sick, in the hospital for 4 days. She went early. He refused to go until it was very late. He died in three days.

   Our NC friends just got back from visiting friends in Germany. He came back with Covid. They tested negative, had their vaccines and booster early on, and he is hanging out at home with a very bad "cold". He tested postive, but he's doing ok.

   I have always had a slight scar on my left arm from getting a smallpox shot when I was little. It was a reaction from the shot. 

Nobody wants to get smallpox, right?

But this covid thing - isn't a natural occurrence. It has been proven ? that it came from the wuhan lab, with our own moron fauci and the NIH? funding it.

gain of function. what could go wrong? dammit.

But we are done with the vaccines, not one more, not another booster. We don't want to get sick, but we won't die from it.

The mandate idea is just a political attempt to manipulate mass groups of people. MMGooberWarning is the same thing - control people./manipulate people if they can.  

Remember Y2K? It was nonsense, with very few exceptions.

and anyone who doesn't think that the left allowing hundreds of thousands of illegals to flood in, to benefit from the helter skelter? to have an excuse to get more absolute federal power>?

I feel sorry for people like that - they are more ignorant than woodpecker;

Going with the lies about covid - based on bias politics? is extremely stupid and dangerous. Mandates? this mandate bunch can go to hell.



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