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Turn away from the Biden/leftwing cliff before it's too late...


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5 hours ago, hammertime said:

Your very defensive for a simple question?  

When someone attacks me and my family then you bet I'll fire back when it was a thinly disguised personal attack, not a simple question at all.

And at least you owned up to that fact with this more honest post below.

22 hours ago, hammertime said:

I’d be surprised if not 100% are insults or Something derogatory.

Face it , your an idiot who throughout the scamdemic was a flaming virtue signaler, supports baby killing, has a severe case of TDS and you lack the ability to see the damage the current administration is inflicting on Americans, particularly the kids.

Is that clear enough for you?


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15 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

When someone attacks me and my family then you bet I'll fire back when it was a thinly disguised personal attack, not a simple question at all.

And at least you owned up to that fact with this more honest post below.


You nailed it!

All except the attacking your family.  Point of my post was that your supporting an administration that’s leading to young men being called to duty for all the wrong reasons.  
so get of that horse and realize it’s just you that posts stupid shit and has unbelievable TDS. Not your son.

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it's liberal wingnut thing. They happily offend at every turn, it makes them FEEL GOOD.

but if they get offended or pretend to be offended, they FEEL BAD, so the latter should

NOT be allowed to happen.

the russians blasted a maternal hospital. A man saw the video - his wife and child were murdered.

Attempted genocide/war crimes because of the votes of those who voted against Pres Trump, all of us, and against

our country.

   All hell could break loose, but haven't seen any of them admit it yet. Blood on their hands.

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7 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

it's liberal wingnut thing. They happily offend at every turn, it makes them FEEL GOOD.

but if they get offended or pretend to be offended, they FEEL BAD, so the latter should

NOT be allowed to happen.

the russians blasted a maternal hospital. A man saw the video - his wife and child were murdered.

Attempted genocide/war crimes because of the votes of those who voted against Pres Trump, all of us, and against

our country.

   All hell could break loose, but haven't seen any of them admit it yet. Blood on their hands.

So the Republicans in congress who kept pushing Joe to implement the oil embargo while he held back had nothing whatsoever to do with it.

And to blame Putin's long planned takeover of Ukraine on any American regardless of party is to misunderstand that his long term goal all along was to Make the USSR Great Again in the old Soviet Block kind of way. Now that is just foolish patter to blame what's happening anywhere else than with Putin.

9 hours ago, hammertime said:

You nailed it!

All except the attacking your family.  Point of my post was that your supporting an administration that’s leading to young men being called to duty for all the wrong reasons.  
so get of that horse and realize it’s just you that posts stupid shit and has unbelievable TDS. Not your son.

And as long as trumpy continues to claim he is still President and trumpublicans continue to support that delusion, then yes I will continue to have "TDS" by going after those with foolish RHS (Rabbit Hole Syndrome) which most on this slanted board have continued to this day. Did you expect me to shut up about that when no one here has yet admitted that 1/6 was based on an outright delusional lie?

As for the drafting of young men, that is the one thing you have said I can understand based on a father's fear for his children. But understand that this attack on Ukraine has long been in the cards for Putin. You don't plan and implement something that immense in a little over a year. Think back to Normandy. It took years to plan and coordinate it, not months. I think all those who think this is Joe's fault alone need to get a grip and place the blame squarely where it belongs and that is not in this country on either party. Get that through you think skulls. This has been Putin's goal since he was in the KGB and crushed by the fall of the Soviet Union. It's a decades long obsession.

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7 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

So the Republicans in congress who kept pushing Joe to implement the oil embargo while he held back had nothing whatsoever to do with it.

And to blame Putin's long planned takeover of Ukraine on any American regardless of party is to misunderstand that his long term goal all along was to Make the USSR Great Again in the old Soviet Block kind of way. Now that is just foolish patter to blame what's happening anywhere else than with Putin.

And as long as trumpy continues to claim he is still President and trumpublicans continue to support that delusion, then yes I will continue to have "TDS" by going after those with foolish RHS (Rabbit Hole Syndrome) which most on this slanted board have continued to this day. Did you expect me to shut up about that when no one here has yet admitted that 1/6 was based on an outright delusional lie?

As for the drafting of young men, that is the one thing you have said I can understand based on a father's fear for his children. But understand that this attack on Ukraine has long been in the cards for Putin. You don't plan and implement something that immense in a little over a year. Think back to Normandy. It took years to plan and coordinate it, not months. I think all those who think this is Joe's fault alone need to get a grip and place the blame squarely where it belongs and that is not in this country on either party. Get that through you think skulls. This has been Putin's goal since he was in the KGB and crushed by the fall of the Soviet Union. It's a decades long obsession.

Again I think it would be great if you could put your obsession with Trump aside and focus on the performance of the administration today.

I have a hard time believing that your love for Joe Biden is as deep as your defense for him wood make it seem and that you're just doing it to piss off the other side.

Aside from that who attacked your family?


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2 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Again I think it would be great if you could put your obsession with Trump aside and focus on the performance of the administration today.

I have a hard time believing that your love for Joe Biden is as deep as your defense for him wood make it seem and that you're just doing it to piss off the other side.

Aside from that who attacked your family?


I did just focus on the issue at hand, so re-read what I said. This invasion of Ukraine would have taken place with Trump as Prez as well. And the Eurounion has realized now he will not stop there either. He's playing chess while you all still think this is home grown political checkers. And the key was two-fold, a USA no longer united fighting with itself for the past 5-6 years and the stepping down of Angela Merkel, a former East German who understood completely what Putin is all about.


As for dragging my family into it:

Hammertime on 3/7/22:  

"Do you feel guilty because of your vote or are you just a dirty spiritless person?

How many of your children would go to war if needed?"

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BTW-just in case you all keep thinking this is Joe pushing us towards WW III, from the guy who suggested assassinating Putin comes this new one. So who is the real War Hawk here anyway, uncle Joe or trumpublican Lindsey?


"This is about Russia, under Putin's control, trying to reconstruct the Soviet Union. If you don't get that, you're not listening to what he's saying. Moldova would be next, and he'll move to the Baltics, so we need to stop him in Ukraine." - L.G.

Isn't it ironic that I agree with Lindsey on his conclusions? Putin will not stop with Ukraine and LG sees the chess board.

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1 minute ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Biden/Harris.  The destruction of America.  Thanks for voting for the worst Administration in the history of the USA.  

How about speaking up on the Putin reconstruction era? Surely you have something to contribute there.

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1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

I did just focus on the issue at hand, so re-read what I said. This invasion of Ukraine would have taken place with Trump as Prez as well. And the Eurounion has realized now he will not stop there either. He's playing chess while you all still think this is home grown political checkers. And the key was two-fold, a USA no longer united fighting with itself for the past 5-6 years and the stepping down of Angela Merkel, a former East German who understood completely what Putin is all about.


As for dragging my family into it:

Hammertime on 3/7/22:  

"Do you feel guilty because of your vote or are you just a dirty spiritless person?

How many of your children would go to war if needed?"

That's it? That's some pretty weak tea. I think that's always a valid question when people start saber-rattling.

As for Joe I don't think there's much he can do about it oh, the Russia situation. He doesn't personally have the brains the resolve or the support around the world to do anything. The Saudis just flipped him off in public. He could ease the pinch at the pump and in the homes of the Europeans and Americans but he won't because he's scared to death of John Kerry and AOC. Or whoever is guiding him.


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59 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

That's it? That's some pretty weak tea. I think that's always a valid question when people start saber-rattling.

As for Joe I don't think there's much he can do about it oh, the Russia situation. He doesn't personally have the brains the resolve or the support around the world to do anything. The Saudis just flipped him off in public. He could ease the pinch at the pump and in the homes of the Europeans and Americans but he won't because he's scared to death of John Kerry and AOC. Or whoever is guiding him.


tex, whoorta, woodpecker, etc... voted for this corrupt hell bent bunch of asswholes and won't admit that they caused this genocide in the Ukraine by their hero's cowardice, ineptness, and ignorance.

seems not one will admit it. being a liberal means "everything we screw up is everybody else's fault we caused it haha" bs.

again - they worship themselves, nothing else matters, they don't respect anything else. I wonder if their cnn or mscommunistnbc is even talking about the horror their leftwing weasels have caused.

they voted for this to happen, like it or not. I wonder if any one of them in this country who still don't admit their sick mistake in voting -

"what is more improtant - your ego and elitist feelings? or genocide in the Ukraine and threats of nukes ?

Seems not one would answer the latter. They would rather keep trying to change the subkect and talk about lead poisoning.

When will it ever end.

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18 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

tex, whoorta, woodpecker, etc... voted for this corrupt hell bent bunch of asswholes and won't admit that they caused this genocide in the Ukraine by their hero's cowardice, ineptness, and ignorance.

seems not one will admit it. being a liberal means "everything we screw up is everybody else's fault we caused it haha" bs.

again - they worship themselves, nothing else matters, they don't respect anything else. I wonder if their cnn or mscommunistnbc is even talking about the horror their leftwing weasels have caused.

they voted for this to happen, like it or not. I wonder if any one of them in this country who still don't admit their sick mistake in voting -

"what is more improtant - your ego and elitist feelings? or genocide in the Ukraine and threats of nukes ?

Seems not one would answer the latter. They would rather keep trying to change the subkect and talk about lead poisoning.

When will it ever end.

This entire thread is about lead poisoning the baby boomer generation and lowering of IQs due to that. Nothing else.

There are more than enough other threads about Nazis and nuclear war and genocide and dictators and Freedom Fighters and whatever other horseshit.

Simply that. 


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39 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

This entire thread is about lead poisoning the baby boomer generation and lowering of IQs due to that. Nothing else.

There are more than enough other threads about Nazis and nuclear war and genocide and dictators and Freedom Fighters and whatever other horseshit.

Simply that. 


barbershop. they won't talk about what is going on politically. That is my point. And I shall STAND on POINT come hell or high water, hurricane or tornado, ...soggy asparagus or..... hockey puck biscuits. dammit.

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On 3/10/2022 at 6:06 AM, DieHardBrownsFan said:

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about Putin trying to reconstruct the old Soviet Union one piece at a time. Funny thing is he has awakened the Euro-Union (including brexit Britain) as to that fact which is why they are all now rushing in arms to Ukraine and troops into new NATO members nations.


23 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

That's it? That's some pretty weak tea. I think that's always a valid question when people start saber-rattling.

As for Joe I don't think there's much he can do about it oh, the Russia situation. He doesn't personally have the brains the resolve or the support around the world to do anything. The Saudis just flipped him off in public. He could ease the pinch at the pump and in the homes of the Europeans and Americans but he won't because he's scared to death of John Kerry and AOC. Or whoever is guiding him.


You've made it clear in the past you don't care about Putin/Russia. But you are not addressing the fact that most of the pressure to "saber rattle" as you say are Republicans who have been pushing him to do more at a faster pace that he has done so far while he is trying to walk a fine line so as NOT to inadvertently involve us in WW III. As to the pinch at the pumps he is now trying to actually work with Venezuela again and I am sure Exxon is telling him more about the fields now opening up in off-shore Guyana which are even more extensive and easier to process than Venezuela's heavy crude. Obviously more than that has to take place with other oil producers and he has to shut the greenies up by reopening the Canadian pipeline options.



And it kind of surprises me (though not really) how blind trumpians are to what Trump did in Helsinki and his comments about withdrawing from NATO which encouraged Putin to carry on with his long term plans. To try to claim voting against him would not have led us here is either intentional blindness or just not clear thinking. Putin's goal all along has been crystal clear just as Hitler's was. And we know where appeasement led back in the 1930s. The Eurounion now sees clearly we have a repeat of history taking place.

I'm sorry this may lead to a possible re-opening of the draft, but at the moment that's quite a stretch to think that is where it leads. My family has answered the country's calls every time all the way back to the "insurrection" against King George all they way up to my youngest 1st cousin who just retired as as a Marine LTC in their artillery with two tours in the Gulf Wars. And I have a grandson now turning 14 who is talking about joining up upon HS graduation when he is 18. Now sometimes I will admit that they answered the call on the wrong side as was the case for a great, great uncle, a great, great grandfather (whose brother in Maine fought for the Union) and great grandfather who were all in Texas Cavalry units in the Civil War. And I do not expect that most families have that long line and tradition of every generation answering when trouble threatens our freedoms here. All of mine volunteered and none were drafted. And when people like fake bone spurs trumpy call people like us and McCain suckers, I admit that just added to my already existing disdain for that lying con artist. To expect me to vote for a man with no principles whatsoever with attitudes like that is a bit much to ask or expect, especially since I believe Putin was headed here no matter who was prez or what they were doing to try to stop him. Trump being President would have made zero difference. We'd still be facing the same dilemma, how to stop him now without appeasement. And again don't you find it somewhat ironic that Lindsey Graham, trumpy's biggest ass kisser, understands that?

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18 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

I'm talking about Putin trying to reconstruct the old Soviet Union one piece at a time. Funny thing is he has awakened the Euro-Union (including brexit Britain) as to that fact which is why they are all now rushing in arms to Ukraine and troops into new NATO members nations.


You've made it clear in the past you don't care about Putin/Russia. But you are not addressing the fact that most of the pressure to "saber rattle" as you say are Republicans who have been pushing him to do more at a faster pace that he has done so far while he is trying to walk a fine line so as NOT to inadvertently involve us in WW III. As to the pinch at the pumps he is now trying to actually work with Venezuela again and I am sure Exxon is telling him more about the fields now opening up in off-shore Guyana which are even more extensive and easier to process than Venezuela's heavy crude. Obviously more than that has to take place with other oil producers and he has to shut the greenies up by reopening the Canadian pipeline options.



And it kind of surprises me (though not really) how blind trumpians are to what Trump did in Helsinki and his comments about withdrawing from NATO which encouraged Putin to carry on with his long term plans. To try to claim voting against him would not have led us here is either intentional blindness or just not clear thinking. Putin's goal all along has been crystal clear just as Hitler's was. And we know where appeasement led back in the 1930s. The Eurounion now sees clearly we have a repeat of history taking place.

I'm sorry this may lead to a possible re-opening of the draft, but at the moment that's quite a stretch to think that is where it leads. My family has answered the country's calls every time all the way back to the "insurrection" against King George all they way up to my youngest 1st cousin who just retired as as a Marine LTC in their artillery with two tours in the Gulf Wars. And I have a grandson now turning 14 who is talking about joining up upon HS graduation when he is 18. Now sometimes I will admit that they answered the call on the wrong side as was the case for a great, great uncle, a great, great grandfather (whose brother in Maine fought for the Union) and great grandfather who were all in Texas Cavalry units in the Civil War. And I do not expect that most families have that long line and tradition of every generation answering when trouble threatens our freedoms here. All of mine volunteered and none were drafted. And when people like fake bone spurs trumpy call people like us and McCain suckers, I admit that just added to my already existing disdain for that lying con artist. To expect me to vote for a man with no principles whatsoever with attitudes like that is a bit much to ask or expect, especially since I believe Putin was headed here no matter who was prez or what they were doing to try to stop him. Trump being President would have made zero difference. We'd still be facing the same dilemma, how to stop him now without appeasement. And again don't you find it somewhat ironic that Lindsey Graham, trumpy's biggest ass kisser, understands that?

News flash Tex…Trump isn’t President.

The demented old fuck responsible for the high gas prices is sitting (or shitting?) in the Oval Office.

Stay focused.

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39 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

I'm talking about Putin trying to reconstruct the old Soviet Union on piece at a time. Funny thing is he has awakened the Euro-Union (including brexit Britain) as to that fact which is why they are all now rushing in arms to Ukraine and troops into new NATO members nations.


You've made it clear in the past you don't care about Putin/Russia. But you are not addressing the fact that most of the pressure to "saber rattle" as you say are Republicans who have been pushing him to do more at a faster pace that he has done so far while he is trying to walk a fine line so as NOT to inadvertently involve us in WW III. As to the pinch at the pumps he is now trying to actually work with Venezuela again and I am sure Exxon is telling him more about the fields now opening up in off-shore Guyana which are even more extensive and easier to process than Venezuela's heavy crude. Obviously more than that has to take place with other oil producers and he has to shut the greenies up by reopening the Canadian pipeline options.



And it kind of surprises me (though not really) how blind trumpians are to what Trump did in Helsinki and his comments about withdrawing from NATO which encouraged Putin to carry on with his long term plans. To try to claim voting against him would not have led us here is either intentional blindness or just not clear thinking. Putin's goal all along has been crystal clear just as Hitler's was. And we know where appeasement led back in the 1930s. The Eurounion now sees clearly we have a repeat of history taking place.

I'm sorry this may lead to a possible re-opening of the draft, but at the moment that's quite a stretch to think that is where it leads. My family has answered the country's calls every time all the way back to the "insurrection" against King George all they way up to my youngest 1st cousin who just retired as as a Marine LTC in their artillery with two tours in the Gulf Wars. And I have a grandson now turning 14 who is talking about joining up upon HS graduation when he is 18. Now sometimes I will admit that they answered the call on the wrong side as was the case for a great, great uncle, a great, great grandfather (whose brother in Maine fought for the Union) and great grandfather who were all in Texas Cavalry units in the Civil War. And I do not expect that most families have that long line and tradition of every generation answering when trouble threatens our freedoms here. All of mine volunteered and none were drafted. And when people like fake bone spurs trumpy call people like us and McCain suckers, I admit that just added to my already existing disdain for that lying can artist. To expect me to vote for a man with no principles whatsoever with attitudes like that is a bit much to ask or expect, especially since I believe Putin was headed here no matter who was prez or what they were doing to try to stop him. Trump being President would have made zero difference. We'd still be facing the same dilemma, how to stop him now without appeasement. And again don't you find it somewhat ironic that Lindsey Graham, trumpy's biggest ass kisser, understands that?

My friend you are obsessed with Trump nothing I can do about that. I'm not particularly a fan of Lindsey Graham even though most Republicans are at least wise enough to not throw their political careers away by jumping on the hate Trump/love AOC etc band wagon. Trump did things I liked and things I didn't like. Same thing with Joe.

And you're correct I am not now nor have I ever been obsessed with Putin or the Russians. They have been an orwellian Boogeyman ever since Joe McCarthy. Nor am I in love with the corrupt scumbags in Ukraine or NATO.

And while we are at it as two saber-rattling f*** the Republican party and f*** the Democrat Party.

And no disrespect intended I don't really care about your family and their history or whatever side of whatever War they fought on. No more than you care about four five or six Generations of my family.

Speaking of family it used to be the Democrats manttra asking people during Desert Storm if they would sacrifice their children to free Iraq. Remember Phil Donahue? I think it's fair to ask you the same question about Ukraine. I wouldn't. I don't think anyone in their right mind would.

And coughing up the same old hair balls every post is really boring. Bone spurs. Yet you voted for Joe Biden. So? Speaking of military Colin Powell turned his back on John McCain. Why do you think that happened? For the record on John McCain he and Lindsey Graham were very close, right?

I don't want to go to war with Russia. If you do I think that's stupid.


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2 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

I'm talking about Putin trying to reconstruct the old Soviet Union one piece at a time. Funny thing is he has awakened the Euro-Union (including brexit Britain) as to that fact which is why they are all now rushing in arms to Ukraine and troops into new NATO members nations.


You've made it clear in the past you don't care about Putin/Russia. But you are not addressing the fact that most of the pressure to "saber rattle" as you say are Republicans who have been pushing him to do more at a faster pace that he has done so far while he is trying to walk a fine line so as NOT to inadvertently involve us in WW III. As to the pinch at the pumps he is now trying to actually work with Venezuela again and I am sure Exxon is telling him more about the fields now opening up in off-shore Guyana which are even more extensive and easier to process than Venezuela's heavy crude. Obviously more than that has to take place with other oil producers and he has to shut the greenies up by reopening the Canadian pipeline options.



And it kind of surprises me (though not really) how blind trumpians are to what Trump did in Helsinki and his comments about withdrawing from NATO which encouraged Putin to carry on with his long term plans. To try to claim voting against him would not have led us here is either intentional blindness or just not clear thinking. Putin's goal all along has been crystal clear just as Hitler's was. And we know where appeasement led back in the 1930s. The Eurounion now sees clearly we have a repeat of history taking place.

I'm sorry this may lead to a possible re-opening of the draft, but at the moment that's quite a stretch to think that is where it leads. My family has answered the country's calls every time all the way back to the "insurrection" against King George all they way up to my youngest 1st cousin who just retired as as a Marine LTC in their artillery with two tours in the Gulf Wars. And I have a grandson now turning 14 who is talking about joining up upon HS graduation when he is 18. Now sometimes I will admit that they answered the call on the wrong side as was the case for a great, great uncle, a great, great grandfather (whose brother in Maine fought for the Union) and great grandfather who were all in Texas Cavalry units in the Civil War. And I do not expect that most families have that long line and tradition of every generation answering when trouble threatens our freedoms here. All of mine volunteered and none were drafted. And when people like fake bone spurs trumpy call people like us and McCain suckers, I admit that just added to my already existing disdain for that lying con artist. To expect me to vote for a man with no principles whatsoever with attitudes like that is a bit much to ask or expect, especially since I believe Putin was headed here no matter who was prez or what they were doing to try to stop him. Trump being President would have made zero difference. We'd still be facing the same dilemma, how to stop him now without appeasement. And again don't you find it somewhat ironic that Lindsey Graham, trumpy's biggest ass kisser, understands that?

Your and Hoorta's obsession with Trump makes you blind to the facts as they are today.    Biden/Harris are demented and incompetent.  Weak.  Putin sees this and decided to act now.  Just as Rocket fat man Kim decided to resume missile testing.  They see a weak incompetent dotard as leadership in t he USA.    Putin would never have done this if Trump were President.  Now, wait for China to invade Taiwan and you can blame that on Trump too.

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3 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

I'm talking about Putin trying to reconstruct the old Soviet Union one piece at a time. Funny thing is he has awakened the Euro-Union (including brexit Britain) as to that fact which is why they are all now rushing in arms to Ukraine and troops into new NATO members nations.


You've made it clear in the past you don't care about Putin/Russia. But you are not addressing the fact that most of the pressure to "saber rattle" as you say are Republicans who have been pushing him to do more at a faster pace that he has done so far while he is trying to walk a fine line so as NOT to inadvertently involve us in WW III. As to the pinch at the pumps he is now trying to actually work with Venezuela again and I am sure Exxon is telling him more about the fields now opening up in off-shore Guyana which are even more extensive and easier to process than Venezuela's heavy crude. Obviously more than that has to take place with other oil producers and he has to shut the greenies up by reopening the Canadian pipeline options.



And it kind of surprises me (though not really) how blind trumpians are to what Trump did in Helsinki and his comments about withdrawing from NATO which encouraged Putin to carry on with his long term plans. To try to claim voting against him would not have led us here is either intentional blindness or just not clear thinking. Putin's goal all along has been crystal clear just as Hitler's was. And we know where appeasement led back in the 1930s. The Eurounion now sees clearly we have a repeat of history taking place.

I'm sorry this may lead to a possible re-opening of the draft, but at the moment that's quite a stretch to think that is where it leads. My family has answered the country's calls every time all the way back to the "insurrection" against King George all they way up to my youngest 1st cousin who just retired as as a Marine LTC in their artillery with two tours in the Gulf Wars. And I have a grandson now turning 14 who is talking about joining up upon HS graduation when he is 18. Now sometimes I will admit that they answered the call on the wrong side as was the case for a great, great uncle, a great, great grandfather (whose brother in Maine fought for the Union) and great grandfather who were all in Texas Cavalry units in the Civil War. And I do not expect that most families have that long line and tradition of every generation answering when trouble threatens our freedoms here. All of mine volunteered and none were drafted. And when people like fake bone spurs trumpy call people like us and McCain suckers, I admit that just added to my already existing disdain for that lying con artist. To expect me to vote for a man with no principles whatsoever with attitudes like that is a bit much to ask or expect, especially since I believe Putin was headed here no matter who was prez or what they were doing to try to stop him. Trump being President would have made zero difference. We'd still be facing the same dilemma, how to stop him now without appeasement. And again don't you find it somewhat ironic that Lindsey Graham, trumpy's biggest ass kisser, understands that?


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7 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

I don't want to go to war with Russia. If you do I think that's stupid.


Me neither Steve, but mark my words Ukraine will not be the end with Putin. Sooner or later he goes after the newest NATO members who were part of the Soviet Bloc.

So then what would you do? Putin is in the long term chess game for rebuilding "the good ole days".

5 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Putin would never have done this if Trump were President.

Yes he would. Trump gave him the green light with Helsinki and his talking about pulling out of NATO.

Focus on Putin, not who is or is not president. It makes no difference to Putin any more than the lives he is throwing away as we speak.

And as I said to Steve, it's gonna be on the NATO doorstep sooner rather than later. He's Hitler all over again. As evil a bastard as we'll ever see.

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7 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Me neither Steve, but mark my words Ukraine will not be the end with Putin. Sooner or later he goes after the newest NATO members who were part of the Soviet Bloc.

So then what would you do? Putin is in the long term chess game for rebuilding "the good ole days".

Yes he would. Trump gave him the green light with Helsinki and his talking about pulling out of NATO.

NATO can blow me. If they don't want to pay for protection from the United States let them start their own military. Less money for free shit for their deadbeat citizens.

But, and I got to look this up to see exactly, Putin's demands are autonomy for the provinces at the east of Ukraine, guarantee they won't join NATO and something else. What's wrong with that?

But the idea that we are there to "stop communism" because of the old domino effect, sounds an awful lot like another War we were involved in in the 60s.


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1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Me neither Steve, but mark my words Ukraine will not be the end with Putin. Sooner or later he goes after the newest NATO members who were part of the Soviet Bloc.

So then what would you do? Putin is in the long term chess game for rebuilding "the good ole days".

Yes he would. Trump gave him the green light with Helsinki and his talking about pulling out of NATO.

Focus on Putin, not who is or is not president. It makes no difference to Putin any more than the lives he is throwing away as we speak.

And as I said to Steve, it's gonna be on the NATO doorstep sooner rather than later. He's Hitler all over again. As evil a bastard as we'll ever see.

No he wouldn't.  He was wanting Germany, France and other rich NATO countries to pay their fair share, which he succeeded in doing.  Their you go again.

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1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Me neither Steve, but mark my words Ukraine will not be the end with Putin. Sooner or later he goes after the newest NATO members who were part of the Soviet Bloc.

So then what would you do? Putin is in the long term chess game for rebuilding "the good ole days".

Yes he would. Trump gave him the green light with Helsinki and his talking about pulling out of NATO.

Focus on Putin, not who is or is not president. It makes no difference to Putin any more than the lives he is throwing away as we speak.

And as I said to Steve, it's gonna be on the NATO doorstep sooner rather than later. He's Hitler all over again. As evil a bastard as we'll ever see.

He is evil no doubt.  But unless he uses Nukes, he won't succeed.  Germany had a much more powerful military for the time period.

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On 3/10/2022 at 6:22 AM, Westside Steve said:

Again I think it would be great if you could put your obsession with Trump aside

Why is it you and your cronies can talk about him all you want but we can't even mention his name? And why is every fucking thread someone raging about Biden? Doesn't seem much likea "political" forum if you ask me.

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8 minutes ago, Neo said:

Why is it you and your cronies can talk about him all you want but we can't even mention his name? And why is every fucking thread someone raging about Biden? Doesn't seem much likea "political" forum if you ask me.

 Here is Pres Trump's good/great things he did for America.

Now, you name just ONE thing biden has ever done good/great for America.

we'll wait. you could stfu if it helps you try to be honest.

Trump Administration Accomplishments - The White House

First president in history to attend the March for Life. Stood up for religious liberty in the United States and around the world. Protected the conscience rights of doctors, nurses, teachers, and groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor. First president to convene a meeting at the United Nations to end religious persecution.
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18 minutes ago, Neo said:

Why is it you and your cronies can talk about him all you want but we can't even mention his name? And why is every fucking thread someone raging about Biden? Doesn't seem much likea "political" forum if you ask me.

The difference is Trump is the only thing you morons will talk about no matter what the topic is you bring Trump into it...

Biden is occupying the White House making horrible decisions ruining everything he touches and it effects our lives right now!

Dang you are some kind of special MORON!

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