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The People's Convoy

MLD Woody

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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

Longer than I'm willing to commit to Woody. Sorry. Honest question: do you think the media manipulates the coverage? Some? A lot? None?


Depends on the media

Some no. Some some. Some a lot. Both ways. 


If you feel that video is manipulating what it seems like the interviewees are saying at any point, please point that out. These guys aren't media, and probably give more unbiased coverage to events like this than bigger media.

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on the other hand, what woodpecker, whoorta, tex and neo voted for, is also this:


Award-winning American filmmaker killed by Russian forces in Ukraine, authorities in Kyiv say. White House adviser vows to 'execute appropriate consequences.'


    He risked his own well-being to report on the truth about the invasion. Was murdered by russian military war criminals.

Not one chirp from the woodpecker.  Really despicable.


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4 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Depends on the media

Some no. Some some. Some a lot. Both ways. 


If you feel that video is manipulating what it seems like the interviewees are saying at any point, please point that out. These guys aren't media, and probably give more unbiased coverage to events like this than bigger media.

I'm not really accusing anybody in that video it's just too much time I didn't want to invest in it. Sure the media manipulates stuff all the time left and right. For the time being it seems like the left and right have gotten together to propagandize the Russian invasion. In the end of course whoever wins will write the story to make themselves look like the good guys. And demonize the losers.


If the media, either side, decided to paint the Ukraine As A Rat's Nest of corruption Etc that needed to be cleaned out they could do that. I mean it really is but now they're being portrayed like Saints and Paragons of virtue.


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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

I'm not really accusing anybody in that video it's just too much time I didn't want to invest in it. Sure the media manipulates stuff all the time left and right. For the time being it seems like the left and right have gotten together to propagandize the Russian invasion. In the end of course whoever wins will write the story to make themselves look like the good guys. And demonize the losers.


If the media, either side, decided to paint the Ukraine As A Rat's Nest of corruption Etc that needed to be cleaned out they could do that. I mean it really is but now they're being portrayed like Saints and Paragons of virtue.


I've also notice, from this board, that it isn't necessarily how biased a media source is that makes people think they're untrustworthy, it's more how far the individual is politically from that media source.


Someone on the far far ends of one ideology will think middle of the road coverage is biased because it is still far off from what they think. 

We see that all of the time here

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It is also funny that the usual suspects try to flood all of my threads with unrelated nonsense. (And then accuse me of changing the subject in their threads, ha...)


This isn't even actively making fun of these people. It is just a video letting them talk.

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Just now, MLD Woody said:

It is also funny that the usual suspects try to flood all of my threads with unrelated nonsense. (And then accuse me of changing the subject in their threads, ha...)


This isn't even actively making fun of these people. It is just a video letting them talk.

Yes that's correct. Sometimes it's frustrating to me that in the middle of a conversation about something else there will be 25 cartoons or jokes or memes completely unrelated. It's also true that the original intent in most threads has the lifespan shorter than the Tse  Tse fly. 

I have no gripe with the video you posted it was just longer than I wanted to watch.

At times I have invested more time in things you post it whether or not I respond.

For instance the Ted talk about whether or not mathematics is racist. Don't know that we have enough common ground for me to write a substantial response but I'll possibly take a shot one of these days.


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2 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Yes that's correct. Sometimes it's frustrating to me that in the middle of a conversation about something else there will be 25 cartoons or jokes or memes completely unrelated. It's also true that the original intent in most threads has the lifespan shorter than the Tse  Tse fly. 

I have no gripe with the video you posted it was just longer than I wanted to watch.

At times I have invested more time in things you post it whether or not I respond.

For instance the Ted talk about whether or not mathematics is racist. Don't know that we have enough common ground for me to write a substantial response but I'll possibly take a shot one of these days.


Yeah no worries. People have busy lives.

Thays just a subject (no pun intended) I know a lot about and has had a big influence on my life. So I had a lot to say.

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