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Latest Biden Promise Tracker Promises



Joe Biden

Nominate the first Black woman to U.S. Supreme Court

Senate confirms Ketanji Brown Jackson for Supreme Court | April 7, 2022


Joe Biden

Reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act

Biden signs Violence Against Women Act, but without change to 'boyfriend loophole' | March 18, 2022


Joe Biden

Add 150,000 community health workers

Under Medicaid, several states are adding community health workers | January 13, 2022


Joe Biden

Create a Public Health Jobs Corps

AmeriCorps is creating a public health jobs corps | January 12, 2022


Joe Biden

Expand broadband, or wireless broadband via 5G, to every American

Signing of bipartisan infrastructure bill is major step forward for broadband promise | January 12, 2022


Joe Biden

Block new fracking on federal lands, but not ban all fracking

Court ruling, administration backtracking undercut fracking ban | January 11, 2022


Joe Biden

Establish new fuel economy standards

EPA tightens fuel efficiency rules for cars and light trucks | January 11, 2022


Joe Biden

Use evidence to determine COVID-19 openings and closing

Joe Biden

Introduce a constitutional amendment to eliminate private dollars from federal elections

No sign of constitutional amendment to ban private funding of elections | January 11, 2022


Joe Biden

Work with allies to develop secure private-sector-led 5G networks

U.S. leverages allies to back 5G alternatives insulated from China | January 11, 2022


Joe Biden

Forgive student loan debt from public colleges and universities

Biden pauses student loan payments, but hasn’t pursued large-scale forgiveness | January 11, 2022


Joe Biden

Create a public credit reporting agency

House holds hearing on proposals to create a public credit reporting agency | January 11, 2022


Joe Biden

Direct federal resources to help prevent violence against transgender women

Biden keeps promise to leverage federal focus on transgender issues | January 11, 2022


Joe Biden

Establish an offshoring tax penalty

Build Back Better bill would change overseas tax provisions | January 7, 2022


Joe Biden

Change tax code so pharmaceutical production stays in the US

Proposed tax changes would have unclear impact on pharmaceutical manufacturing | January 6, 2022


Joe Biden

End for-profit detention centers

Little change under Biden in use of private facilities to detain migrants | January 6, 2022


Joe Biden

Restore ACA's contraception mandate

Administration signals new proposed rule on contraception in 2022 | January 6, 2022


Joe Biden

Double number of immigration judges and staff

Biden has increased the number of immigration judges, but hasn’t doubled them | January 5, 2022


Joe Biden

Enact domestic terrorism law

No new law enacted, but official strategy heightens focus on domestic terrorism | January 5, 2022


Joe Biden

Double value of Pell Grants

Bill would boost amount of Pell Grants, but not double them | January 5, 2022


Joe Biden

End the online sale of firearms and ammunition

No legislative ban, but executive action would tighten regulation of “ghost guns” | January 5, 2022


Joe Biden

Eliminate cash bail

Biden has barely mentioned cash bail in his first year as president | January 4, 2022


Joe Biden

Eliminate mandatory minimums for criminals

Biden’s promise to eliminate mandatory minimums stalls | January 4, 2022


Joe Biden

Decriminalize marijuana

Biden hasn’t moved on promise to decriminalize marijuana use. | January 4, 2022


Joe Biden

Require background checks for all gun sales

Legislation to require background checks for all gun sales stalls | January 4, 2022


Joe Biden

Get bipartisan cooperation on the economy

Despite widespread GOP opposition, Biden finds bipartisan backing for infrastructure bill | December 22, 2021


Joe Biden

Use the Defense Production Act to produce personal protective equipment

Biden administration has been using the Defense Production Act to fight the pandemic | December 22, 2021


Joe Biden

Support the study of reparations for slavery

Biden’s promise to study reparations for Black Americans for slavery stalls | December 22, 2021


Joe Biden

Make union organizing easier for workers

PRO Act stalls in Senate, but part is inserted into Build Back Better bill | December 17, 2021


Joe Biden

Restrict super PACs

Provisions to curb super PACs survive in Senate version, but election bill remains stalled | December 17, 2021


Joe Biden

Require all federal candidates to release tax returns

Requirement for candidates to release tax returns on hold due to Senate filibuster | December 17, 2021


Joe Biden

Increase transparency of election spending

New rules for “dark money” groups languish with blockage of voting bill in Senate | December 17, 2021


Joe Biden

Make 2 years of community college or a high-quality training program tuition-free

Community college tuition proposal stripped from Build Back Better bill before vote | December 17, 2021


Joe Biden

Make public colleges and universities tuition-free for families who make less than $125,000

Free tuition for public colleges and universities doesn’t make it to the starting gate | December 17, 2021


Joe Biden

Raise corporate tax rate to 28%

Biden shifts approach on corporate taxation | December 17, 2021


Joe Biden

Guarantee 7 days of paid sick leave

Democrats focus on paid leave proposal rather than requirement for sick days | December 17, 2021


Joe Biden

Put Social Security on a path to long-run solvency

House bill would expand taxation for wealthy Americans to support Social Security | December 17, 2021


Joe Biden

Expand and increase Social Security benefits

Democrats introduce House bill to expand Social Security benefits | December 17, 2021


Joe Biden

Incentivize states to restore voting rights to convicted felons

Biden’s promise related to restoring felons’ voting rights stalls | December 16, 2021


Joe Biden

Repeal Hyde Amendment

Opponents of federal abortion funding ban achieve historic result in House, face challenge in Senate | December 16, 2021


Joe Biden

Ban the manufacture and sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines

Assault weapon ban continues to languish in both chambers of Congress | December 15, 2021


Joe Biden

Offer a public option health insurance plan like Medicare

Public option for health insurance moved to back burner | December 15, 2021


Joe Biden

Offer up to $8,000 tax credit for child care

Child care assistance for most families passes House, though not in tax credit form | December 14, 2021


Joe Biden

Work to codify Roe v. Wade

House passes bill to enshrine Roe v. Wade, but threats to ruling mount | December 14, 2021


Joe Biden

Increase the federal minimum wage to $15/hour

No sign of revived Democratic effort to boost minimum wage to $15 an hour | December 14, 2021


Joe Biden

Repeal law barring Medicare from negotiating lower drug prices

House approves provision to permit some drug negotiation by Medicare | December 13, 2021


Joe Biden

Join allies to negotiate with North Korea on denuclearization

No action yet on North Korea | December 9, 2021


Joe Biden

Guarantee 12 weeks paid family and medical leave

Paid family leave is back in the Democrats’ reconciliation bill | November 5, 2021


Joe Biden

Update the Voting Rights Act

Biden’s promise to update Voting Rights Act hits Senate roadblock | November 3, 2021


Joe Biden

Get COVID-19 under control

Biden releases a new plan to combat COVID-19, but experts say there’s still a ways to go | September 14, 2021


Joe Biden

End wars in Afghanistan and the Middle East

Joe Biden declares the war in Afghanistan over | August 31, 2021


Joe Biden

Give disadvantaged communities 40% of spending benefits related to clean energy

Congress holds key on clean energy dollars to poorer communities | July 20, 2021


Joe Biden

Provide Section 8 vouchers to low-income families to cap housing costs at 30% of income

Joe Biden has a long way to go to meet housing goal | July 15, 2021


Joe Biden

Lower cost of prescription drugs

Biden takes steps to lower drug prices, but odds are long for achieving his promised 60% reduction | July 15, 2021


Joe Biden

Allow import of prescription drugs from other countries

Biden's executive order includes push for drug importation, but experts question feasibility | July 13, 2021


Joe Biden

Restore Cuba engagement

Biden’s promise to restore Cuba engagement stalls | July 12, 2021


Joe Biden

Eliminate the federal death penalty

Attorney General Garland orders moratorium on federal executions | July 2, 2021


Joe Biden

Rejoin Iran nuclear deal

Preliminary talks underway to revive the Iran nuclear deal | June 22, 2021


Joe Biden

Award federal contracts to companies that make all products in US

White House moves on new Buy American guidelines | June 21, 2021


Joe Biden

Offer universal preschool to 3- and 4-year-olds

Biden includes universal preschool proposal in American Families Plan | June 14, 2021

Joe Biden

Resume ties with the Palestinian Authority

Biden keeps promise to resume ties with the Palestinian Authority | June 10, 2021


Joe Biden

Increase COVID-19 testing

Biden kept his promise to increase testing capacity, even as demand for testing drops | June 10, 2021


Joe Biden

Expand services for people during and after incarceration

Biden’s budget proposes more support for incarcerated people, reentry programs | June 10, 2021


Joe Biden

Invest $300 million in COPS program

Biden budget proposes $265 million more for community oriented policing | June 9, 2021


Joe Biden

End pay discrimination

Paycheck Fairness Act passes House | May 27, 2021


Joe Biden

Provide assistance to Northern Triangle countries

Democratic bill moves forward Biden’s pledge to invest $4 billion in Central America | May 24, 2021


Joe Biden

Expand Justice Department power to address police misconduct

Under Biden, Justice Department resumes investigations of police agencies | May 24, 2021


Joe Biden

Rejoin the Paris climate agreement

U.S. formally rejoins Paris Climate Agreement | May 21, 2021


Joe Biden

Increase refugee admissions

Biden raises refugee cap to 62,500 for 2021 | May 4, 2021


Joe Biden

Tighten 'Made In America' rules

Tighten Buy American rules: Joe Biden takes first steps | May 3, 2021


Joe Biden

Increase access to affordable housing

Infrastructure proposal includes $213 billion for housing | April 21, 2021


Joe Biden

No tax increase for anyone making less than $400,000

No direct tax increases proposed for households under $400,000 | April 20, 2021

Joe Biden

Implement mask mandates nationwide

Some states drop mask mandates | April 20, 2021


Joe Biden

Create a bipartisan commission to consider reforms to the Supreme Court

Biden forms commission to study changing Supreme Court | April 15, 2021


Joe Biden

Use a national commission to address policing issues

Biden pauses promise to form police oversight commission | April 13, 2021


Joe Biden

100 million COVID-19 vaccine shots for 50 million people in 100 days

58 days in, Biden reaches milestone of 100 million shots within his first 100 days | March 19, 2021


Joe Biden

Give small businesses a 'restart package' for pandemic-related openings

American Rescue Plan includes aid for small businesses, including restaurants | March 17, 2021


Joe Biden

Help state and local governments prevent budget shortfalls

American Rescue Plan includes $350 billion for states, localities | March 16, 2021


Joe Biden

Prevent the White House from interfering in federal investigations and prosecutions

Merrick Garland, other Justice Department nominees pledge political impartiality | March 12, 2021


Joe Biden

Enact the Equality Act

House passage of Equality Act advances Biden campaign promise | March 12, 2021


Joe Biden

Improve Obamacare

With American Rescue Plan, Biden moves closer to making good on ACA-related campaign promise | March 11, 2021


Joe Biden

Create a pathway to citizenship for nearly 11 million people

Democrats advance Joe Biden’s campaign promise of pathway to citizenship | February 23, 2021


Joe Biden

Restore federal funding for Planned Parenthood

Biden administration rule paves the way for Planned Parenthood clinics to rejoin Title X network | January 28, 2021


Joe Biden

Put US on a course to net-zero emissions by 2050.

Joe Biden’s moves start the US toward net-zero carbon, but Congress is key | January 27, 2021


Joe Biden

Reverse family separation policies

Biden fulfills promise to end Trump policy that led to family separations | January 27, 2021


Joe Biden

End federal government's use of private prisons and detention centers

Biden issued order to not renew contracts with private prisons | January 27, 2021


Joe Biden

Reverse the transgender military ban

Biden signs executive order banning discrimination against transgender service members | January 25, 2021


Joe Biden

Rejoin the World Health Organization (WHO)

Biden sends letter to reverse Trump’s WHO withdrawal | January 21, 2021


Joe Biden

Immediately rescind the “Muslim bans”

Joe Biden signs proclamation revoking Trump’s travel ban | January 21, 2021


Joe Biden

Restore the White House directorate for global health security

Biden restores White House office for global health security | January 21, 2021


Joe Biden

Protect military personnel and veterans from deportation

None | January 19, 2021


Joe Biden

Make HBCUs, TCUs, and under-resourced MSIs more affordable for their students

None | January 19, 2021


Joe Biden

Stop for-profit education programs from profiteering off of students

None | January 19, 2021


Joe Biden

Reduce health uninsured rate for African Americans

None | January 18, 2021


Joe Biden

Increase access to VA care beyond 5-year eligibility for combat veterans

None | January 18, 2021


Joe Biden

Reduce high maternal mortality rate

None | January 18, 2021


Joe Biden

Create national center to reduce veteran suicide

None | January 18, 2021


Joe Biden

Rebuild health stockpiles to be ready for crises

None | January 18, 2021


Joe Biden

Create 1 million auto industry jobs

None | January 18, 2021

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