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Sweden suffers serious Islamic terrorist/extremist violence - 58% of rapes...


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the extremists rule. They can do anything they want. Everyone else had better be subservient, or else.

and under biden we have open borders.

I guess they figured those violent, controlling, raping, murdering, dangerously demanding immigrants "just wanted a better life"...........


Unspeakable Violence Rages in Sweden

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"Rape conviction rates rise 75% in Sweden after change in the law | Reuters" https://www.reuters.com/article/us-sweden-crime-rape-law-trfn/rape-conviction-rates-rise-75-in-sweden-after-change-in-the-law-idUSKBN23T2R3


"Even Sweden Doesn't Want Migrants Anymore" https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/11/17/even-sweden-doesnt-want-migrants-anymore-syria-iraq-belarus/


You keep fighting the good fight Woody! These women are probably just racist. Not unlike introducing feral animals into your home; more than likely your domesticated pets will suffer.


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10 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

"Rape conviction rates rise 75% in Sweden after change in the law | Reuters" https://www.reuters.com/article/us-sweden-crime-rape-law-trfn/rape-conviction-rates-rise-75-in-sweden-after-change-in-the-law-idUSKBN23T2R3


"Even Sweden Doesn't Want Migrants Anymore" https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/11/17/even-sweden-doesnt-want-migrants-anymore-syria-iraq-belarus/


You keep fighting the good fight Woody! These women are probably just racist. Not unlike introducing feral animals into your home; more than likely your domesticated pets will suffer.


You've missed the point

If you want to blindly believe any tweet you see just because you agree with the information, fine. Join JAFBF. 

But, as I've pointed out, there are some pretty clear questions / inconsistencies with the data and tweet. I'm calling that out. No more, no less. Maybe he's right, but there are clear red flags. 

You and the rest of the crew can circle jerk over each other however you like. 

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12 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

You've missed the point

If you want to blindly believe any tweet you see just because you agree with the information, fine. Join JAFBF. 

But, as I've pointed out, there are some pretty clear questions / inconsistencies with the data and tweet. I'm calling that out. No more, no less. Maybe he's right, but there are clear red flags. 

You and the rest of the crew can circle jerk over each other however you like. 

so, you are trying to deny that illegals increase violent crime dramatically? yes or no.

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

You've missed the point

If you want to blindly believe any tweet you see just because you agree with the information, fine. Join JAFBF. 

But, as I've pointed out, there are some pretty clear questions / inconsistencies with the data and tweet. I'm calling that out. No more, no less. Maybe he's right, but there are clear red flags. 

You and the rest of the crew can circle jerk over each other however you like. 

"Sweden rape: Most convicted attackers foreign-born, says TV - BBC News" https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-45269764

"Afghan migrant who 'drugged, raped and murdered 13-year-old girl' WILL be sent back to Austria" https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10394347/Afghan-migrant-drugged-raped-murdered-13-year-old-girl-sent-Austria.html

I know you have the woke agenda to defend at all costs; but are Joe Biden's dog treats actually that tasty?


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23 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

this dude posted the same thing last september



so have there been no bombings in 7 months? or has the rate of bombings perfect to make this a hell of a coincidence? 


or is this guy just full of shit? hmmmm

Oh no.  I'm sure all the muslim terrorists moving there have been extremely lawful and obedient to Swedish culture.  ROFLMAO!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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On 4/22/2022 at 4:43 PM, calfoxwc said:

so, you are trying to deny that illegals increase violent crime dramatically? yes or no.

it isn't that tough of a question. Everybody knows that woodpeckers love to make noise...

why so quiet?




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