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Sen. Kit Bond calls for investigation of Van Jones


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Sen. Kit Bond calls for investigation of Green Jobs Czar Van Jones


By: Chris Stirewalt

Political Editor

09/04/09 3:36 PM EDT

The senior senator from Missouri has sent a letter to the head of the Senate green jobs subcommittee, Vermont's Sen. Bernie Sanders, calling for an investigation into Green Jobs Czar Van Jones' connection to the "truther" movement.


One of the reasons Senators have been complaining about the proliferation of czars in the Obama White House is that they can be given broad portfolios without any Senate approval. Picking such a fringe character for such a big job may end up creating momentum for more Senate oversight.


You can join John McCormack's contest to guess Jones' departure date from the Obama White House at The Weekly Standard.


Here's the letter:


September 4, 2009


The Honorable Bernard Sanders


Green Jobs and the New Economy Subcommittee

Committee on Environment and Public Works

U.S. Senate

Washington, DC 20510


Dear Bernie:


Recent news reports call into question the fitness of Van Jones, the Special Advisor for Green Jobs at the White House Council on Environmental Quality, to perform the duties entrusted to him. I request that the Senate Green Jobs and the New Economy Subcommittee conduct an oversight hearing of Mr. Jones’ behavior and comments to reassure the American people that their government is safe from his divisive, incendiary and ultimately counterproductive sentiments.


Today, news outlets are reporting that Van Jones signed a petition from the so-called “Truther” movement which suggests that the Bush administration “may indeed have deliberately allowed 9/11 to happen, perhaps as a pretext to war.” I can imagine few sentiments more repulsive to our brave fighting soldiers and the victims of the 9/11 terror tragedy than to think the U.S. government deliberately allowed the events of 9/11 to occur. Of course Mr. Jones in hindsight is embarrassed by the public disclosure of his participation in the petition drive and now asserts he did not read the fine print of the petition. Even if true, how can the American people trust a senior White House official that is so cavalier in his association with such radical and repugnant sentiments?


Unfortunately, this episode is just the latest in a pattern of Mr. Jones’ incendiary remarks that only divide Americans and make positive change for the future more difficult. Earlier this year in a speech in Berkeley, California on energy, Mr. Jones referred to Republicans in crude scatological words unfit for print. Last year, Mr. Jones in a radio interview stated his goals as a “complete revolution” to “transform the whole society” away from capitalism. These recent comments remove the credibility of his assertions that his past radical statements and actions such as the creation of the group Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM) rooted in Marxism and Leninism merely reflect youthful sentiments in the distant past.


Despite Mr. Jones’ continuing erratic and outrageous behavior, he occupies a senior “czar” position in the White House. He obtained this position without U.S. Senate advice and consent and without oversight of his activities. And yet, Mr. Jones is responsible for directing administration policy and spending on tens of billions of dollars in taxpayer funding regarding environmental policy and green jobs programs. Many hold out the prospect of green jobs as one of the few practical benefits of pending cap and trade legislation in the face of groups such as the National Black Chamber of Commerce which predict that such legislation will destroy over 2.5 million net jobs, even after the creation of potential new green jobs.


While I am skeptical of the ability of green jobs programs to provide meaningful numbers of new jobs without heavy continuing taxpayer subsidies or mandates that destroy millions of traditional jobs, I hope you agree that we cannot risk whatever new green jobs are in our nation’s future to unsound and unpredictable leadership.


Refusal to conduct an oversight hearing by the Subcommittee would heighten concern over whether this administration is committed to mainstream, inclusive, positive leadership and policies. While we may differ in our policy prescriptions to protect the environment and spur job creation, I hope you will agree that the Senate and our Subcommittee have a responsibility to ensure that administration stewards of taxpayer funds and government policy are capable of the jobs entrusted to them.


I look forward to your consideration and response to this request. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.




Christopher S. Bond

U.S. Senator



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None of them can honestly deny the liberal domination of the media:



The Van Jones (non) feeding frenzy

By: Byron York

Chief Political Correspondent

09/04/09 11:30 AM EDT

From a Nexis search a few moments ago:


Total words about the Van Jones controversy in the New York Times: 0.

Total words about the Van Jones controversy in the Washington Post: 0.

Total words about the Van Jones controversy on NBC Nightly News: 0.

Total words about the Van Jones controversy on ABC World News: 0.

Total words about the Van Jones controversy on CBS Evening News: 0.


If you were to receive all your news from any one of these outlets, or even all of them together, and you heard about some sort of controversy involving President Obama's Special Adviser for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, your response would be, "Huh?" If you heard that that adviser, Van Jones, had apologized for a number of remarks and positions in the recent past, your response would be, "What?" And if you were in the Obama White House monitoring the Jones situation, you would be hoping that the news organizations listed above continue to hold the line -- otherwise, Jones, who is quite well thought of in Obama circles, would be history.


9/5/09 UPDATE: The New York Times, ABC and NBC hold the line


After the Jones controversy reached a boiling point on Friday, the Washington Post published a story, "White House Says Little on Embattled Jones," on page A-3 of its Saturday edition. But the New York Times remained silent on the story.


Likewise, on Friday night the "CBS Evening News" reported the Jones matter, but ABC's "World News" and "NBC Nightly News" again failed to report the story.





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This guy sticks out like a sore thumb, I think all Czars need to be investigated before allowed to take hold of the job they are asked to do.



Leave it to a lawyer like Obama to find a loophole to let the scum get in.

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This guy sticks out like a sore thumb, I think all Czars need to be investigated before allowed to take hold of the job they are asked to do. Leave it to a lawyer like Obama to find a loophole to let the scum get in.


Fortunately the guy has become nothing but a trivia question.


I hope the door didn't hit his asshole on the way out.


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libs bolted off the forum


You and T can claim "mission accomplished",

People have grown tired of conversing with idiotic threads and "full Retard" posts,

Its old ,and for the most part your parrots of mass emails and heritage foundation rhetoric that is worthless and deserves no response.

T and yourself can now enjoy posting all the garbage you want without dissent unfortunately the two of you will be the only ones reading your posts but im sure you will enjoy it so thread away.......


Plus there's little but this type of response to it.

I mean we all probably agree Van's a shithead and Obammy fu**d up by appointing him.

Since the threads are mostlu indefensable all the Dems can do is bitch that they were posted.

Oh and call everybody not on the left "idiot."


Did you have a word of support for the guy Dan?



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T and yourself can now enjoy posting all the garbage you want without dissent unfortunately the two of you will be the only ones reading your posts but im sure you will enjoy it so thread away.......


Your Funny!


For someone who talks about being so fair and balanced. ............. hold on Im still laughing!!! All you can do is bitch over the fact that some shithead was called out publicly and he was associated with your Obamy, so your pissed off.







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But seriously, Dan, you and Heck have any opinions


on politics these days?


Or you won't let go of your Michael Moore bobble head ?


I don't believe you libs start any kind of serious discussions


anywhere. Did I miss one?





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