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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

Nothing there regarding how I post. Just you

I have no idea what obsession you're talking about. So because large corporations employ people and contribute to the GDP they're exempt from paying their fair share. Go look at any graphs showing income inequality over time and it's clear that's an issue.

I never said anything remotely close to thinking I had some great impact on the world. If you're going to quote me and replt at least stay within the realm of reality. 

I responded to post you made. Don't put words in my mouth and I wouldn't have to reply. 

This isn't any crusade against responsibility. I've paid off$60k+ in loans. I still think the system is broken. I still think those suffering should get relief. I do very well for myself, but I still see the struggle others to through with student loans. 

The people up the chain where I work are in the 7 figures. I'm sure many think a certain way. We're in a not typical industry. Not sure if why any of that has any impact on my opinion here. 

I'm paraphrasing off many of your posts, from many threads, over many years.  I guess you're a victim of your own portfolio, sorry bro.

What is "fair", if you understand your contribution is miniscule compared to companies/corporations that drive this country and quite frankly the world to some degree?  Inequity between the haves and have nots is not necessarily, in itself, nefarious.  Being good with money doesn't require a correction factor to help those that aren't, unless you are a socialist. (Note: I didn't just call you a socialist)

I'm not referring to Woody's personal responsibility, I'm referring to Woody's inability to factor individual responsibility into his ideology on social responsibility.  I'm sure real life Woody isn't as dense as internet Woody with regards to basic communication, but we'll play the cards we're dealt.  I sincerely respect that you paid your loans back early, but if you didn't or couldn't and suggested corporate money should pay for it, then your degree wouldn't be worth the paper it was written on.  That's ludicrous to expect such a thing.

The top 1% pays more than the bottom 90% combined in income tax, that's irrefutable.  I understand that doesn't mean they pay the same percentage of income tax as the commoners, which is the elephant in your room.  BUT everyone gets tax breaks if they meet the criteia.  Parents aren't paying their fair share when they get the child tax credit.  Students aren't paying their fair share when they get a loan interest deduction.  Likewise, first time homeowners/homesteaders are tax cheats too apparently, and on and on.  You've isolated corporations because what you want is essentially a 'success' tax, with no exceptions, to compensate for average Joe's lack of successful decisions.  I'm not quoting you, that's a logical deduction from everything you're implying, so spare me the victim schtick for once.  And IF you believe that, it makes Cal roughly 75% right about you.


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11 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Okay. So here's my point on this. Yellen may be partisan, but is not an idiot.

Of course this proposal is going to be bad for the economy and everything else and the Democrats know it. They also know that there's a damn good chance that it gets shot down, they are probably hoping it does because of the negative impact on the economy which might be the final nail in their coffin. They're just hoping it gets shot down and they can blame the Republicans for everybody not getting as much free s*** as they want.


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36 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Okay. So here's my point on this. Yellen may be partisan, but is not an idiot.

Of course this proposal is going to be bad for the economy and everything else and the Democrats know it. They also know that there's a damn good chance that it gets shot down, they are probably hoping it does because of the negative impact on the economy which might be the final nail in their coffin. They're just hoping it gets shot down and they can blame the Republicans for everybody not getting as much free s*** as they want.


Sounds like politics 101

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20 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Bernie absolutely stood a chance. We had people thinking Trump didn't stand a chance (and accurately called him a con man) but Trump won. We had people thinking Biden didn't stand a chance and he won (unless you're a braindead brainwashed moron that believes desperate conspiracy theories). 

Yes, right, lazy kids on the couch. Brilliant. I imagine that post came between you telling at kids to get off your lawn and yelling at kids to stop skateboarding. Brilliant. 

Side note: Insane that voting day isn't a federal holiday. I mean, the Republican strategy is to make it as hard to vote as possible and to limit voting as much as possible, so that's a clear reason why it isn't. Something other countries manage to do but we probably think is communist or some stupid shit like that. 

Wait, so are you saying Trump isn't part of the "ruling class"? The guy thathrags about his wealth as a billionaire. The guy that puts his name on everything and costs everything in gold? The guy that named his son Barron? Yeah, that definitely sounds like a man of the people...

Realizing now through the length of your post you start with saying Bernie didn't stand a chance and then shift to saying the Dems thought he stood a chance. Alright. 

It isn't an age old cliche. The republicans don't give a shit about the working man. They exist to cut taxes for the wealthy and push the myth of trickle down economics. They exist to make a poor white guy in a rural area think that his best bet at prosperity is to cut taxes for corporations and billionaires. All while seeding division through wedge issues and telling him the gays are coming to destroy his way of life (or CRT, or trans folks, or whatever the hot button issue they created is at the moment). 

Sure, plenty of Dems don't care about minorities either. But the fantasy of Trump caring about the every day working man is by far the most ridiculous. Trump, the guy that lives in a golden room in a tower with his name on it. That guy. That guy cares about a blue collar worker in west Virginia. Give me a fucking break. 

Oh boy, someone has got a lot of de-programming to do. I'll give it a shot. Good luck guys!

The idea that democrats are for the poor and the Reps are for the rich IS and age old cliche...you probably first heard it from your grandfather. As well was I led to believe that from mine. I would have hoped that in 2022 you would have grown out of believing a fairy tale.

The ruling class you are referring to pertains to the bankers, business executives, lawyers that you believe run the country. This remains a myth. At best it is only a theory.

If Trump doesn't care about Christians and is only after their vote, so what?  The Christians don't care so why should you? What Christians believe is that Trump is their best bet. What they care about is that he does and continues to support their agenda, regardless of his feelings.  

If you can say that Trump panders to Christians for their vote, then you can even more easily say that democrats for decades have pandered blacks for theirs..."I carry hot sauce in my purse all the time" - Hillary Clinton to a group of blacks.

CEOS in your company making 6 figures is why your company exists and why you have a job.

What is so hypocritical of you folks CEO salary shaming is that there is never a peep out of you over the obscene billions being paid to NFL, MLB, NBA, and NHL players for playing games. I don't have a problem with it no more than I do with a CEO who actually works for a living. This is the effect of capitalism. 

Oh and lest we forget about the liberal TV talking heads being paid millions for spewing liberal propaganda and misinformation? Share some of that bounty with the cameraman or the janitor in the building.




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14 minutes ago, FY56 said:

Oh boy, someone has got a lot of de-programming to do. I'll give it a shot. Good luck guys!

The idea that democrats are for the poor and the Reps are for the rich IS and age old cliche...you probably first heard it from your grandfather. As well was I led to believe that from mine. I would have hoped that in 2022 you would have grown out of believing a fairy tale.

The ruling class you are referring to pertains to the bankers, business executives, lawyers that you believe run the country. This remains a myth. At best it is only a theory.

If Trump doesn't care about Christians and is only after their vote, so what?  The Christians don't care so why should you? What Christians believe is that Trump is their best bet. What they care about is that he does and continues to support their agenda, regardless of his feelings.  

If you can say that Trump panders to Christians for their vote, then you can even more easily say that democrats for decades have pandered blacks for theirs..."I carry hot sauce in my purse all the time" - Hillary Clinton to a group of blacks.

CEOS in your company making 6 figures is why your company exists and why you have a job.

What is so hypocritical of you folks CEO salary shaming is that there is never a peep out of you over the obscene billions being paid to NFL, MLB, NBA, and NHL players for playing games. I don't have a problem with it no more than I do with a CEO who actually works for a living. This is the effect of capitalism. 

Oh and lest we forget about the liberal TV talking heads being paid millions for spewing liberal propaganda and misinformation? Share some of that bounty with the cameraman or the janitor in the building.




Remarking on your For the rich/For the poor aspect of this.... What these Fuck Hats fail to realize is that without rich folks...

There are no jobs..

No Internet...

No economy...

No Iphones that you keep your fat,lazy asses glued to...

No food distribution to keep your ass fat and happy...


So while these idiots are sucking down their woke cup of Starbucks shit coffee in the morning , they need to realize their lives would be much harder without Rich folks...


They are pretty much the straws that stirs the drinks... I don't mind Rich folks catching a break here n there... They pay for everything anyway...


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Woody, you have been putting words in peoples "mouths" for years. You spout off ignorantly about generalizations that don't hold up.

You whined in this thread about the balooning of college costs.

Yes, they are higher. Just once, legitimately answer a question:

How does giving away so much of taxpayer's money to kids who used college loans to live for 4 or more years and didn't plan on how they could pay it back....(RIGHT BEFORE THE MIDTERM ELECTIONS....)

NOT make the problem worse?


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54 minutes ago, nickers said:

Remarking on your For the rich/For the poor aspect of this.... What these Fuck Hats fail to realize is that without rich folks...

There are no jobs..

No Internet...

No economy...

No Iphones that you keep your fat,lazy asses glued to...

No food distribution to keep your ass fat and happy...


So while these idiots are sucking down their woke cup of Starbucks shit coffee in the morning , they need to realize their lives would be much harder without Rich folks...


They are pretty much the straws that stirs the drinks... I don't mind Rich folks catching a break here n there... They pay for everything anyway...


They are either that ignorant or just don't want to hear it..  They don't give damn that Americas free enterprise system gave entrepreneurs, many who started with nothing the drive to become successful and wealthy. The risks they took.

 Imagine had Steve Jobs had been told he would be forced to share his wealth..  God, do they hate that "My Pillow" guy. 

These were the Bernie Sanders voters.

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20 hours ago, htownbrown said:

I'm paraphrasing off many of your posts, from many threads, over many years.  I guess you're a victim of your own portfolio, sorry bro.

What is "fair", if you understand your contribution is miniscule compared to companies/corporations that drive this country and quite frankly the world to some degree?  Inequity between the haves and have nots is not necessarily, in itself, nefarious.  Being good with money doesn't require a correction factor to help those that aren't, unless you are a socialist. (Note: I didn't just call you a socialist)

I'm not referring to Woody's personal responsibility, I'm referring to Woody's inability to factor individual responsibility into his ideology on social responsibility.  I'm sure real life Woody isn't as dense as internet Woody with regards to basic communication, but we'll play the cards we're dealt.  I sincerely respect that you paid your loans back early, but if you didn't or couldn't and suggested corporate money should pay for it, then your degree wouldn't be worth the paper it was written on.  That's ludicrous to expect such a thing.

The top 1% pays more than the bottom 90% combined in income tax, that's irrefutable.  I understand that doesn't mean they pay the same percentage of income tax as the commoners, which is the elephant in your room.  BUT everyone gets tax breaks if they meet the criteia.  Parents aren't paying their fair share when they get the child tax credit.  Students aren't paying their fair share when they get a loan interest deduction.  Likewise, first time homeowners/homesteaders are tax cheats too apparently, and on and on.  You've isolated corporations because what you want is essentially a 'success' tax, with no exceptions, to compensate for average Joe's lack of successful decisions.  I'm not quoting you, that's a logical deduction from everything you're implying, so spare me the victim schtick for once.  And IF you believe that, it makes Cal roughly 75% right about you.


And it is good to see your "holier than thou" "grace us with your wisdom" internet persona transfers over to your political beliefs. Which I guess just makes sense. 

Good to know everyone worse off financially is just there because they made bad decisions.


A college degree's value isn't held only in the monetary cost of that degree. Do you think degrees now are worth more than they were back in the day because their cost has greatly outpaced inflation? The value of my degree is only it's cost and not that I worked my ass off for four years to graduate from a top school? A Harvard degree could be free and it still holds value for those that hold it. 


If you want to prop up the wealthy and their corporation as our generous gods and that we should be grateful they pay any taxes at all, well, we aren't going to meet anywhere in the middle. Look at any data around the widening wealth gap in the country. Income inequality is a huge issue. I'm saying this as someone on the right side of that gap but I still realize it needs addressed.

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11 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Okay. So here's my point on this. Yellen may be partisan, but is not an idiot.

Of course this proposal is going to be bad for the economy and everything else and the Democrats know it. They also know that there's a damn good chance that it gets shot down, they are probably hoping it does because of the negative impact on the economy which might be the final nail in their coffin. They're just hoping it gets shot down and they can blame the Republicans for everybody not getting as much free s*** as they want.


Why will it be a negative impact? Because it costs money up front?

What about all of those with student loan debt waiting to buy a car, buy a house, get married? Removing this financial ball and chain from their foot, isn't that good for the economy?

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10 hours ago, Westside Steve said:



Since I graduated HS.  Trying to find the specific list from 70 itself. Seems like a lot of people were going after a teaching degree.


We severely underpay our teachers. Enough of that and people start giving up on the field.


They only teach our future tho... How important can that be?

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48 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

We severely underpay our teachers. Enough of that and people start giving up on the field.


They only teach our future tho... How important can that be?

RIghtys doesn't like educated people. Dumb, ignorant and easily to manipulate. It's the core of the party.



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29 minutes ago, cccjwh said:




29 minutes ago, cccjwh said:


Cult member cccjwh cannot refute claim backed up by evidence. How did they respond?

a. Meme

b. ass kisser

c. Link to leftwing nutjob "source"

d. #translessons

e. combination of a, b, c, or d

Can't defend the indefensible. So flood the thread with memes. 

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EVERY election rides on the poorly educated 

Those are the people that SWING elections 

The Dems try to buy them

The Reps try to scare them 


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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

And it is good to see your "holier than thou" "grace us with your wisdom" internet persona transfers over to your political beliefs. Which I guess just makes sense. 

Good to know everyone worse off financially is just there because they made bad decisions.


A college degree's value isn't held only in the monetary cost of that degree. Do you think degrees now are worth more than they were back in the day because their cost has greatly outpaced inflation? The value of my degree is only it's cost and not that I worked my ass off for four years to graduate from a top school? A Harvard degree could be free and it still holds value for those that hold it. 


If you want to prop up the wealthy and their corporation as our generous gods and that we should be grateful they pay any taxes at all, well, we aren't going to meet anywhere in the middle. Look at any data around the widening wealth gap in the country. Income inequality is a huge issue. I'm saying this as someone on the right side of that gap but I still realize it needs addressed.

I get the feeling you intentionally miss the point.

I totally agree that a degree is worth more than the cost.  Anyone should go to college if they're passionate about a subject and reasonably intelligible.  I don't think anyone here would disagree, it mostly benefits everyone in these scenarios.  I just don't understand why you're making this point because that doesn't make the case for free tuition, which is the point being made.  People work their ass off at their 9 to 5 and don't get rent paid for, their gas to get to work paid for, their car they take to work paid for, etc.  They just work hard and get what they agreed to.  Same should go for anyone who agrees to anything.

I'm not propping up rich people, it's just common sense.  The income inequality gap is completely irrelevant in general, but especially for this topic considering college grads theoretically will benefit from it the most.  I mean who are we to decide where the line is on upward mobility.  That is a dangerous mentality for the stability of economic growth in general.

More recently, you have advocated for the corporations to develop infrastructure for green energy and now college debt.  I don't even have time to go through many of the past topics you've suggested corporations should pay for (i.e. homelessness, racial reparations, etc., etc., etc.)  You realize these aren't state run entities, right?  You are straddling the socialism line to put it politely.

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18 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

Woody, you have been putting words in peoples "mouths" for years. You spout off ignorantly about generalizations that don't hold up.

You whined in this thread about the balooning of college costs.

Yes, they are higher. Just once, legitimately answer a question:

How does giving away so much of taxpayer's money to kids who used college loans to live for 4 or more years and didn't plan on how they could pay it back....(RIGHT BEFORE THE MIDTERM ELECTIONS....)

NOT make the problem worse?


Cal you're a fucking moron. Just wanted to remind you. 

You frequently don't answer simple questions I pose. Where I answer yours, but you just don't like the answer, so to your it's not "legitimate" so you huff and puff and go on about some other stupid shit. 


What makes you think they didn't have a plan? I have a buddy finishing paying off his loans. Engineer. He's had a plan. The plan was to pay back a reasonable amount each month and eventually work it down to 0. 

The problem here is a generation shackled in debt. Unable to take significant life steps due to the concern of that debt. Buying a car. Buying a house. Getting married. Etc. Addressing that debt and it allows 43 million Americans to seriously consider these larger life decisions. Many that lead to purchases, meaning they're contributing back into the economy. 


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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

Cal you're a fucking moron. Just wanted to remind you. 

You frequently don't answer simple questions I pose. Where I answer yours, but you just don't like the answer, so to your it's not "legitimate" so you huff and puff and go on about some other stupid shit. 


What makes you think they didn't have a plan? I have a buddy finishing paying off his loans. Engineer. He's had a plan. The plan was to pay back a reasonable amount each month and eventually work it down to 0. 

The problem here is a generation shackled in debt. Unable to take significant life steps due to the concern of that debt. Buying a car. Buying a house. Getting married. Etc. Addressing that debt and it allows 43 million Americans to seriously consider these larger life decisions. Many that lead to purchases, meaning they're contributing back into the economy. 


I'll disregard your abusive language 😆 but I did want to touch on your last line.

Taking out a lawn to put yourself in a position of earning enough money that you can contribute back to the economy is a good thing. One should put the same amount of thought into that as they should into buying a home or a car. Or anything else. I've driven quite a few junkers and lived in quite a few dumps over my productive years.

And good for your buddy who had a plan paid his debt and is now a contributing member of society. Not so good for the clowns that took out a huge loan for either a useless degree or a degree they never bothered to finish.

Of course we know college is a scam and whenever the government decides to pay for anything the cost isn't going to become more reasonable.


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11 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

We severely underpay our teachers. Enough of that and people start giving up on the field.


They only teach our future tho... How important can that be?

Teachers have a cake job and get paid top dollar for it. 

You earn more money by doing something that others can't do or don't want to do.


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19 hours ago, FY56 said:

Oh boy, someone has got a lot of de-programming to do. I'll give it a shot. Good luck guys!

The idea that democrats are for the poor and the Reps are for the rich IS and age old cliche...you probably first heard it from your grandfather. As well was I led to believe that from mine. I would have hoped that in 2022 you would have grown out of believing a fairy tale.

The ruling class you are referring to pertains to the bankers, business executives, lawyers that you believe run the country. This remains a myth. At best it is only a theory.

If Trump doesn't care about Christians and is only after their vote, so what?  The Christians don't care so why should you? What Christians believe is that Trump is their best bet. What they care about is that he does and continues to support their agenda, regardless of his feelings.  

If you can say that Trump panders to Christians for their vote, then you can even more easily say that democrats for decades have pandered blacks for theirs..."I carry hot sauce in my purse all the time" - Hillary Clinton to a group of blacks.

CEOS in your company making 6 figures is why your company exists and why you have a job.

What is so hypocritical of you folks CEO salary shaming is that there is never a peep out of you over the obscene billions being paid to NFL, MLB, NBA, and NHL players for playing games. I don't have a problem with it no more than I do with a CEO who actually works for a living. This is the effect of capitalism. 

Oh and lest we forget about the liberal TV talking heads being paid millions for spewing liberal propaganda and misinformation? Share some of that bounty with the cameraman or the janitor in the building.




Oh boy, a bunch of things I didn't said. Where to start! Good luck to me!

Both of my grandfather's were dear before I was born. So I'll start with that 

Next, I never said the Dems were legitimately, entirely fit the poor. I've repeatedly said both parties are trash. I've repeatedly said the elites run a larger part of the Dems as well. The MAGA morons on here just seem to look past that each time. Easier for them to make some dipshit argument if they can pretend the person they're arguing with is their exact opposite. Pelosi with here European vacations clearly doesn't give a shit about the common man. 

A myth? Thanks to modern changes to our ejection law money equals speech. You think it's a myth that the rich run this country? That's fucking adorable. Our last president definitely wasn't a billionaire and he definitely didn't pass laws to cut taxes for the other incredibly wealthy. 

Not sure why you're hounding in on Christians. Christians, like other religious folks, like to believe fairy tales. So it isn't a stretch of their imagination for them to believe the fairy tale trump is a Christian that cares about their interests. The bigger joke is thinking the guy that covers everything in gold, is a billionaire, has a son named Barron, lives in a tower with his name on it, hung out with Epstein, etc etc etc actually gives too fucks about the common man. 

Yep, Hilary sucks too. Definitely pandered to the south and blacks. I also didn't vote for her. The trump fangirl club on here may not hold any actual morals in their beliefs, but believe it or not, others do. Makes attempted internet debate "gotchas" like that a lot harder. 

My company doesn't have CEOs and many here make a lot. That said, the amount of posters on here living up to defend the rich are insane. You tell me I'm believing a fairy tale and yet we have a bunch of average Joe's jumping in front of bullets for billionaires. Thanks to some belief we owe everything to them. Or some even more ridiculous belief that the they have any chance in hell of getting to that level of wealth. 

Ah yes. Professional athletes, wealthy that are more likely to have liberal views, don't count because of those views. They don't actually work. Good to know. I haven't once shamed any CEOs salary. Nice try though. Maybe just, again, pay attention. I've repeatedly been talking about the taxes they pay. Athlete or CEO. About paying their fair share. And, again, the taxes corporations pay as a whole. Or more accurately, what they don't pay. But athletes Don't necessarily have companies that emoloy people so they aren't given demigod status apparently. 

Last paragraph... Umm. Alright? Very real chance they should be paying more in taxes. Tucker Carlson too. And shit, Tucker is actively damaging this country. Even though his own legal defense would tell you know reasonable viewer would take him seriously. Right. 



Again, very strange to me to see so many lining up to defend the ultra wealthy when those same folks wouldn't even give them the time of day. But hey, we'd be nothing without them! Or, at least, you sure as hell believe that. 

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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

I'll disregard your abusive language 😆 but I did want to touch on your last line.

Taking out a lawn to put yourself in a position of earning enough money that you can contribute back to the economy is a good thing. One should put the same amount of thought into that as they should into buying a home or a car. Or anything else. I've driven quite a few junkers and lived in quite a few dumps over my productive years.

And good for your buddy who had a plan paid his debt and is now a contributing member of society. Not so good for the clowns that took out a huge loan for either a useless degree or a degree they never bothered to finish.

Of course we know college is a scam and whenever the government decides to pay for anything the cost isn't going to become more reasonable.


Why exactly is college a scam?


Really hoping for me here than the typical anti academic, "liberal indoctrination" rhetoric 

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