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Canton Dawg

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5 hours ago, hoorta said:

YAWN....   I got it, Biden deficits bad, Orangie was a damn fiscal conservative...  I know you guys think Trump's shit doesn't stink. Um, for the record...    

Trump's Big Budget Deficit

President Trump continued the trend of pushing the deficit higher as he sought massive tax cuts and increased defense spending. His first budget, for the 2018 fiscal year, recorded a deficit of $779 billion.

Under Trump, the deficit reached $984 billion in 2019 and hit more than $1 trillion in 2020—and that was before Congress passed a $2 trillion stimulus package to fight the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic. 

Formers presidents George Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump all ran the largest U.S. deficits in history. 

PS- OMG- Bill Clinton actually ran a budget surplus, you can look it up if you don't believe me.   :) 


That was the ONLY thing I like about Bill Clinton was his fiscal policy, and the last budget surplus was in 2001.

And to put the recent spending into perspective, here’s a graph of what Dementia Joe and the Liberal Congress have been spending.

https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/national-deficit/#:~:text=What is the national deficit,resulting in a national deficit.


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2 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

That was the ONLY thing I like about Bill Clinton was his fiscal policy, and the last budget surplus was in 2001.

And to put the recent spending into perspective, here’s a graph of what Dementia Joe and the Liberal Congress have been spending.

https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/national-deficit/#:~:text=What is the national deficit,resulting in a national deficit.


Thanks, and please don't give me any more bullshit about Trumpie not spending money like a drunk sailor on shore leave either...  He signed off on the Cares Act, I know you'd rather forget that little detail... 

And to quote you...   "BTW, they're trying to push through another $1.7 trillion bill before year’s end."  

Thanks for being disingenuous as hell on that one....  I'm a little slow keeping up with the doings of Congress....   But I did find out that $1.7 trillion is the Omnibus Spending Bill to essentially keep the f**king Government running for the next year.   

PS, I'm sure Mr. PhD in economics realizes the majority of government spending is tied up in Entitlements.  Once you have an entitlement, it's there forever. Should the GOP goobers try to cut Social Security or Medicare, their proposal is DOA in Congress.   

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41 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Thanks, and please don't give me any more bullshit about Trumpie not spending money like a drunk sailor on shore leave either...  He signed off on the Cares Act, I know you'd rather forget that little detail... 

And to quote you...   "BTW, they're trying to push through another $1.7 trillion bill before year’s end."  

Thanks for being disingenuous as hell on that one....  I'm a little slow keeping up with the doings of Congress....   But I did find out that $1.7 trillion is the Omnibus Spending Bill to essentially keep the f**king Government running for the next year.   

PS, I'm sure Mr. PhD in economics realizes the majority of government spending is tied up in Entitlements.  Once you have an entitlement, it's there forever. Should the GOP goobers try to cut Social Security or Medicare, their proposal is DOA in Congress.   

more simple bs.

"keep the gov running?"

that is a farce:


5. Offering an Unprecedented Pork-ibus of Earmarks

Incredibly, the 4,155 pages of the omnibus bill don’t cover everything Congress wants to spend your taxpayer dollars on. The other 2,670 pages of “explanatory statements” contain many key details. 

Included in the extra documents are hundreds of pages that detail some 4,000 earmarks, aka pork projects, costing billions of dollars that the federal government doesn’t have—and that will come out of your wallets. 

Earmarks were banned for 10 years, but lawmakers from both parties have brought them back. A small sampling of this year’s rancid pork includes:

  • $1.5 million to encourage people to eat outdoors in sunny Pasadena, California.
  • $1.1 million for a solar array in cloudy Kirkland, Washington.
  • $2 million for B360, a group that promotes dirt-bike culture in Baltimore.
  • $3 million for the tiny and remote island of St. George, Alaska, for water infrastructure and $2.5 million for harbor improvements, for a total cost of over $82,000 per resident.
  • $500,000 for a skate park in Rhode Island.
  • $4.8 million for an environmental impact report on the possible expansion of Chicago’s rail transit system. Bureaucracy at work.
  • $13 million to expand the airport in the tiny city of Abbeville, Alabama.
  • $4 million for “Soy-Enabled Rural Road Reconstruction” in Iowa.
  • $2.35 million for the Leahy Center in Vermont, named after Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt. The member who requested the earmark? Sen. Patrick Leahy.
  • Funding for a wide array of woke organizations and left-wing activists.

While hardworking families struggle under the weight of inflation caused by Washington’s reckless spending spree, Congress is going hog-wild with wasteful and inappropriate earmarks.

Calling this shameless would be an understatement.

Even More Funding for Leftist Groups Involved in Immigration

The omnibus also would provide significant money to other departments for immigration grant programs. Several of the same NGOs receiving money in the programs outlined above also receive money from these grants.

An immigration industrial complex has developed in this country and abroad and Congress needs to cease feeding it more money, including the proposed:

  • $13 million to the Department of Health and Human Services for migrant and seasonal Head Start programs.
  • $29 million to the Justice Department for services and activities provided by the Legal Orientation Program for illegal aliens.
  • $97.4 million to the Labor Department for migrant and seasonal farmworker programs, including housing.

The bill also would give $25 million to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for the Citizenship and Integration Grant Program. The NGOs that regularly receive this grant money are some of the same organizations that receive money in other grant programs cited above.

Congress has rapidly and significantly increased this grant amount. For years, it gave $10 million annually, but doubled it last year to $20 million. Now, Congress proposes to provide $25 million.

13. Increasing Funding for IRS

The so-called Inflation Reduction Act included $80 billion in new supplemental and mandatory funding for the Internal Revenue Service.

Despite that, the omnibus spending bill would leave unchanged the prior year’s level of spending in the IRS budget for enforcement and other main categories.

This would lock in the looming threat of a doubled IRS army coming for every American family and small business.

14. Providing a Chauffeur for IRS Chief

A provision in the spending bill reads:

Notwithstanding section 1344 of title 31, 17 United States Code, funds appropriated to the Internal Revenue Service in this Act may be used to provide passenger carrier transportation and protection between the Commissioner of Internal Revenue’s residence and place of employment.


15. Raiding Social Security to Fund Woke Union Agenda

The Congressional Budget Office just reported that Social Security will be insolvent by 2033.

Yet this massive spending package would allow money to be diverted from Social Security’s trust fund—and then reimbursed by taxpayers—to cover union expenses.

The trust fund also could be used to pay Social Security Administration employees to work for their union instead of performing the jobs they were hired to do for America’s seniors and retirees. 

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7 hours ago, hoorta said:

Thanks, and please don't give me any more bullshit about Trumpie not spending money like a drunk sailor on shore leave either...  He signed off on the Cares Act, I know you'd rather forget that little detail... 

And to quote you...   "BTW, they're trying to push through another $1.7 trillion bill before year’s end."  

Thanks for being disingenuous as hell on that one....  I'm a little slow keeping up with the doings of Congress....   But I did find out that $1.7 trillion is the Omnibus Spending Bill to essentially keep the f**king Government running for the next year.   

PS, I'm sure Mr. PhD in economics realizes the majority of government spending is tied up in Entitlements.  Once you have an entitlement, it's there forever. Should the GOP goobers try to cut Social Security or Medicare, their proposal is DOA in Congress.   

If you didn’t read into it see all the wasteful spending, who’s being disingenuous?

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8 hours ago, hoorta said:

Thanks, and please don't give me any more bullshit about Trumpie not spending money like a drunk sailor on shore leave either...  He signed off on the Cares Act, I know you'd rather forget that little detail... 

And to quote you...   "BTW, they're trying to push through another $1.7 trillion bill before year’s end."  

Thanks for being disingenuous as hell on that one....  I'm a little slow keeping up with the doings of Congress....   But I did find out that $1.7 trillion is the Omnibus Spending Bill to essentially keep the f**king Government running for the next year.   

PS, I'm sure Mr. PhD in economics realizes the majority of government spending is tied up in Entitlements.  Once you have an entitlement, it's there forever. Should the GOP goobers try to cut Social Security or Medicare, their proposal is DOA in Congress.   

It probably is. Despite your other blather it's because people stupid and don't understand that there is a mountain of waste in both those programs that could easily be cut and make those same programs more useful and efficient. And before somebody whines about it yes that includes the military. But you'd rather have the issue right?


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6 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

It probably is. Despite your other blather it's because people stupid and don't understand that there is a mountain of waste in both those programs that could easily be cut and make those same programs more useful and efficient. And before somebody whines about it yes that includes the military. But you'd rather have the issue right?


Well Steve I did see where Medicare fraud is probably at least several billion dollars or so...   Regarding Social Security, the folks in Congress eventually are going to have to grow a spine and do something about it.  Cutting benefits is never going to happen- the AARP will make damn certain of that. The first thing they should do is raise the cap on earnings subject to SS tax. It's 147,000.  Double it. Second, gradually raise the full retirement age to 70. Raise the tax by 1\2 percentage point. The reason why 65 was picked to start getting benefits back in the 1930s was because that was the average life expectancy then.  Today? Don't quote me on the exact number, but I'm fairly certain for a married couple, it's pretty good odds at least one of them is going to live to be 90.  BTW, it's why I always counsel my frends to start collecting Social Security as soon as they can afford to do so.  If you're waiting until you're 70 to get the maximum benefit, and happen to get hit by a bus when you're 68, or drop dead from a heart attack, too bad, so sad- and Uncle Sam says thank you very much sucker- here's your sack of seeds death benefit.   

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17 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Well Steve I did see where Medicare fraud is probably at least several billion dollars or so...   Regarding Social Security, the folks in Congress eventually are going to have to grow a spine and do something about it.  Cutting benefits is never going to happen- the AARP will make damn certain of that. The first thing they should do is raise the cap on earnings subject to SS tax. It's 147,000.  Double it. Second, gradually raise the full retirement age to 70. Raise the tax by 1\2 percentage point. The reason why 65 was picked to start getting benefits back in the 1930s was because that was the average life expectancy then.  Today? Don't quote me on the exact number, but I'm fairly certain for a married couple, it's pretty good odds at least one of them is going to live to be 90.  BTW, it's why I always counsel my frends to start collecting Social Security as soon as they can afford to do so.  If you're waiting until you're 70 to get the maximum benefit, and happen to get hit by a bus when you're 68, or drop dead from a heart attack, too bad, so sad- and Uncle Sam says thank you very much sucker- here's your sack of seeds death benefit.   

I know some guys that started at 62 I think. That's the opening date for reduced benefits right? I waited till 66. And even though it would require a little bit of government oversight which I'm not particularly keen on I would like to see people have the option to opt out of Social Security as long as they are putting whatever they would have paid to SS in an approved savings or investment program. But even taking actual fraud off the table I'm sure there's mismanagement and waste through every one of these programs.


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8 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Thank non-cheetos jesus they got a bunch of stuff done with the 2 years they had. :) Back to the do-nothing congress.


 A do-nothing congress is a positive.  It's a roadblock to demonrat leftwing lunacy.

Another way of phrasing that is that the Republican Party thinks the country is fundamentally fine, and in no need of being remade into a European social democracy. The Democrats fall asleep each night fantasizing about reengineering the energy sector, redistributing wealth, and rebuilding every institution with “social justice” and racial preferences foremost in mind.

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6 hours ago, FY56 said:

 A do-nothing congress is a positive.  It's a roadblock to demonrat leftwing lunacy.

Another way of phrasing that is that the Republican Party thinks the country is fundamentally fine, and in no need of being remade into a European social democracy. The Democrats fall asleep each night fantasizing about reengineering the energy sector, redistributing wealth, and rebuilding every institution with “social justice” and racial preferences foremost in mind.

Yes, GOP only non-culture war policy. Break government, so you can complain that government doesn't work.


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On 12/23/2022 at 12:42 AM, calfoxwc said:

more simple bs.

"keep the gov running?"

that is a farce:


5. Offering an Unprecedented Pork-ibus of Earmarks

Incredibly, the 4,155 pages of the omnibus bill don’t cover everything Congress wants to spend your taxpayer dollars on. The other 2,670 pages of “explanatory statements” contain many key details. 

Included in the extra documents are hundreds of pages that detail some 4,000 earmarks, aka pork projects, costing billions of dollars that the federal government doesn’t have—and that will come out of your wallets. 

Earmarks were banned for 10 years, but lawmakers from both parties have brought them back. A small sampling of this year’s rancid pork includes:

  • $1.5 million to encourage people to eat outdoors in sunny Pasadena, California.
  • $1.1 million for a solar array in cloudy Kirkland, Washington.
  • $2 million for B360, a group that promotes dirt-bike culture in Baltimore.
  • $3 million for the tiny and remote island of St. George, Alaska, for water infrastructure and $2.5 million for harbor improvements, for a total cost of over $82,000 per resident.
  • $500,000 for a skate park in Rhode Island.
  • $4.8 million for an environmental impact report on the possible expansion of Chicago’s rail transit system. Bureaucracy at work.
  • $13 million to expand the airport in the tiny city of Abbeville, Alabama.
  • $4 million for “Soy-Enabled Rural Road Reconstruction” in Iowa.
  • $2.35 million for the Leahy Center in Vermont, named after Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt. The member who requested the earmark? Sen. Patrick Leahy.
  • Funding for a wide array of woke organizations and left-wing activists.

While hardworking families struggle under the weight of inflation caused by Washington’s reckless spending spree, Congress is going hog-wild with wasteful and inappropriate earmarks.

Calling this shameless would be an understatement.

Even More Funding for Leftist Groups Involved in Immigration

The omnibus also would provide significant money to other departments for immigration grant programs. Several of the same NGOs receiving money in the programs outlined above also receive money from these grants.

An immigration industrial complex has developed in this country and abroad and Congress needs to cease feeding it more money, including the proposed:

  • $13 million to the Department of Health and Human Services for migrant and seasonal Head Start programs.
  • $29 million to the Justice Department for services and activities provided by the Legal Orientation Program for illegal aliens.
  • $97.4 million to the Labor Department for migrant and seasonal farmworker programs, including housing.

The bill also would give $25 million to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for the Citizenship and Integration Grant Program. The NGOs that regularly receive this grant money are some of the same organizations that receive money in other grant programs cited above.

Congress has rapidly and significantly increased this grant amount. For years, it gave $10 million annually, but doubled it last year to $20 million. Now, Congress proposes to provide $25 million.

13. Increasing Funding for IRS

The so-called Inflation Reduction Act included $80 billion in new supplemental and mandatory funding for the Internal Revenue Service.

Despite that, the omnibus spending bill would leave unchanged the prior year’s level of spending in the IRS budget for enforcement and other main categories.

This would lock in the looming threat of a doubled IRS army coming for every American family and small business.

14. Providing a Chauffeur for IRS Chief

A provision in the spending bill reads:

Notwithstanding section 1344 of title 31, 17 United States Code, funds appropriated to the Internal Revenue Service in this Act may be used to provide passenger carrier transportation and protection between the Commissioner of Internal Revenue’s residence and place of employment.


15. Raiding Social Security to Fund Woke Union Agenda

The Congressional Budget Office just reported that Social Security will be insolvent by 2033.

Yet this massive spending package would allow money to be diverted from Social Security’s trust fund—and then reimbursed by taxpayers—to cover union expenses.

The trust fund also could be used to pay Social Security Administration employees to work for their union instead of performing the jobs they were hired to do for America’s seniors and retirees. 

no "smart reply" from Hoorta? He's gone on to another false narrative like always?

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