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Welcome to Ubangastan

Guest BillyJack

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Guest BillyJack

Welcome to Ubangastan

November 6, 2008

Doug McIntosh


It is now necessary to destroy the United States in order to resurrect America; the reason for that is the New World Order has destroyed America to create the banking oligarchy called the United States. The extent of that banking oligarchy is now apparent, first, with the so called bailout and second, with the coronation of our very own Marxist demagogue. Athens had Alcibades, who led them to disaster in Sicily during the War with Sparta in 415BC. Rome had its scheming generals in the final years of its Republic; now, the NWO vultures feasting on the rotting corpse of the American Republic have unleashed there own version called Barack Obama. The result will be the same as for both Athens and Rome: namely, the final disaster.


I will now dispense with the usual first objection to this line of reasoning. I will no doubt be lectured by some to "respect the office, if not the man." How quaint such sentiments are as the stench of the murdered American Republic wafts through the countryside. So, let me be clear here: I respect neither. The office of the President died with the Republic on October 3rd, 2008 when the oath breakers in both the Senate and House murdered it. The $700 billion bailout, which now has swelled to $2.6 TRILLION and includes tens of billions of bonuses for Wall Street Executives, was the fell deed. Gee, what a surprise the bailout isn't $700 Billion and includes bonuses. It is enough to make one, to use a word our new messiah, with a small m, Obama has solemnly warned us against being, cynical. Now, why would anyone be cynical about the NWO whores running Ubangastan?


Since the office of the president is dead, and since the demagogue holding it, Barack Obama, is a Marxist traitor don't expect any respect from me. Ubanga, which is my official name for Barack Obama, will get only the contempt he deserves from me. The Ubangabots, my name for his remote controlled, glazed eyed, legions of cult followers will also get no respect from me. They are the enemy. We are at war now. They intend to declare my belief system illegal and then they intend to kill me if I object. Well, I object and the killing time is not far off. While I watched the pathetic, pandering whining of the old man McCain in his "concession speech" the thought hit me that McCain was really conceding the last vestiges of freedom, truth and justice. No doubt the NWO whore McCain will work closely with our new demagogue Ubanga. So what?


Without dwelling too long on Ubanga our new messiah, I do think the British writer Melanie Phillips described him best when she wrote in the "Spectator: You have to pinch yourself- a Marxist radical who has all his life been mentored by, sat at the feet of, worshipped with, befriended, endorsed the philosophy of, funded and been in turn funded by, politically promoted and supported a nexus comprising black power anti-white racists, Jew haters, revolutionary Marxists, unrepentant former terrorists, and Chicago mobsters, is on the verge of becoming President of the United States. And apparently, it is considered impolite to say so." If there is a better description of what the American people have just done, I can't find it.


As to what the results of all this will be, here is another blog entry from "Chris: Interesting! If King Obama gets into office( a.k.a. Marxist traitor) It will energize the right to be organized, ruthless and driven to draw millions to their cause. Indeed, after all who are the gun owners: most big and small business owners, the military and veterans; Christians. I'd say if this country does turn Marxist, I have no doubt a new civil war will start between big government and the people they try to silence. Dark days ahead indeed if a Marxist takes office."


Well, a Marxist has taken office and dark days are indeed ahead. I will spend time in the brief amount we have left, before the Marxist agenda is implemented, and the armed response begins to that agenda, in explaining what I think is going on. My personal opinion is the Marxists will move quickly to pass the free speech muzzling trio of hate thought, hate speech and hate crime. We have seen in France Brigot Bardot fined for "anti muslim statements." We have seen what is happening in England, Canada and Australia regarding "hate speech." This will happen in the USA as early as February 2009. It will happen in tandem with the second phase of the NWO economic collapse to get Ubanga and his "New Deal" going. I said last month that the point of the whole stock market collapse was to get Ubanga elected. I was spot on. In 77 days, at Ubanga's coronation, the second phase will begin. You have about 90 days to prepare for the civil war which will break out in the next 3 to 18 months. The military "homeland defense" deployments are martial law and dissident suppression tactics. They are designed to intimidate and bully domestic freedom fighters. I am neither intimidated or bullied. I am a walking dead man, as will become clear when the reign of Ubanga terror starts early next year. Marxists always use terror as a state instrument: always. Ubanga will not be the first Marxist dictator to unleash a reign of terror against a populace: Stalin against the Ukrainian Kulaks; Mao against the landowners come to mind, but, the single difference is these Marxist reign of terrors were against unarmed people. The Founding Fathers in their wisdom have at least guaranteed all these Imperial Legionnaires running around on homeland security duty will get the fight of their lives. I do not say Patriots will win. I do say we will try. And then most of us will die. So be it. It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees. Ubanga and his bots are going to find that out soon enough. Enjoy your final Christmas. There will be no Happy New Year for 2009. When Ubanga makes his Marxist move to ban dissident speech and behavior, let each person make their own decision as to what that means. Let the spark be lit and freedom be restored.




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Guest BillyJack
I long for the good old days when we only had one guy spamming the board.


so do i, we didnt have pussies expressing there man on man love everywhere!

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I liked this board better when Al was pretending to be fair and balanced.


Obama = friends with weather underground = weather underground having talked about killing 25 million Americans =

total BS.


But you really have to wonder what Obama will be thinking at night when

he looks at the real world.


I predict the right won't hate him so much, and the left will despise him.


Wait, That's wishful thinking again. My bad.


"Spam" means negative stuff that leftwingers don't want said. Gotcha.


But negative stuff spamming the board about Palin etc etc... that stuff is great. gotcha.


Of course there is over the top nonsense. But the point is, folks don't like Obama's

negatives that come with platitudes that don't make sense.


The left wants everybody to ignore all that.


The right overstates here and there to make a point.


The left doesn't want any points made that they don't like. They complain.

Then they keep quiet when lefties do the same on the opposite side.


You can hear crickets chirping.


The right goes overboard here and there to make the point more.


Vicious cycle. Can't everybody just stop the nasty sniping?


That's my fair and balanced post of the day.

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"Spam" means negative stuff that leftwingers don't want said. Gotcha.


Guys. I cannot for the life of me understand why this concept is so fucking difficult to grasp.

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