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You're getting there. Now, why should anyone be forced to call them by their imaginary feelings? We feel the same btw, we don't care how they live either, until they force us to live it with them. Now that's not good enough, it has to be celebrated everywhere, kids need to attend sexual shows, it doesn't end with them just living the way they want. If it did, no one would care as they haven't for decades, trannies aren't new.

You're right, this is part of some dumb culture war, but it wasn't started by your conservative friends. Also, crt is one of the most hateful, bigoted things they tried to sneak in.

I don't even separate the gay community from myself. I support them being married at the very least on the legal level. If it's something the church doesn't want to get involved in is not much of my business, but I will say, we're supposed to let God be the judge.

Calling someone by pronouns doesn't hurt you, but calling them pronouns that are common shouldn't hurt them either. A face on syrup or butter shouldn't hurt either. The name Indians for a baseball team shouldn't hurt. This is where all the bitching starts that you were just moaning about, we're just forced to react to all this craziness.

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6 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Well if any of you ever make a good point I'll let you know. 


But if you continue to typical Steve and ignore anything I've actually ever said in the past it doesn't really give me any incentive to seriously engage with you. 

That's most of this board. There's no value in any serious discussion. That's been made clear over years and years. So I try to engage less. 

Most intelligent posters have long left this board, and the bottom of the barrel Vambo, Cal, etc drove them out. You're just blind to that fact. 

Speaking of having a valid point someday you're going to have to do better than squawk typical Steve every time I point out your lack of ability or willingness to discuss anything. As far as the two or three liberals who left the board oh well. I had plenty of long and involved discussions with them. I wish they were still here. But let's not pretend you are among that group. But speaking of assholes there are just as many liberal assholes as there are conservative. You know who they are. And most of the time you are among them. As for myself your personal animosity toward me is a little bit puzzling only because plenty of times I step off the reservation and disagree with the bullshit that some of the other conservatives make I have yet to hear you do that in any instance.


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7 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Biologically (sex)? No. 

Gender / society construct-wise? Sure. Whatever they prefer. It literally doesn't affect me in any way to let them live the life they're genetically predisposed to living. Calling someone the pronouns they prefer doesn't hurt me in anyway. 


This outrage is just the latest culture war issue. None of these morons have mentioned "CRT" in months because it isn't the sexy woke thing to bitch and moan about anymore. Right wing political strategists hit a home run with their base complaining about LGBTQ folks and now here we are. I truly believe this is just the latest bullshit for the right to react to 

For the most part I can agree with that assessment. Keep in mind that you have scolded me before about not caring about issues that didn't affect me personally but that aside...

Regardless of the reason, whether they are mentally imbalanced and believe that they are another biological sex or just doing it to shock and offend people I do not support changing any rules to accommodate them. Biological men should never compete with biological women in sports. Hiring practices scholarships or any other perks should not be assigned because someone claims he's another biological sex. Physical standards for any job should never be changed in order to make it easier for physically unqualified people to get jobs as in police firefighters EMS Etc. Anymore that claiming to be black or American Indian should get you extra points in a college application or a federal job. And those some wouldn't agree because I believe that believing you are transgender is a mental problem if not at every but at least most cases, I don't want transgenders on the front lines in the military.

Beyond that Caitlin Jenner can do whatever the hell she wants, none of my business.

I think that's a pretty Common Sense way to look at the situation.


One last point and it's not meant to be the focus of this entire post but an 18-year-old is an adult. Should an 18-year-old legally be able to drink whiskey in a bar because they identify as a 21-year-old? And that's not really facetious it's a matter of biology.


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10 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Biologically (sex)? No. 

Gender / society construct-wise? Sure. Whatever they prefer. It literally doesn't affect me in any way to let them live the life they're genetically predisposed to living. Calling someone the pronouns they prefer doesn't hurt me in anyway. 


This outrage is just the latest culture war issue. None of these morons have mentioned "CRT" in months because it isn't the sexy woke thing to bitch and moan about anymore. Right wing political strategists hit a home run with their base complaining about LGBTQ folks and now here we are. I truly believe this is just the latest bullshit for the right to react to 

Sure? You just contradicted yourself. It can't be both. You were asked if believe in your heart that trans "women" are actually and literally women?

If you believe these men are women because they believe they are women then you are equally a nut job.

If Hindu's believe they will be reincarnated into animals, do you believe they will be reincarnated into animals? 

If Christians believe they are Gods children, then they must be Gods children, right Woody?

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9 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Gender / society construct-wise? Sure. Whatever they prefer. It literally doesn't affect me in any way to let them live the life they're genetically predisposed to living.

This we can agree on.

However, if someone wants to put a lampshade on their head and identify as a lamp…well don’t expect me to be someone to twist a lightbulb up their ass.

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21 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

This we can agree on.

However, if someone wants to put a lampshade on their head and identify as a lamp…well don’t expect me to be someone to twist a lightbulb up their ass.

Either I am missing something, or you are! lol

I pointed out in my post above that he replied "sure" to the question... Do you, woody, believe in your heart that trans "women" are actually and literally women?

The issue of trans not affecting him or you or me is beside the point, and irrelevant to the question. 

His answer was a deflection/copout. 


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57 minutes ago, FY56 said:

Either I am missing something, or you are! lol

I pointed out in my post above that he replied "sure" to the question... Do you, woody, believe in your heart that trans "women" are actually and literally women?

The issue of trans not affecting him or you or me is beside the point, and irrelevant to the question. 

His answer was a deflection/copout. 


I’m of the mindset that we live in a free country, and if someone wants to pretend to be something their not…that’s fine.

Just don’t expect me to play along.

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4 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Speaking of having a valid point someday you're going to have to do better than squawk typical Steve every time I point out your lack of ability or willingness to discuss anything. As far as the two or three liberals who left the board oh well. I had plenty of long and involved discussions with them. I wish they were still here. But let's not pretend you are among that group. But speaking of assholes there are just as many liberal assholes as there are conservative. You know who they are. And most of the time you are among them. As for myself your personal animosity toward me is a little bit puzzling only because plenty of times I step off the reservation and disagree with the bullshit that some of the other conservatives make I have yet to hear you do that in any instance.


You will continue to read "typical Steve" as long as you continue doing "typical Steve"

That comes from your complete inability to recall old posts I've said on here or, in whatever I've just recently posted, completely and purposefully misinterpret it to steer the conversation a different direction. 

You're impossible to have a back and forth with because you refuse to comprehend anything the other side says. I won't waste my time in back and forths where I have to continue to remind you of what I've already said only for you to continue to ignore it. 


Liberal and conservative and moderate posters have left this board. It's a MAGA circle jerk more and more openly bigoted and ignorant content getting posted every day. It's a stain on Browns fandom and should be deleted.

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5 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

You will continue to read "typical Steve" as long as you continue doing "typical Steve"

That comes from your complete inability to recall old posts I've said on here or, in whatever I've just recently posted, completely and purposefully misinterpret it to steer the conversation a different direction. 

You're impossible to have a back and forth with because you refuse to comprehend anything the other side says. I won't waste my time in back and forths where I have to continue to remind you of what I've already said only for you to continue to ignore it. 


Liberal and conservative and moderate posters have left this board. It's a MAGA circle jerk more and more openly bigoted and ignorant content getting posted every day. It's a stain on Browns fandom and should be deleted.

Yes we have already determined what typical Steve means. It means pointing out your in defensible bullshit. I fully expect to keep hearing it because that's your only response when you fail.


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6 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Yes we have already determined what typical Steve means. It means pointing out your in defensible bullshit. I fully expect to keep hearing it because that's your only response when you fail.


Whatever makes you feel better Steve. 

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4 hours ago, FY56 said:

Sure? You just contradicted yourself. It can't be both. You were asked if believe in your heart that trans "women" are actually and literally women?

If you believe these men are women because they believe they are women then you are equally a nut job.

If Hindu's believe they will be reincarnated into animals, do you believe they will be reincarnated into animals? 

If Christians believe they are Gods children, then they must be Gods children, right Woody?

pecker like EVERY other get along go along petite - bourgeois social warriors can not square facts that 

blurring the lines of gender identity that keeps these crazy people from receiving real help.

Don't engineers deal with absolutes?

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14 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Biologically (sex)? No. 

Gender / society construct-wise? Sure. Whatever they prefer. It literally doesn't affect me in any way to let them live the life they're genetically predisposed to living. Calling someone the pronouns they prefer doesn't hurt me in anyway. 


This outrage is just the latest culture war issue. None of these morons have mentioned "CRT" in months because it isn't the sexy woke thing to bitch and moan about anymore. Right wing political strategists hit a home run with their base complaining about LGBTQ folks and now here we are. I truly believe this is just the latest bullshit for the right to react to 

I'm surprised you answered. So your answer is no. Just like pretty much everyone else in the world. Calling them the fantasy terms they want you to call them does hurt you though because they don't understand or won't acknowledge the difference. If you start calling them things that they're not then they want special privileges. They want to go into women's rooms and thrust their dicks around. Just one of the girls. 


They want to get into sports and beat actual women and have everyone clap and say how amazing they are. It's too late. You're already a bigot for admitting the truth. Might as well just come back to reality now. 



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3 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

I'm surprised you answered. So your answer is no. Just like pretty much everyone else in the world. Calling them the fantasy terms they want you to call them does hurt you though because they don't understand or won't acknowledge the difference. If you start calling them things that they're not then they want special privileges. They want to go into women's rooms and thrust their dicks around. Just one of the girls. 


They want to get into sports and beat actual women and have everyone clap and say how amazing they are. It's too late. You're already a bigot for admitting the truth. Might as well just come back to reality now. 



I distinguish between biological sex and gender identity. 


And it's clear you, and others, think trans people are weird, gross, etc and can't get your brains past that. They're different than you, you don't get it, and that's that. Your last post and plenty of other posts on this board prove that 


What you think they want and what they clearly actually want are two different things. But you've made up your mind they're weird and bad so there's no changing it. 


These people want to live their life's and they want to feel comfortable in their own bodies. They want to not be harassed and persecuted by closes minded moronic bigots. No more. No less. It's a damn shame a vocal, easily manipulated portion of our country has been whipped into a frenzy over this issue by their political handlers. This is just the culture war got button distraction issue of the moment. A culture war that only serves to worsen our country. 

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6 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

I’m of the mindset that we live in a free country, and if someone wants to pretend to be something their not…that’s fine.

Just don’t expect me to play along.

I think thats really all most of the middle of the road people are asking for. I know the loudest voices on the internet have skewed things so far to the left that middle of the road seems like fundamental Islam to them but it's really not. I don't know any one person that wants to go on a trans sexual holocaust. Yet they keep saying we're all literally trying to commit genocide against them.

All most people want is to be left alone and they can't do it. The internet is a fact of life now and the hard facts say the trans sexual community has no real interest in being left alone. They want in on that BLM attention. If they wanted to be left alone all they have to do is not get in everyone's face all the time. And, yes, being an obnoxious dick on the internet counts. 

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7 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

I’m of the mindset that we live in a free country, and if someone wants to pretend to be something their not…that’s fine.

Just don’t expect me to play along.

And yet we respect religious holidays, religious beliefs, religious institutions not paying taxes, etc


All make believe with no evidence, but they're still provided protections 

Much more of a choice than one's sexual identity too

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3 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

I distinguish between biological sex and gender identity. 


And it's clear you, and others, think trans people are weird, gross, etc and can't get your brains past that. They're different than you, you don't get it, and that's that. Your last post and plenty of other posts on this board prove that 


What you think they want and what they clearly actually want are two different things. But you've made up your mind they're weird and bad so there's no changing it. 


These people want to live their life's and they want to feel comfortable in their own bodies. They want to not be harassed and persecuted by closes minded moronic bigots. No more. No less. It's a damn shame a vocal, easily manipulated portion of our country has been whipped into a frenzy over this issue by their political handlers. This is just the culture war got button distraction issue of the moment. A culture war that only serves to worsen our country. 

Really. Please tell me more. They don't want to get in women's sports. Whoops. Too late for that. Someone should have told them they don't want that. They don't want to do hyper sexial children's drag shows? Someone should have told them. 

I generally ignore the internet left because I know that literally everything they do is a desperate bid for attention and I am not going to give it to them. But I'm also not letting them flop their dicks around in the women's room at the rec pool when my wife and daughter are in there trying to get changed. I'm not cool with that. If that equals literal genocide then I guess I'm Genghis fuckin' Khan over here. 





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11 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

I think thats really all most of the middle of the road people are asking for. I know the loudest voices on the internet have skewed things so far to the left that middle of the road seems like fundamental Islam to them but it's really not. I don't know any one person that wants to go on a trans sexual holocaust. Yet they keep saying we're all literally trying to commit genocide against them.

All most people want is to be left alone and they can't do it. The internet is a fact of life now and the hard facts say the trans sexual community has no real interest in being left alone. They want in on that BLM attention. If they wanted to be left alone all they have to do is not get in everyone's face all the time. And, yes, being an obnoxious dick on the internet counts. 

- really, you see no loud voices on the internet from the right? Not too long ago THE largest voice on the internet was on the far right...

- there is a whole new genre on videos on TikTok of rednecks shooting bud light cans because bud light vaguely associated with a trans content creator. There are countless social media accounts dedicated to attacking the LGBTQ community. Groups are traveling around to different school board meetings to protest pride month (no, they don't have kids at these schools). This isn't conservatives just wanting to be left alone. This is actively attacking a group they shared with. 

"I wish [insert minority group I'm not a part of] would just be quiet. They clearly just want attention."

I mean they have their own water fountain! What else could they want?


They don't just want attention. They want the same rights and protections to live their life as anyone else. And they're want to do it without being harasses by knuckle dragging morons 


History just repeats itself 

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6 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Really. Please tell me more. They don't want to get in women's sports. Whoops. Too late for that. Someone should have told them they don't want that. They don't want to do hyper sexial children's drag shows? Someone should have told them. 

I generally ignore the internet left because I know that literally everything they do is a desperate bid for attention and I am not going to give it to them. But I'm also not letting them flop their dicks around in the women's room at the rec pool when my wife and daughter are in there trying to get changed. I'm not cool with that. If that equals literal genocide then I guess I'm Genghis fuckin' Khan over here. 





This strange fantasy you have where trans people are going into women's rooms and just flopping their dicks around is nothing more than that, some weird twisted fantasy. Someone told you it's happening and told you to be mad and boy did you fall in line. 

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3 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

And yet we respect religious holidays, religious beliefs, religious institutions not paying taxes, etc


All make believe with no evidence, but they're still provided protections 

Much more of a choice than one's sexual identity too

Who have you seen lately loudly screeching about the bishop of new York's taxes? No one is out there throwing a parade for it. Do you celebrate ros hashanah? How about Ramadan? Do they need a month long celebration? 

You're confusing federal holidays for religious holidays. You telling me you've neither received or given a Christmas gift in your adult life because you're an atheist? 

What does the candy rabbit have to do with the religious holiday of Easter? If you want less federal paid holidays you can fuck right off with that. 

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5 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

- really, you see no loud voices on the internet from the right? Not too long ago THE largest voice on the internet was on the far right...

- there is a whole new genre on videos on TikTok of rednecks shooting bud light cans because bud light vaguely associated with a trans content creator. There are countless social media accounts dedicated to attacking the LGBTQ community. Groups are traveling around to different school board meetings to protest pride month (no, they don't have kids at these schools). This isn't conservatives just wanting to be left alone. This is actively attacking a group they shared with. 

"I wish [insert minority group I'm not a part of] would just be quiet. They clearly just want attention."

I mean they have their own water fountain! What else could they want?


They don't just want attention. They want the same rights and protections to live their life as anyone else. And they're want to do it without being harasses by knuckle dragging morons 


History just repeats itself 

What rights and protections do they not have right now? 

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I'll tell you what. As a guy that very nearly lost a leg when someone has a dysmorphic disorder where their leg is causing them severe mental anguish wants to chop that leg off I believe that person. Because that shit isn't just cosmetic. That's a very serious step. The problem here is I don't believe the new generation transsexuals. I think they're playing the ever popular victim game for attention. 

If your sex is really causing you that much distress get bottom surgery. Do it. Then I believe you because now it's not all fun and fuckin' games is it? That's serious business.  Then i believe in your dysphoria. Until then Dylan mulvaney is just the next generation of punks/goths/emos trying to shock and get attention. 

Your moment is now, trans. Every major corporation and media outlet is celebrating your mental condition and pushing you into the limelight. Put your fuckin' money where your dick was. 

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

I distinguish between biological sex and gender identity. 


And it's clear you, and others, think trans people are weird, gross, etc and can't get your brains past that. They're different than you, you don't get it, and that's that. Your last post and plenty of other posts on this board prove that 


What you think they want and what they clearly actually want are two different things. But you've made up your mind they're weird and bad so there's no changing it. 


These people want to live their life's and they want to feel comfortable in their own bodies. They want to not be harassed and persecuted by closes minded moronic bigots. No more. No less. It's a damn shame a vocal, easily manipulated portion of our country has been whipped into a frenzy over this issue by their political handlers. This is just the culture war got button distraction issue of the moment. A culture war that only serves to worsen our country. 

Do you intentionally ignore what we actually say or can't you comprehend?

Biological sex is a fact and even though you're willing to accept it as such, the community you're trying to defend does not see it that way at all. It comes straight from their own mouths. Gender identity is a mental issue, in all but maybe the tiniest of fractions. Still, no one gives two shits about it until they start grooming kids and forcing us to play out their delusions with them. Call us whatever name you want, we'll stick with reality and it has nothing to do with being bigoted.

Again, stop putting words in everyone's mouths. Everyone is different in a shit ton of different ways, and a ton of people are picked on for it, trans is no one special, they can be picked on just like everyone else. Most people probably disapprove of them because of the sexual nature, it doesn't belong in public and it sure the hell doesn't belong in a school of any type. I don't want to see regular people twerking in public and I don't want to see shit from trans either. Of course I'm referencing the trans that behave and dress vulgar.

Problem is you can't lump the entire group of trans into one party and say they all want the same thing.

Again, a shit ton of people wish they could feel comfortable in their own body, trans is no one special. No one wants to be picked on or persecuted by anyone, yet most people don't flaunt their sexuality in everyones faces then play the victim card after they are the ones harassing people. As far as I see, there are no political handlers in this other wise the perverts wouldn't have infiltrated our school system to openly groom kids. People like you are the ones buying into their false persecution.

A lot of people have also made a very valid point as well, it's just becoming a trend and I guess all that grooming is having it's intended effect. You can also argue that big pharma is also doing it's share to promote it's gender blocking drugs so it can get it's share of cash flow.

Do you have any better debate topics though other than we think they're weird?

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13 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

I’m of the mindset that we live in a free country, and if someone wants to pretend to be something their not…that’s fine.

Just don’t expect me to play along.

Absolutely, I think we all feel the same way. I wasn't arguing about that.

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6 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

This strange fantasy you have where trans people are going into women's rooms and just flopping their dicks around is nothing more than that, some weird twisted fantasy. Someone told you it's happening and told you to be mad and boy did you fall in line. 

Fantasy? How the fuck is being angry about trans perversions a fantasy? You're fucked up.


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