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Bill has a reliable source. Cheetos is getting indicted under Espionage Act this week


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On 6/20/2023 at 12:07 PM, MLD Woody said:

Also delusional, when MAGA morons say "he could be on the beach somewhere with a drink and enjoying his life. He doesn't have to run. But he's doing it for us! To save America!"


You stupid fool. Trump doesn't give a fuck about you. He's running because it's his best shot at staying out of jail (plus his ego). 

Your TDS is glaring.

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On 6/20/2023 at 8:09 AM, cccjwh said:


It is two-tiered legal system. If he was anyone other than a former POTUS he would be in a cell next Jack Douglas Teixeira. You victims are just so persecuted, not sure how you can get out of bed in the morning. 

NY grand jury weaponized to indicted Cheetos.
FL grand jury weaponized to indicted Cheetos.
NY jury weaponized to find him liable of sexual abuse and defamation.
26 women weaponized to accuse him of sexual assault and/or sexual misconduct.
60 judges weaponized to shot down Cheetos election fraud cases.
District judge weaponized to throw his case against Hillary and make him pay her lawyer fees.
Cheetos lawyers weaponized to make Cheetos pay 1.8 million to charities he ripped off.
DC jury weaponized to conflicted Cheetos buddy Stone on obstruction.
Trump organization's CEO weaponized to plead guilty to 15 felonies.
7 police officers weaponized to sue Cheetos from injures during your insurrection.
US Supreme Court weaponized to rule against Cheetos on taxes, classified record suit, and attempt to block Jan 6 records.
Yet another jury weaponized to convict the chairman of the Cheetos campaign of eight felony counts.
Yet another judge weaponized to throw out Cheetos suit against the NY times.
Jury weaponized to give out not convict verdict to Sussmann and the analyst.
Cheetos DOJ weaponized to not bring charges against, Clintons, Obama, junkie and whoever else you morons think broke the law.


All these people are just against Cheetos or Cheetos is just a corrupt piece of shlt. See Occam's razor. 

Yep. The effort made to put Trump out of business was quite extensive wasn't it?

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On 6/20/2023 at 12:05 PM, MLD Woody said:

It's so delusional to say there's a "two tier legal system" and then claim that trump, fucking white wealthy powerful Trump, is on the lower tier of that system




Right. The delusional card

How is it not a two-tier system when we have Hillary being given the pass for possessing highly classified email documents. (who subsequently smashed her phones and had her computer wiped clean.) That would be obstruction.

The reason for the pardon given Hillary by the FBI?..."she didn't intend to".

You have repeatedly maintained that Trump is stupid.

Fine. Trump had no intention of committing treason or espionage, or whatever else they're charging him for.

If Hillary was given a pass because she didn't intend to have those emails, then why isn't Trump being given the pass for being stupid?   Stupid for the way he handled those documents, and stupid for not realizing he (allegedly) was breaking the law.

Because he is hated thats why.

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On 6/20/2023 at 10:50 PM, cccjwh said:

I sure hope so. A bag of dead cats would beat Cheetos if he gets the GOP nomination.


Yep. You nailed it Cheetos. Thats how you people are. Vote on feelings and emotions. You make the case against the democratic system of electing a president.

Aside from that, congrats for being at least 50% right this on something.

Based on the opinions of many others your theory could backfire, and Trump ends up the POTUS.


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