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Happy Juneteenth. Celebrating the end of slavery in the United States


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3 minutes ago, Jax said:

hat amendment along with the constitution and spirit that lies within is what made our nation great. You don't just gloss over our constitutional amendments because you think you know better than everyone else. You have no clue what this nation was founded on or it's principles.

Well, now you know.

It doesn't make our country safer, are you ever going to catch on? Also, how's all the regulations on cars working out? People still dying I see.

When are you gun control nuts going to learn the constitution?

Wow, what a worthless response. You couldn't even keep with your original "well then ban cars!" dumbass argument. Now it is just vague statements about the Constitution and our country. 

When a gun nut starts off with "well what about cars!" I shouldn't expect any coherent argument though. If you can't even grasp why you're comparing apples to oranges (purpose, regulation, etc.) then it is a pointless argument.

Yeah, we're so great, just look at our great stats on gun violence... Again, a uniquely American problem. Obvious differences between us and other countries creating that problem. And we just get "but but but cars!"... smh 

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I never said to ban cars, I showed you the difference. Can you stay in context?

One is a right the other a privilege, one the gov't can regulate and the other they can't.

When a gun control nut starts whining about a gun shooting but ignores all other deaths, I know they're just ignorant and lack iq.

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2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

And I imagine you get all of your meat through hunting where you use a gun, correct?

And, when hunting, what is the purpose of the gun? What is it designed to do to the animal?

Again.. You tried to deflect and missed the point entirely.. What are knives and spears designed to do to Animals?

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2 hours ago, cccjwh said:


It's pretty simple Steve. The only major difference between the UISA and every other 1st world nation. Easy availability to firearms. 



I'm done. Like I said, no point in arguing about it. There is no going back, we just have to live with this GOP utopia.


More nonsense. I don't think even you guys know what you're talking about.


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2 hours ago, nickers said:

Again.. You tried to deflect and missed the point entirely.. What are knives and spears designed to do to Animals?

What can knives do in general though? They can cut things. Etc. There are other purposes. 

What is the purpose of a gun?


No deflection here. Just trying to get you to understand the difference between a gun and a knife.

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1 hour ago, cccjwh said:

Only nonsense, if you are too stupid to understand. 

Just a circle of them ignoring any data showing America's gun problem compared to the rest of the world. 


But then you'll see then blame it on mental health or whatever the right wing NRA propaganda machine is pushing now, as if their excuses are uniquely an American problem 

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2 hours ago, Jax said:

I never said to ban cars, I showed you the difference. Can you stay in context?

One is a right the other a privilege, one the gov't can regulate and the other they can't.

When a gun control nut starts whining about a gun shooting but ignores all other deaths, I know they're just ignorant and lack iq.

Again, I missed the part where you were in a well regulated militia

I missed where your right to bear arms means any arms

I missed the part where you right to bear arms means doing so without any registration or training and doing so wherever you want...




"Ignoring other deaths". Oh you're a special kind of stupid. Around and around we go as you do your best to deflect. You're bringing up deaths due to car crashes and then since I'm not asking for more regulation there you're going "ah ha! Got you!" It's adorable and speaks to your tony little mind. 

Again, what is the utility in guns vs the utility in cars. What purpose do they have? It isn't even comparable. Hopefully you understand that, leading to your continued circular logic. 

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34 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

What can knives do in general though? They can cut things. Etc. There are other purposes. 

What is the purpose of a gun?


No deflection here. Just trying to get you to understand the difference between a gun and a knife.

I understand the difference completely Jr.. We have had Guns in our house.... My Stepfather had a Viet Nam U.S. army issue Luger.. My father had a .22 cal rifle and one automatic handgun.. I've been a knife and blade collector for years. I also have a sword my father made.. My great grandfather was the Mayor and Blacksmith of his town.. Now I'm not claiming expertise on weapons per se.. But I have a good understanding of how and why things work... All I'm saying.. As much as I despise guns in general... I understand it's purpose... There are some realities in life that suck.. And if you ever had a gun barrel pointed at your head like I have... You'll change your whole tune.. I used to think like you... Not any more... I don't blame people 1 Iota for protecting themselves from certain factions of government and thugs ...

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2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Again, I missed the part where you were in a well regulated militia

I missed where your right to bear arms means any arms

I missed the part where you right to bear arms means doing so without any registration or training and doing so wherever you want...

Just once, ...Woody.... please try to be serious, if you are able.

1. The COMMA after the part about "a well-regulated militia..." is important. A comma ( ,) has a purpose:

Feb 23, 2022A

comma is a punctuation mark that represents a short pause and is used to divide parts of a sentence

. A comma usually resembles a dot with a tail (,) and is placed at the bottom of a line of text or writing. The comma has many, many different uses and is often the punctuation mark that people have the most difficulty with.


    Therefore, ....Woody.....it means that the Founding Fathers granted that a well-regulated militia would be necessary, HOWEVER, the regular AMERICAN FOLKS ALSO HAVE THE ABSOLUTE RIGHT TO ALSO BE ARMED and that will NOT BE INFRINGED.

So, it is two different aspects - the militia AND regular Americans BOTH SHALL have ABSOLUTE RIGHT TO KEEP and BEAR ARMS.

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Woody said:

I missed where your right to bear arms means any arms

I missed the part where you right to bear arms means doing so without any registration or training and doing so wherever you want...


    This is where common sense comes in. Normal human beings know that is is silly to think we should all be allowed to own RPG's, nuclear weapons and working armaments in tanks, etc for personal defense. or to hunt for food, recreation. or to protect one's home/family. btw, "home" is legally defined as also including your car, camper, etc. Probably tent, too, I think.


  violent offenders couldn't care less if the stolen or owned gun is registered. There is no constructive reason for registration. They tried registration in NY I believe. The NY paper PUBLISHED THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ALL THOSE WHO REGISTERED THEIR GUNS.

so criminals knew the addresses, what guns they owned. Ths even included police, firemen, judges, everybody.

Othere places in NY? Statewide gun registration?


I've told you the reason WHY.


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So, the left is letting violent criminals go free. Even those with gun crimes on their crimes list.

even the druggie son of this president committed a FELONY, at least one, by his LIE about not taking drugs, being addicted, etc.

he got off scot free.

If he goes out and shoots up a school, will you blame the (at least) couple hundred-million gun owners for his crime?

really now.

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5 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Only nonsense, if you are too stupid to understand. 


4 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Again, I missed the part where you were in a well regulated militia

I missed where your right to bear arms means any arms

I missed the part where you right to bear arms means doing so without any registration or training and doing so wherever you want...




"Ignoring other deaths". Oh you're a special kind of stupid. Around and around we go as you do your best to deflect. You're bringing up deaths due to car crashes and then since I'm not asking for more regulation there you're going "ah ha! Got you!" It's adorable and speaks to your tony little mind. 

Again, what is the utility in guns vs the utility in cars. What purpose do they have? It isn't even comparable. Hopefully you understand that, leading to your continued circular logic. 

So you both are against ABORTION murdering babies...

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4 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Again, I missed the part where you were in a well regulated militia

I missed where your right to bear arms means any arms

I missed the part where you right to bear arms means doing so without any registration or training and doing so wherever you want...




"Ignoring other deaths". Oh you're a special kind of stupid. Around and around we go as you do your best to deflect. You're bringing up deaths due to car crashes and then since I'm not asking for more regulation there you're going "ah ha! Got you!" It's adorable and speaks to your tony little mind. 

Again, what is the utility in guns vs the utility in cars. What purpose do they have? It isn't even comparable. Hopefully you understand that, leading to your continued circular logic. 

Pandering for votes has turned into gun control. Why ain't I surprised? Tell you what woodpecker Define well-regulated militia.

Next up: no more biological men or women.


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On 6/20/2023 at 4:14 PM, Browns149 said:

Stricter gun control will do very little to  stop gun violence. The problem isn’t, so much, the gun. It’s the person holding the gun. That is the bigger problem 

Well the Democrats could take the approach that they've taken with possession assault shoplifting theft prostitution; and just legalize it. That way there's still as much gun violence but since it's no longer against the law crime has gone way down.


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1 hour ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

Fuck Juneteenth!

And every other thing they celebrate every other month out of the year.. Fuck Negroes... Fuck the LBGQT Fuck'em all!... Call me a racist if you want to... I don't give a fuck anymore!!!...

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34 minutes ago, nickers said:

And every other thing they celebrate every other month out of the year.. Fuck Negroes... Fuck the LBGQT Fuck'em all!... Call me a racist if you want to... I don't give a fuck anymore!!!...

So this is the political board, huh?


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32 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

So this is the political board, huh?


I knew you would be the first fish to bite the minnow.. You are as predictable as hot air... It always rises.. Like a fart dissapating into the wind!!

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On 6/21/2023 at 1:58 PM, Jax said:

I never said to ban cars, I showed you the difference. Can you stay in context?

One is a right the other a privilege, one the gov't can regulate and the other they can't.

When a gun control nut starts whining about a gun shooting but ignores all other deaths, I know they're just ignorant and lack iq.

Then when somebody shoots up a mall, a school, a bar, or a church, just accept it. It comes with the territory of being a free country that has a second amendment. 

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1 hour ago, nickers said:

I knew you would be the first fish to bite the minnow.. You are as predictable as hot air... It always rises.. Like a fart dissapating into the wind!!

So you were actively racist and bigoted 

I called you out fot being racist and bigoted 

And somehow you got me there?



Ummm... Alright 

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Just now, MLD Woody said:

So you were actively racist and bigoted 

I called you out fot being racist and bigoted 

And somehow you got me there?



Ummm... Alright 

You've never called anyone out.. We all know your the bigoted ,racist asshole around here.... No one needs to "Get you".. No one wants you...

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