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Why is this happening more and more under the current resident Joe Biden?


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10 hours ago, Axe said:

No, I wasn't.. The lure is in the water..


I know you are trying to be serious but trust me, you are hilarious..

You really don't know shit. In time, you will realize that..


Yes, you did. 


Hopefully I can get wiser with age, unlike the rest of this board. Not sure if you all just stopped at some point or actively regressed, but I'll have to keep an eye out so I can avoid it. 

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8 hours ago, Jax said:

Hey genius, where do you think the money for the military comes from? Hint, it's still tax payer money.

Another tip genius, give the gov't more and they waste more. They are mostly corrupt.

The point in wanting less taxes is we should be taking care of ourselves not relying on gov't, because again, all they do is waste it.


"Though I realize conservatives are incapable of looking at an issue through any view except how it affects them..."

Why don't you think about how it affects people that couldn't afford to go to college themselves, or wasn't smart enough or had no interest in going? But as always, you do exactly what you say 'conservatives' do. Though I'm not sure how this is a conservative thing anyways.

No shit that's how the military is funded. I'm talking about shifting the money. 

Yes, there is a TON of waste in military spending. I agree. 

Right, rigged American individualism. Got it. Anything that could help improve our country through taxes is communism and there's nothing wrong with people going bankrupt because of medical issues....


Sucks for anyone that chose not to go to college because they couldn't afford it. But that's part of the problem I want to fix. But just because something bad happened to people in the past doesn't mean it needs to keep happening to those in the future. If they weren't smart enough or had no interest this doesn't affect them. And people pay taxes towards things that don't directly benefit them all the time, because the idea is it improves society as a whole and they benefit indirectly. 

So your attempt at a gotcha here does nothing and I stand behind what I said. I have a decade or interacting with conservatives on here as proof. 

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You guys have moved on to free shit? Okay. So K through 16 should be free right? So is that fair? Is an engineering graduate from the University of Michigan in a better place than a guy from ball state? How about an attorney from Harvard? Better career path than say Marshall or the University of akron? So why shouldn't Harvard and University of Michigan or MIT all be free? PS shouldn't we lower the standards for admission? Being born to a single mother in the ghetto or Appalachia usually results in being a little less, shall we say, smart. While we're at it shouldn't everybody in college no matter what they're taking, because that would only be fair, should get free room board transportation entertainment etc?


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23 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Oh you stupid stupid fuck. Gorka. Pay attention. Christ. This shit has been covered so many times 

I'm all for student loan relief. I think it should mainly come from our bloated military budget, but I'm ok with taxes increasing. Even then, it would mainly be on very high earners, that pay way below their fair share as it is.

So how this would be paid for and how you think it would be paid for are two different things. 

But I make good money. When I vote to increase taxes, I know it affects me. I still think it's better off for the whole. I'll pay more in taxes to help fix student loan issues, but again, that's not how it would mainly be done.

Though I realize conservatives are incapable of looking at an issue through any view except how it affects them...

Wow, apparently, I struck a nerve with that opening sentence. lol...but I won't stoop to your level and reciprocate, not this time.

At least you answered the second question.

Regardless of how its paid for, It is fundamentally unfair for the 2/3 of Americans who didn't go to college to pay for the 1/3 that did through taxation. Period.

Though I realize conservatives are incapable of looking at an issue through any view except how it affects them.

Typical lazy talking point. There are plenty of extenuating circumstances that would be damaging if this were allowed to pass.

If this was ever to pass, what makes you believe we wouldn't be having the same discussion 10-15 years from now?

You have no problem with taxes, that's fine and generally speaking no one does, but how high a tax burden would your compassionate heart be willing to accept? Give me a number. But you can't because that would be hypocritical. Some bleeding heart liberal will come along and make the argument that it should be more than your "cap"...and you would have to agree.

Then to add to it those overvalued and worthless degrees. Yours is in Engineering, but it's quite concerning to have to pay for the "education" of those living in moms basement with degrees in "Womens Studies". Fuck them. Who wants to pay for that shit?  Well, I guess these students did at one time, didn't they?

Can't find any stats, but I'd bet the majority of students begging for debt forgiveness own worthless liberal arts degrees..

Which points back to my original question..do you agree with the liberal indoctrination occurring within BA / liberal arts degrees?


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23 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Oh you stupid stupid fuck. Gorka. Pay attention. Christ. This shit has been covered so many times 

I'm all for student loan relief. I think it should mainly come from our bloated military budget, but I'm ok with taxes increasing. Even then, it would mainly be on very high earners, that pay way below their fair share as it is.

So how this would be paid for and how you think it would be paid for are two different things. 

But I make good money. When I vote to increase taxes, I know it affects me. I still think it's better off for the whole. I'll pay more in taxes to help fix student loan issues, but again, that's not how it would mainly be done.

Though I realize conservatives are incapable of looking at an issue through any view except how it affects them...

Oh one more thing.

Reparations. Explain the difference. There are, but it won't matter to your people.

Does your compassionate bleeding heart tell you to pay through your tax dollars for "relief from oppression" due to slavery?

Is this yet another case of conservatives being incapable of looking at an issue other than how it affects them?


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3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

No shit that's how the military is funded. I'm talking about shifting the money. 

Yes, there is a TON of waste in military spending. I agree. 

Right, rigged American individualism. Got it. Anything that could help improve our country through taxes is communism and there's nothing wrong with people going bankrupt because of medical issues....


Sucks for anyone that chose not to go to college because they couldn't afford it. But that's part of the problem I want to fix. But just because something bad happened to people in the past doesn't mean it needs to keep happening to those in the future. If they weren't smart enough or had no interest this doesn't affect them. And people pay taxes towards things that don't directly benefit them all the time, because the idea is it improves society as a whole and they benefit indirectly. 

So your attempt at a gotcha here does nothing and I stand behind what I said. I have a decade or interacting with conservatives on here as proof. 

Indoctrinated fool.

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5 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

No shit that's how the military is funded. I'm talking about shifting the money. 

Yes, there is a TON of waste in military spending. I agree. 

Right, rigged American individualism. Got it. Anything that could help improve our country through taxes is communism and there's nothing wrong with people going bankrupt because of medical issues....


Sucks for anyone that chose not to go to college because they couldn't afford it. But that's part of the problem I want to fix. But just because something bad happened to people in the past doesn't mean it needs to keep happening to those in the future. If they weren't smart enough or had no interest this doesn't affect them. And people pay taxes towards things that don't directly benefit them all the time, because the idea is it improves society as a whole and they benefit indirectly. 

So your attempt at a gotcha here does nothing and I stand behind what I said. I have a decade or interacting with conservatives on here as proof. 

I believe the word is "rugged".  Freudian slip? 

Although "rigged" is in line with your philosophy. The disparity between the fortunate and less fortunate, between the rich and poor is due to a rigged system. That is the liberal mantra.

In case you weren't familiar with the term Freudian slip...

  1. an unintentional error regarded as revealing subconscious feelings.
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5 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

You guys have moved on to free shit? Okay. So K through 16 should be free right? So is that fair? Is an engineering graduate from the University of Michigan in a better place than a guy from ball state? How about an attorney from Harvard? Better career path than say Marshall or the University of akron? So why shouldn't Harvard and University of Michigan or MIT all be free? PS shouldn't we lower the standards for admission? Being born to a single mother in the ghetto or Appalachia usually results in being a little less, shall we say, smart. While we're at it shouldn't everybody in college no matter what they're taking, because that would only be fair, should get free room board transportation entertainment etc?


Sick slippery slope nonsense 

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5 hours ago, FY56 said:

Wow, apparently, I struck a nerve with that opening sentence. lol...but I won't stoop to your level and reciprocate, not this time.

At least you answered the second question.

Regardless of how its paid for, It is fundamentally unfair for the 2/3 of Americans who didn't go to college to pay for the 1/3 that did through taxation. Period.

Though I realize conservatives are incapable of looking at an issue through any view except how it affects them.

Typical lazy talking point. There are plenty of extenuating circumstances that would be damaging if this were allowed to pass.

If this was ever to pass, what makes you believe we wouldn't be having the same discussion 10-15 years from now?

You have no problem with taxes, that's fine and generally speaking no one does, but how high a tax burden would your compassionate heart be willing to accept? Give me a number. But you can't because that would be hypocritical. Some bleeding heart liberal will come along and make the argument that it should be more than your "cap"...and you would have to agree.

Then to add to it those overvalued and worthless degrees. Yours is in Engineering, but it's quite concerning to have to pay for the "education" of those living in moms basement with degrees in "Womens Studies". Fuck them. Who wants to pay for that shit?  Well, I guess these students did at one time, didn't they?

Can't find any stats, but I'd bet the majority of students begging for debt forgiveness own worthless liberal arts degrees..

Which points back to my original question..do you agree with the liberal indoctrination occurring within BA / liberal arts degrees?



The answer isn't necessarily to make all college free. Our current system is a bubble that will burst. A generation of adults is shackled by debt. That debt needs alleviated and the underlying higher education tuition system needs fixed. 

That could be community college and some state schools being free, and other colleges just reducing. That could be offering more subsidies for more in demand degrees like engineering and less for the oh so favorite among conservatives, genfer studies (hearing you all talk you'd think every college student is talking this course). I would also provide benefits to those in skilled trades and vocational schools, fyi. 

This is all stuff I've said many times here btw. 



You don't need to directly benefit from something to pay taxes into it. Ex, school levies. A better public school system is a benefit to every resident, whether or not they have kids. This is no different. It isn't about "fairness". 


If I think trans people just want to live their life and be comfortable in their own skin, and they aren't going around trying to groom kids, then there are posters on here that would call that liberal indoctrination. We fundamentally disagree on that definition so it is a doomed discussion 

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3 hours ago, Jax said:

Indoctrinated fool.

Typo. That should have said "rugged American individualism". I don't think that changes your response. 

The same spirit that brought us across this content has modern day fools not following COVID protocols and calling themselves "lions" while the vaccinated are "sheep"


Those are the fools

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1 hour ago, FY56 said:

I believe the word is "rugged".  Freudian slip? 

Although "rigged" is in line with your philosophy. The disparity between the fortunate and less fortunate, between the rich and poor is due to a rigged system. That is the liberal mantra.

In case you weren't familiar with the term Freudian slip...

  1. an unintentional error regarded as revealing subconscious feelings.

Well there are a hell of a lot of things at play that determine your success in this country that are outside of your control

But I know conservatives love cutting billionaire taxes cuz they think they can actually be one one day...

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2 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Well there are a hell of a lot of things at play that determine your success in this country that are outside of your control

But I know conservatives love cutting billionaire taxes cuz they think they can actually be one one day...

A poor man has never offered me a job.

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5 hours ago, MLD Woody said:


The answer isn't necessarily to make all college free. Our current system is a bubble that will burst. A generation of adults is shackled by debt. That debt needs alleviated and the underlying higher education tuition system needs fixed. 

That could be community college and some state schools being free, and other colleges just reducing. That could be offering more subsidies for more in demand degrees like engineering and less for the oh so favorite among conservatives, genfer studies (hearing you all talk you'd think every college student is talking this course). I would also provide benefits to those in skilled trades and vocational schools, fyi. 

This is all stuff I've said many times here btw. 



You don't need to directly benefit from something to pay taxes into it. Ex, school levies. A better public school system is a benefit to every resident, whether or not they have kids. This is no different. It isn't about "fairness". 


If I think trans people just want to live their life and be comfortable in their own skin, and they aren't going around trying to groom kids, then there are posters on here that would call that liberal indoctrination. We fundamentally disagree on that definition so it is a doomed discussion 



Opportunistic Universities and politicians created this crisis. Not the taxpayer

Colleges do not see this as a problem, they see loans as a gravy train. For every dollar the government makes available tuition goes up 60 cents.

Federal loans give colleges free will to raise tuition. Gotta build more buildings and hire more administrators, after all, someone has got to pay for all those diversity, equity, and inclusion officers.

For every dollar of debt cancellation that would go to the lower class, 7 times that will go to the already well off top 20% of earners.

The distribution of student-loan debt is largely skewed toward upper-income earners, with the wealthiest 40 percent of Americans owing 60 percent of outstanding student-loan debt.


1. Relief should come from rich colleges, not taxpayers. Universities have taken advantage of the problem; it is time they contribute to the solution. Yale has a 42 BILLION dollar endowment btw.

2. End the cycle. Colleges increase tuition, government makes more loans available. Government provides more loans, colleges increase tuition.

3. If any forgiveness is to come to fruition, limited forgiveness should be targeted at only the poor and lower middle class. They have been sold a bill of goods about the value of an expensive college degree.

Are you familiar with the Penn Wharton Budget model?

PWBM is a nonpartisan, research-based initiative that provides accurate, accessible and transparent economic analysis of public policy's fiscal impact

Penn Wharton also estimated that approximately 70 percent of the $10,000 debt cancelation would benefit borrowers in the top 60 percent of income earners because a disproportionate amount of debt is held by couples close to the income cap.

 The distribution of student-loan debt is largely skewed toward upper-income earners, with the wealthiest 40 percent of Americans owing 60 percent of outstanding student-loan debt. The lowest 40 percent of earners by income distribution hold just 20 percent of outstanding student-loan debt. Furthermore, while just 14 percent of Americans over the age of 25 hold graduate degrees, more than half (56 percent) of student-loan debt is held by households with graduate degrees.6

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On 7/17/2023 at 7:41 AM, hammertime said:

I dont think he will…some people are just assholes for life.  He may have a well paying job but guarantee nobody likes him.  Not even his parents.

Well, in my experience - nobody gets hired right out of college to make big money being a supervisor of a lot of people in a big dept.

I mean, seriously.

Unless it is the owner's child, or a relative of the owner.....


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“The addition of this layer — of adding in host homes — really seems to be because of the urgency and current unmet needs,” said Kelly Turley, associate director of the Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless, according to the WBUR report. “This is something that they could get online very quickly if host families and hosts come forward.”

“We know that longer-term shelter and permanent housing would better meet the stability, safety, and service needs of newly arrived immigrants,” Turley said.

In November, former Governor Charlie Baker said that DC’s “inability” to stop the influx of migrants into the US would cost his state $139 million.

Baker said the increase in migrants is “unfortunately driven by the federal government’s inability to address our country’s immigration challenges.”

For anyone that supports illegal invasion, it's time to put up or shut up. Maybe we could take college relief funds to pay for extra housing for people in need.

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19 minutes ago, Jax said:

aker said the increase in migrants is “unfortunately driven by the federal government’s inability to address our country’s immigration challenges.”

Baker misses the point - the leftwing fed gov is allowing all these illegals in to make them a new permanent voting block, since they probably? won't be able to ballot harvest our elections again. maybe.

the obaMao and biden governments don't care about the cost, the violent crime, the burden on schools and hospitals, etc.


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21 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

Baker misses the point - the leftwing fed gov is allowing all these illegals in to make them a new permanent voting block, since they probably? won't be able to ballot harvest our elections again. maybe.

the obaMao and biden governments don't care about the cost, the violent crime, the burden on schools and hospitals, etc.


Under Joe Biden, Have 85,000 Undocumented Children Gone 'Missing'?

A March 2023 report by the Council on Foreign Relations think tank stated that more than 152,000 unaccompanied minors were found at the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal year 2022, an all-time high, separated from friends or family.


Is Joe trying to restock Epstein island?

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2 hours ago, Vambo said:

Under Joe Biden, Have 85,000 Undocumented Children Gone 'Missing'?

A March 2023 report by the Council on Foreign Relations think tank stated that more than 152,000 unaccompanied minors were found at the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal year 2022, an all-time high, separated from friends or family.


Is Joe trying to restock Epstein island?

Fair question though a sick one... "ugh" Sometimes I open my eyes and can't believe where society is,,,,

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49 minutes ago, Jax said:

Never mind human trafficking, missing children or an invasion, we have statues that scare people and make them feel bad, like the one in Arlington cemetery.

And trans people exist!



("invasion", oh christ, the dog whistle gets louder every day...)

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2 hours ago, Jax said:

Never mind human trafficking, missing children or an invasion, we have statues that scare people and make them feel bad, like the one in Arlington cemetery.

LOL.Blue Ribbon Prize Award PNG, Clipart, 1st, Award, Blue, Blue Ribbon ...

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Dog whistle? Damn you try to squeeze your indoctrinated bullshit in where ever you can.

Pretty sure invasion is loud and clear, please stop with your brain washed ideals. But if you're for it please contact gov't officials so you can fill some empty rooms in your house.

Human trafficking must mean nothing to you though because you just relegated it to your usual nonsense of another thing 'conservatives' aren't allowed to voice concern over.

Oh yeah, it wasn't guns hurting these kids I almost forgot, so it doesn't matter to you.

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