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Have some of the cult members figured this out? Fox News Poll: Net Favorability Ratings


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It's a fox poll so I guess they skipped asking non-white people? But -40 for white college. Damn. -32 suburban women, guess they don't care for rapists. Worse thing that could happen to the dems is Cheetos dropping out.

Polling roundup: Trump has no realistic path to win a general election | Washington Examiner

While former President Donald Trump and his team try to build up his air of invincibility in the GOP presidential primary, the fact remains that he would be facing a near-certain loss in the general election.

A poll from the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that 53% of people say they would definitely not support Trump in the general election, compared to 43% who say the same of President Joe Biden. A Fox News poll has Trump with a lower favorability than Biden among important swing groups, including independents, suburban voters (and especially suburban women), and undecided voters.


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 I guess he should have built a fire "wall" between his fund rising site and the hackers. 😁


The Patriot Legal Defense Fund website, seemingly established to support aides and employees of former President Donald Trump with their rapidly increasing legal expenses, has been hacked. The home page has been defaced to strike through Trump’s name and add an “America Is Already Great!” strapline. But the hacker has altered far more than just the banner.




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