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"Poor palestinians" ???? That is serious bs.


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Horrific in the arab world:


Horror: Israeli Soldiers Discover Bodies of 40 Babies, Some Beheaded

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can't kill these satanic murderers when they hide behind civilians ?

I sure the hell would - take out that buildiing if they are alone, try best to

not have collateral damage/innocent people killed accidently, but when war is declared

on your country, you have to fight that war to win.

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from the link in the OP :


i24NEWS Correspondent @Nicole_Zedek reports from Kibbutz Kfar Aza, a quarter-mile from the Gaza border, and recounts the atrocities that were committed in the small community which remains an active scene as soldiers clear booby traps and recover the bodies of dozens of victims pic.twitter.com/J4ZfWZQYHp

— i24NEWS English (@i24NEWS_EN) October 10, 2023

'About 40 babies were taken out on gurneys... Cribs overturned, strollers left behind, doors left wide open'

Our correspondent @Nicole_Zedek continues to survey the horror scenes left behind in Kibbutz Kfar Aza where Hamas invaded and murdered dozens of Israelis in their homes pic.twitter.com/ZZCwDGkV8z

— i24NEWS English (@i24NEWS_EN) October 10, 2023"
after all these years, innocent palestinians know full well to evacuate themselves from a building where
a lot of hamas are.
Come on now.
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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

Justification of murdering civilians?


Woodster, I commented on this in another post... Think about it for a second. Hamas didn't go into Israel and start shooting at Israeli soldiers, they went in there and started killing, torturing, raping, and mutilating innocent civilians and children. Hamas started the atrocities. 

Now we should play nice-nice with these terrorists when they're using innocent Palestinians as their shields? They're just doing what any outfit outnumbered by at least 100 to one would do. They're going down- & they certainly don't care how many of their innocent human shields they take with them.  

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4 hours ago, hoorta said:

Woodster, I commented on this in another post... Think about it for a second. Hamas didn't go into Israel and start shooting at Israeli soldiers, they went in there and started killing, torturing, raping, and mutilating innocent civilians and children. Hamas started the atrocities. 

Now we should play nice-nice with these terrorists when they're using innocent Palestinians as their shields? They're just doing what any outfit outnumbered by at least 100 to one would do. They're going down- & they certainly don't care how many of their innocent human shields they take with them.  

I'm not trying to justify the murder of civilians. On either side. 

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6 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

Let's do a thought experiment. Suppose we let Israel go completely gloves off and raze Gaza entirely and kick all the Palestinians out of the West Bank. Where do you think those refugees are going to go? Here's a hint: They won't all fit in Lebanon.

ok, but the Gaza strip and West Bank were the launch pads of a lot of the 6 day war, so.......

and Israel gave back Gaza for peace. That was a disaster the day they did it - because it was just a matter of time before hamas used it as a launching pad again. So, here we are. If not for that war that was meant to wipe Israel off the map, Gaza and the West Bank would have been fine.

The hater arab countries have been their own worst enemies. Until, of course, they tried to destroy Israel...

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17 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

Let's do a thought experiment. Suppose we let Israel go completely gloves off and raze Gaza entirely and kick all the Palestinians out of the West Bank. Where do you think those refugees are going to go? Here's a hint: They won't all fit in Lebanon.

Another thought, is it a good idea to leave terrorists on your doorstep that continually & indiscriminately murder your citizens?

If not, what do you think they should do about it?

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3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Examine what led to the creation of that terrorist group 

I don't know why being really ignorant of issues makes your nest rest happy, but


AGAIN, til you get it through your thick beak:


What is Hamas?

Hamas is a fundamentalist Sunni Islamist group which, along with Fatah, forms one of the two major factions within Palestinian politics.

Founded in the late 1980s as an offshoot of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and backed by Iran, Hamas fights for an end to Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and supports the establishment of an Islamic state.

Up until May 2017, its charter also explicitly called for the destruction of Israel, with which it has fought a number of wars over the past two decades."


AGAIN - arabic nations got together and went to war to destroy Israel because they hate the Jews. AGAIN, the palestinians, in 1947, COULD HAVE HAD THEIR OWN STATE, BUT THEY REFUSED BECAUSE IT WOULD BE NEXT TO THE JEWISH STATE. THEY DEMANDED TO BE THE ONLY ONE TO GET A STATE, and they WANTED ALL THAT TERRITORY SO THE JEWS WOULDN'T HAVE IT.




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so, the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza strip are because they won the war, took those territories and kept them to prevent those territories from being used to launch war against them in the future.

They should never have given up Gaza, but they did. Those arab countries LOST their war of genocide, and

hamas demands to get back their land so they can do war against Israel again.


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On 10/10/2023 at 8:02 PM, VaporTrail said:

Let's do a thought experiment. Suppose we let Israel go completely gloves off and raze Gaza entirely and kick all the Palestinians out of the West Bank. Where do you think those refugees are going to go? Here's a hint: They won't all fit in Lebanon.

How come Egypt doesn't want them, I wonder?

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On 10/10/2023 at 8:02 PM, VaporTrail said:

Let's do a thought experiment. Suppose we let Israel go completely gloves off and raze Gaza entirely and kick all the Palestinians out of the West Bank. Where do you think those refugees are going to go? Here's a hint: They won't all fit in Lebanon.

Iran is a pretty big country.. They could pare down that 93% number significantly

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18 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

How come Egypt doesn't want them, I wonder?

That's a pretty terrible idea for purely economic reasons. Egyptians import 25% of their food and are being squeezed from the shortage of Ukrainian grain due to the conflict there. There's a looming water crisis on the horizon with the Ethiopians if they decide to dam the Nile. 

Why should Egypt be expected to take them in? Honestly, that question could apply to any country with respect to any set of refugees. Everyone cheering for Gaza to be turned to rubble needs to understand that these refugees are going to be coming our way. And they're going to have a merited, deep-seated hatred of the West. And our left-leaning governments will welcome them with open arms. Surely, they wouldn't let self-preservation get in the way of avoiding bigotry.

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12 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:

That's a pretty terrible idea for purely economic reasons. Egyptians import 25% of their food and are being squeezed from the shortage of Ukrainian grain due to the conflict there. There's a looming water crisis on the horizon with the Ethiopians if they decide to dam the Nile. 

Why should Egypt be expected to take them in? Honestly, that question could apply to any country with respect to any set of refugees. Everyone cheering for Gaza to be turned to rubble needs to understand that these refugees are going to be coming our way. And they're going to have a merited, deep-seated hatred of the West. And our left-leaning governments will welcome them with open arms. Surely, they wouldn't let self-preservation get in the way of avoiding bigotry.

I was being sort of facetious but I'm sure you knew that. All we have to do is say, you know, no. We're not taking you in. Because of the beheading children and what not. 

But you're right. They can play the victim bingo card pretty successfully. They're brown, have a shitty religion, and come from a poor ass war torn region and they have a long history of dangerous behavior incompatible with any democratic country or way of life that doesn't spend all day submitting to god. That's almost a bingo. If only their version of God wasn't quite so fundamental and was more...transgender...they would be the perfect score. 



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See, though, the republicans ought to try recruiting all the Muslim and Latin immigrants. 

These people do not seem particularly inclined to join up with liberal causes. If the republicans could stand being just a little less overtly racist and be more sneaky racist like the democrats they'd probably be a pretty easy sell. 

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55 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

I was being sort of facetious but I'm sure you knew that. All we have to do is say, you know, no. We're not taking you in. Because of the beheading children and what not. 

43% of people living in Gaza are 14 years old or younger. 

How are they responsible for beheadings?

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

43% of people living in Gaza are 14 years old or younger. 

How are they responsible for beheadings?

Do you have any idea what the median age of the hamas militants is? 

Mexican gangsters have kids as young as twelve beheading people. I'm absolutely sure hamas does too. Why? Because kids are impressionable. When you impress upon them to be monsters they follow that path for life. I don't have a lot of sympathy for Palestinians. Theyre the same human trash that killed the Olympic team in Munich. The same ones that bombed airplanes and this is hardly the first massacre they've been a part of. The ones behind this massacre were just kids when their fathers and brothers participated in the last massacres. 

And they don't have a better claim on the land than the Jews. Pretty much a worse claim in every way. 



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8 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Do you have any idea what the median age of the hamas militants is? 

Mexican gangsters have kids as young as twelve beheading people. I'm absolutely sure hamas does too. Why? Because kids are impressionable. When you impress upon them to be monsters they follow that path for life. I don't have a lot of sympathy for Palestinians. Theyre the same human trash that killed the Olympic team in Munich. The same ones that bombed airplanes and this is hardly the first massacre they've been a part of. The ones behind this massacre were just kids when their fathers and brothers participated in the last massacres. 

And they don't have a better claim on the land than the Jews. Pretty much a worse claim in every way. 



So because these kids live where the terrorists do, and they're impressionable, they're fair game?

Indiscriminate bombings to level Gaza isn't a response I support, no matter how awful the Hamas terrorist attack was. And there are plenty in Israel ready to essentially cleanse the area...

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2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

So because these kids live where the terrorists do, and they're impressionable, they're fair game?

Indiscriminate bombings to level Gaza isn't a response I support, no matter how awful the Hamas terrorist attack was. And there are plenty in Israel ready to essentially cleanse the area...

Question - if you were the leader of a small country, and for many decades you kept having missiles shot at your cities, and people killed etc, then a huge violent Islamic terrorist group launchings a full scale war against you, and they launch missiles from schools and hospitals - do you surrender your country and let all your people get murdered?

What would YOU do?

   I say, you have no choice but to take the terrorists out, stop the missiles etc, and still try to limit civilian casualties.

The palestinians ELECTED the terrorist group hamas - they as a people are not completely innocent - it's the terrorists who are forcing civilians to be used as a human shield.

  Although, you never really answer legit questions, try this time:


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2 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

Question - if you were the leader of a small country, and for many decades you kept having missiles shot at your cities, and people killed etc, then a huge violent Islamic terrorist group launchings a full scale war against you, and they launch missiles from schools and hospitals - do you surrender your country and let all your people get murdered?

What would YOU do?

   I say, you have no choice but to take the terrorists out, stop the missiles etc, and still try to limit civilian casualties.

The palestinians ELECTED the terrorist group hamas - they as a people are not completely innocent - it's the terrorists who are forcing civilians to be used as a human shield.

  Although, you never really answer legit questions, try this time:


The women and children of Palestines best current option, as I see it, would be to abandon Gaza to hamas and ask for amnesty and shelter within Israel. 

I guess it comes down to if you'd rather die fairly quickly in a missle strike or die horrifically and slowly in an Islamic honor killing and have your mental state deteriorate slowly as you spend the rest of your days looking over your shoulder for the head choppers until they finally arrive. 


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56 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

The women and children of Palestines best current option, as I see it, would be to abandon Gaza to hamas and ask for amnesty and shelter within Israel. 

I guess it comes down to if you'd rather die fairly quickly in a missle strike or die horrifically and slowly in an Islamic honor killing and have your mental state deteriorate slowly as you spend the rest of your days looking over your shoulder for the head choppers until they finally arrive. 


They have no where to go. Locked in. Power is out. Limited communications. Restricted / toxic water and food. Constantly bombed by Israel 

I think "just leave" is easier said than done

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