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Cheetos disqualified from the Colorado ballot.


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OMFGGG!!!! this is fucking pure gold... This chick is hilarious and nails it.. Ya'll should follow her on Twitter X.. She's vastly intelligent and hysterically funny... You go Tiff!



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12 hours ago, nickers said:

Your wasting your time Larry... My Aunt works for him... Your bullshit doesn't fly with me.. Have a nice holiday...

Works for who? Yeah, I know I'm wasting my time bothering to point out stuff to a brick wall...  

4 hours ago, FY56 said:

This has become the sick state of the liberal mind.

They will sacrifice their own well-being and prosperity if it means getting rid of Trump. Stock market collapse, so be it. Inflation, so be it. High gas prices, so be it. High taxes, so be it..vote for Biden.


Sick state of mind? Seems there's millions of MAGAs out there who think a guy with multiple mental disorders, and rapidly descending into dementia, is the guy they want to give the Nuke codes back to.  You can get GOP policies with Nikki Haley- the last time I checked at least she isn't batshit crazy- and has a better grip on reality. 

What are you talking about? Waiting for the huge market collapse come 2024? It just hit a record high- no surprise there- Donnie boy is taking credit for.  :) 

Inflation? Good Lord, something had to give... Near zero inflation for years was a historical anomaly. 

High gas prices? I just paid $2.45 a gallon...  Maybe you'd  like another pandemic where no one was driving- so you could get your blessed $1.50 a gallon back. BTW, that crash put a few oil drilling companies out of business. 

Ah, the never ending GOP mantra cut taxes...  And keep on sending the ever increasing national debt further and further up into outer space.  Looks like their solution to the problem is to cut entitlement programs.  

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there he goes again.....Part of our national debt is, the dems buy votes with welfare type programs (obaMao bfd bs and (lbj's "great society)..... and the dems cut military spending. Then the reps have to catch up on military spending. We get into WWIII, hope the dems haven't done it again.

Wait, too late. they have.


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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Works for who? Yeah, I know I'm wasting my time bothering to point out stuff to a brick wall...  

Sick state of mind? Seems there's millions of MAGAs out there who think a guy with multiple mental disorders, and rapidly descending into dementia, is the guy they want to give the Nuke codes back to.  You can get GOP policies with Nikki Haley- the last time I checked at least she isn't batshit crazy- and has a better grip on reality. 

What are you talking about? Waiting for the huge market collapse come 2024? It just hit a record high- no surprise there- Donnie boy is taking credit for.  :) 

Inflation? Good Lord, something had to give... Near zero inflation for years was a historical anomaly. 

High gas prices? I just paid $2.45 a gallon...  Maybe you'd  like another pandemic where no one was driving- so you could get your blessed $1.50 a gallon back. BTW, that crash put a few oil drilling companies out of business. 

Ah, the never ending GOP mantra cut taxes...  And keep on sending the ever increasing national debt further and further up into outer space.  Looks like their solution to the problem is to cut entitlement programs.  

She works for President Trump... Her and my uncle know him personally.

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4 hours ago, nickers said:

She works for President Trump... Her and my uncle know him personally.

OK, cool beans.... You do know Trump is a pathological liar, on top of his mental problems? 

I believe stuff The Donald spews as much as his promise that Mexico was going to pay for his wall.  That's when I had the first inkling he was going off the rails.  :)  

It's sort of like his promise Day One in office he's going to shut the boarder down.   Do tell Mr. Trump- exactly how? The same way you can declassify documents, just by thinking about it?  :D :D :D   

FWIW nickers- (this would surprise me not at all)  Donnie may be telling everyone associated with him those indictments are bullshit. Lotsa luck there Mr. Trump, we'll see about that soon enough. 

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24 minutes ago, hoorta said:

OK, cool beans.... You do know Trump is a pathological liar, on top of his mental problems? 

I believe stuff The Donald spews as much as his promise that Mexico was going to pay for his wall.  That's when I had the first inkling he was going off the rails.  :)  

It's sort of like his promise Day One in office he's going to shut the boarder down.   Do tell Mr. Trump- exactly how? The same way you can declassify documents, just by thinking about it?  :D :D :D   

FWIW nickers- (this would surprise me not at all)  Donnie may be telling everyone associated with him those indictments are bullshit. Lotsa luck there Mr. Trump, we'll see about that soon enough. 

Biden is a proven liar.. we see it on a daily basis... You swung and missed badly again Lar...

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2 hours ago, nickers said:

Biden is a proven liar.. we see it on a daily basis... You swung and missed badly again Lar...

Your living in DJT's alternate reality is showing.... Joe is only around 28,000 lies short of the Lyin' King nickers... Don't make me pull a Cal on you and post 5-10 links that say so...    

1 hour ago, Canton Dawg said:


Really? You think so?  Like keeping track of an unstable nut job power drunk wannabe dictator qualifies? Or watching Court TV, where and when is Donnie's next appearance and appeal going to be to stay out of jail?  TOO funny Canton...  The MAGAs still think he's the cat's meow because he used to be on a reality TV show.  :D  Apparently, you have a problem with that.  

OTOH, This board suffers collectively from BDS- Biden Derangement Syndrome and DDS-  DDS Democrat Derangement Syndrome. Keep drinking that Kool-Aid if it makes you feel better. .   

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1 minute ago, hoorta said:

Your living in DJT's alternate reality is showing.... Joe is only around 28,000 lies short of the Lyin' King nickers... Don't make me pull a Cal on you and post 5-10 links that say so...    

Really? You think so?  Like keeping track of an unstable nut job power drunk wannabe dictator qualifies? Or watching Court TV, where and when is Donnie's next appearance and appeal going to be to stay out of jail?  TOO funny Canton...  The MAGAs still think he's the cat's meow because he used to be on a reality TV show.  :D  Apparently, you have a problem with that.  

OTOH, This board suffers collectively from BDS- Biden Derangement Syndrome and DDS-  DDS Democrat Derangement Syndrome. Keep drinking that Kool-Aid if it makes you feel better. .   

Go ahead... Make more excuses...... Your embarrassing yourself man...

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2 minutes ago, nickers said:

Stop it you fool... Your embarrassing yourself man...

LOL, you're the one who's embarrassing himself-- Except your pals are too far up Trump's ass to say anything about it...  Maybe if you had some 1\2 intelligent rebuttal I might bother responding to you.  Keep drinking Kool-Aid.  You have nothing, and you're proving it.  

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2 minutes ago, hoorta said:

LOL, you're the one who's embarrassing himself-- Except your pals are too far up Trump's ass to say anything about it...  Maybe if you had some 1\2 intelligent rebuttal I might bother responding to you.  Keep drinking Kool-Aid.  You have nothing, and you're proving it.  

 Keep telling yourself whatever eases your guilty conscience Larry...

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15 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Really? You think so?  Like keeping track of an unstable nut job power drunk wannabe dictator qualifies? Or watching Court TV, where and when is Donnie's next appearance and appeal going to be to stay out of jail?  TOO funny Canton...  The MAGAs still think he's the cat's meow because he used to be on a reality TV show.  :D  Apparently, you have a problem with that.  

OTOH, This board suffers collectively from BDS- Biden Derangement Syndrome and DDS-  DDS Democrat Derangement Syndrome. Keep drinking that Kool-Aid if it makes you feel better. .   

Funny…I didn’t even direct that meme at any particular person, and just like ringing the bell…..Pavlov’s dog comes running. 😂

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11 minutes ago, hoorta said:

LOL, you're the one who's embarrassing himself-- Except your pals are too far up Trump's ass to say anything about it...  Maybe if you had some 1\2 intelligent rebuttal I might bother responding to you.  Keep drinking Kool-Aid.  You have nothing, and you're proving it

so, what is in the coffee?


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6 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

so, what is in the coffee?


It's a Coffee Royale.. or what we call in Italian.. a Correto E'Cafe.. Red table wine poured into black coffee...

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10 hours ago, nickers said:

It's a Coffee Royale.. or what we call in Italian.. a Correto E'Cafe.. Red table wine poured into black coffee...

I can't imagine anyone inventing that. Maybe like the hard rubber tire, by accident ? lol

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5 hours ago, Bob806 said:

This is the guy for you right-wingers. "Trump Lite" lol. 

He actually makes sense on many issues. 

He's an arrogant loose cannon with no sense of common sense. He said he would solve the russian-Ukraine invasion in days. You leftwings would dearly love to have ramalamadingdong as the nominee.

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Seriously, Bob:

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49 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

He's an arrogant loose cannon with no sense of common sense. He said he would solve the russian-Ukraine invasion in days. You leftwings would dearly love to have ramalamadingdong as the nominee.

I'm not leftwing Cal, in the middle, lean left a tad because they generally support labor (at least they used to).

I'm anti R & D. They used to represent various values. They just repre$ent lobby money now. 

Voting for a party today is nonsense. They've left us average Joe's behind for the last 10 years at a minimum.

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16 minutes ago, Bob806 said:

I'm not leftwing Cal, in the middle, lean left a tad because they generally support labor (at least they used to).

I'm anti R & D. They used to represent various values. They just repre$ent lobby money now. 

Voting for a party today is nonsense. They've left us average Joe's behind for the last 10 years at a minimum.

Everything you just explained, created Trump


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1 minute ago, Axe said:

Everything you just explained, created Trump


Then why is he vying for the R nomination? Seriously, I simply don't understand it. Abandon the party.

My opinion, not stating any facts, the Rs stand for nothing. They infight & cave a lot. Look at Ohio, the state legislature is a bunch of power hungry idiots run by Rs.

The Ds have gone bat shit crazy,seemingly  putting social issues above everything else.

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3 hours ago, Bob806 said:

I'm not leftwing Cal, in the middle, lean left a tad because they generally support labor (at least they used to).

I'm anti R & D. They used to represent various values. They just repre$ent lobby money now. 

Voting for a party today is nonsense. They've left us average Joe's behind for the last 10 years at a minimum.

I understand. My opinion is, the dems are corrupt as an entire party. They vote for the most asinine, dishonest CRAP as a solid block.

There are some terrific reps, some cowardly reps, some liar reps....

The trouble is, voting independent gives the dems a win, because the dems all vote in a block. Until maybe 2024, but then the illegals will be a demographic the dems desperately want to give the vote to. There are already some high dem cities that let illegals vote in local elections.

   You will not find that ANYWHERE with the reps. And there are NO reps that I know of, who want open borders with welfare seekers, gang members, cartel members, sex trafficers and terrorists among those "who just want a better life and a job".

   The only choice is to vote for republicans or all desperate tragedy happens in our country. The idea that "both are not perfect" just astounds me.

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7 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

I understand. My opinion is, the dems are corrupt as an entire party. They vote for the most asinine, dishonest CRAP as a solid block.

There are some terrific reps, some cowardly reps, some liar reps....

The trouble is, voting independent gives the dems a win, because the dems all vote in a block. Until maybe 2024, but then the illegals will be a demographic the dems desperately want to give the vote to. There are already some high dem cities that let illegals vote in local elections.

   You will not find that ANYWHERE with the reps. And there are NO reps that I know of, who want open borders with welfare seekers, gang members, cartel members, sex trafficers and terrorists among those "who just want a better life and a job".

   The only choice is to vote for republicans or all desperate tragedy happens in our country. The idea that "both are not perfect" just astounds me.

I'm with you 100% on the border. I actually thought Greg Abbot, Tx Governor, did something pretty bold last week. I don't know if law enforcement can keep up with it, but something had to be done. It's a huge problem. In this economy, it's not sustainable allowing thousands of people in a day.

My friends say the same thing, about me voting 3rd party. I get the arguments against it- however I believe a vote for R or D endorses/boldens their political positions and I just can't follow that premise. 

America is getting distracted by social issues & we have  dangerous situations in the Mideast (per usual), the Ukraine/Russia war. But sure, let's have politicians  argue abortion and ignore the real problems. I'm very concerned. 


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On 12/22/2023 at 11:35 PM, hoorta said:

LOL, you're the one who's embarrassing himself-- Except your pals are too far up Trump's ass to say anything about it...  Maybe if you had some 1\2 intelligent rebuttal I might bother responding to you.  Keep drinking Kool-Aid.  You have nothing, and you're proving it.  

No it's you, it's really you. 

Read what you wrote after your introductory sentence.

Either out of anger, frustration, or disdain you repeat these same stupid and outlandish exaggerations and innuendo over and over.. This same tired old shit is 3/4 of your intelligent rebuttals.


The irony in that one is strong.


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