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AI is a double-edged sword,


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Tesla robot injures worker......you cannot give a robot heart or conscience... nor common sense.


Report: Engineer at Tesla Factory Attacked by Robot During Violent and Bloody Malfunction

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:


This also, most likely, has nothing to do with AI

And you ascertained this how?


Soon, AI will play guitar better than I can after 50+ yrs and sing better than Steve after 90+ yrs ;)

I probably should have selected a better adverb than "soon". It suggests future tense when I'm sure past tense would have been more appropriate.


It's all good right?

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2 hours ago, Axe said:

And you ascertained this how?


Soon, AI will play guitar better than I can after 50+ yrs and sing better than Steve after 90+ yrs ;)

I probably should have selected a better adverb than "soon". It suggests future tense when I'm sure past tense would have been more appropriate.


It's all good right?

A simple assembly robot arm is not using AI

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Ahhhh bickering about the minutiae of a pretty vague definition. Happy New Year. At any rate I would guess it could probably be described as just about any labor saving devices from the spring loaded Bell on a shop door that alerts the clerk a customer has entered to a website that plagiarizes the internet to write you a resume.

Still, good luck getting the demons the genie the toothpaste or the horse back into Pandora's Box, the bottle, the tube or the barn..



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14 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

And as we know, no other workplace accidents ever happened before robots were added

This also, most likely, has nothing to do with AI

AI is programmed with the ability to learn, as in, to accrue knowledge. by people.

robots can be programmed with the ability to learn, as in, to accrue knowledge. by people.

AI has been integrated into robots.

  • Feb 9, 2022Learn about the new class of robots that can see, learn, think, and react to their surroundings, and how they are already changing our everyday lives in various domains. From medical deliveries to indoor farms, from recycling to nursing, these robots are emerging as the allies and helpful teammates of the future.
  • Artificial intelligence refers to a broad class of systems that enable machines to mimic advanced human capabilities. There are several ways to achieve AI, as shown in the diagram below. When augmented with AI, robots can help businesses innovate and transform their operations. Today's most common
    Now, a simple example of a robot that malfunctions badly, and grabs a human being that is not in the way of it's normal function, is an "attack".
    which means, a robot WITH AI could malfunction, and be even far more dangerous. So, Woody, that is the point.
    We don't know if those robots have some AI built in on a low level or not.
    The point, again, is that a simple programmed robot can malfunction.
    If a robot that has been programmed with AI - malfunctions, it is far, far more dangerous.
    So, your complaint is a shortcut to avoid a legitmate, insightful respone. again.
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furthermore, on a very simplistic level, "Weak AI" can involve "operating a factory robot".

So, you stuck your beak in it again.



Weak AI

The idea of making machines that can behave in clever ways to solve specific, limited problems (like playing chess, driving a car, operating a factory robot, or whatever) is called weak AI or artificial narrow intelligence (ANI). Most of the vaguely "intelligent" computers and robots that we come across at the moment fall into this category. A chess-playing computer like IBM's Deep Blue made world headlines when it defeated grand master Gary Kasparov back in 1997, but much of its cleverness was down to brute-force computation—and just imagine it trying to drive a car down the freeway. By the same token, self-driving Google cars look pretty impressive, but don't expect them to sit down across the chess board anytime soon."


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12 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Lol, alright Cal. 

You googled things you don't fully understand but it's enough to make you feel like you're right. 

Clearly that beats me actually working in this space

Not worth it. Happy New Year. 

Woody, I had a wonderful career as a programmer/analyst, business analyst. When  I worked for several years in R&D, I created some amazing software that ran machines from a computer, that were not run by computers before, only run manually. That is very complicated.

    Now, I never programmed CNC machines, sure. But that would have been a ton easier than what I have done over decades. I've written software that many others were unable to create. Became a consultant for some very huge companies, succeeding where others failed.

   That is because the requirements were extremely advanced, and I had to create functionality where there was none, written software where executive level security accrued attempts to breech that security, structured interfaces to account for intuitive functionality, and would alert the responsible administrator via email, and shut down per various executive-ascribed criteria.

  That isn't "AI", but I have a good bit of an idea about what it would take to create AI software. It would be a daunting, elaborate and  complex task. I'm glad I retired early.

  Telling others they don't understand when you are very wrong is overtly woodpeckerish.


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54 minutes ago, Jax said:

Cal, running CNC is probably easier than what you've done. I've operated a wire edm machine in mid 90s that took G code like a cnc machine, very easy.(and fun)


Running a CNC machine is no joke.. My second cousin got killed by one... He was milling a part... The part dislodged from the jaws.. Broke through the protective window shield... And sheared off half a side of his head... He died instantaneously... RIP cousin Steve...

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