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7 hours ago, nickers said:



Neither one of you tools possess any class or dignity toward people... You both should look in the mirror and take account of your own sick inventory before you start bullying on others like some scumbag prison rat...








Speaking of "showing dignity towards others" who exactly on the Poliboard did nickers openly wish would die?

And stop with the "I don't take shit from anyone" nonsense. You put people on ignore, or "Iggy" as you stupidly put it the second your snowflake feelings get hurt.

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On 5/9/2024 at 2:18 AM, Ghoolie Always Ghoolie said:

When I met Rich 4 Eagle for the first time, at the 1999 rebirth tailgate, he was photographed clenching his fist think my approach to kiss him on the cheek might have been a physical threat. We of course have grown to be very close.

Rich and I used to pick on each other often, back in the day. Round and round - but not once, NOT ever, did he try to hit below the belt in disrespect, nor did I. You gave me crap too, lol, but I knew every time it was no below the belt sissy garbage. Some of it I probably deserved anyways, because I have a goofy sense of humor, but like with Rich and I - one day, right out of the blue - well after he left the board, Rich messaged me real time and we had a cool conversation. I always respected Rich, even you, because real men don't hit below the belt, with no common decency, and zero respect for other Browns fans/other fans/other people and even less (- respect ? lol) for themselves. It's too bad. It seems that having a different opinion from certain people - they go into a below the belt rage for whatever screwed up reasons. ("Calsnot" LOL)

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8 hours ago, nickers said:


NICE!   Nice lookin' strat!  Did you build it?  Love the strap, vest and pins!  

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1 hour ago, Orion said:

NICE!   Nice lookin' strat!  Did you build it?  Love the strap, vest and pins!  

No the strat was a consignment sale I bought at Music Emporium for a friendly $140.00 bucks on E.185th st back in 99.. It had a dull tortoise shell pick guard that went terribly dull over the years so about 3-4 years ago I found this cool red pick guard on Amazon for like.. I think it was 20 bucks... When I bought the guitar it originally had under wound white single coil pickups that were just awful.. They squelched like a mother fucker.. So I put a Seymour Duncan Hot Rails mini humbucker in the back.. The neck pickup came off my old Fernandes LE-1 strat that now has the LUKE (Steve Lukather EMG set) It's a little bit hotter than your regular neck pickup because it was the bridge pickup originally. The middle pickup came off a strat my friend had.. The guitar plays and sounds phenomenal.. I think it was a Warmoth frankenstein guitar someone assembled.. The neck just looks all Warmoth to me.. Large head stock... no decal.. Trademark for Warmoth parts ... plain, simple etc.. the only issue with this particular guitar is it is sensitive to humidity in the middle to late summer months and the neck slightly moves during that period.. So I keep it on the rack until the fall.. Otherwise.. You can shred til the fat lady sings on this beast.. The bridge pickup has a cat like quality in tone.. Searing hot.. But has that real defined Allan Holdsworth like character in tonality if you pressure the strings with your fingers just right... The neck pickup is total SRV on steroids... Big , chimey and beefy woody tone... It just sings.. The neck is quite fiberous... it resonates in your hand and through the body and its not even chambered like most guitars today... A real blast to play... My main guitar lately has been this seafoam blue/green Oscar Schmidt strat my friend gave to me.which is a washburn afffiliate I believe... My friend threw in these single coil pickups and they sound just like P-90's... It sounds like a chunky Les Paul w/P90's... It's uncanny...Like the parts guitar... It resonates! I got the strap from Amazon also.. its surprisingly thick and comfortable to don.. The pins I collected from various places of the world. And some were gifts from around the world as well , given to me by family members.. I'm going to Europe on June 5th.. So we'll see what other junk I can discover LOL...


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38 minutes ago, nickers said:


Yeah, that new pickguard is a great enhancement to the looks.  Warmoth has their insignia on the back of the base of the neck (that's the way it is on the strat that I built) so you'd have to remove the neck to see it.  If I change the pickguard on any of my strats (which I have done) I've gotta remove the neck.

A bridge pickup in the neck position can add some darkness and beef to the sound.  And darkness is usually not an issue with strats.  :)   I like the idea of the mini humbucker in the bridge as they can sound quite thin sometimes in strats.  My personal favorite pickup is the P90.  I tried 3 Seymour Duncan humbuckers in the neck position of my Les Paul Modern trying to wake up the neck sound.  It was incredibly dark.  I finally put in a Seymour Duncan Phat Cat P90 and it did the trick!!  The LP sounds great now...of course I lost the push/pull coil split on the neck position but it was well worth the trade-off.  I now have 3 guitars with P90's.  My Guild Aristocrat P90 (Chinese built but an absolute great build and great sounding & playing guitar - and it was NOT expensive - I love that friggin' thing.  the only MOD I did to it was to peel off the Made In China sticker  :) ) and an SG Special, which I think I showed you, Sparkling Burgundy.  

Rock on!

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3 hours ago, Dutch Oven said:

who exactly on the Poliboard did nickers openly wish would die?

I remember that nickers mom was very upset with herself.  wishing she had hid the glue away in a better spot. nickers should be ashamed of himself for making his mother feel that way.


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Another delicious irony that always presents itself strikingly on the Browns forum when the cult from the Poliboard shows up is how they all consistently need to tell the world how they are the victims...

Right after calling their opponents over on their safe space snowflakes, pussies, sissies, betas and the like. 

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2 hours ago, Orion said:

Yeah, that new pickguard is a great enhancement to the looks.  Warmoth has their insignia on the back of the base of the neck (that's the way it is on the strat that I built) so you'd have to remove the neck to see it.  If I change the pickguard on any of my strats (which I have done) I've gotta remove the neck.

A bridge pickup in the neck position can add some darkness and beef to the sound.  And darkness is usually not an issue with strats.  :)   I like the idea of the mini humbucker in the bridge as they can sound quite thin sometimes in strats.  My personal favorite pickup is the P90.  I tried 3 Seymour Duncan humbuckers in the neck position of my Les Paul Modern trying to wake up the neck sound.  It was incredibly dark.  I finally put in a Seymour Duncan Phat Cat P90 and it did the trick!!  The LP sounds great now...of course I lost the push/pull coil split on the neck position but it was well worth the trade-off.  I now have 3 guitars with P90's.  My Guild Aristocrat P90 (Chinese built but an absolute great build and great sounding & playing guitar - and it was NOT expensive - I love that friggin' thing.  the only MOD I did to it was to peel off the Made In China sticker  :) ) and an SG Special, which I think I showed you, Sparkling Burgundy.  

Rock on!

One remedy that works for thin sounding pickups is changing the capacitors... Most Strats come stock with .033 caps or in some cases .027.. I like .042 .. Its not too dark and still allows the mids and ultra highs to sing through in the EQ.. then In some cases instead of using standard 250k pots I'll use 500k.. Thats why EVH preferred 250k in most cases with Mighty Might pickups that were middle gain PUP's.. Only problem there (with 500k) is you can lose the bottom end.. I want to try 300k pots and see what kind of results I get... Listen to this cover by Phil x the p90 sound is incredible on that SG ... The drummer though has a shit drum sound and his meter is all over the place... He's either ahead or behind the count and his mechanics are sloppy AF...



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13 hours ago, Flugel said:

And I don't need a lecture on behavioral etiquette from a 70 year old Bart Simpson reducing himself to potty-mouth Shakespeare. 

Before we go any further on your accusations for Dutch - have you shared with the rest of our readers which guy in this discussion needed to be quarantined to posting in just 1 thread a week for his inability to play well with others?  Zombo gave you your own little play pen; because of your sociopathic tendencies to prevent further headaches.  This had an adorable little warning that said enter at your own risk.  It was kind of like Florida where they have to put up signs stating PLEASE DON'T FEED THE ALLIGATORS...  That's a grown man's trophy case everyone should be envious of... 🙄


Tom, vo pasz your fucking high school notes somewhere else. Or better yet, start a psychological/historian page where you can analyze people.

You are the queen of mental masturbation. Grow the fuck up.

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For the record I like both Ghoolie and Nick.

For some time I thought Ghoolie might be Rich.  I consider Rich a friend.


No matter, we probably need to get a little less personal with the insults and just stick with the topic.


If we can't do that, why even have a Browns message board?  And Nick, that was a pretty bad look.  Clam  diggers? But hey, my typical day uniform is a white T with baggy blue mesh shorts that probably don't get washed enough, so call me guilty as well.

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21 minutes ago, ballpeen said:

For the record I like both Ghoolie and Nick.

For some time I thought Ghoolie might be Rich.  I consider Rich a friend.


No matter, we probably need to get a little less personal with the insults and just stick with the topic.


If we can't do that, why even have a Browns message board?  And Nick, that was a pretty bad look.  Clam  diggers? But hey, my typical day uniform is a white T with baggy blue mesh shorts that probably don't get washed enough, so call me guilty as well.

Hey.. they were cheap and just something to lounge around in..... they're just long ass shorts like Jams in the 80's. Clam diggers normally have a rolled up cuff on the bottom hem. Those are not Clam diggers.. I mean what the difference between capris and Cargo pants?.. None .. one style is made for broads.. Cargo pants for dudes... I'm not entering any beauty contests anytime soon so your all safe.. That said.. You're a pretty cool dude yourself.. But by the same token.. I'm not here to satisfy or please anyone..... If people don't like it... They can kiss my patoot!...


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All's cool Nick....lol....I wore some expensive suits while working, but I don't give a flip anymore.  If people don't like it, have a good day anyway.


I make my own day, I don't let others make it for me.


I do know clam diggers had a cuff, and some sort of V cut on the side.   LOL

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10 hours ago, Ghoolie Always Ghoolie said:

Tom, vo pasz your fucking high school notes somewhere else. Or better yet, start a psychological/historian page where you can analyze people.

You are the queen of mental masturbation. Grow the fuck up.

Says the persona who called Dutch a sociopath.  As for me, I was once challenged to a fight in front of our entire board by the same persona and the persona never showed up to the weekend in Nashville just a 2 hour ride from his home in Memphis.  Then I read our new and improved persona (an alleged great guy today that's seen the light) talking about the time he kissed Rich on the cheek after running his mouth about what he'd do to Rich in person.   You can take your tough guy bullshit where people will believe it.  

As I've posted to @nickers on this board more than once, he's never dis-respected me and he's even had my back when he didn't have to. I've never forgotten that. I'm a golden rule kind of guy.  I DID bust his balls about sharing a picture of his mom but I doubt he would have laughed at my reply if I disrespected her.  If someone comes from the poli board that always gangs up on the the 4 or 5 differences of opinion on that board - I'll confess to not being quite as patient with Poor Cal.  Here's the thing, I've never come to this board because I need friends.  Having said that, I DO appreciate the efforts of those that consistently want to talk about the Browns, relevant football topics and make this a comfortable place to do that.  A persona that pretends he's a bigger Steelers' fan than a Browns' fan for about a 5 year period in here for the purpose of just being an asshole - isn't ever going to have @Zombo considering him a friend.  Being a nice guy at a tailgate where people can see how out of shape you keep yourself - doesn't make up for how you've treated them unprovoked.  But it sure saved you the humiliation of Rich kicking your ass despite being outweighed by about 100 pounds.  Isn't that what really expedited the about face from you?   

In summary, Fuck you!   


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On 5/10/2024 at 8:59 PM, Dutch Oven said:

I'm not sure what is funnier about this whole situation.

The fact that some other person on this board hates you so much that they stumbled upon this photo YOU posted on this message board's Poliboard, downloaded it and sent it to me via private messaging because "this is too good for you not to see" or the fact that nickers actually judges other men on their worthiness to be referred to as an "alpha", or that the original poster got all up in his feelings solely because I pointed the irony that the guy calling people pussies who are fine with the team playing literally across the street from the Cleveland city limits or in a dome no longer lives anywhere near either in a part of the country that has far better climate than NE Ohio. 

Good shit here. 

I remember when you and me weren't seeing eye to eye about something - you were the one that stepped up and prevented things from escalating.  You did it with class despite what some people want to think about you.  If you want to see absolute hatred in action - go look at how the 4-5 guys with a difference of opinion on the poli board get treated.  If ANY of them are your biggest critic/critics - they've got no legs to stand on my man.  

We didn't seem to have very many spats in here at all the last few months until late this week for some reason.  Gee, what changed? 

Oh yeah, someone started a new topic about stadiums when there was already an existing topic about the same thing.  Only this version wasn't really about stadiums but it was a great excuse to call people pussies for refusing to pretend it's still the era of football played in the 70s and 80s. 


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9 minutes ago, Flugel said:

I remember when you and me weren't seeing eye to eye about something - you were the one that stepped up and prevented things from escalating.  You did it with class despite what some people want to think about you.  If you want to see absolute hatred in action - go look at how the 4-5 guys with a difference of opinion on the poli board get treated.  If ANY of them are your biggest critic/critics - they've got no legs to stand on my man.  

We didn't seem to have very many spats in here at all the last few months until late this week for some reason.  Gee, what changed? 

Oh yeah, someone started a new topic about stadiums when there was already an existing topic about the same thing.  Only this version wasn't really about stadiums but it was a great excuse to call people pussies for refusing to pretend it's still the era of football played in the 70s and 80s. 


Well yeah, there is an existing three page thread on page 1 of this forum discussing renovating the current stadium on the lakefront or moving to Brookpark and playing in a dome, but apparently we needed two more because attention whores gonna attention whore. 

I've already addressed the "calling people pussies" part. They crumble and cry and call themselves victims and run to the moderators with big soppy tears. 

Then convene over on their safe space and pat each other on the backs and convince themselves that they are not exactly what they accuse others of being. 

But if any if them thinks I wouldn't say that to their face, oh, I'll be their huckleberry. 

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9 hours ago, ballpeen said:

All's cool Nick....lol....I wore some expensive suits while working, but I don't give a flip anymore.  If people don't like it, have a good day anyway.


I make my own day, I don't let others make it for me.


I do know clam diggers had a cuff, and some sort of V cut on the side.   LOL

Well Like my family always trying to get me to "cut my tail" off.. My reply is.. "I'm not a fucking corporate dude".. I'm a guitar Slingin' musician. I always hated the Khaki pants , braided belt , Polo shirt style.  It's boring and redundant.. I'm not a carbon copy follower or a neck tie loving oxygen blocking to the brain type either. I love Leather, Denim blue jeans.. Shorts and tee's.. However.. I will wear a suit and tie for Weddings, Dinner parties etcetera... I'm not one dimensional.. I also love my hiking and outdoor camping attire as well.. I'm a man for all occasions and seasons...



Sharped up.png

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13 minutes ago, nickers said:

 I also love my hiking and outdoor camping attire as well.. I'm a man for all occasions and seasons...



Sharped up.png

That there what you wear in your Winnebago Nick?🤣

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1 minute ago, TexasAg1969 said:

That there what you wear in your Winnebago Nick?🤣

LOL I don't drive due to poor vision and being profoundly hearing impaired...

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33 minutes ago, nickers said:

LOL I don't drive due to poor vision and being profoundly hearing impaired...

Must be a long walk to get to Rocky Mountain National Park trails.😂 

EDIT: And inquiring minds want to know........................when you walk to and in Girdled Road Reservation near Concord is a girdle part of the required hiking attire?😁

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10 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Must be a long walk to get to Rocky Mountain National Park trails.😂

Hey , I get around regardless.. Life is constant improvisation.. There's a will.. There's a way... I'm actually going on a big hiking trip in Vegas for my birthday in January.. Man.. I have so much traveling in my future its almost beyond ridiculous!.. I go to southern Ohio next weekend for my nieces graduation.. Then June 5th.. We fly out of Toronto Canada for a big trip to Europe which includes a whole week in my Mothers homeland of Croatia. Then a short trip to Put in Bay.. Followed by a week at Deep Creek State Park in MD. Then were debating going back to Letchworth State Park in west central NY in the fall.. And god only knows what else will be added to my plate.. So I've been going to the Y 3x's a week trying to get myself in relatively good shape for the long haul... I hate lagging behind... But I'm up to the task.. Can't wait... I love challenges and adventure!


Oh yeah.. And I forgot.. there's a little trip planned for some week long camping festival in Ellicotville, NY I forgot about... Jesus...  I gotta write this shit down "laughs"

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I ride my bike daily weather permitting and racquetball 5 days a week. But when I go to Estes Park I spend several days on the lower trails getting used to the higher elevation before I tackle the ones that are longer and go above 11,000 Ft. I now carry a couple of small 5 min. O2 aluminum canisters in my backback just in case. So far I have not had to use them, but at 77 who knows when the first time will be when I regret not packing them. I also carry a .357 mag along just in case 77 looks appealing to mamabear with kids to protect. Haven't had to use that either, but that old Boyscout motto tells me to carry.

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4 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

I ride my bike daily weather permitting and racquetball 5 days a week. But when I go to Estes Park I spend several days on the lower trails getting used to the higher elevation before I tackle the ones that are longer and go above 11,000 Ft. I now carry a couple of small 5 min. O2 aluminum canisters in my backback just in case. So far I have not had to use them, but at 77 who knows when the first time will be when I regret not packing them. I also carry a .357 mag along just in case 77 looks appealing to mamabear with kids to protect. Haven't had to use that either, but that old Boyscout motto tells me to carry.

Us grunts know what to carry but I think a .44 mag would be better against a grizzly.

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1 hour ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

Us grunts know what to carry but I think a .44 mag would be better against a grizzly.

I didn't know you were a grunt... I watch this one guy on Youtube.. His Channel is called "Grunt Proof" ... His name is Randall..  He's a real serious dude... I would love to get yours and Cal's take on this guy. My stepfather was a Viet Nam Vet.. So naturally here I am late in life trying to adapt and learn things I shouldve done years ago... But as they say.. There's no time like the present..




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1 hour ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

Us grunts know what to carry but I think a .44 mag would be better against a grizzly.

When we go with friends to hike Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons this summer, I'll carry, but I figure my 9mm would bounce off a grizzly's head, ticking him off. Allowed to carry, but not allowed to fire it. lol Hence, researching the best bear spray to get. Rangers say do not go on some trails if you don't carry bear spray.

and Nick - you look like a rock star in your suit. Good job, lol.

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1 hour ago, Flugel said:

We're not that smart yet in Florida Nicks.

You'll get there by natural selection and due process!!😂

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8 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

Us grunts know what to carry but I think a .44 mag would be better against a grizzly.

But they ain't no grizz in Colorado no more pilgrim. 🤣

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7 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

When we go with friends to hike Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons this summer, I'll carry, but I figure my 9mm would bounce off a grizzly's head, ticking him off. Allowed to carry, but not allowed to fire it. lol Hence, researching the best bear spray to get. Rangers say do not go on some trails if you don't carry bear spray.

and Nick - you look like a rock star in your suit. Good job, lol.

Get a bear horn too cal if you're not gonna carry a .44 Mag. A .357 mag could work at very close range if you have Hornady Critical Defense FTX 125 gr which is what I carry in black bear country. Best thing is to make a lot of noise while hiking so they have plenty of warning to get away. Every now and then I just smack my walking stick loudly against trees to help them on their way. Most bears prefer no contact with humans.

EDIT: If cal still has me on ignore someone can just quote me so he can read it. Believe it or not I'd rather he be safe in grizzly country.

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