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I Guarantee a Browns Loss VS the Ravens


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I decided to get away with the other posting, and open a new one just so everyone can see that the Browns will never beat the Ravens. I am rooting for an 0-16 year, but down worry it will happen no matter which QB we have in. Oh yeah, I am a die-hard browns fan. I'm just in touch with reality enough to know that they suck and will continue to suck game after game. All it takes for me is watching their 1st game of the year and then I am able to perdict another pathetic season. The players have even admitted that they suck. What more do you need?!? Have a great day! :lol:

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I decided to get away with the other posting, and open a new one just so everyone can see that the Browns will never beat the Ravens. I am rooting for an 0-16 year, but down worry it will happen no matter which QB we have in. Oh yeah, I am a die-hard browns fan. I'm just in touch with reality enough to know that they suck and will continue to suck game after game. All it takes for me is watching their 1st game of the year and then I am able to perdict another pathetic season. The players have even admitted that they suck. What more do you need?!? Have a great day! :lol:


Save the typing big guy I think it may be using a little too much brain power than you have and you've got to keep that electricity on up there. What a douche..

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Unfortunately we do suck we lack talent as much as organization and whats worse is our OC is running a scheme thats a basic vanilla one size fits all scheme it cant work without very responsive WRs and effective run blocking across the whole o-line...what a bad joke on browns fans..


As for us winning tomorrow as the old saying goes any pro team can beat any other pro team unless they are the cleveland browns then the other team has to beat themselves if they want to lose...;)

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I decided to get away with the other posting, and open a new one just so everyone can see that the Browns will never beat the Ravens. I am rooting for an 0-16 year, but down worry it will happen no matter which QB we have in. Oh yeah, I am a die-hard browns fan. I'm just in touch with reality enough to know that they suck and will continue to suck game after game. All it takes for me is watching their 1st game of the year and then I am able to perdict another pathetic season. The players have even admitted that they suck. What more do you need?!? Have a great day! :lol:



Wow, you are very original. You are also a spineless douche.

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Unfortunately we do suck we lack talent as much as organization and whats worse is our OC is running a scheme thats a basic vanilla one size fits all scheme it cant work without very responsive WRs and effective run blocking across the whole o-line...what a bad joke on browns fans..


As for us winning tomorrow as the old saying goes any pro team can beat any other pro team unless they are the cleveland browns then the other team has to beat themselves if they want to lose...;)


agreed. Browns suck

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I decided to get away with the other posting, and open a new one just so everyone can see that the Browns will never beat the Ravens. I am rooting for an 0-16 year, but down worry it will happen no matter which QB we have in. Oh yeah, I am a die-hard browns fan. I'm just in touch with reality enough to know that they suck and will continue to suck game after game. All it takes for me is watching their 1st game of the year and then I am able to perdict another pathetic season. The players have even admitted that they suck. What more do you need?!? Have a great day! :lol:

No, this is nothing more than the kneejerk reaction of someone trying to sound intelligent by being pessimistic.


See, pessimism is easy. You are proven right (in your own mind) by the odds that ALL are aware of, but most of us at least make an attempt to see a way around. Yeah, true brilliance. Sorry, but I give a lot more credit to the guy who analyzes the crap out of the team to find the few flashes that actually show we COULD improve and we COULD pull an upset every week.


Now, as for your overall "analysis" of the team.


Let's, go this position by position.


OL: The starting 5 have yet to see a single down together this season (Hadnot has been out). Further, there are only 2 guys on the OL that have played a regular season game together. The BIGGEST tell on how an OL will do is how long they have been together. Just look at any of the winning teams that have GREAT OL's...and you will see they rarely change a guy on the line, and then it is only 1 at a time. Given time (yes, later this season possibly), our OL may just start showing you the protection and run blocking we haven't seen yet.


WR: The Browns have exactly one, ONE, WR that was a starter for the team last year. In fact, our #2 guy wasn't even a WR last year, and 2 of our top 4 guys are rookies. That gives us BE, and journeyman Furrey. Now, considering 3 of our 5 WR's are in their first year of playing the position in the NFL...don't you think it may take a few weeks for them to get up to the REGULAR SEASON SPEED of the NFL? Again, later this year you will likely see a much different performance from this group of players.


RB: JL is solid, but not great. So, he needs to have an OL to create some holes or he is gonna do a lot of 1-2 yard carries. Harrison has been hurt all year (may actually get healthy enough to play this week) and Davis was dinged last week. He also is about to get the trial by fire this week. So, in reality all 3 of our RB's have been playing dinged since the beginning of the season. It is hard enough to be a RB in the NFL without the added pressure of an OL that hasn't meshed and injuries to all 3....just ask Denver last year.


TE: Considering the needs of the OL, the TE position has been relegated to the 6th OL position. This is probably the biggest reason Rucker found himself on the cut list. Also doesn't help that Heiden is still getting his legs under him. Again, time should help with this group becoming more of a weapon.


DL: I am not going to say anything negative about this group. They have played well, and even dominant, early in games before the time of possession clock does them in. I am very happy with Rubin as the rotation with Rogers...and see this group getting stronger as the year goes.


ILB: This group again has done some admirable work, but as the DL sags beneath the possession clock, the lack of a true SILB with (Barton is nice, but he isn't a top guy) starts to show. We will need to see Veikune step up at that position, and only time will tell here as well.


OLB: Wimbley has shown some flashes of his rookie season, but we have not seen consistent play from the other side. Hall is still raw, but as he grows we may have some better success. Still, this is a position we may need an upgrade in as well.


CB/S: Both our corners are young, and when they are gifted with even the slightest amount of pressure on the QB, they can really shut down the WR's. Again, most of the big plays happen late in the game, after the DL has worn down. Our S's is an area that I just don't know. Elam plays with heart, but I don't see the overall athleticism...and Pool has athleticism, but seems to lack heart. I would love for either one or both of these to be replaced.


QB: I am not going to get into DA vs BQ...but BQ is our starter for now and at least a few more weeks. I think that the coaches are fully aware of all the issues I listed above on the OL/WR/RB/TE positions. While they have TONS of potential, none of it seems to be at the surface yet. I bring this up because I think the play calling has been overly conservative in an attempt to prevent making Quinn the next Couch/Harrington (so many others) that got beaten to a pulp and started hearing footsteps before they ever had a real chance to win. At this time, Quinn has been sacked 9 times in 2 games DESPITE the conservative play calling. I think it is time for the coaches to unleash the hounds with this offense. If Quinn is going to take a beating, at least give him the play calling to take his shots.


As for not going down field, I posted another thread a week or so ago showing that Quinn will go down field...but needs to improve on his accuracy. Considering that the first team has only been on the field for the last 2 weeks (see overlong stupid QB competition, WR competition, OL competition) and it is going to take time for the unit to click, especially on the long pass. However, if Quinn can survive the first half of the season, watch for him and this offense to do some feasting in the second half vs teams like Detroit, Cincinnati, KC, Oakland and Jax.


0-16? Hardly, but the 6-8 wins most of us truly saw are definitely still in the realm of reality.



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I also guarantee a loss - unless something really changes... but I doubt that it will. I mean, last year, the dolphins got out of the cellar by playing to their strengths and using the element of surprise and I don't understand why all of our coaches play the typical strategy of trying to establish a running game. This year (most years?) that has not been our strength.


If I'm Mangini, I would establish the passing game. If it's DA, we're talking 10 to 15 yard chunks. If it's BQ, 5 yard chunks or the West Coast Off. It doesn't matter who the QB is but I would definitely change the game plan according to who it is. DA in the pocket. BQ in motion. More screen plays, reverses to Cribbs, Cribbs catching the ball behind the line of scrimmage, then sailing a pass to a reciever. No huddel used often. Fast developing passes that can't be stopped. Change in direction plays (pump fake short right, OMG, we're going long down the left sideline). If these plays are executed professionally - we will score touch-downs and it will open the field for the running game.


Mangini needs to stop eating vanilla until he has a few drafts to get the line, QB and RB that he needs. And yes, we need three linemen, a QB and an RB in the next two drafts plus free agents (off. side of the ball). I would use round one of 2010 and 2011 on the QB & RB and rounds two and three on 2 linemen a linebacker and a saftey.

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I decided to get away with the other posting, and open a new one just so everyone can see that the Browns will never beat the Ravens. I am rooting for an 0-16 year, but down worry it will happen no matter which QB we have in. Oh yeah, I am a die-hard browns fan. I'm just in touch with reality enough to know that they suck and will continue to suck game after game. All it takes for me is watching their 1st game of the year and then I am able to perdict another pathetic season. The players have even admitted that they suck. What more do you need?!? Have a great day! :lol:


The "Thanks" button should not be so close to the "Reply" button...especially when you've been drinking.


Anywho, being in touch with reality has nothing to do with being a fan.


Browns will beat the Ratbirds.




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The "Thanks" button should not be so close to the "Reply" button...especially when you've been drinking.


Anywho, being in touch with reality has nothing to do with being a fan.


Browns will beat the Ratbirds.




Don't get me wrong, I am a browns fan and hope that they win. Unfortunately I know that they won't. I will be back on this thread on Sunday night just to prove my point. Talk to you all then. Happy football day!

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Don't get me wrong, I am a browns fan and hope that they win. Unfortunately I know that they won't. I will be back on this thread on Sunday night just to prove my point. Talk to you all then. Happy football day!

Again, it doesn't take much to "prove my point" when you are going with the 13 point favorite. In fact, it could be argued that it isn't even YOUR point. It is general consensus. And it takes no balls or brains to go along with the crowd.

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Apparently Mangini and Ryan agree with me...


Eric Mangini, Rob Ryan say there's reason to believe Cleveland Browns could surprise Ravens

By Mary Kay Cabot

September 26, 2009, 6:21PM


bowensortonjg.jpgJoshua Gunter/The Plain DealerHits like this one put on Denver QB Kyle Orton by Browns linebacker David Bowens is what gives reason to believe in a dramatic upset on Sunday in Baltimore, according to defensive coordinator Rob Ryan. "Right now, stats and everything, we’re not worth a crap, but man, I can see it — we’re coming together and I can see it,” Ryan said.BALTIMORE, Md. -- An 0-2 record isn't enough to rattle Browns coach Eric Mangini, not even heading into Sunday's game against the high-flying 2-0 Ravens.


Mangini and several of his assistants vividly remember being 0-2 in 2001 when they were on Bill Belichick's staff in New England. Coming off a 5-11 season, the Pats were ripped mercilessly by fans and media. When they slipped to 1-3, the lambasting grew worse. But they climbed back to a 5-5 mark, and at that point, Belichick showed the players a clip of a horse race.


"When the horses were around the first bend, Bill asked 'who's ahead?' and somebody said 'horse number whatever,'" recalled Mangini. "Bill said, 'Yeah, but it doesn't really matter who's ahead right now.' He showed the second turn, same thing. At the end, a horse that was trailing for quite a bit ended up winning the race. The point was made, and everybody understood it. It doesn't matter where you are through the course of the race. It matters where you are when things finish."


The Patriots won their final six games and the first of three Super Bowls in four seasons.


"We kept working," said Mangini, who was defensive backs coach at the time. "We worked through the 5-11 year. We worked into the next season. It was consistent. When you string together good practices, good meetings together, good choices, it's going to break in a good way."


Browns defensive coordinator Rob Ryan, who was Patriots linebackers coach at the time, sees the same work ethic on this team.


"You can see them working," Ryan said. "They're starting to care for each other. If you're going to go into a big war like you are against the Baltimore Ravens -- where bodies are getting laid out all over the field -- you better have guys that you care about, that you can count on -- that you know when it gets tough they're not going to run on you. And I know that's what we've got. Right now, stats and everything, we're not worth a crap, but man, I can see it -- we're coming together and I can see it."


Question is, do the Browns -- most likely without running back Jamal Lewis -- have what it takes to get back on track this season? Thanks to some poor drafting and other bad personnel moves since their return in 1999, it remains to be seen.


flaccocc.jpgChuck Crow/The Plain DealerNow a second-year starter at quarterback, Joe Flacco will bring a growing reputation into Sunday's game against Kamerion Wimbley (95), D'Qwell Jackson and the Browns.For comparison's sake:


• The Ravens have had 50 Pro Bowl berths to the Browns' 10 since 1999.


• Of the Ravens' 22 full-time starters, 16 are their own draft picks. Of the Browns' 22 starters, only nine are their own picks.


• The Ravens have 20 draft picks on their roster from the 2005-2008 seasons. The Browns have 12.


• Five of the Ravens' No. 1 picks since 1999 have gone to the Pro Bowl, with defensive tackle Haloti Ngata being named a first alternate and quarterback Joe Flacco apparently on a path toward Hawaii. Three of the Browns' first-round picks have made it in that span.


• The Ravens' defense features three Pro Bowlers and a first alternate and the Browns have one (Shaun Rogers).


But the Browns players, especially the veterans, will tell you talent doesn't equate to victories. When the Patriots won the Super Bowl in 2001, not one made the Pro Bowl as a starter.


"I was on a Washington Redskins team that was loaded on defense, from [Pro Bowlers] Bruce Smith to Darrell Green, to Jessie Armstead, Jeremiah Trotter, Lavar Arrington, and we didn't make the playoffs," said tight end Robert Royal. "It just shows you that if you take a team of mediocre guys that execute all the time, they'll fare better than a whole bunch of first-round talent that doesn't play well together."


Ryan is convinced that if he hadn't called an all-out blitz in the fourth quarter in Denver that resulted in a 49-yard completion, one that led to a TD, the Browns' defense would be a top 10 defense instead of the 25th-ranked one they are.


"If you throw out that darn fourth quarter, we're not a bad defense," he said. "It's time to come in here, and establish what we're working for. You can't work harder than they are. They're pouring everything they've got into it every week and it's frustrating. We need to win a game around here."


Ryan knows it will be tough against the league's third-ranked offense, one that's averaging 406 yards and 25 points a game. The Ravens have scored seven TDs in eight trips inside the red zone.


"[Offensive coordinator] Cam Cameron is up to his old tricks," said Ryan. "He's always in the top five on offense, wherever he coaches. He's got a real physical football team on both sides of the ball. Heck, there are physical players all over that team. The punters and kickers are probably physical. I think we need that kind of game right now. I think we're ready to fight. It's just going to be on."


The Browns might not have the most talented team on the field, but it doesn't mean they can't compete.


"This team's going to put theirs on ours and we'll see who's the toughest team," said Ryan. "I know they've got great, violent players on their defense and I know we've got some tough, violent guys on our defense. I'm looking forward to hearing the big hits and watching some football. Our defensive guys felt they got pushed around by the Ravens a little bit last year, so we're looking forward to a great fight and hopefully a great victory for us."

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"I decided to get away with the other posting, and open a new one just so everyone can see that the Browns will never beat the Ravens. I am rooting for an 0-16 year, but down worry it will happen no matter which QB we have in. Oh yeah, I am a die-hard browns fan. I'm just in touch with reality enough to know that they suck and will continue to suck game after game. All it takes for me is watching their 1st game of the year and then I am able to perdict another pathetic season. The players have even admitted that they suck. What more do you need?!? Have a great day!"


Fukc you

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No, this is nothing more than the kneejerk reaction of someone trying to sound intelligent by being pessimistic.


See, pessimism is easy. You are proven right (in your own mind) by the odds that ALL are aware of, but most of us at least make an attempt to see a way around. Yeah, true brilliance. Sorry, but I give a lot more credit to the guy who analyzes the crap out of the team to find the few flashes that actually show we COULD improve and we COULD pull an upset every week.


Now, as for your overall "analysis" of the team.


Let's, go this position by position.


OL: The starting 5 have yet to see a single down together this season (Hadnot has been out). Further, there are only 2 guys on the OL that have played a regular season game together. The BIGGEST tell on how an OL will do is how long they have been together. Just look at any of the winning teams that have GREAT OL's...and you will see they rarely change a guy on the line, and then it is only 1 at a time. Given time (yes, later this season possibly), our OL may just start showing you the protection and run blocking we haven't seen yet.


WR: The Browns have exactly one, ONE, WR that was a starter for the team last year. In fact, our #2 guy wasn't even a WR last year, and 2 of our top 4 guys are rookies. That gives us BE, and journeyman Furrey. Now, considering 3 of our 5 WR's are in their first year of playing the position in the NFL...don't you think it may take a few weeks for them to get up to the REGULAR SEASON SPEED of the NFL? Again, later this year you will likely see a much different performance from this group of players.


RB: JL is solid, but not great. So, he needs to have an OL to create some holes or he is gonna do a lot of 1-2 yard carries. Harrison has been hurt all year (may actually get healthy enough to play this week) and Davis was dinged last week. He also is about to get the trial by fire this week. So, in reality all 3 of our RB's have been playing dinged since the beginning of the season. It is hard enough to be a RB in the NFL without the added pressure of an OL that hasn't meshed and injuries to all 3....just ask Denver last year.


TE: Considering the needs of the OL, the TE position has been relegated to the 6th OL position. This is probably the biggest reason Rucker found himself on the cut list. Also doesn't help that Heiden is still getting his legs under him. Again, time should help with this group becoming more of a weapon.


DL: I am not going to say anything negative about this group. They have played well, and even dominant, early in games before the time of possession clock does them in. I am very happy with Rubin as the rotation with Rogers...and see this group getting stronger as the year goes.


ILB: This group again has done some admirable work, but as the DL sags beneath the possession clock, the lack of a true SILB with (Barton is nice, but he isn't a top guy) starts to show. We will need to see Veikune step up at that position, and only time will tell here as well.


OLB: Wimbley has shown some flashes of his rookie season, but we have not seen consistent play from the other side. Hall is still raw, but as he grows we may have some better success. Still, this is a position we may need an upgrade in as well.


CB/S: Both our corners are young, and when they are gifted with even the slightest amount of pressure on the QB, they can really shut down the WR's. Again, most of the big plays happen late in the game, after the DL has worn down. Our S's is an area that I just don't know. Elam plays with heart, but I don't see the overall athleticism...and Pool has athleticism, but seems to lack heart. I would love for either one or both of these to be replaced.


QB: I am not going to get into DA vs BQ...but BQ is our starter for now and at least a few more weeks. I think that the coaches are fully aware of all the issues I listed above on the OL/WR/RB/TE positions. While they have TONS of potential, none of it seems to be at the surface yet. I bring this up because I think the play calling has been overly conservative in an attempt to prevent making Quinn the next Couch/Harrington (so many others) that got beaten to a pulp and started hearing footsteps before they ever had a real chance to win. At this time, Quinn has been sacked 9 times in 2 games DESPITE the conservative play calling. I think it is time for the coaches to unleash the hounds with this offense. If Quinn is going to take a beating, at least give him the play calling to take his shots.


As for not going down field, I posted another thread a week or so ago showing that Quinn will go down field...but needs to improve on his accuracy. Considering that the first team has only been on the field for the last 2 weeks (see overlong stupid QB competition, WR competition, OL competition) and it is going to take time for the unit to click, especially on the long pass. However, if Quinn can survive the first half of the season, watch for him and this offense to do some feasting in the second half vs teams like Detroit, Cincinnati, KC, Oakland and Jax.


0-16? Hardly, but the 6-8 wins most of us truly saw are definitely still in the realm of reality.


Great post. 99% makes complete sense. I won't use this reply to go into the 1%. Instead I will agree 100% that by week 8, this team will begin to show what it is to become in the future. I don't know how good we'll look and I won't even begin to predict, oh sorry GroundGame, I mean PERdict our record, but we will look like a different team by week 8. Anyone expecting major progress sooner than that is just not being realistic.


Thanks for the dose of common sense WPB.


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"This team's going to put theirs on ours and we'll see who's the toughest team," said Ryan. "I know they've got great, violent players on their defense and I know we've got some tough, violent guys on our defense. I'm looking forward to hearing the big hits and watching some football. Our defensive guys felt they got pushed around by the Ravens a little bit last year, so we're looking forward to a great fight and hopefully a great victory for us."



Except their violent guy killed someone and our violent guy stole a bottle of water...

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I All it takes for me is watching their 1st game of the year and then I am able to perdict ......


All it takes is me reading your 14th post ever and I "perdict" you need some more football edumacation.


I agree we will likely lose.. but not for the reasons you say. The ravens have more talent on the field. They also have a managment team that has been in place for years (13 years Ozzie has been there) that drafts very well. While the Browns are now on the 5th head coach and 4th new management staff in just 10 years... You just cannot have success on the field when you turnstyle coaches/management like that.

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I'm usually the eternal optimist but I can't help thinking the Browns will be lucky if they don't leave the field in ambulances. Barring an absolute miracle, I expect the Browns to get killed in this one.

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Someone who is a true fan like you call yourself and not a complete Retard who is just here trolling would know who the kicker on the team was today.


your a douchbag Douche, really. The difference is that I have a life. Beautiful wife and two young kids. I'm not single living in my parents basement like you. Really, your a loser. Now slowly remove your tampon, and speak like you know what your talking about. Haha! :lol:

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