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Riffer X

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I haven't been posting or reading much this week. Work has been a killer, hit a deer, other shit going on and quite frankly I am at an all time low with this team and franchise. I'm totally embarrassed by what is going on right now, this blows away the expansion mess.


I'm going to the game Sunday just because of club seats, but I could honestly give a crap less about the game at this point. I got the Brownie Blues real bad.


Does anybody else have this morose feeling like I do? I know it's just football and life goes on, but goddamn man do I/we really deserve this?


Carry on

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I did, a couple of days ago...


But all it took was a lifetime's worth of "Quinn fags" from Dr. Z shoe-horned into one thread and I snapped out of it.


Enjoy those seats.

Well im a browns fan first and it doesnt matter which guy starts but the way things are going we have nothing to cheer about.. can it get any worse as this season rolls on?

Try to enjoy the game riff maybe DA and adams will have a good game...;)


Had a bengals fan at the mall yesterday point me out and tell me ...hey them browns arent as good as they use to be are they?

I replied no but their good enough to beat those bengals..;)

I should stop going out adorned in browns gear for a while its almost embarrassing...

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I also hit a deer last week.


$2800 damage to the car.


stupid ass animals. It stands in the middle of the road and then jumps to the shoulder right after I swerve over there.


Dumb fooker came right out of nowhere going about 55. I am always ready for it when I drive that early in morning. Where I live in the valley they are like cattle, and this was a big ass doe. I'm pretty sure a buck wasn't far behind trying to get him some. I'm lucky it didn't go all the way through the windshield. It came from the right and I probably should have swerved that way instead of to the left. Most people would have plowed directly into it though and the reason it wasn't much worse was that I deflected it more than taking it on head on. Still a fooking mess for my work car though but I came to work anyway.


Let's hope DA can get things going this week and Dey Balls will let him try.

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I like to call it CSD, which stands for Cleveland Sports Depression. I was at my worst a week or so back when. . .


A: I went to a weeknight Indians Game, and the size of the crowd and the pitifulness of the team was painful to look at

B: News about Delonte West and his Desperado incident came out

C: Sandwiched by a couple of enbarassing Browns losses


That's when I realized that my CSD had become a real problem. I still haven't found a treatment for it, however eliminating Eric Wedge helped a very little bit.


I also realized around this time that the two most exciting events in Cleveland sports are:


A: The NFL draft and other drafts. . . because we haven't yet figured out that these new Cleveland players will soon suck.


B: When a bad coach gets fired. . . because the suspense of who our next sucky coach will be is riveting!





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Riff...hope you're okay after the accident! I would have been terrified!


I have been avoiding the board for lots of reasons too...mostly just totally frustrated with all the cat-calling and cat-fighting on the QB threads. I'm pissed off that things seem to be getting worse for our Browns even though I know it's often darkest before the dawn.


And yeah, there's other stuff going on in real life too.


My new motto? Better living through modern chemistry. Thank God my doctor is fairly generous! ;)


Now I'm off to look at all the cute dogs on the dog thread...and post pics of mine!



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Hey Riff, snap the hell out of it you fooking pansy. Wasn't it you who was going to a tailgate party with all your butt-boys just last week up in Ashtabula? Calling all therest of us out about not bleeding orange as much as you?


Suck it up ...


Strange that you tell your deer story from traveling through the Valley in the early mornings. I used to live in your same apartment complex and use to make that same drive all the way to Solon as well. I was just telling someone last night about all the deer that roam down there in that valley and how the moring drive was a white-knuckle drive becuase sometimes a herd would dart out in front of the vehicle. I installed those deer whistles on my truck back then and never hit one, you might want to give that a try.


And Hiwaygal ... ain't the Dog thread just the cutest? Wait until, Zippy see's it and starts weeping about his dumb dog.

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Hey Riff, snap the hell out of it you fooking pansy. Wasn't it you who was going to a tailgate party with all your butt-boys just last week up in Ashtabula? Calling all therest of us out about not bleeding orange as much as you?


Suck it up ...


Strange that you tell your deer story from traveling through the Valley in the early mornings. I used to live in your same apartment complex and use to make that same drive all the way to Solon as well. I was just telling someone last night about all the deer that roam down there in that valley and how the moring drive was a white-knuckle drive becuase sometimes a herd would dart out in front of the vehicle. I installed those deer whistles on my truck back then and never hit one, you might want to give that a try.


And Hiwaygal ... ain't the Dog thread just the cutest? Wait until, Zippy see's it and starts weeping about his dumb dog.


This pansy is going to kick the shit out of you drinking wise tomorrow, take that to the bank. No way in hell I can stay sober for this shit. Lori and I are going to be there by 9:00 and she has one of those canopy things so keep that in mind.

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I've been without a contract for a year. Nearly had a huge contract for $$$$$$...


but 300 people applied for 12 positions, and I almost made the last cut, so they say.


But, things are lookin up, because the Browns are going to beat Cincy.


Hey, we love the Browns, and farming helped pay the bills.


McDonald - just doesn't seem to play smart, all Braylon seems to want to do is catch long throws


to make himself more of a high value free agent, and maybe, somehow, DA won't throw the game away


tomorrow before halftime. Then, we'll hope for "before the end of the third quarter"...






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I haven't been posting or reading much this week. Work has been a killer, hit a deer, other shit going on and quite frankly I am at an all time low with this team and franchise. I'm totally embarrassed by what is going on right now, this blows away the expansion mess.


I'm going to the game Sunday just because of club seats, but I could honestly give a crap less about the game at this point. I got the Brownie Blues real bad.


Does anybody else have this morose feeling like I do? I know it's just football and life goes on, but goddamn man do I/we really deserve this?


Carry on



I'd have to rally to be depressed, I'm fcuking comatose. If this turd ever gets polished, their plane will crash or the diaper heads will blow up the stadium. Luckily I'll be dead or riddled with alzheimer's brought on by the futility of being a Cleveland sports fan! Go Cav's, so looking forward to you ripping our fcuking hearts out again. Cleveland sports and old age is not for wimps. PS ........pittspuke still sucks.

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