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The Liberal response to supporting our troops

Mr. T

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The Liberal response to supporting our troops, sea turtles horned frogs & grasshoppers everywhere will go without if we have to send more troops and supplies to the front line where we are battling terrorists.


Boo Hoo! we are going to tax you so we can keep our save the whales projects.



Would you see this type of dribble and waivering from our leaders during WW2?





PC has ruined men and put skirts on them

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The Liberal response to supporting our troops, sea turtles horned frogs & grasshoppers everywhere will go without if we have to send more troops and supplies to the front line where we are battling terrorists.


Boo Hoo! we are going to tax you so we can keep our save the whales projects.



Would you see this type of dribble and waivering from our leaders during WW2?


PC has ruined men and put skirts on them


I thought the response was to tax "the rich" incrementally to cover the expenses of sending more troops to Afganistan.


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Why not suspend all of the frivolous programs that we learned about that were earmaked in obamas stimulus plan?


I am sure there would be more than enough money to pay for what is needed to re supply our troops so they will be able to achieve the job that they were asked to do.


But while obama is entertaining his hollywood buddies I am sure there is a soldier or marine sitting in bunker well protected and well equiped?


Why the delay to take care of business obama?

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McChrystal: "Sir, you have to make a decision"


Obamao: I vote "present" ...


Biden: "Buttock, (damn it, Calfox), I mean Barack.. you do have to decide on this Afghan thing..."


Obamao: "I did decide. I voted presen..."


Biden: "No, no no. You aren't allowed to do that now. You have to BE the man. Decide. Most of America, especially our troops,

are waiting. You can't vote "Present" anymore."


Obamao: "Why not? My socialist professors kept giving me good grades for not deciding..."


McChrystal: "Sir, we need those troops. I would never say we did unless it was a majority of our officers in the field

that hold the same opinion."


Biden: "Mr. President, you must decide the Afghan thing."


Obamao: "Oh, stick a cork in it, Biden, I already did. I got Michelle one for Christmas, it matches her sofa recliner... She really likes it..."


Biden: "If only I had a bottle of wine, I'd take the cork out. We aren't talking blanket, Barack, we're talking about Afghanistan,

where we are fighting the war on terror, and you have to make a decision about sending more troops in or not..."


Obamao: "I'm president. I don't have to do anything if I don't want to. You been listening to Mark Levin again?"


Biden: "No, it's just that Americans all over this country are seeing our soldiers fight and die for our freedom, and you

keep waffling like you are enjoying a big breakfast. Americans are impatiently waiting, sir"


Obamao: "Even the black ones? No, can't be, because I am black. Take another poll. I need more information again"


Biden: "Please, you're killing me here. We have done the poll 5 times already. We keep getting the same results,

and they are embarrassing to you. "


Obamao: "Maybe if I just strike an arrogant "Rock" posture, and ask "Can you smell what's cookin", they will understand

that I don't want to decide"


Biden: "MR. PRES..."


Obamao: "Oh, alright. I've decided."


McChrystal: "(sigh) (yawn), well, what's the good word, Mr. President?"


Obamao: "I've decided not to tell anybody. Maybe I'll tell them what I've decided next month, after the New Year. You see, I..."




Obama, frowning: "Well, I still think I am allowed to vote "present". I never got in trouble for my radical views on stuff back then.

If I have to decide, ..that's terribly "Unprecidented"...


well, I guess I will have to write to my college socialist professors and ask them what I should decide.

Then I'll let Mr. Soros handle that part...


...wait, why did Gen. McChrystal leave the room? He seems to be upset.


...Biden? Hello? Biiiiden?????

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