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Posts posted by jrb12711

  1. 6 hours ago, hoorta said:

    But the problem is, replace him with who? 

    I've calmed down a bit, it was a near unrepeatable fluke to blow that game. The stat nerds looked it up. You'd have to go back over 2,000 games where a team was up two scores, two minutes left, and the other team with no time outs and manage to  lose.  :(

    And amazingly but in no way surprising, the last team to do it was also the Cleveland Browns in 2001.

  2. https://brownswire.usatoday.com/2022/09/19/browns-john-johnson-iii-denzel-ward-both-deflecting-blame-from-blown-coverage-vs-jets/

    Between these comments and Myles' after the game, I think a huge part of the problem is leadership. We got two dudes on this side of the ball potentially making almost $200 million and it's all about pointing fingers. Ward saying "it's not my coverage but i'll take the blame" is akin to saying "I'm sorry if you were upset by what I said". Leadership is a glaring issue on the defense and frankly the Browns in general. When you realize the guy maybe to bring that to the team is Watson..yikes.

    I'm not in the mindset of dudes having to throw trash cans or yell at people on the sidelines. But the apathy is a big part of the culture it seems.

  3. Put simply, there's less than zero excuse for a dude being WIDE OPEN like Corey Davis was on the TD before the onside disaster. You can at least live with a great play or missed tackle (a la the Vikings in the playoffs a while back) but no one was even in the zip code. If the guys in the secondary can't have the common sense to do that (as we've seen two weeks in a row) it's time to make personnel changes.

    Very glad it's a short week and all the other AFC North teams lost (to include an epic meltdown by the Ravens, too). 

  4. 8 hours ago, ballpeen said:

    I get that the guys stopped hosting tailgates which is what brought me to this board in the first place. That was a lot of work and no doubt took a lot of energy, something as we get older seems to dissipate.

    Go Browns!

    I just tailgated for a college football game and TBH, another part of the reality is watching on the TV is almost a better experience anymore. Here in South Florida it's still 1000 degrees and people are just assholes even to their fellow fans. I was at a non-insignificant college game wearing the opposing team shirt (I graduated from college there) and had drunken idiots heckling me for what amounted to essentially a high school game with a bigger stadium. It sucks because tailgating is something I used to love but it's just hard to find the passion for it anymore as opposed to sitting in front of a big ass, crystal clear TV with the same food cooking, same people there, same fun. I don't even care about the lines to pee, price of beers, etc I've just found it sucks to be around people so much lately.


  5. Three things:

    -The amount of auto corrects to "Brisket" for our QB1 between here, Reddit, and Facebook is quite amusing.

    -Mayfield sucked nuts in the first half but put the Panthers in a position to win, barring two really questionable foul calls on our last drive. I'm not a Mayfield homer, never have been. But to say "it was only because of X, Y, Z" could be said any game and essentially any QB save 3-4 in the league. Jacoby missed wide open dudes on bad defensive calls. I don't want the guy back, but to simply shake off what he did in the 2nd half to "luck" is short-sighted at best.

    -I literally can't enough of Chubb running the football. Gameplan aside, what an absolute pleasure it is to see that dude play the game of football. In my 33 years of life I can easily say I've never watched a dude play as well as he does. The amount of times a 2-3 yard turns into a 5-6 yard play because of his talent is incredible.

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  6. 10 minutes ago, tiamat63 said:

    Wasn't even a timing or depth issue.

    Baker straight up missed it because his downfield drive is STILL having too wide of a base, not driving off the back foot and putting far too much effort in strictly from his shoulder.

    And I think it was at least partly fair to wonder if that was caused by injury last year. No excuse now- he’s been atrocious so far.

  7. I try to remind myself often that guys like Josh Allen rarely, if ever, overcome the issues he had with accuracy coming out of college. But holy shit does that dude look good out there-truly elite in every aspect of the game.

    Will be very interested to see how Daboll does with Daniel Jones and NYG. If he turns that guy around to even look competent, he might end up becoming one the next hotshot coaches of the NFL.

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  8. On 8/31/2022 at 1:14 PM, hoorta said:

    Yes, we've lost several folks who never got to see a Browns Super Bowl win.. Stan, Gipper, and Fat Dad immediately come to mind. Looks like Bruce is going to join that sad club.  Brain cancer is a bitch, if you get the wrong kind.  I never thought I'd be waiting 58 years and counting for the Browns to win another Championship either.

    I was fortunate to spend some time with Tour a few years ago when the Browns played the Dolphins.  Met up in Zombo's stomping ground in Naples, and we had a great dinner at Bleu Provence. I may get ragged on for being a wino, but that restaurant has one of the top 100 wine lists in the country. We happen to share a fondness for fermented grape juice.  :)  I even still have a bottle of Texas Hills Vineyard Malbec he sent me in my cellar. I offered to reciprocate, and send him some Lake Erie wines two years ago, but ever the optimist, Bruce said later after I beat this thing.  :(  

    Yep, we were sitting right next to one another at that Dolphins game when Cody Par-kay doinked that one off the upright that your could hear all the way up in the 500 level in the stands. 

    As we say, life isn't ended, it's just changed. We'll have another guy upstairs rooting the Browns on. Vaya con Dios mi amigo, Bruce. 

    It's funny how life intersects- I was also at this game in the scorching heat (not realizing there was indeed a shaded section of Hard Rock stadium). I vividly remember that doink too, and it's funny thinking how folks like you and Tour have that now funny memory.

    Not going to act like I knew the man at all, nor were we friends. I just pray everyone in his life to include you all find solace and peace. Too many good men didn't get to see this stupid team we love win the whole thing-fuck cancer.

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  9. 10 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

    I thought the deal was too one-sided before we even found out the extent of a sexual predator side of the story.

    But at least would have been a slightly better story than it is. You know the drill; if the cat had not stopped to shit it would have caught the mouse.

    (By the way this is just about the last place in the league he wanted to go but he held his nose and took the money, not like he was speaking highly of Cleveland before so.)


    The bold is also the big picture here no one wants to talk about. Let's be real, if the situation Dutch described happened there's exactly a 0% he comes to Cleveland. Despite having 25 women accuse the dude of sexual violence we still had to pay the dude the most aggressive contract in NFL history. Once people forget about this, what's to say in 4 years he doesn't do it again? Especially if the train derails and we end up in a bad season or two, there's no reason to think the scumbag wouldn't do it again.

    Nothing will ever make this all worth it. I get it-my dad just turned 64 years old and has been a Browns fan his whole life. Outside a small stretch in the 80's this team has been essentially the most irrelevant team in the NFL his entire adult life. For you older folks, I get it-I mean my avatar even suggests it and I'm only in my mid-30s. But there's gotta be a point where we realize this is just a game for enjoyment.

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  10. In watching Dobbs and the game just for a little bit, my honest thought was two fold:

    -Totally fine with having Dobbs as the backup. He's clearly earned it and looked poised out there

    -I'll give coach Stef credit, those hard fake boot actions are things of beauty. The three concept look off the boot just has guys open. If Brissett can play at that level with obviously significantly better talent, this team can compete at a high level. I'm confident in his ability to do so, especially with the first six weeks of the schedule appearing to be softer.

  11. On 8/19/2022 at 6:38 PM, Neo said:

    Shouldn't be hard considering you didn't say much to begin with.

    I wrote two detailed paragraphs, and this is a fan forum. Do you want a 5 page, double spaced, citation paper? Or are you choosing not to read critically? In any case, it's not my concern.


    On 8/19/2022 at 9:20 PM, Unsympathetic said:

    And.. if you think 2 different grand juries failing to indict him assuming all the evidence is true was entirely a nothingburger I really don't know why you keep repeating ..

    Fact: Grand juries start with the premise that if evidence is introduced, it's true.  The purpose of a grand jury is to answer a [relatively] simple question.. IF the evidence is true, is this enough to move forward?  Here's the law/the standard in one hand, here's our evidence in the other. Do they match..  that's it. Conviction isn't a consideration.


    Yes, I understand grand juries well. My family has been practicing attorneys in South Florida for a combined 60 years, and presented to many grands juries in that time. I asked them their honest opinion of the matter, and it was a simple "indicting a ham sandwich is a myth". There's plenty of times where a grand jury doesn't indict as a miscarriage of justice. This, for example, is a good story (albeit older): https://www.recordonline.com/story/news/2000/11/03/exploding-myth-about-grand-juries/51197640007/

    Here's another example in Texas of a man who has nearly 15 accusations of sexual assault not being indicted: https://www.dallasnews.com/news/investigations/2020/10/25/handcuffed-tied-down-beaten-pastor-rickie-rush-faces-new-allegations-of-abusing-children/

    Sometimes the legal system doesn't hold up to abuse, but it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

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  12. 19 hours ago, Neo said:

    That's just it, they are accusations. He was never convicted of a crime. To me it looks like another classic example of a young man that has access to tons of money and fame and doesn't know what to do with it and made some stupid mistakes and people are looking to cash in. Just hope he learned his lesson.

    and there's nothing more I can say to you if you think 66 massages that he actively sought out and 25 women accusing him of sexual misconduct is a 'stupid mistake'. Forgetting your lunch at home is a stupid mistake. Having one too many beers and throwing up is a stupid mistake. This is a willing and able piece of shit.


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  13. 2 hours ago, Neo said:

    Ok, it's been settled, punishment has been doled out. So how long are the people going to hold on to this? How many snarky comments about Watson do I have to read on anything Browns related that don't have anything to do with Watson? Because we all know how many perfect people there are out there with nothing to hide.

    Until the day he's no longer a Cleveland Brown.  I'm not a perfect person and have a few skeletons in my closet, but I also didn't have a quarter hundred women accuse me of sexual violence and misconduct. I'm truly baffled that's so hard for people to understand. 

    I'm not suggesting most people, even for heinous crimes, don't deserve some sort of second chance. But that doesn't mean I will ever forget, be happy, or root for this POS.

    • Haha 1
  14. 40 minutes ago, Unsympathetic said:

    JG is a decent game manager who can keep errors down when facing teams he's supposed to beat.  Anything need-to-win and he shows why his contract is pretty wildly overvalued.  I would really only trade for him if 49ers are paying some chunk of the contract --- we can go 6-5 with Brissett just as easily as with JG and have money left over to get a C or another WR/DT/etc.

    Jimmy only made sense for a multitude of reasons if Watson was gone the whole year. If he (likely) gets cut? It's an interesting thought experiment, but no reason to give any assets at this point.

  15. On 8/14/2022 at 10:52 AM, jcam222 said:

    If the Browns are smart they are burning Tretters line up right now before TB snaps him up. Having the NFLPA prez was a burden at one time, could be a useful side effect now too. 


    There's a lot of reasons I can easily understand why Tretter wouldn't re-join the Browns. I doubt he feels we burned a bridge based on being cut, but this organization is turning into a clown car in some respects and it's matter of fact wonky he'd be on the roster with the Watson news looming. Not saying he couldn't join, but there's variables where I understand why he (or the Browns) may not be interested in a reunion.

    That being said, I figured TB would be a lock when Jensen went down. Who knows, maybe they are super high on their backup and I have no clue. But there very well be some truth to this article too.

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