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The Cysko Kid

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Everything posted by The Cysko Kid

  1. I'm not terribly surprised. I had occasion to meet some IDF fellows back around 2004 when I was active in the air force and those guys were squared the fuck away. I guess being forced to always be ready to fight to the death for you and everyone you knows survival forces professionalism. I'm not doing favoritism when I say I don't like the chances of the entire combined Arab forces if they ever go head to head with the IDF. They probably don't either which is why guerilla attacks and terrorism are what they practice.
  2. They could. Politics are the countries' dark reflection. If we keep electing garbage candidates it's because we're all garbage. Just imagine the Republicans are bud light and they told all their customers to get fucked because they're now in the tranny business and vote libertarian. All it would take is one cycle of good showings to make it a legitimate party.
  3. This is my favorite shit I've seen today. These dumb fucks think Palestinians wouldn't rape and murder them as soon as look at them. Seriously, fuck liberals.
  4. Not as hard as youre making it out to be. Gaza City is only a mile or two from the manned border. Walk over to it and put your hands in the air and ask to be taken in. Is it a worse option than waiting for the missles to hit?
  5. The fact that this is actually not doctored in any way besides the caption makes me very worried about our future as a nation.
  6. The women and children of Palestines best current option, as I see it, would be to abandon Gaza to hamas and ask for amnesty and shelter within Israel. I guess it comes down to if you'd rather die fairly quickly in a missle strike or die horrifically and slowly in an Islamic honor killing and have your mental state deteriorate slowly as you spend the rest of your days looking over your shoulder for the head choppers until they finally arrive.
  7. None of what you said about Biden matters. We've seen this poor old man disintegrate on live television and the left would rather have an Alzheimer's patient as president than a competent Republican. It doesn't even have to be trump. They'd smear Nikki Haley as s transphobic Nazi with the same glee. Trump just made it easy for them because he's a terrible face guy. Whether or not hamas beheaded children we sok saw them parading the raped and murdered bodies around while they cheered and clapped. Is that less of an atrocity? Perhaps if you're committed to the left you can find a good rationale but I'm not down with it. On the positive side, for Israel, they've more or less spanked every Arab army that that's ever attempted an attack on them. They're only particularly vulnerable to guerrilla attacks. There is no two state solution that's going to work with such ingrained and ancient cultural grudges going on. They either have to be rid of the Palestinians or integrate them and the Palestinians have already nixed the notion of integration.
  8. I don't want trump back but i'll deal if he's the only one that has a chance of beating the Democrats. The left has got to go. They've got to go. They've crushed the economy and are using all our money to fund not one but two wars. All while pulling the usual bullshit about how it was all actually the last Republican's fault. And their retarded fanbase who is cheering for actual child killers just eat that shit right up.
  9. They hate the Jews. As simple as that. They've been offered better. You might notice Israel isn't just willy-nilly attacking Egypt and Jordan and Syria and Lebanon because they hate the arabs. They don't raze the al-asqa mosque even though it was built more or less out of spite right on the site of Solomon's temple or what not. I've heard apartheid thrown around a lot but the left, as usual, sucks at life, reasoning and logic and fails to mention it's apartheid that the arabs choose. Israel even supplies them food and electricity when their unemployment is well over 80% so they're not paying for it. They hate the Jews so much that they'll take Jewish charity and still attack them at every turn instead of just being citizens of Israel or moving on to Syria or Iran. And on top of all that they're the occupiers. There never has been a Palestine, ever. They choose to live like that out of pride or spite or because the Jews don't venerate Muhammad or whatever but they've very much chosen their predicament.
  10. Do you have any idea what the median age of the hamas militants is? Mexican gangsters have kids as young as twelve beheading people. I'm absolutely sure hamas does too. Why? Because kids are impressionable. When you impress upon them to be monsters they follow that path for life. I don't have a lot of sympathy for Palestinians. Theyre the same human trash that killed the Olympic team in Munich. The same ones that bombed airplanes and this is hardly the first massacre they've been a part of. The ones behind this massacre were just kids when their fathers and brothers participated in the last massacres. And they don't have a better claim on the land than the Jews. Pretty much a worse claim in every way.
  11. It's pretty tough to videotape yourself beheading children and then still try and play the victim.
  12. See, though, the republicans ought to try recruiting all the Muslim and Latin immigrants. These people do not seem particularly inclined to join up with liberal causes. If the republicans could stand being just a little less overtly racist and be more sneaky racist like the democrats they'd probably be a pretty easy sell.
  13. I was being sort of facetious but I'm sure you knew that. All we have to do is say, you know, no. We're not taking you in. Because of the beheading children and what not. But you're right. They can play the victim bingo card pretty successfully. They're brown, have a shitty religion, and come from a poor ass war torn region and they have a long history of dangerous behavior incompatible with any democratic country or way of life that doesn't spend all day submitting to god. That's almost a bingo. If only their version of God wasn't quite so fundamental and was more...transgender...they would be the perfect score.
  14. He's actually not entirely wrong. Israel allowed Palestinians to stay since 1948 as Arab citizens of israel The Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank fled and have committed numerous atrocities since then. Palestinians never actually had a country. It's been unstable and conquered repeatedly since at least 1200 BC and the Jews have lived there at least that long, nearly 2000 years before islam even existed. The world legit hates Jews as you're seeing play out right in front of your face but lots of people are doing some serious mental gymnastics to try and make it not look like that. The Palestinians could have stayed in Israel and lived there practicing islam and enjoying a way higher standard of living than in Gaza or in pretty much any Arab state except, maybe, U.A.E. Why wouldn't they do that? Canaan, Israel, Palestine whatever you want to call it has been a vassal state for thousands of years ruled by everyone from Egypt to the Greeks, Romans and Byzantines, the Jews, the various caliphates, Persians, crusaders, the ottoman empire and even the British. It's never really been a self governing country called Palestine. Such is life on planet fucking earth. They should probably have stayed on as citizens rather than, you know, hijacking airplanes and killing Olympic teams and all the stuff they've been doing. They appear to be fine being ruled by pretty much anyone but Jews. It's kind of crazy how unwilling most of the left is to actually look into the history of the land that is currently Israel. The Palestinian arabs don't really have any better claim on it than literally anyone else.
  15. I don't really have a dog in the Israel/Palestine fight. Both have some historical claim. This seems to come down to a religious dispute at its core and I tend to scoff at that. If I absolutely had to take a side I guess Israel because I don't trust islamic theocracies.
  16. There's an swful lot of derelict factories in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan etc. that could probably be converted to make fertilizer
  17. This is absolutely true. I'm 43 now with 4 kids and I remember quite clearly being 22 with 0 kids and how much more willing I was to vote in ways that were going to cost myself and everyone else a shit ton of money back then. Why not? I didn't have any money so what did I care if I voted to spend what I considered at the time monopoly money. It's the same reason they aim college loans at kids that age. They don't know any better and you can't tell them shit.
  18. I'm never really glad when anyone that's not a full on despicable maniac dies but she should have been out of office 20 years ago.
  19. If Deshaun continues to play like he did against Tennessee the browns are finally contenders. We'll see. Go browns.
  20. I can still think we did baker dirty and root for the browns in all instances. I'm not gonna HOPE Watson sucks just because I liked Mayfield.
  21. It's easy to underestimate how much you need a kicker until you don't have one.
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