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Posts posted by jbluhm86

  1. 17 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

    He's either that petty and that big of a thin skinned baby that this is all an actual tirade of his in response to twitter being mean to him

    or this is all just some big distraction from COVID, some other issue, etc



    If anyone on this board can justify Trump's response and actions to this twitter thing I'd love to hear it 

    Actually, I do find myself in agreement with Trump on this one. Here's why:

    The issue boils down to whether or not social media companies like Google, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc. are considered to be "platforms" or "publishers", and whether or not said companies are liable for the content of their users.

    Back in the early days of the internet, some people tried to sue message boards and other online social media companies for the opinions posted on there by their users. In response, Congress passed 47 U.S. Code § 230: Protection for private blocking and screening of offensive material. This statue laid out protections for social media sites against litigation for what their users posted. The most important part of the statue, and the one that is at the heart of this executive orders, follows:


    (c) Protection for “Good Samaritan” blocking and screening of offensive material

    (1) Treatment of publisher or speaker

    • No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.

    (2) Civil liability. No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be held liable on account of—

    • (A) any action voluntarily taken in good faith to restrict access to or availability of material that the provider or user considers to be obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable, whether or not such material is constitutionally protected; or
    • (B) any action taken to enable or make available to information content providers or others the technical means to restrict access to material described in paragraph (1).


    Basically, what this states is that as long as social media companies make good faith efforts in restricting speech that is unreasonably "obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable", they are considered "platforms" by law and are protected against lawsuits for the content on their website. Publishers, on the other hand, are open to lawsuits for the content that they publish because they actively edit and curate the content they put out that either exceeds or is outside the scope of Section 230 - (C) 2. For example, papers like the NYT, WaPo, NYPost, etc. and news companies like ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, CNN, etc. are considered publishers because they actively curate the content that they print or put on the TV, and make a profit while doing so, so they are open to lawsuits for what they put out.

    What the Trump administration is alleging by this executive order - and I tend to agree with them on this point - is that platforms like Twitter, Google and Facebook are actively censoring users and content, mostly from conservatives and conservative viewpoints, outside of the scope laid out by Section 230. It has been demonstrated numerous times that these companies are actively censoring and editing out conservative viewpoints by practices like shadow banning, demonetizing, deletion and outright banning of certain users or user-generated content. This, theoretically, exceeds the scope of a speech "platform" and falls within the realm of being a "publisher". If so, that opens up Twitter, Facebook, Google, YouTube, etc, to billions of dollars worth of lawsuits about the content on their sites.

    So the Trump administration, by creating this executive order, is backing these companies into the proverbial corner and forcing them to make a choice. Are they platforms? If so, they have to cease censorship practices against conservatives and viewpoints that they themselves may not necessarily agree with. Or, they can declare themselves as publishers, in which case they are free to continue to censor and edit their content however they see fit, but become legally liable for the content they provide on their sites.


    Here is an article from 2018 that does a good job at describing the whole "platform or publisher" concept, and a video from journalist Tim Pool that also does a good job at going over the implications of Trump's executive order:


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  2. 3 hours ago, Tour2ma said:

    One thousand names...

    One of a nearly 100 such possible pages...

    This page includes: 1st responders, WWII vets, law enforcement officers, Holocaust saviors, single mothers...

    Tour, it is a tragic, but we must also keep in mind that tragedies are often exploited for political gain; chaos is a ladder, after all.

    Case in point, the very NYT front page you mentioned has been called out for demonstrably adding non-COVID deaths to that list:


  3. 4 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

    Well I suppose it's possible to spam The Board WITH politically related Perez posts no? We could probably use the strict definition of spam as unwanted shotgun advertising but would you consider 30 posts in one day featuring the same thing, perhaps photoshopped Michelle Obama pictures with a penis, spam?

    (by the way before anybody complains about that it was a hypothetical)


    Point taken, but if there's to be action (or inaction) taken on excessive thread posting or relocation/deletion of threads as some posters are proposing, it'd be nice to have more concrete definitions of what constitutes political content and what constitutes spamming by the mods. Also, if such actions are taking in the future, I'm sure that the measures would be applied equally to all members here, regardless of which side of the political isle they fall on or if the mods like the posters or not, no?

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  4. These people do real yeoman's work on cutting through alot of the bullshit about China and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Their daily release YouTube videos are really informative as well: 

    Website: NTD News - China in Focus

    Wikipedia: NTD News

    "[NTD News] retains a focus on China in its news broadcasts, and frequently covers topics that are censored in Mainland China. Its mission is to "promote uncensored information on China; to restore and promote traditional Chinese culture; and to facilitate mutual understanding between the East and West"





  5. 3 hours ago, hoorta said:

    I wasn't bitching, we're both in agreement. Just pointing out if the virus is mutating- it's odds on it will be tougher to produce an effective vaccine. If our not so friendly cold and flu viruses never mutated, those diseases would long ago have been eradicated- like polio and measles.  

    Of course with the wacko anti-vaxxers on the loose, measles is making a comeback. 

    The thing about virus mutations is that it's a total crapshoot: mutate one way, and the virus becomes less virulent or weakens enough for people to successfully create antibodies for the more virulent strains (using cowpox to innoculate  against smallpox comes to mind). On the other hand, the mutation could make the virus much worse by increasing the number of transmission vectors or by increasing resistance to any potential vaccines.

  6. 22 hours ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

    If I get a bumbling Retard as president, might as well get the one with Sundowners to turn up the zaniness.

    I think a better option would be to place the future of our country in the hands of someone other than a half-senile septuagenarian or octogenarian Baby Boomer.

    Look at how the country was when the Boomers first took over in 1993 to the state it's in today: trillions of dollars further in debt, multiple boondoggle wars in the Middle East, the breakdown of civil liberties and the growth of the authoritarian State. It's fairly obvious that a geriatric generation who grew up in the 60s and early 70s are not capable of dealing with the challenges of a 21st century world anymore. Time to bow out gracefully and let the younger generations take the wheel.

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