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MLD Woody

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Posts posted by MLD Woody

  1. 49 minutes ago, FY56 said:

    " I Don't Care About Your Pronouns"?? Riiiiiight. That just screams all those things.


    Did he say that? Maybe he did, idk. 


    But I provided you quotes directly from his video. I just find it funny how hard conservatives jumped on that guy, politicians followed suit, missed his point, and then when he followed up everyone already moved on to the next thing so none of the people co-opping his stuff listened 

  2. 3 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

    btw, woodpecker:


    “It’s aggravating seeing people on conservative news try to identify with me, like I’m one of them,” Anthony said. “It’s aggravating seeing certain musicians and politicians act like we’re buddies and act like we’re fighting the same struggle, like we’re trying to present the same message.”


    He continued, “It was funny seeing my song at the presidential debate, because I wrote that song about those people, you know. So for them to have to sit there and listen to that, that cracks me up. It was funny seeing the response to it. That song has nothing to do with Joe Biden — it’s a lot bigger than Joe Biden. That song is written about the people on that stage — and a lot more, too. Not just them, but definitely them.”

    Anthony went on to emphasize that “Rich Men North of Richmond” is about people, not politics. “It’s hard to get a message out about your political ideology or your belief about the world in three minutes and change. I hate to see that song being weaponized,” he said. “I see the right trying to characterize me as one of their own, and I see the left trying to discredit me, I guess in retaliation. That shit’s got to stop.”

  3. 2 hours ago, Flugel said:

    The path this thread took or you took?    

    You sign up for stuff; and then you act surprised at the responses/outcomes you receive.

    Of course you're gonna get your balls busted about wasting 2 hours of your life watching a movie about a Barbie Doll and announcing it was great.

    When you go to a sports message board that caters to the major sports teams in the area/state where you allegedly live; and then break out the Fah-Q Ohio State after your out of state team finally doesn't need a Heimlich Maneuver in the big game - you get what you order here.  If you wanted congrats and cyber fanny pats, my guess is alienating yourself with the Fuck You Ohio State removed any/all opportunities to get that.  My best friend is a Michigan fan and I had no problem saying Congrats to him because he never used to dish out the ball busting a few decades ago when Buckeyes fans were getting John Coopered.  He never did that.  What I'm getting at here is golden rule.  You're never gonna re-wire where someone comes from and/or what they've grown up passionate about.  You have 2 choices - respect that or challenge it like you do frequently. 

    All that said, we're on a message and busting chops is fun. When I was a kid, I had a GI Joe or 2 or 3.  When you were a kid, you had a Barbie doll and a Ken.  And that's okay.  Hang in there man...


    You've got issues

    • Haha 2
  4. 54 minutes ago, JAFBF said:


    Ah, so things are running perfectly fine according to your sensibilities   .   .   .   disappointing   .   .   .  



    A majority of our current "Leaders" are Pedovores   .   .   .  


    The "Green" agenda / "CO2 calamity" is so much Bullshit I can't believe people are actually falling for it   .   .   .   guess that's why the average person is referred to as "Sheep", and hence "Sheeple".


    Don't care for the references myself, but there some bit of psychological connection to it.


    I'm just puzzled that support either of these false narratives.


    Solar is not very efficient, and as has been demonstrated several times recently, is quite susceptible to adverse Weather, as recently several mass Solar Farms were basically destroyed by Hail storms.

    Think that's (Hail) going away ?


    Wind Power (Wind Farms) costs more to produce than the "Windmills" will ever produce   .   .   .   and they still require Oil (Fossil (?) Fuels) to operate.

    As far as decommissioning these Windmilss - not recyclable, so they end up in custom Landfills.

    Yea - that's "Green".


    EV's ?

    What a total laughing disaster in both creating and replacing and disposing of an item there ever was.

    Honestly don't know how they can afford to even create the initial Battery in the first place   .   .   .   oh, wait, Gov subsidies and China under cutting prices   .   .   .   without those, LOL.


    So what "Green" Tech is going to "Save the Planet" (save it from what) ?

    Ehh ?


    This response is really showing the heart of your personal issue. Really the issue with all conspiracy theorists.

    You desperately need to "be in the know" on something. You need to be above the "sheeple". You crave not only a community of like minded people but also the ability to feel like only you know the "real truth". 

    In reality that's because you have nothing. You've done nothing. You're not remarkable in anyway and you have nothing unique to lean on. 

    Conspiracy theories are your outlet to feel any kind of self worth. 

    • Haha 1
  5. Just now, VaporTrail said:

    Which, in a nutshell, describes pretty much every religion responding to outside criticism. They've created the Catholic League, ADL, and CAIR because they get so butthurt over people saying mean things about their religions, reasonable or not. 

    You are nuts if you don't think the intern who made the post wasn't chomping at the bit to declare that Easter Sunday this year is ladyboy day. I suspect that most Democrat interns in DC, like us, were raised in Christian households, but didn't continue to follow the religion. Given the prevailing Christian views on LGBT issues, they've pretty much invited disdain and contempt for their religion, which was on display with said presidential decree. 


    This isn't even outside criticism though. It is a separate thing that fell on the same day that (some) Christians got mad about. 


    And I agree with you that there were definitely younger libs excited for the troll. Especially as Trump has made trolling a bigger part of politics, for better or worse. Also the left has been much, much worse at it. 

  6. 15 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:

    Speaking as the resident expert on pissing off the religious, I'm not sure what other kind of reaction anyone would expect. Oh, it's your holiest day of the year? Let's have a presidential decree to celebrate dickgirls! Absolutely hilarious, but I'm not sure how this helps him with moderates. 

    lol, lmao

    A decree makes it sound like the trans visibility day didn't exist until this weekend where Biden went out of his way to invent it and officially proclaim it falls in Easter every year...

    ... Come on.


    Feels all very snowflake-y to me. 




    If this was a gay visibility day there'd be a smaller vocal minority up in arms because it would generally seem in bad taste. But trans individuals are back where gays used to be in the public eye, I guess, so the hate is more normalized still .

  7. On 3/30/2024 at 3:24 PM, syd said:

    whats funny about this thread 

    1) i seriously doubt woody even  saw this movie

    2) you  all been  trolled. bwahhhhhh

    I absolutely saw this movie


    But the path this thread took was not what I was expecting.

    Actually, landing on "they're grooming the children!" was probably foreseeable 

    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

    I think you would be shocked. There are a lot of union member Catholics who vote blue who may opt just to stay home on Election Day over it. 

    I also didn’t know about it already being a thing. But I would think it wise to press Easter forward over trans visibility day. It’s just a numbers game. Anecdotally, the folks I know who would spaz over him not acknowledging trans day are also the same people saying they won’t vote for him over Palestine. 

    I don’t love Trump but comparatively we have a corpse at the helm and a pill junkie as VP. It’s really more of a reflection on how people have let us get walked into this shit. 

    It's a shitty situation with shit options all around. 


    I'd have to think union members would vote Union instead of a "anti trans" vote, but who knows. People are dumb and the "woke culture war" nonsense is being pumped at every opportunity. Damn shame that is the focus instead of any real issue (but that's the point for those that don't want any change)

    • Upvote 1
  9. 8 hours ago, nickers said:

    Well I'm sorry to disappoint you but My Cardiologist informed me that my heart is like that of a 16 year old and strong as a bull.. He said it is highly unlikely that I'll ever have a heart attack.. Or die from from one... Much to your chagrin.. I'll be here to haunt you a good while.. I'm in remission you stupid fuck... And here's a loser like you. Typical dumb Liberal Ass hat with nary a clue about life.. It must suck to be you..

    Great to hear the rage is keeping you alive. Hang in there!

  10. 2 hours ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

    I am not religious and this seems in super poor taste. Read the room.  

    The dems seem pretty locked in to wanting to lose the presidential election. 

    Also, it’s been a minute. Hope you guys are doing alright.

    To be fair I didn't realize this Trans Visibility Day has existed since 2009 and Biden has been commemorating it as president since 2021. These two holidays won't overlap again for like 60 years. 

    Any Christian that goes full snowflake and gets offended by this probably wasn't voting for him anyway. 

    And I'm sure he would have gotten backlash if he just ignored the trans holiday he has been recognizing for years. I bet some interns saw these dates aligning months ago and knew they were fucked then. 




    Side note. Isn't it interesting literally any other Rep other than Trump would beat Biden easily. And any other Dem other than Biden would beat Trump easily. And yet we're left with these two losers?

  11. 1 hour ago, FY56 said:

    You complain about that often enough, so why don't you just put him on ignore?

    What would that do exactly?

    I already don't respond, or open, the majority of his threads where I'm assuming he's fan girling over me there. 


    I've had him on ignore in the past. I've had many folks on ignore. It doesn't change anything. 


    He'll still be obsessed with me regardless 

  12. 40 minutes ago, nickers said:

    Again.. You take being an asshole to the highest level possible You have 0 class. 0 respect.. No morals or values... You are a glaring example of whats wrong in this country.. YOU are the problem... You better start doing some soul searching and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior.. It is your only hope... But somehow I believe it is beyond your capability and your apparent lack of intellect to do so... You are weak.. Ignorant.. And effeminate to the core.. Go fulfill your worship to your black master.. PIG!

    Careful, your heart can only take so much. Remember what the doctor said. 

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