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MLD Woody

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Everything posted by MLD Woody

  1. And which candidate is that? And when have I said that's what I support?
  2. Yes Cal, you are a deranged moron. You don't need multiple posts to tell us. Do you think abortion is murder or not? If you did, I'd think you'd want to work towards banning it nationwide. This is the view of other conservatives. Even though I think they're completely wrong, at least they have a spine. Instead you're trying to match your kings gymnastics as he changes his view every few months. And we've established many times the reality of what abortions are happening, when, why, etc are completely lost on the rabidly anti abortion group. Acknowledging reality goes against their derangement so facts will be ignored. Nothing new.
  3. You really live in a deranged fantasy land when it comes to what you FEEL is happening around abortion (Hilarious too because you say Trump doesn't lie and you turn around repeating his lies on this issue. It isn't that trump doesn't lie, it's just that you like his lies) Is abortion murder? You seem to think so. So why is it ok allowing murder to be legal in some states? The absence of an abortion "right" in a federal document doesn't mean it can't be decided at a federal level. Are you really going to try to fall back on some "founding fathers, constitution, perfect document, blah blah blah", and ignore what you think is literal murder, just to find a way to agree with Trump? (Who has changed his mind constantly btw. He's just saying whatever gives him the best chance of getting elected, obviously)
  4. Ignoring that fact it is adorable, delusional, and hilarious you think Trump doesn't lie... Why would you want it to be a state's rights issue? Don't you think abortion is murder? I would think you'd want it to be a national ban. Why are you leaving human rights up to the states? As out of touch and insane conservatives are that want a national ban at least they're standing on their principles
  5. If anything that probably hurts conservatives in Arizona because their hard abortion stances aren't widely popular, this ruling is getting clowned on, and it will bring liberals out to vote in November
  6. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trumps-abortion-stances-republicans-2024-gop-rcna147222 Clearly Trump is just saying whatever to win. I mean, that's politics. Not unique to him. But for pro life posters here, do you think this is a state's rights issue? Thoughts on Arizona falling back to a law from the civil war that basically bans abortion?
  7. Not sure that's a path you want to go down either haha
  8. It's clear you have a strange obsession with me, as you desperately crave my response in multiple threads now. And I realize I'm giving you what you want be responding. 1. OSU has really fallen off considering they're claiming recruiting championships now (well before recruiting is over). Pretty sad! But considering you can't say anything about on the field performance I guess this is all you're left with. 2. It sounds like you both don't follow recruiting much at all based on these posts and attempted trolls 3. I'm fine knowing our coaching staff actually develops talent.
  9. I know you want to be this important, in the know, guy above the sheeple... ... but it's clear you're just a regular conservative with a few dials turned all the way up
  10. Yes, you are delusional. Yes, it is hilarious.
  11. While I know you're just trolling and desperately hoping I give you attention, all you're doing is making it very clear you don't understand how recruiting works. But yes, we did win a National Championship.
  12. People with higher income pay more income tax... What's the groundbreaking takeaway here?
  13. I stand by what I said that a few participation trophies could have helped you out. And I always love how these bat shit insane conspiracy theories always work their way back to being a little politically right wing in some way.
  14. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4580464-greene-defends-claim-that-eclipse-earthquake-signs-to-repent/ Repent! Good thing we have our best and brightest representing us in Congress!
  15. Education - real Education is a thing too be admired and applauded . . . sadly, there's not a whole lot of that these days (Basket weaving, Gender Studies, etc.). You, being more in the STEM stream of things, I would hope to have a higher vision. There is nothing wrong with changing/expanding your understanding as new information becomes available. That's just Life. Do I really need to go into hits / misses (how can this possibly be categorized) on Prophecies when there are still Prophesies too be fulfilled from thousands of years ago ? Here, for those really interested : https://prophecyindex.org/prophets/view/julie_green/ Again, there are no "target dates" on these, but just because it takes a few weeks, months, or years does not mean there is no validity too them. Personally, I've seen quite a few hits on these, and correlating with other info - others look too have a high probability of happening. As has been said - "It's going to be Biblical" . . . not really how I expected things too turn into when I started this monstrosity of a thread, but as time goes by and more info comes in . . . this is pretty much what I'm expecting. Things I suggest folk start thinking about over the next few weeks . . . - please do explain "grit theory" - education is great, which makes it so awful and annoying you seems to be avoiding it at every turn - but what about the Simpsons!
  16. 1 - ah, religious nut. Got it 2 - definitely cute 3 - lol... And yeah, religious nut Hahahaha, whatever you say man. "Prophecies fulfilled... " Lol. We'll need your take on the great prophecy of The Simpsons
  17. Weird. The world didn't end. No national guard to take away our rights either. JAFBF, what's going on? Did I buy all of these seeds and toilet paper for nothing!?!??
  18. Eclipse by a harvest moon
  19. Amazing we've somehow politicized green energy and EVs... American Excellence, am I right?
  20. Well thank God we have you to show the sheeple the light...
  21. She's cute. I can fix her. Too bad it's all just nonsense or straight up lies. The hadron collider restarted last month, fyi.
  22. We should hand out participation trophies like candy and kids should have to learn about winning, competition, etc... ... but if your child NEVER gets any recognition they might end up falling into conspiracy theories to feel some kind of validation. So the benefits might outweigh the cost here
  23. That happened a month ago But reading the replies, I see it's mostly more morons from your corner of the Internet.
  24. We see posts like this with the party reversed constantly here Just figured I'd flip the script. Especially considering how insane this one is.
  25. I enjoy Last Week Tonight and The Daily Show, therefore I am brainwashed by "shitlib insanity", etc. Truthfully, I don't want to go through his pseudo intellectual breakdown of the show and figure out where exactly it's wrong. I generally disagree with the premise of it being some "MSM" "brainwashing" "liberal" (insert your phrase of choice). It's left leaning, it's not the ultimate fact, etc etc... but I'm not bought into the insidiousness proposed here. I'm sure the show is paced in a way to build engagement, just like anything else. Look, at the end of the day, the closer something is to the "red pilled" side of the Internet, the less seriously I'm going to take it. Of course there's some truth over there, but there's a lot of other nonsense coming from men trying to blame their shortcomings on everyone else in the world too. Don't need to dig into it all now.
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