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Posts posted by Vagitron

  1. 18 minutes ago, Silver slayer said:

    Lmfao,  steelers traded for a guy that's only capable of being a standout on terrible teams.

    Any decent teams he's below average lb

    Makes zero sense. He won’t be asked to do as much in the Pittsburgh defense and he’s very good in coverage. The Steelers also only gave up a 6th and if he doesn’t work out they can release him with zero dead money next season. It’s pretty simple. He’s a tackle machine and again athletic in coverage. No brainer trade from a position of need with Williams retiring and Spillane looking poor. 

  2. Just now, hoorta said:

    RE: the Jags & Urban the Turban.  :D Maybe they're going to try and follow the Browns model- tank two years running to get another #1 overall...  Urban will be remembers as one of the greatest college coaches ever.  As you well know- the number of great college coaches who totally flopped in the pros is huge..  We will see.... 

    And regarding the Jags- they never should have gotten an NFL franchise in the first place.  Been through the area once- and MHO is it isn't big enough to support a team. Maybe if they're winning, but in those losing years the stadium was 1\2 empty.  

    The jags have had some pretty solid runs, the Fred Taylor era for example. I don’t know if I agree that they shouldn’t have a franchise but I do agree that big time college coaches tend to flop. I really think Urban is going to be one of them. Who knows, totally unproven. The Tebow circus will also be interesting. I believe he’s currently the 4th string tight end. Lol

  3. 1 hour ago, TypicalBrowns50 said:

    I try to troll you vag and you stay civil it sucks. Lol, your literally the only Steeler fan here usually so I have to talk a little shit. 

    I think Ben is gonna fall apart again. Steelers o line sucks. Two big question marks there. Idk how you hide those things in 17 games 

    Lol. I’m really not here to talk trash. I’ve been on this board for a lonnnnng time. I think my old name was maybe 2004. I got into it with gipper because he was situationally incorrigible. I enjoy quite a few people here and hang around for that reason and of course inter-division news. 

    Ben didn’t fall apart last year, randy did and his offense never evolved. Teams keyed in on the quick stuff and that was all she wrote. You also can’t take a position on the Steeler offensive line because it’s almost completely new. It’s much more athletic now and the scheme is completely different. I’d say my piece in a more comprehensive manner but the reality is it’s waaaaaaay too early to make any sort of determination on how the line will be because it’s again completely different. You can’t say it’s sucks, no one knows how it will be. 

    Edit: hell the main reason I joined was because all of my college buddies are diehard browns fans. I needed as much info as possible when arguing about the Steelers/browns. Gipper kept me around because I’m built to argue even if it was similar to beating your damn head against the wall with that man. Gonna miss his misguided vitriol this season because I knew when it all boiled down he was a good dude and had others tell me that privately too.  

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  4. 2 hours ago, TypicalBrowns50 said:

    Just trying to trigger you vag. I’ll take gippers place. It’s also naive hilarious and blind to believe they are winning the division this year

    I didn’t say anything about the division and who was going to win. 🤙

    Beyond that what reason do you have for them not to contend? Pouncey has been average, Villanueva overrated and Decastro has been playing hurt. Three big name subtractions but I believe additions by subtraction because the scheme is completely different. DeCastro healthy still has it but I’m not sure he’s going to keep playing. We get Devin Bush back, we added a bell cow in Harris and the line is now much more athletic even if unproven. I also expect Ben to be better not worse because he’s further removed from his surgery and had last season to work through everything. 

    I mean fuck man our defensive front seven is ridiculous. We added more coverage in Schobert and have arguably the best safety in the NFL on the back end.  The biggest thing is the subtraction of Randy as our offensive coordinator. He is a really nice guy but was awful. Anyone that really thinks they won’t contend isn’t paying attention and forgets the prowess of the organization. The north is going to be a blood bath but counting the Steelers out is amusing. Freiermuth if not for Pitts would have been the first tight end off the board too. Pitts is a freak and more of a receiver than he is a tight end.  Sleeping on the Steelers ain’t smart, I’m happy to see it tho and as in the past if I’m wrong I will be here to eat my humble pie. 😎🤙✌️

    Don’t take up the gipper mantle, we can only have one of those. Lol

  5. 12 hours ago, Comeonman said:

    “Doubters” after a 12 win season and a stable organization of 25+ years. Hmmmmm. 

    Not sure how many “you all” there are. All I know is that the AFC north will be one of the two hardest divisions to play in this year and a couple years to come 

    Yea I should have worded  that differently. I really just meant the dudes that foam here and via other social media platforms. You aren’t part of that crowd but this board has its share 😎🤙

  6. 31 minutes ago, Unsympathetic said:

    Hurts completed only 52% last year.. and in wk1 of preseason was 3-7.

    Preseason seriously means absolutely dick. It’s all vanilla. The eagles have three firsts so going for Watson makes sense and hurts can go to Houston. 

    • Upvote 1
  7. 22 minutes ago, gumby73 said:

    a 2022 6th round pick...

    Good Player.. on a fired Jags GM.. overpay..

    Not many here, were ever thinking of paying The Show that kind of deal  

    Totally agree. He got paid a lot to go to Jax otherwise I think he would still be a brown. He’s as stated a smart player and very good in coverage. Tomlin has always been big on him. I also think Urban Meyer is a little goofy, I know blasphemy in this state. 

  8. 18 hours ago, hoorta said:

    You got a decent starter for free.  No brainer trade. Hasn't yet been reported what the Jags got in return for an obvious (future) salary dump. And Joe does carry a $9 million cap hit next year if you bought yourself a one year rent a player. 

    It’s a 6th I believe, maybe a 7th. I’d have to look and the jags are retaining salary. Next year is anyone’s guess but if he’s the guy that was very solid in coverage this year I’d be good with paying him what he is owed. 

  9. 5 hours ago, TypicalBrowns50 said:

    Steelers are desperate. I can’t imagine bragging about signing joe schobert lol. He misses so many tackles. Schobert is ok, not a scrub, average. Browns didn’t resign him and jags didn’t want him either.

    Who is bragging? I’m pretty happy with the trade, they gave up a late round pick. I’d have to look again but I believe it’s a 6th. I’ve always thought he was pretty good, specifically in coverage and that’s where he will be needed to open bush up to more of a Swiss Army knife role. I assume the jags traded him because of scheme because the jags FO changed. All I know is I absolutely love all the Steelers doubters. It’s naive, hilarious and blind. A good bunch seem to act like the Steelers are void of talent, you all are gonna find out. I will be here for it too: 

  10. 36 minutes ago, Comeonman said:

    Always liked Shobert and wish we could have worked out a deal. We def needed him last year. Hate that he went to the Steelers. 

    Yea I was surprised when you guys didn’t but then again he got paid a bunch to go to Jax. You probably weren’t even on the radar after that offer came down. He was one of the guys I never really ran my mouth about when debating with gipper (rip) It’s a pretty smart trade especially with Jax retaining salary and Spillane for us looking pretty rough. 

    • Upvote 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Zombo said:

    He's a good, smart player. Good addition for you guys. Jags overpaid him, but he is athletic and smart, not so big though.

    That said, Chubb will run past him like he is standing still.


    Yea I’ve always been a fan. Jags did overpay but I don’t think it’s nuts. We’ve got devin bush for that. 😉

  12. 9 minutes ago, Dutch Oven said:

    Very good in coverage, questionable vs the run. Smart guy. 

    Yea. We just need him for the coverage. It opens bush up for more freedom. Always had huge games against the Steelers. We didn’t give up much either. Hope your summer has been going well. 🤙😎

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  13. On 8/6/2021 at 10:00 PM, Unsympathetic said:

    Most of Dallas defense is a who's who of he-was-good-before-injury.. Happily, steelers starters couldn't open running lanes for Harris against Dallas backups.

    Garrett Gilbert looked uninterestingly useful; other than Claypool senselessly laying out and getting hurt on a bomb, Mason Rudolph looked scarily bad.. it wouldn't shock me if Haskins is already the #2.

    It’s the hall of fame game man, how can anyone make a determination about anything with any team playing in the preseason? It’s vanilla, vanilla, vanilla. Talking about the preseason as a indicator for anything is goofy to say the least. 

  14. 21 hours ago, Kvoethe said:

    We will see...I hope Im right!!

    Swap out AB jerseys for the logo dancer juju and (ABJr) and Dionte Johnson ABJr Jr.  Worried more about their Brand than winning games.

    Dont even start me.on Bens stats from last year...

    The O/U  for games won for the squeelers is 8.5

    Their O line is in shambles..

    Ben will last 3 games..


    Juju can dance until his heart is content. I frankly hate all the old fucks that follow him around like he’s breaking the law because he’s having fun. I will say he probably shouldn’t be dancing on logos but I don’t believe it was with the same intent as say what t.o used to pull. You really are trying to take up the gipper mantle with this one tho. Poorly researched opinions. (Sorry gipper) 

    We aren’t going to mention claypool? How is Diontae Johnson Ab jr? Because he’s small? Our 4th wr would get starter reps on a lot of teams. You can save those critiques. Our offensive coordinator was easily one of the worst in the league too. Harris I believe will be offensive rookie of the year AND the line will be better this year. People get caught up in name recognition. Pouncey hasn’t been “good” for the last two seasons at minimum. Decastro was hurt and Villanueva is seriously overrated and always has been. I also couldn’t care less about the Vegas odds. Are the book makers in Vegas playing the football games? Get ready to eat some crow. 😉

  15. On 7/7/2021 at 1:34 PM, Kvoethe said:

    Yinzers will be there sporting their Lev Bell and AB jerseys...embarrasing  themselves 

    They wont win 7 games and I cant stand them and their fans.

    Dude, people were dragging their James Harrison jersey behind cars when he left. You aren’t going to see any brown or bell jersey’s at that game unless it’s fairweathers which exist in ALL the fan bases with a bunch of success. 

    As far as your prediction is concerned our line legitimately cannot be worse than it was last season. Fitchner is gone and the team added a bell cow. You are drunk to think they won’t win seven games, they won 11 straight with one of the most anemic offenses in the league with Randy leading the charge. I nearly let this one go in gippers honor but I couldn’t bear it. 

  16. 8 hours ago, gumby73 said:

    a.) Good to hear..Lamar seems to like his read block option strong-side behind C, RG or RT..

    C 65 Mekari, Patrick CF19 63 Colon-Castillo, Trystan CF20 62 Mancz, Greg SF21        
    RG 70 ZEITLER, KEVIN CC/NYG 72 Powers, Ben 19/4            
    RT 78 VILLANUEVA, ALEJANDRO U/Pit 00 James, Ja'Wuan SF21

    b.) Just as any team..If just One OL starters goes down? It can make a mess..Your Steeler OL depth looks dang scary at that point..I don't see your *starting OL has being as bad as it is being advertised as..Your new play caller & OL coach needs to get busy keeping Ben upright..

    What I'm liking with us? Is our starting offensive line comes back fairly injury free...Our backup-1? Chris Hubbard seems to be the only dinged up warrior, coming back from off season knee surgery.. Lot's can happen before week 1.. 

    When does your Steeler training camp open to play in the HOF game on 8-5?      Stay Cool! 😎 

    The Steeler line is a massive wild card right now.  I expect them to bring in some more depth at some point but I'm very high on Green and Dan Moore.  Dotson has been an animal too.  A lot will hinge on how turner does and the two tackles. I am not AT ALL worried about losing Pouncey, Villanueva or Decastro.  The latter has been battling injuries and while I'm sad to see him go it was a inevitable move after it was said he was heading for another surgery.  I think he's going to retire.  I seriously expect villanueva to be bad in baltimore but i of course could be wrong.  As far as the Browns are concerned they are looking pretty solid.  People are still sleeping on those rams pick ups. However maybe they aren't.  I pay zero attention right now to the mainstream sports media, the majority is seriously half assed. 

  17. On 6/26/2021 at 9:01 PM, gumby73 said:

    Sorry. I've been pulling back on my "social media" lately and I'm just now seeing this. Decastro was hurt again. He's going to need surgery which will put him out way into the season. He played through a lot last season and the season prior. I frankly won't be shocked to see him retire unless he gets an absolute dream scenario. Our line was really bad last year and a lot of people don't appreciate it because of the names on it. Pouncey has been rough. Decastro the same but via injury. Villanueva is going to get dog walked in Baltimore. I was surprised by the cut but then after additional reading I wasn't because of the injury and yes they save some cap. Turner is coming off some injury riddled seasons himself so no idea what the steelers have in him.

    I can however say I like where the line is headed currently as long as the scheme is as heavy zone as I expect it to be. Harris is going to be a demon this season. Pencil him in for rookie of the year no matter the steeler record. 


    As for the other things in this thread for anyone reading. No I would not take cousins over Ben. What has Kirk cousins done? Randy hindered Ben. If he can't get it done under canada put a fork in em but I expect him to quiet some people down. 



  18. 2 minutes ago, Tour2ma said:

    Utah for the dog? OK, I guess...


    ... but Bodhi-tron for a kid???



    That's just weird...

    Lol his name is just Bodhi. Bodhitron is his psn name. How the hell did that come up for you? Or did my phone auto fill that and I didn't realize it? 


    Edit: Ahhhh I missed the joke, you cheeky fuck. Lol

    • Haha 1
  19. 5 minutes ago, Tour2ma said:

    Not debating the eco impact of the healthcare decisions of many. It's all too real.


    Different, non-economic dynamic with my Dad, but same bottom line.

    Dad was nearly killed in a head-on collision with a drunk driver who crossed the center-line of  Ridgewood Drive's, "dead-man's curve" in Parma (DieHard and other homies will know of where I speak). The curve was posted roadside as a "High Accident Area" for as long as I can remember. Anyway...

    He was life-flighted from the local, Parma General Hospital and spent about a month in another ICU. Blood tests' elevated white blood cell counts during his hospital stay indicated the presence of cancer, but that info was secondary to his most threatening conditions and ultimately were "forgotten" for a couple years.

    By the time the results resurfaced in a follow-up visit both Mom and Dad had entered into this strange dynamic of not wanting to outlive the other. Part of Dad's plan was ignoring the finally diagnosed cancer.


    Mom survived him by over 20 years... so I guess Dad won.


    Geez. Im sorry, that sounds really rough. 

  20. 2 hours ago, Zombo said:

    Alright, don't start drawing us in, you're still the Evil Empire.

    Cool dog, though.


    I've already got your ass zombo. There is no getting away now. Thanks on the dog. His name is Utah after Johnny Utah from the not horrible, blasphemous remake. My kids name is Bodhi. 👀

    • Haha 1
  21. 21 minutes ago, Tour2ma said:

    Same thing that took my Dad...

    ... but insurance was a non-issue as he was older and under Medicare.

    My dad had great insurance. He was just being stubborn and then got to the point I assume that he was afraid of what it may be and then just never went. However A LOT of people bypass care because they don't want to be underwater. It's easier to die. Our country is broken. Frankly I believe we live in a failed state now. We have a massssssssssive empathy problem. 

  22. 7 hours ago, ballpeen said:

    That's sad.  I had another friend some years back who complained to his wife about a upset stomach and told her he was going to lay in bed for a while.  She went to get him for something about 40 minutes later and he was dead in bed.  He was even younger than Tom, maybe 55.


    I think a lot of us guys tend to ignore, or write off some health things we probably need not ignore.  I am not saying Tom did that in this case, sometimes it is what it is,  but I think we all know it is easy to do.


    I lost my dad in 2014. He was 63. He died of colo-rectal cancer and his gastro doctor was livid. If he had just gone for his routine colonoscopy they would have caught it and he would still be alive. The doctor said he could have had it brewing for 10 years. They are absolutely painless and completely routine. I think a lot of this also stems from our absolutely piss poor health care system. Great doctors, horrid system. People forgo care because they don't want to bankrupt themselves and then they die and no one seems to bat an eye for the actual reason why. 

    I still can't believe gipper is gone. 

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